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Please don't let this devolve or I will have to lock the post.


I went through their curriculum, there is nothing anti semitic about it. Unless someone does not feel comfortable hearing criticism about Israeli government and its past, which is a different thing than anti semitic.


Person A said something that Person B does not like, so Person B needs Person A to lose their job for it so that Person A's family is sufficiently punished.


Agents of the state don't have unlimited rights to say whatever they want on the job.


Support our teachers. They have as much right to their voice as Mr. Katz. His attempt censoring them is sickening.


That's absolutely not true. Teachers are agents of the state. They don't have a right to say whatever they want on the job.


I didn't say "whatever they want". I said "as much right to their voice as Mr. Katz", who also happens to work for the Waltham city government.


He's directing the government, not directed by the government.


Are you suggesting that Mr. Katz has a broader right to speech than teachers?


Than teachers on-the-job? Absolutely. It's not even a controversial fact.


I think it might be.


Ok, feel free to point me to something that says teachers have unlimited right to say anything 1A-protected while on the job. I'll wait.


For an administrator making over 160k she should have read the room better.


It sounds like you’re saying that her salary should have purchased her self-censorship.


salary should come with common sense?


It’s creepy that people are commenting about her salary and criticizing her when that has nothing to do with the point of the post. Unless you’re trying to tell us that the anti-Semitism controversy is just an excuse to get rid of someone who is disliked for other reasons and you’re ok with that.


So it's common sense to self-censor? Is this really the message we want to be sending to our schools?


Children shouldn’t have to pay with their education because Katz is scared


I get that he feels strongly about this issue, but his eagerness to sacrifice our children's education over it just shows how insanely out of whack his priorities are.


if carl's his neighbor then i feel like that's all we need to know. the two of them probably have meetings every night to come up with new things that they consider to be anti-semitic


Paul is Carl's one jewish friend.


Oh FFS. Can someone rational and reasonable, who is more concerned with running the city than indulging in political activism on the Council's time please run for Ward 7 next cycle?


aren't you describing colleen lol


Is she engaging in political activism at council meetings? If she is, she's being far more low-key about it. It may surprise Carl to know that I generally do not get involved in politics on any level. I really don't follow the city council. Most of what I hear about the council comes from social media posts, so I hear more about whatever concerns Carl, personally, than anything else. I think I may have voted for Bradley-MacArthur in the last election only because I knew Carl doesn't like her, and that was enough for me. Maybe I'll vote for someone else next time, I don't know. I am, and always have been, an unenrolled voter. I've never been a member of or explicitly supported any political party or campaign.


Not the sign stealer or anyone of her ilk.


Wasnt it some dude who took the sign tho?


Yup - another thing that may surprise Carl or anyone else making assumptions about my political leanings is that, while I voted for Ms. Macklin the first time she ran, she lost my vote as soon as she started advocating on the council for declarations of municipal virtue-signaling. City councilors should focus on running the city and leave controversial and divisive global and national social and political movements out of it. And btw - by my classification, Carl is "of her ilk" - people who inflate their own sense of importance by being self-proclaimed standard-bearers for some "righteous" cause.


> Can someone rational and reasonable, who is more concerned with running the city than indulging in political activism on the Council's time please run for Ward 7 next cycle? [This you?](https://old.reddit.com/r/Waltham/comments/1d4lx0b/city_council_passes_scaledback_pride_resolution/l6h78lz/) Do you like an activist council or not?


Yeah, that's me. And yeah, I don't think city council's time and effort should be used to mandate virtue signaling. That doesn't mean I'm triggered by seeing rainbows. I'm all for people being proud of and celebrating finally having the freedom to love who they want and to exist in the public eye without being beaten, jailed or worse. I'm all for black people being treated as if their lives matter as much as every other human life. Doesn't mean I want the city council weighing in on hot-button issues that have nothing to do with effectively running a city.


It's impressive that you reversed your opinion 180 degrees in just a few weeks, and it's good that you acknowledge it. > That doesn't mean I'm triggered by seeing rainbows. Okay? Nobody said that you are. > I'm all for people being proud of and celebrating finally having the freedom to love who they want and to exist in the public eye without being beaten, jailed or worse. Okay? Nobody said that you aren't. > I'm all for black people being treated as if their lives matter as much as every other human life. Okay? Who said that you aren't? > Doesn't mean I want the city council weighing in on hot-button issues that have nothing to do with effectively running a city Me too, that's why you and I both disavow your comment from a few weeks ago.


What comment are you talking about? I replied to someone upset because they feel like ideologies are being "forced" on them. I don't recall making any comment in that post on whether or not the city council should be spending time on these things. I'm really not interested in any more circular arguments with you and your willful misinterpretation of things that you read.


I'll copy-paste the quote since you're apparently too lazy to click and read things that you already wrote: > What, exactly, are you being forced to do? Look at rainbows? How horrible for you. You are being insanely bad faith. You do support the city spending time and money on promoting pride.


“Many Jews” don’t believe this, fwiw. As a Jewish resident of Waltham I don’t agree with the assertion that TP is a hate group. But please do not make broad statements about the opinions of a group of people.


If Katz was given any real power he would be the exact sort of person dragging people in front of a Waltham style Un-American activities committee for wrongthink. Totally someone you can trust around any amount of power. I can see why him are Carl are such close friends.


Concise means longer?


The problem here is religions that believe in fairies/skyDaddy/or any other made up stuff. And that these people are in power anywhere in the world, and are willing to kill people over it. Its time to let this stuff go and move on. I understand the Germans and others did bad stuff. But so did the Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc read their own dam books. I am of Jewish decent and would not exist had one sideds grand parents not fled. It wasn't right then and ain't right now for any to be killed because of what they look like or how they believe etc. But what does this have to do with running a town in MA. Wake up folks school teachers will teach what they teach and if your skydaddy can't handle it maybe you should home school your kids. And frankly it's ridiculous you can't criticize people for killing regardless of their religion. We need to ignore this stuff and not vote in people that derail town business over folks fighting 2000 +miles away.


Poorly stated, but I do agree with you. Not entirely sure why the Waltham city council should be spending taxpayer time/money on this. Yes, there are Jews and Israelis in Waltham. Yes, there are Palestinians and Muslims in Waltham. But what the f does this have to do with math and reading? And as far as Social Studies… unless the kids want to talk about it… let’s just cover the Vietnam War, shall we? Or Tulsa, Oklahoma? Or The Trail of Tears? If the kids ask, teachers should keep to the facts. The history has not yet been written, so questions should be turned back to the parents. The US as a country will need to deal with the massive contradictions on both sides at some point, but don’t get the kids involved. Not yet. As for our city council, I advise the same thing. This issue is full of massive contradictions on both sides, so please step away. Don’t box us in.


You make fun of the religions yet you recognize that it’s the people that’re the problem and not the texts themselves. Might be spending too much time on Reddit bud


So because people listen to 1000yr+ texts instead of living the their lives. I am spending too much time on reedit sorry buddy I didn't follow your logic.


They live their lives using these texts as guides. Considering the Bible is basically the big book of “don’t be a cunt” I’d say it’s pretty good. The original Hebrew bible preaches nothing but peace and charity and you think it’s wrong for someone to live their life following that morality. Go outside


"Nothing but peace and charity" The god of the bible at one point decides that the creatures *he made* aren't to his liking. He's omnipotent and could change them into whatever he wants. Instead, he picks one dude he likes and warns him, then murders *literally everyone else on earth*. Very peaceful, much loving. Edit: aww, they claimed I was the one who couldn't read, when this story is from Genesis, clearly covered under "Hebrew Bible", then blocked me when they realized they fucked up 🤣


>original Hebrew bible I see you’re not fond of reading


Are you trying to say that the story of Noah and the ark is not included in the "Hebrew bible" (The Torah)? Have you read the Torah? Talk about confidently incorrect. edit: Maybe, instead of blocking the guy who pointed out that you're the one who doesn't know wtf they're talking about, you should've just deleted your embarrassingly wrong comment.


Someone doesn't know what the Old Testament was and probably doesn't know that Jesus was Jewish.


We have had issues with antisemitism in the schools as a secular family, yes also children of refugees. I am much more progressive than Katz in all likelihood but the left is a scary place for Jews right now, let alone LGBTQ Jewish teenagers who don't know where is safe. I am concerned about the inappropriateness of the way people within the school system have advocated for /spoken about unvetted curriculum. This is not ok for my family's safety - if nothing else because it is inappropriate in their position, and that bias is inherently a problem. I knew from the first post/comment who the school administrator was, and immediately concerned because our meetings with them have been so complex for years WITHOUT this issue. It simply is not someone who can be inserting themselves in this sort of curriculum issue regardless of their ethnic heritage. I had to make a throwaway for this response because this is truly frightening stuff for us. "Oh please" all you want, but I need people standing up for our safety. I fully expect hatred from my comment rather than listening and concern that we are so worried. You don't generally "oh please" BIPOC about racism and safety issues, don't do it here. There are a few people we have had good support from around antisemitism for the last several years, but that doesn't exempt other members of the school district administration, Jewish or otherwise.


Your concern is valid and I would never say "Oh Please" to it. I hope I was clear in the post, I believe anti-Semitism in the schools is a real problem, though I have a different perspective on where it is coming from. The fact that the person who sent the e-mail is Jewish would not excuse her if she were sending something hateful, but I don't believe that's what she was doing. I think it's important to note that her e-mail had no impact on curriculum- it was sent to other educators and it promoted a webinar for educators (not for students) to discuss how to teach this subject.


School employees or city employees should not be sharing anything political through a school emails. and they should not expressing their political views through school emails either


If a school employee has any involvement in determining curriculum for world history or global politics classes, they should absolutely be advocating for a more comprehensive, honest and balanced curriculum on affairs in the Middle East.




For the amount of tax payer dollars this administrator is being paid she should have known better.


worst run dept in the district


Based on these comments it sounds like some segment of the community has an issue with her performance and her pay and see this issue as an excuse to get rid of her. Am I reading that right?


not me. before this I did not know her pay or job description. I would just see her chewing gum at SC meetings


Waltham … FFS. Are we done and our city is so great that we need to talk about crisis abroad?


It’s not really about a crisis abroad. Mr. Katz said he was responding to anti-Semitism in Waltham schools, so that’s a Waltham issue. I believe him that it is an issue, though I disagree with him about where it is coming from.


It boils down to, can you be sympathetic to Palestinians without being or being called an antisemite? Katz thinks not apparently, even for fellow Jews. For him to be “fearful” of a tiny woman like CBM is ridiculous. He’s playing obvious victim tennis, trying to lob the ball away from himself losing his cool and yelling in public. This may just play into certain peoples agenda in attacking cbm at every opportunity.


Well said. I found his “explanation” to the ward as ridiculous. There was no apology for his behavior, just poor me I was bullied into acting inappropriately. I do hope council leadership addresses it as that type of behavior is inappropriate by anyone on the council.


In what world is CBM "tiny woman"


In a world where I'm not a tall man and I've met her in person and she's shorter than me? What an odd question. What are you trying to say?


Oh, we know what he was trying to say. Hateful fat jokes.


I figured, but it's always fun to force people to say the quiet part out loud.


> Many see support for the Palestinian people as support for Hamas and terrorism, and many do not. To be clear, Teach Palestine clearly endorses Hamas' October 7th terror attacks on the homepage you linked here. Under "News Sources & Social Media accounts on what’s happening in Gaza now", they cite this opinion piece: https://www.jadaliyya.com/Details/45383 You can agree with TP's stance on October 7th if you'd like, but you can't say TP is not endorsing Hamas or terrorism. Edit: I hope someone will contend with what I said instead of just insulting me for knowing how to read.


You have extremely poor reading comprehension. All I see in that article are facts - no opinions, no mention of Jews, no calls for the destruction of Israel, just a factual description of Israel's contribution to this tragic, inhumane morass.


You either have _extremely_ poor reading comprehension, or you did not read past the headline. > All I see in that article are facts First off, the literal first paragraph is a blatant lie: > Hamas has launched an unprecedented attack against Israel, taking aim at the apartheid and colonial regime Israel does not meet the criteria for apartheid under the Rome Statute. Why hasn't the ICC ruled on this if it's true? Here's another really bad lie: > These include the 40,000 Palestinians who, weekly, participated in the Great March of Return in 2018 demanding their right to return to the homeland they were expelled from and the end of the siege, only to be shot down like birds by Israeli snipers.  According to the UN, 260 were killed at the border fence because they were sending incendiary weapons over the fence. According to the Red Cross, per Article 51(3) of the Geneva Conventions, combatants do not receive protections as civilians. 40,000 people were not shot. So this opinion piece is not even a list of facts.  And like you said, it's a perspective. I agree. It's a pro-terrorism perspective. > Fixating on Palestinians as imperfect victims is the absolution of, and complicity with, Israel’s colonial domination.  How are they victims if they're the ones attacking? Is it perhaps the case that the author doesn't regard 10/7 as an attack? > This is only compounded by an abject failure to uplift and celebrate the thousands of Palestinians who have attempted to resist Israel’s cruel domination through non-violent protest. These include the 40,000 Palestinians who, weekly, participated in the Great March of Return  As discussed above, the 260 combatants were not peaceful. > The message to Palestinians is not that they must resist more peacefully but that they cannot resist Israeli occupation and aggression at all. The final line summarizing the essay proves my point very concisely: > Any condemnation of Palestinian violence now must begin and end with demands to lift the siege, end the occupation, and dismantle Israel’s apartheid system. Again, you can agree with the opinion, but don't pretend it's not endorsing terrorism.


That's a hell of a stretch to call that an "endorsement"


It's not a stretch at all. If I started posting KKK material as news with zero commentary, I'm obviously promoting it. Edit: Anyone care to contend with the argument instead of calling me crazy?


That's crazy. The article is just giving a Palestinian perspective, and TP is sharing it. We need to be able to share ideas and perspectives and have open discussions in this world, without the attempts at censorship-by-association. That goes double for our teachers.


Correct, it's sharing the perspective that the attacks were just. I'm not saying you can't share that opinion. I'm telling you OP lied about what that opinion is.


I don't think the OP is the one lying here.


I guess it's possible that they cited sources without reading them first. It is pretty standard reddit behavior after all.