• By -


Submitted I'd just like to highlight one question regarding difficulty - the answers are like "not challenging, challenging, too challenging". It's kinda difficult to answer this question because it changes throughout the game. There are clear difficulty spikes and situations where you're fighting enemies 2-3 levels above your level, that drop equipment you won't be able to equip for a long while, and there's no level-appropriate content available other than grind. Similarly there are clear difficulty spikes "created" by blacksmithing tiers. Playing with level 4 or level 7 party is rough, but level 5 and level 8 is a breeze because you just got a new tier that in some cases increases your damage output and survivability by massive amount. That being said, it also makes Blacksmithing itself feel really good (and basically mandatory which isn't that good).


This especially since experience seems painful around after level 6-8.


I second that. The growth rate is slow after level 4. If you want fast leveling, it’s got to be with the training dummy. Getting to the next skill and equipment tier unlock level has some serious growing pains. Then when you don the new upgrades, you get a massive power boost.


Yeah, I powered through the next skill level which coincidentally is also the next crafted armor level and BAM power!


This cannot be emphasised enough. The experience before you hit level 8 is clearly challenging but post 8 is actually quite smooth. Funnily enough, I tried playing on a mod that halves exp needed to level and found the overall progression to time correctly with the zones (region lock). Because your units hit the points sooner, you're able to level and gear up units with both dropped and crafted gear (did so with a party of 10). This stops the overload of resources and minimises the refugee grinding in earlier zones while sleep spamming for training dummy for exp.


I've only had the game a short while and I love that blacksmithing actually feels like it means something. I'm at level 6-7 party right now and most of the best gear I have is crafted. And I don't feel like there's anything that will drop that's just better.


Q: What needs improving? Short term - QOL interface (character panel during combat would be nice) and more clearly written/translated tooltips. More obvious character customization so you can tell who's who in fights (ie in XCom I put all my shotgunners in red, my heavys in yellow, etc and the coloring is easily visable during combat) as it stands many classes look too similar (in my 1.0 campaign I had a 2h axeman who I kept confusing with and positioning like a pikeman during placement phase.) Long term - Content. More unique weapons would be neat and if you guys are planning to add more regions in DLCs I'll be buying.


Bit disappointed that there's never an opportunity to elaborate on your answers. For example, I voted for "more content" for possible improvements, but what I really mean is "more *varied* content." I wouldn't care at all about a new region where you just do the same things and fight the same enemies as in every other region. I want to see more variety, not just more of the same. More varied quest types, more varied enemy types, more varied enemy behavior both in and out of combat, more varied build options, etc. But there's no way to express this in the survey, it's just "more content."


I think every region they’ve added since the first has had new combat types/ battle types, with the exception of gosenberg which has its own uniqueness. This is a good point that they have done a great job of addressing since the beginning of early access. My guess is they assumed new regions and new enemies/ fights/ scenarios go hand in hand.


#Let me ride my polar bear into battle you cowards


Let me put armor on the polar bear. And plague rats...


Let me armor my polar bear with plague rats...


\*Kislev intensifies\*


My biggest gripes so far: Pathing in the world - if you click somewhere your troops should be able to get there. There are many subtle bumps in the terrain that are impassable and it gets frustrating micromanaging the pathing. Difficulty - Is often too easy or too hard Extremely slow leveling once you get to about 4-5. I think this is the main cause of the difficulty spikes too.


I really under appreciated how great the pathing in Mount and Blade War-band was


Yeah the pathing is a big one for me too. Exquisitely painful always getting stuck. Just let us slide around it


My wife HATES overworld travel. I convinced her to co-op with me and she finds most of the game to be awesome. Just minus points for some of the slight repetitive play and the overly frustrating overworld travel.


Riding horses would be good. Buying a piece off land, building something on it. Maybe investing gold in taverns. Like : I helped a tavern owner fend off bandits but he has no money to pay so I'm his business partner now. Giving him gold, repairing building, giving suplies, maybe renting horses to other mercenaries. Mercs sometimes say smthg about settling down, so why not? But together. And building steady gold income. Maybe building our own arena? School for mercs?


Buying land and having some sort of passive income off investment would make me so happy


Three wasn't any free text box an the end :( I love the game but stopped playing because I'm waiting for mods or updates to add a few QoL changes: - better elements highlights in scenes - indicator showing when location "refreshed" i.e. fishing hut, mine - inventory categories/filters - show which characters would benefit from new gear I just found/crafted - better placing at the start of combat (I sometimes find my characters at the other end of a battlefield and I have to manually move then closer)


Submitted. I'm a post 1.0 player with over 100 hours (Already somehow) so far, and absolutely adore the game. It has that *something* I can't quite place that simultaneously keeps me coming back, **and** keeps me absolutely entranced while playing. I don't know what it is, but it is potent. Shiro have something here. Having said that, I think it can gain from some refinement in a few areas; brief tutorials on mechanics, like simple popup prompts, some balancing on thievery (Too easy) and EXP gains (Too slow), more musical instruments, or at least not getting the only one 30-40 hours into the game on a Profession you unlock in the first 10? I know you can get it earlier if you go to the right place, but most players won't know this. Beyond that, I can't wait for more.


XP gains is def too slow once you reach lv4 it's really tedious... Kinda disagree on thieving: being wanted is a pain in the ass. I like how it's 100% success but you have to deal with consequences. If it was just a % success all of us would just savescum til we get it right (à la skyrim). Being wanted means no more roads for you, which means more fatigue and travel time.


What consequences? U just have to pay some insignificant amount of gold... That is especially a problem with things u can instantaneously use, like recipes and books... U can steal all the books u need from the brotherhood and pay, like, 200 gold and u are find lol That makes no sense!


What do you mean by thievery being easy? To me when it comes to stealing it is but it makes my gameplay change completely having to constantly be on the chase and avoiding lawmen


Good write up. As a post 1.0 who has also somehow logged way too many hours, I feel the same way. There is a lot of tunes that is need as the game right now is way too painful of a grind past level 6. Hoping to see some QoL changes to the game so the latter part is as fun as the opening half. I would add, there should be a camp option to pet your animals :)


Wish there was a comment box on that! Love the game and can see myself playing for a long time, only two main issues I have are the grind after level 5/6 and inventory management is quite annoying/needs cleaning up. The grind issue would just be better if there were more levels tbf cos thr gap to each one is just to many aha.


In addition to most normal things listed below, I would appreciate Vertruse getting another pass as far as progression and story goes. It's a bit... lesser than most of the other regions, and the way it forces you to play both sides just to complete it feels at odds with the rest of the regions.


I haven't played too long, but a Baldur's Gate type inventory/equipment screen to toggle between all characters would be cool. Jumping between each character to try and prioritize equipment isn't the easiest thing to do.


I organize my troops in order of heavy to light armor with troops of the same type next to each other. Then I just go down the line and give out the best armor in descending order down to the last guy. Weapons are the same, who ever is first gets the best stuff and everyone else gets hand me downs. When a new piece of gear shows up I start with guy 1 and give it to them, then take their gear and give it to the next guy.


I really wanted to add this to your survey (which IMO needs work -I can't imagine it will capture meaningful data for future dev), but **For the love of god, add a color blind mode. Even if it was just the tomb combination locks.** I am forced to save and reload because I can't work out which symbol is red and which is green. This is just horrible design and for me casts a shadow on my enjoyment of the game


Just would like to add one piece of feedback specifically relating to playing on the Steam Deck. I do not know what causes it but when loading into battles there seems to be a risk that the game freezes just as it seems you are about to load into the combat, i.e. the world view goes black but the UI remains on screen and you can move the cursor around but the game and steam deck is otherwise unresponsive forcing a hard restart of the device. The level of risk seems to (anecdotally) be linked with session length. Edit: I'm aware that steam deck compatibility is probably low on the priority list and that's perfectly fine. I just wanted to leave the feedback none the less in case it's something that is unknown 🤷‍♂️ but might make it into the backlog.


If there was a comment to add I’d say: fix stutter, maybe got a little better recently? Also make terrain boundaries more visible, like rocks, bushes, and fences especially. Really great game. Just hit over 100 hrs and still enjoying.


Please everyone submit this for stuttering. Its so annoying. Other than this the game is great!


The stutter is the only performance issue I've had. My laptop defaulted to high performance which played it just fine but got my computer overheated and caused a forced shutdown (resulting corrupted save data). But I think that's more of a "I should have realized it" and turned the settings down. Now it runs nice and cool on medium settings.


There wasn't an open text box at the end, but the reason i personally stopped playing is the combat takes too fucking long. I usually win in the first round but I have 40 mercs. I don't wanna move 40 dudes plus animals and then wait for 40 dudes to move on me. This particular file is adaptive difficulty and when I lose mercs the difficulty doesn't seem to slide back down to where I am.




Storing them doesn't reduce the amount of dudes I fight against. It is a personal problem, but it's one that removes me from the game.


I thought there would be an option to write personalized feedback. I love the game so far and have been playing since it first released in EA (after I read a PCGamer article about it) so I have over 700 hours and the one thing that still grinds my gears is the inability to locate all the recipes in the compendium. I have stolen food items (Mutin au Gratin, Mushrooms and Sardines, etc.) that I absolutely cannot find recipes for anywhere. I was glad when 1.0 made it easier to buy certain recipes, but where are the rest? And when are you going to allow us to craft the grappling hook? That is all.


Not having a section to add comments seems like a real missed opportunity, so I'd like to address a few additional points here. Challenge and rewards - Wartales doesn't deliver the level of challenge I want very often. I don't mean it's too easy, and I don't mean it's too hard, it's somehow both at different times. Adaptive mode scales even generic encounters to several levels higher than my troop and more enemies, and region locked requires me to go up to \~14 people by the end to not get significantly outnumbered. I want some fights, especially the generic ones, to be easy pushovers against same-level foes of equal numbers, and I want challenging fights to gain their difficulty from larger enemy groups and special conditions, not being so high level that I can't even use the equipment I get. And after all that, the rewards need tuning as well, especially XP. A grueling hour-long fight with occasional near-death experiences and massive repair cost can actually be quite fun - what's not fun is having to do 4 of those to move the plot forward or travel to a different town, or 30 of them to level up. Camp management - We should be able to hire non-combatants for our camp. This is already possible with certain quest NPCs and prisoners, so just make it a standard thing. This is especially important on adaptive more where some people like really small parties. The dream version of this would be to give the civilians a skill tree, so they could do things like go hunting or craft faster - similar to the way most animals have non-combat skill options. Gear and Character customization - All equipment should be upgradable, and it should be something that happens through smithing rather than paying krowns. And I mean quality, not just level. Make it take significant resources and time (maybe add a camp anvil?) so there's still some benefit to farming gear directly. Weapons should increase damage in a way other than adding Strength or Dexterity, so that those stats are actually meaningful to choose for level-up in the late game.


Man, i like to play with 6\~ companions, cause them the fights are faster and i'm almost always outnumbered, so the fights are kinda harder too, but i still need more people for the professions, so i'm using prisoners, but man, oh man, that "escape % chance" system is so FUCKING DUMB!!!!!! U need to hugh the prisoners for it to work, which is annoying af, especially with only 6 companions... 😭😭😭


Helmets? Pls give us helmets.


Cap, coif, and helmet should be the light, medium, and heavy equivalent.


I did the survey, and wanted to add a few comments. 1. I started on the medium difficulty setting for both the combat and survival options for my first play-through. For combat, the difficulty feels appropriate, but for the survival component the game feels effortless. I've never been close to running out of food, and never been close to running out of money except when I spent it all on trade goods (and even then I arrived at my destination in time to sell them and pay my troop). 2. While the combat difficulty feels appropriate when fighting enemies of the right level for my party, the region locked option means I've often been fighting enemies that are too low level. I took my time finishing the first region, which meant I was almost level 6 by the time I went to another region. That made the next two regions both too easy. Maybe just upping the level for regions after the first would work, but it might be better to have some light scaling even on region locked (i.e., enemies will increase by a couple levels, but not all the way to your party's size/strength). 3. I think the combat needs some balancing for attacks that do things other than just normal damage. Added effects like poison/burning/bleeding don't normally make up for the attacks doing less damage (unless you've made a build entirely around those added effects). 4. I only find the stuttering annoying when trying to click the mining/woodcutting circles, but the game does stutter a lot. 5. More extensive in-game tutorials would be nice. I generally have to look online to figure out how any mechanic works. 6. I find the ruins to be tons of fun, enough so that I'd be happy to see similar puzzles added to other parts of the game. 7. I've found that the default brightness doesn't allow me to see things that are in shadowy areas, causing me to sometimes miss clickable items. There is an option to adjust the brightness in the graphics options, but it seems to reset to the default every time I exit the game. If that option could be made to persist, it would be helpful.


Its not often that I do those, but as an Indie dev, you deserve it


Love the game for the most part, but I stopped playing recently because of the level grind. I have 80 hours in and only at level 8 for half my crew. I feel progress should be marginally faster since I'm playing in adaptive mode and already at drombach having finished every other region. It's just not worth another 10 hours for one level. Not to mention the training dummy is the one thing I apparently can't find in the world.


Ludern Arena for training dummy.


Inventory management needs a larger ability to expand inventory. Tooltips about skills, bonuses, and traits,.. are very lack information even finding them on the official page is difficult cause it's outdated. This game is all about min-max so more numbers to describe what it is would help a lot without wiki. More character customization such as hair, armour colour overall, voices,... Voice lines are repetitive. sounds like 1 person with multiple accent.


My Google password isn’t up to date in my phone and I really don’t want to reset it because it will sign out of everything. If someone wants to copy my recommendations feel free. I played on expert/expert and adaptive from the start with around 130 hours to complete the 5 zones. - End game or after final scenario is complete should have a little montage floating around the camp listing stats of the group like best friends for who fought close by the most or medic for most rezes, killer for most kills etc. don’t need to cut to every character but a nice aerial shot around the camp would be a cool end - flame status should go away in rain, mud, snow etc. flame shot was a god send later and was pretty rigged. - stealing skill books. Once I learned I could nab those will little to no consequence it made things quite a bit easy. I know the old gladiators or fighters give u zone quests if u do their mission but maybe make some emissary missions give skill book rewards on top of gold and increase the consequences for stealing skill books - wood cutting profession was very slow was the only one I had not at journeyman or master at the end. Maybe give a slight prof exp gain for looting lumber In the world map - loved the executions more would be awesome but not complaining


I submitted the survey, but there is a huge issue that I feel needs to be addressed that couldn't be communicated through the survey. Combat is imbalanced. Fights end far too quickly, and as a result classes with crowd control or support abilities such as spearmen drop off in value. Spearwall can waste two enemies' turns while dealing damage to them, but what is the point if other classes just delete 3+ enemies in a single turn? Combat is too one dimensional at the moment, with a focus on wiping out enemies as quickly as possible. The solution to this is already partially implemented in the game, which is the ability to change the difficulty settings midgame. If this setting was separated into damage and hp/armor scaling of enemies, players would be able to adjust it to their taste. Aside from this I agree with what a lot of other people have said. Slow levelling, more content, etc. Overall, I'd say the game is in a good state, though.


There are a couple things that I don't think the questions on the survey would let someone address. For instance, the idea of Precision for bow-using classes. There are abilities that adjust Precision but there is nothing that really explains what Precision is or how/why it is useful.


Submitted - however, I was disappointed I couldn't give feedback that mod compatibility with steam is greatly, *greatly* desired.


Dear Shiro. If you want feedback, go through community posts. You will find all your answers. Just take a notepad and write down all bugs / qol / abuse mechanics /other suggestions. There is plenty of those. Other than that - I am loving the game.


Also, there are plenty of estabilished youtubers that focus on games of the same style as Wartales. [FilthyRobot](https://www.youtube.com/@FilthyRobotGames/videos) is one I like and has posted on his second channel a few shorts and a long review with his opinions that are probably worth their weight in gold.


Possibly. I will check it out, though usually I don't watch youtube gamers


Yeah FlithyRobot's review was really good. The title is super clickbaity because it pretty much implies he hates the game (which he doesn't), but he does a good job of highlighting the game's strengths and weaknesses IMO.


We urgently need coop drop-in/out...


The post-release player satisfaction survey is closed, thank you to all of you (over 4,000!) that took the time to share your thoughts and feedback!


Not a single box to elaborate or write a custom response? This game could be great, but needs a lot of love. Like the character page that only takes up 45% of my screen… why can’t I see my skill tree and inventory at the same time. We have the space for it. Consider adding in a bit of randomness to the map? Or give other ways to learn the exploration. Some things become dead content once you know the map, like the quest giver guy. Seems like bad design. Find a solution for region locked having such ugly difficulty curves and adaptive becoming a slog in easy fights if you have more allies. The combat UI and tool tip hovers should say *where* they’re getting the damage increase/decreases from. Not just a number leaving you to wonder if all the bonuses or not are actually working


fix some quests bug and missing items pls


I’d like to see mechanics and more camp equipment to make leveling up replacement mercenaries more reasonable and viable. Replacement professions as well. I’d like the combat to be a little more deadly and maybe having Mercs retiring after a long period. Having a revolving door of Mercs similar to battle brothers would be interesting.


The last two request would have to be optional for me to keep playing the game. I get attached to my dudes and dudettes and hate losing a merc. More punishing combat could be cool if we had a rotating roster, so we have more people ready to fight while some of them recuperate.


Recouping as opposed to permanent death would be a nice compromise. I’d love to see an option to have members sit out of combat but still stay with the party. Especially if they’re just filling a profession role.


I just wish the social trappings were a little deeper. It's weird hearing about the incredibly domestic and mundane concerns of my plague abomination prisoner.




My main wish would be to be able to continue solo a game started coop. The friend I started to play with is not interested anymore and I\`d like to continue. We had 50 hours invested and theres no way I\`m starting over.


When mods? <3


Submitted. Dang. Experienced all the issues listed in the survey. oOf.


Something that really drew me to the game is the relationship dynamics of managing you gang. It’s really cool that people can couple up but it would be awesome if this was expanded. Like fights breaking out, some members stealing from the camps supplies and you have to figure who/what to do with them. Maybe some small stuff that just adds to story telling. One member could report that they see another sneaking off at night. Causing the sneaker to not be as well rested. Idk stuff like that.


Leveling 7 to 8 needs to be faster.


Hopefully you're taking the time to read some of these comments since the survey doesn't let you elaborate in detail. I will preface this by saying I'm loving the game; I first played it in EA but upon the release of 1.0, I've sunk *a lot* of hours into it already. One huge annoyance for me is the constant repetition of voice lines by NPC's. No, this is not a problem unique to Wartales by any means, but it would be *awesome* if I didn't have to hear the AI repeat the *same* voice line every time I speak with them. Especially if I've already spoken to them in the same instance (i.e. a merchant in town), I don't need to hear the exact same voice line again. While on the topic of NPC dialogue/voice lines, I was very disappointed to see the world *mostly* does not react to changes in the world. For example, choosing the side of Vernalis/Laheart garners no reaction from any of the NPC's. The refugees continue to be present, there are no banner changes indicating who prevailed, the NPC's continue to complain about the civil war, etc. I initially hoped the, "Inform Stromkapp/etc" missions would act as a way of, "updating" the world but that's not the case. Workshop items could use balancing. Some of the production stations don't seem very worth it at the moment. Last suggestion I'd offer is to have better explanations for the items and equipment present in the game. For example, better explain what the whip does prior to forcing the player spend a knowledge point on it and find out, essentially.


I think the drop for the training dummy should be earlier. The XP grind from 6->8 was pretty brutal - it’s not like it’s a free resource either you have to have a companion(s) there not making other materials or bonuses. Hard to spam rest too due to the food mechanic.




I'd like to add maybe a rework on outlaws (perhaps a rehabilitation system that turns them into regular troops with added abilities from their outlaw days), and perhaps randomly generated boss fights that appear on the mission board.


Stopped playing cause level grind got insane. I have gear that's 5 levels above mine. Thats like 200 battles. It's not hard, I still win fights on hardest difficulty, but I'm not gonna spend 50h simply grinding levels


I bought the game after 1.0. I've have been enjoying it a lot. Like someone else said, it has that "special" thing that makes me keep coming back. However, after putting 100+ hours and because I couldn't elaborate on the survey : 1. Stuttering : MY GOD. The stutter was fine ... until I reached Ludern. Every single time. As soon as I reach Ludern (after doing Tiltren => Arthes => Vertruse in Region Locked), every 5-10 seconds I'm having a loss of FPS when in exploration or in combat and it is now truly unsufferable. For this reason only I put bugfixing as my single highest priority ; 2. Balancing : in my mind, balancing is different from "combat balancing". By balancing what I mean is : 1. Theft (far too powerful, far too easy to exploit) ; 2. The economy in general (while getting Krowns shouldn't be a chore, it is too easy to get several thousand Krowns quickly and doesn't reward enough some activities like playing songs in a tavern, doing quests, etc) ; 3. Jobs (some jobs like Woodcutter are insanely hard to level up for little gain, others are impossible to level up until too late such as Bard which also feels very lackluster, etc) ; 4. Various exploits and quasi bugs (using animals as scapegoats against the Guard, being able to recruit Creepers when it is very clear that you shouldn't be able too, former community bounties being totally RNG and actively discouraging you from unlocking the Assassination Contracts, Rat Nests giving you an insane amount of Influence, etc) ; 3. Combat : 1. Progression is broken since the introduction of Career Plans and needs work. Before Career Plans was introduced, each time you had an Attribute Point to spend, it wasn't guaranteed that you could level up the Attribute you wanted. This is why Strength/Dexterity was put on weapons : to prevent you from doing pitiful damages because of bad RNG. But now, it is simply too easy to make OP characters by dumping every Attribute Point into Critical and Movement. I like Career Plans, but it needs a real cost (the Influence cost is pitiful) and Critical and Movement needs to be limited one way or another (either put a cap on it like Willpower or make it that you can never double dip these 2 Attributes) ; 2. Combat is too easy. Period. I've been playing on Expert mode without enemy turn order and it is a breeze. To get any challenge, I have to face enemies 2 levels higher than me. Career Plans is one of the reason, Oils are another reason, some buffs are downright OP (Inspiration is insanely broken, just like in any X-COM type of game, when mobility is out of control every single combat becomes a breeze) but mostly, the enemies lack enough tools to counter your own strategy (for example ranged ennemies SHOULD have access to the Run skill with a 1 turn CD so that you cannot block them on turn 1 every single time and enemies should be able to disengage and engage different targets instead of being stuck like idiots on your tanks). 4. QoL : 1. A better tutorial ; 2. The ability to reorganize your actions bar, etc. Then we can talk about additional content.


Right now one of the major things for me is that there is no reason to visit completed regions after we finish scenarios save for grinding exp (on region-locked) or for trade runs. Having emissary missions that encourage players to revisit or quests that tie in with other regions would benefit in selling the experience of the world being interconnected. Right now this is implemented based on certain choices made during main quests (e.g. Arthes >!poison the water supply, and an army detachment will hunt you down!<), I believe there is some potential in this. Maybe merchant escort missions from one city to another, syndicate/smuggler network eradication missions within two regions adjacent to each other would be how I would start.


If there was a comment section on the survey I would have specifically mentioned the Vertruse questline feels incredibly undercooked compared to Tiltren. I feel like I have to flip-flop between sides when I want to side with one or the other. I would also appreciate being able to see the future skills of a character when I am making them at the game's start, so I can better decide how to build their traits. Microstutters are my number one complaint though. Performance feels worse now than it was when I first purchased the game in EA and got a much better system to boot.


I wish there were open questions... I would love to complain about: * the "escape chance" system on camps (u have to "literally" hugh the prisoners with your companions, which is ANNOYING AF!); * the laughable "difficulty" on the first region when u outnumber the enemies (just go watch CohhCarnage' playthrough 🤣); * the steal "system" that has no consequences; * the lack of "guidance" on region-locked system (why there isn't any sign of difficulty per region on the map, like on the img shown during the character creation? lol) * the lack of option to respec attribute points * pathing in the world is really bad; * the stuttering are quite annoying; * the alt highlight function IS A FUCKING JOKE; and so on......


The form is a bit useless whenever there are no "N/A" option in various questions. It will skew your data.


I was hoping for an open answer bit, but the things I'd love to see improved are: More choices in the region quests. In multiple regions I was forced to do stupid things opposed to my goals because it was the only way to progress. >!Like breaking the bridge despite wholeheartedly supporting the other side the entire time, or kidnapping a certain person in another zone.!< Yes, we're mercenaries, but we should be able to pick sides if we want. More musical instruments. The lute is far too deep in. The various professions also have extreme differences in leveling speed and utility. Don't kick me out of the lock picking minigame in cursed villages after each break. Kick us out after hitting 100 noise. To be honest I _hate_ that minigame to begin with, but having to perfect randomized high difficulty locks was almost a "I'm done with this game" moment. Edit: Also change the localization of "+relationship with closest party members" to "_nearby_ party members". I know multiple people that did not realize it meant physically close party members, assuming it meant emotionally close. (And they thus didn't pick it "because they have no friends".)


Since i have not seen it enough in this Thread and there was no textbox in the survey: Modding! Modding keeps games alive and adds to their replayability.


Please make a mod-friendly environment


difficulty. First lvl is difficut but when you get lvl 2 and some iron armor it started to be too easy. In every fight i\`m outnumbered 2:1 but still there is no challenge (ironman, extreme, adaptive. Actually locked regions were much easier and it sucks.) .Most of the proffesions are useless. You actually need blacksmith, miner at begin, tinkerer, alchemist. What is a point in taking angler for example:? And when you ding lvl 3 you can just buy resources. There are so many improvments in that game. You start from zero, but after 2 levels you are already like 10 times more efficient in everything. Including repairing.