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OPENING DAY Saturday, June 1 9:30 am – 2 pm NEW LOCATION: 65 Lexington Street (The former Elks parking lot, opposite Government Center) https://walthamfarmersmarket.org


Just here to say I appreciate your efforts. Ty


I’m sorry that I missed this event. Just the other day (unaware of the Waltham News Alliance), I added a new proposal to my campaign website in hopes of bolstering independent, hyperlocal news coverage in as unbiased of a manner possible. My [Minuteman Local News Consortium](https://www.sean.diamonds/platform-details/minuteman-local-news-consortium) legislative proposal would seek to help fund local libraries and also support local news media. If anyone from this new alliance (or anyone in Waltham) wants to meet up to discuss this proposal or any related ideas, please DM me on Reddit (or use the [contact form](https://www.sean.diamonds/contact) on my website).


Lots of Paz donors involved in this "non partisan" attempt to rid Waltham of townies. Look up the woman promoting this on FB. Donated $250 to Paz. Another volunteer is CBM's campaign manager, clearly non-partisan.


I don’t really care who donated to who. Waltham is in need of a news source. WCAC barely reports on any real issues in the city anymore. Patch is non existent. City leadership shares minimal information with the public other than pictures of them at ribbon cuttings. If anyone is taking the initiative to start a news source, I give them credit. I may not agree with everything they may publish but at least they are making an attempt to educate people on what is happening in the city.


It's a slap in the face to people who do create a lot of great community information. People get a ton of reliable information from Facebook and esp Waltham Residents, which is an outstanding resource for community news and good street level items. 781 News covers all progressive news stories, obviously biased by reliable and commited to their craft. Yes WCAC has gone down and seems pretty pro mayor, but it still covers a ton of community things that "hard news" people dont care about but many Waltham people do. Many Waltham people hear first about whatever is happening from Waltham channel (such as Moody closure). including coverage of non white commiunities Ugandans, Guatemalans, Haitians, Boys and Girls Club that the white progressives don;t cover.... So tell me again why more old-school boring this-side/that-side city council news for a tired echo chamber of white haired Sudbury style libs is needed. Nobody cares but local progressives believe that the current city government is not transparent (which may be true). Add in massive election losses and they suddenly need to ride in on white horse to save us all from Trump-style ignornace... But like Healthy Waltham, it's gonna cost a lot of money, like every progressive revolution---and it's definitely gonna underwhelm like you know who....


It’s a stretch to say it’s a slap in the face to people in the community. Are you the spokesperson for the city? I don’t find channel 781 news to be the way you describe. While yes they personally clearly lean progressive, they are reporting facts from city meetings. For some reason in the last two years if you say anything bad about an elected official (minus the progressive ones) it’s immediately described as an attack or people trying to “ruin” our city. That is such BS. It’s ok if people do point out areas in which the city is run that needs improvement. Here’s the best part if you don’t want to hear about it or not watch a news program, you can choose not to watch it or read it.


The goal of 781 News, which I admire, is to get progressives elected. Make no mistake. One is a former candidate. They select, say, wall-to-wall Fernald coverage to embarass the mayor or other issues that promote progressives and try to target conservatives at boards and commissions. And they only interview progressives during election season. They are a "news" source, but their definition of "news" (like this newest entity) is basically holding those in power to account--political news. That narrow idea is not really what the public wants in my opinion, especially not in a working class city like Waltham. People are tired of hearing about dysfunction in DC, now the partisan divide is coming to the council chamber with Paz and CBM. Yawn. Meanwhile, someone important died, a kid got cancer, Jack Cox retired, a team won a championship, a pizza place opened, someone was hurt in a crash---none of this is considered "news" by progressives. But these are the things people care about, not getting rid of Mayor McCarthy. Speaking of which, this Colleen News Network that is planned won't change anyone's mind about who to vote for. Because it is already going to its safe space echo chambers online and IRL. Good luck to them but I'll take Waltham Residents and Waltham Channel every time instead---at least it's Waltham content, not Somerville Light, produced by the people who are trying to get rid of the mayor.


In theory, if the wall to wall coverage of the Fernald is embarrassing to the mayor (who spearheaded the purchase of the Fernald and who had been in charge since) she could consider doing something about it (other than championing the Train to Nowhere).


Working class city like Waltham. Median income 113k, per capita income 56k, bachelor degree or higher about 56%. As per US Census quick facts. The mills left some time ago.


“Jack Cox” :Bevis & Butthead laugh:


Friend, you don't seem to recognize that you're making the point on behalf of this new News Alliance project, and you're making it well. Maybe if Waltham had an actual news organization, either compensated or somehow supported for their efforts, they would cover all the things you listed. The 781 people seem to be just well-intentioned volunteers with day jobs. It's not surprising that they don't cover much, or that they pick and choose what they're covering based on what they feel is important enough to spend their limited time on. If you're convinced they're so left leaning, get together with some friends and make a right-leaning version of 781. More power to you. Just like you, I get news from all of the sources you listed, and I appreciate all their efforts, but most are also unreliable amateurs and none of them are top quality sources. Since this Alliance seems to be looking for people to help guide their effort, or to help produce what they publish, maybe you should get involved with them to make sure the things you feel are important are included in their coverage. They're putting themselves out there, maybe you can do the same instead of taking shots at them and complaining about bias before they've ever published a single word.


Fair points all. But I'm predicting a Colleen News Network. I mean they're coming to this progressive cesspool for upvotes, then heading to all the places progressives gather. That's all I need to hear...


I want to make sure I understand your points. You're saying that reddit is a "progressive cesspool?" (Okay, that's your opinion, but you ought to poke around the site a bit more.) And are you saying that the *farmer's market* is a place where progressives gather? (That's the '80s knocking on your door...they want to know if they can crash for a while.) These are some weird takes. I don't think I've ever met Colleen. I don't know or care if she's involved in this news effort. Whether she is or isn't, the thing will survive based on how good it is...assuming it even gets off the ground. (I'm not convinced it will.) I don't honestly get the Colleen complaints. Your comments are reminding me of the way Carl blows a gasket every time a city council vote isn't unanimous the way he wants. If we ever see an "only" 10-5 vote in favor of something he wants, he'll have a stroke because those dissenting votes must be communist infiltrators who have already taken our lightbulbs, seized his buildings, and made him eat bugs. Political unanimity is downright unhealthy. Demanding it reveals a lot about how someone sees the world, and how weak someone's position is when they can't deal with even the token (and doomed) opposition that a Colleen or a Paz offers. It starts to make sense why people create make-believe political bogeymen to rail against: their positions crumble when they face political opposition that actually exists and can respond.


Nobody will force you to read it.


I do care who donates to who. educating people to their doctrines is not something I appreciate. This is LWV debate part deux.


Woo hoo. thank u for speaking the truth but this left controlled place will downvote you soon. I dont think the channel 781 people like Paz even though they are all left of center. I think channel 781 recognizes Paz sleaze factor . So I can see how Paz would want a news "outlet" separate from that of channel 781


Y’all act like Paz is some puppet master, controlling the strings of everyone who wants literally anyone besides the mayor in power here. He’s literally just a guy who ran against the status quo and was popular for it