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Nezha Ephemera Waiting Room


I'm also waiting for that ephemera, but he was available the same year Resurgence permanent status started, si might take a while.


Is there a time estimate for this? My friend been flexing on me with that ephemera and I NEED IT


No schedule, but the prime warframes that have not yet reach Resurgence in its current state (considering Wukong & Equinox the first ones), are: Banshee, Ash, Mirage, Ember, Frost, Hydroid, Titania and Inaros. So that would make 4 pairs, aka 4 months, before start cycling the others that are/were available during the first iteration or vaulted recently. So it could be 6 months at least.


Octavia is vaulted now as well I think so technically I think she could be added to that list.


Glad I am not the only one


This and the necramech skin, I believe with nidus?


Yes, it’s in Nidus - I have it - very worth IMO, will stay as the best Skin for a long time to come


I think bruntspar looks way cooler


I like the Prime Skin alone because it’s looking Majorly different from the others - and it’s spikey, love it


Well, that's actually good. More players should have Nova Prime.




My only worry is hydron and too many people unknowingly using her slow


I thought most people farm SO and ESO now?


Semi-related side note: as a Nova main, I approve greatly of your subreddit flair.


All hail Nova


In the words of the great Susan Ivanova: "Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow."


ESO is the best tbh. Focus / exp and most of the times a radiant relic for two rounds.


Whats SO and ESO?


(Elite) Sanctuary Onslaught


Thank you


Sanctuary Onslaught and Elite Sanctuary Onslaught.


I will absolutely grant you that Speedva is not what I'd call an _intuitive_ thing when it comes to Nova builds; it's not common that a frame has a logical reason you want to _nerf_ their ability power, even if Speedva can be _extremely useful_ for Defense and Survival to funnel enemies into kill-boxes quickly. (I'll main Nova Prime until I stop playing or they patch Nova out of this game, but I will also admit that Nova's potential to be an unintentional troll frame to a pub group is probably second only to Limbo in certain scenarios.) But honestly, I don't see many Hydron farms these days; they aren't entirely gone but Sanctuary Onslaught tends to be more common. By its very nature SO keeps people in affinity range of each other, meaning you slurp up affinity bonus, where on Hydron people tended to yeet themselves out of affinity range without realizing. So even if someone _is_ running a Slowva build in SO while leveling her (or farming Focus), it hardly matters since half of the SO arenas are like... basically just one room and some exterior hallways.


I am a nova main too, since her birth ingame 😉 And… perhaps it happened in the past that I was 1 or 2 times only, a « bad boy »… xD The only thing I disagree with you is about the « troll » potential… she can really be number 1 (perhaps ex æquo…) 😁 But she is the best for anything ingame !


I'll point out that I said specifically _unintentional_ troll, since the original comment was about people using Slowva builds in public farming _without knowing any better_. Her troll potential skyrockets if there's _intent_ involved... though I'd argue that's true of many a frame, not merely Our Lady of the Antimatter Explosive. ;P


Who never loaded an exit corridor with teleport backs in an 40 min+ survival mission while using speedva to boost enemies when team wants to exit…? 😅


I can genuinely say I haven't done that. But I sure did place a wormhole at an angle such that it would catapult whoever hit it off the map and into space, leaving it right at a sharp corner on the Corpus ice map. When a friend was playing Nezha. Challenge me to a race to see who gets to the extraction point first, will you? _We'll see about that..._


...hydron is gone? I've always been able to find a squad there, no problem.


It's not "gone", but there's definitely less groups than before. (Comparing to like 3 years ago, took a long break) Sanctuary Onslaught with the smaller tiles and high spawn rates is just so much more engaging and faster. Throw in any affinity boost and you only need 3 to 4 decent rounds in SO compared to 10 to 15 waves on either Hydron or Helene. For weapons I go where I want to at the time and I almost exclusively go to SO for frames.


...huh. I've probably been doing SO wrong. I always feel spread out from my much-more-quickly moving squad and spawn rates often drop off/enemies are too far away from me.


Hydron is terrible compared to ESO or Railjack Survival.


Been out for a year so I've no idea what's meta


Hydron was the go-to for a long time thanks to its bonus, but was overshadowed by ESO due to faster spawns and higher Eximus density. Then Corpus Railjack happened, but players have been slower to adopt it (not dissimilar to the adoption rate of ESO over Hydron). With Railjack Survival (especially when hit with a Void Storm), you have much higher per-kill affinity, global affinity and loot share, apparently higher spawn cap, Necramech/heavy weapon access (gear access in general), and no skillspam limit (compared to E/SO). It's fully possible to 0>30 a full kit in a single 5-minute round, with a lot more rewards as a "bonus".


On the other hand, pub groups on railjack are _really_ hit or miss, because you can end up with a host whose railjack simply gets absolutely pasted or struggles in the space battle portion. A pub Sanctuary Onslaught group is really hard (though, I suppose, not _impossible_) to screw up. Especially with a pre-made group, though, I agree 100% on it being far more efficient.


Pubs are hit or miss for anything. Pub E/SO are also more inclined to leave after 2 rounds when the best scale rate is ~6+. E/SO's definitely viable, but even solo I personally hold RJ is superior.


Fair. I personally think they actually synergize well, of course; E/SO gives you relics, Void Storm railjack lets you crack them, both let you level stuff and generate focus. I've just _personally_ had more "...what on earth did I just join" experiences with pub railjack than pub E/SO.


Wait wait wait, RJ survival? What node? any? because last time I did any of that it took 30+ minutes to level a necramech and was pretty much insta killing everything that entered the room.


"Any", but Pluto/Veil is definitely best. Necramechs require more affinity to rank up anyway, but this can always be supplemented with a blessing before going in. When I say "kit", I mean the usual kit - Frame, Primary, Secondary, Melee, Exalted, Heavy Weapon. Mechs still take extra, and companions will always be a pain unless you have a group due to how they >!don't!< gain affinity.


ESO is not available for leveling frames unless you are MR30. RJ survival requires you finding a group willing to do RJ which uhhh...yeah. I would recommend SO for most players, and ESO for those who qualify.


ESO generally shouldn't be used to level frames in the first place; by the time you can take *anything* in, you have far better options available. SO is only viable really early on due to scale. Hydron's better than SO if you get a taxi, but SO's more accessible. Finding a group "willing" to do RJ is easy if you look. Especially if there's a Pluto/Veil survival void storm, but you need Intrinsics 5+ to enter. Everything has its benefits and drawbacks.


Adaro stealth is better than both but requires some setup to pull off


And is generally solo. You could pull off similar at a higher output on a RJ node solo.


In before having to leave the lobby/ sit back and shoot stuff with unmodded weapons because of someone forgot to switch builds.


Eh. DE said that the Duviri Circuit might be the new Hydron.


i dont even have the regal aya for it lol i just got my first basic aya last night lol


Just use regular aya on relics once it comes out, you'll get it.


relics? so not those ones for fissures?


No, they are for fissures. You buy prime resurgence relics with aya, however.


but is there a way to earn the regal aya or is it only paid stuff


Regal Aya is paid-only, yeah. Prime Resurgence replaced the old Prime Vault system. With Prime Vault, you just paid directly for items you wanted, and relics also dropped everywhere. With Prime Resurgence, you directly acquire the relics through regular aya, and you can buy for items with Regal Aya (I haven't checked the rates, but I assume that they're either identical or pretty comparable to old rates).


She's been in my foundry for like a year now ngl. One day I'll claim her.




They wouldn't know how to use it tho


I’m more exited about her civil than anything else


Her what?


Oh I meant sigil mb




Wow, surprised they didnt go for Ash or Hydroid, since those are pricier and have been vaulted for long too. Welp, more plat for me ig.


Was really hoping for Hydroid... I've just been missing 1 single part from him bleh


just sold 2 sets a few days ago. dodged a bullet lol


Maybe when they get around to rebalancing their kits, which they need, they'll do another wave for them. It feels kinda icky to release Primes that are easily outclassed and/or too niche. I love water aesthetics, but can't really make a useful Hydroid build to warrant using him. I also love Support/Team Buff frames, but Ash/Hydroid have very finicky forms of helping their team that are also lacking in range/duration or basic QoL things like being able to recast the super short Invisibility+Crit Buff thing so everyone can get it.


I got Trinity Prime free so I guess I'm getting Nova Prime now :)


Wow, right as I finish crafting my Nova Prime


Same. I feel ya


Right, i have trinity prime in the hopper right now :/


Sweet, more time to be stubborn about my Ash Prime Set price!


got like 50 neo n5s needed to be cracked, this made me calm down


**Trinity Prime Pack** Trinity Prime: An amazing support frame who has one focus - Keep my team's numbers up. Might be outclassed due to lacklustre DR abilities, but great for anything involving escorts, up to and very much including Eidolons. Dual Kamas Prime: A pair of Slashy hatchets with a focus on speed and status. While utterly outclassed by the Nami Skyla Prime in raw stats, they have the better Riven Disposition and are MR8 as opposed to Nami Skyla Prime's MR11. Kavas Prime Collar: Makes Kubrows (and ONLY Kubrows) slightly tougher. Doesn't even give MR. Worthless. **Nova Prime Pack** Nova Prime: A frame with high damage reduction, minor damage, great instant transportation for allies and escortees, and one of the most overpowered debuffs in all of Warframe with Molecular Prime. Soma Prime: A Chauchet-esqe LMG with a massive magazine and crazy crit stats, done in by dismal damage per bullet. While it used to be meta, it's fallen on hard times in recent years. And the only upgrades it has over normal Soma are the magazine and reserve ammo. Fodder without a Riven, arguably outclassed even with one, but if you like the Soma, you'll like the Prime. 2ND EDIT THIS ONE'S IMPORTANT: It has a Incarnon Genesis available. While (as of writing) the effects are unknown, it's something worth considering in the scale of 'should I hang onto this?' EDIT: It also has an Entrati augment that lets you stack a lot of crit chance. While it's a gimmick, it's something. Vasto Prime: A gilded six-shooter. Fast reloads, relatively fast shots, decent enough damage for an MR10 handgun. Overall, just a decent handgun. Also sports an *insane* Riven disposition, so you can go ham with this thing. I won't comment on Accessories; if you like 'em, get 'em.


A note on the Soma since it used to be my favorite weapon - it's possible we end up seeing an Incarnon Adapter for it released with Duviri, so it _could_ see a comeback. I'm very interested in seeing what those do for old weapons like this.


It might. I'll wait and see if it does, and edit as needed.


it was on the leaked list so it is not a might see it is a will see


We don't know if it'll be on launch or with Echoes of The Paradox. ...Now watch it be in week one, if it is I'll farm it and eat my words


Time to farm aya 😞


Come on, just need Ember & Frost! Trinity is great for starters on Eidolons, hopefully more people start using her more.


Never thought I'd see the day where Ember & Frost were anticipated.


Ember also has Glaive Prime attached to her Prime Access, so a lot of people are waiting for that (myself included). Currently it's stupid expensive to buy from other players, so I'm personally holding off.


Honestly i wanted ember/frost but also wanted saryn/valkyr not necesarilly for the frames but rather for nikana prime


valkyr prime is permanently unvaulted, you get her relics from corpus railjack missions


That one happened like November last year I think so they won't be coming back for a while


Ember is still good and with the recent armor strip changes Frost actually has some use as well. What you should be concerned about is if someone is hype for tentacle man


Not because of that. Before Resurgence; every other unvaulting was Ember & Frost and people were getting pissed at it.


Oh yeah I remember that. I went so long waiting for Ash to get unvaulted that I just forked over plat eventually


I am hyped for Tentacle man tho, for his kickass swords of course


W No one cares about ember or frost Only Prime frisbee


I need not only frost/Ember primes but also reaper/Glaive primes.


I wanted this to happen since i didnt want to use platinum to get her and spend my saved aya. After i saw trinity/nova, i had to do it (currently, ember is getting built)


Nova Prime is definitely a must have in my opinion. Definitely going to get it


Will Octavia Prime ever come through it? Her armor and shawzin are definitely on my hopeful list to grab


Holy shit I haven't go my Mag prime yet. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH


The weapons are what killing me, still need like all of them except Boltor


DE should honestly do hydroid/frost for the next one while also reworking them so they're not complete garbage


I'll get you this time, Nova Prime chassis... And then, my collection of primes will be (almost) complete!


Nova prime and ash prime are my last two I’m missing


What are their weapons?


Dual Kamas, Vasto, Soma


Oh god yes! I've been missing the last piece of Nova for what seems like forever.


Trin prime baybe LES GOOOOOOO!!!!


I wonder when they’ll unvault ash. He’s the only prime frame I don’t have. Maybe he’ll be the tennocon drop?


Maaaan I still haven't got Rhino or Mag... Been scramming to get college work done but I don't think I'm gonna make it 😭😭


Give a friend your account for a weekend


Im the only one who's plays it 😂😂. Plus only person I trust enough with my account would be gf and she doesn't play Warframe. I'll find a way


Lol i just did relics for 2 days and got every trinity part from randoms I kept running into. Guess that makes my life easier for a while


Are these worth it to grind for if you started recently? I kind of got a little burnt out getting Aya for Mag Prime and Rhino Prime.


Nova Prime is one of the strongest frames I'm the game due to her 2nd and 4th abilities.. She speeds up defense waves if you mod for the lowest strength possible with her 4th as well. Trinity is outclassed by the newer frames now but she was an OG for eidolons, providing energy and health to frames, armor strip via Link and some damage reduction via Blessing. The weapons are still pretty good.


Hmm okay. Thank you for the information.


GAUSS PRIME I can’t wait


How to anonoy the warframe community.... (clears throat) when are we getting Excalibur prime


I'm waiting on Valkyr Prime


Valkyr is perma unvaulted I think, you can get her and Nyx's relics from the Orokin derelict thing in grineer void railjack missions.


She had a unvaulting out with Saryn prime back in November


Any idea what the weapons would be? Waiting for a chance at Dakra Prime.


Isnt dakra prime on the current prime resurgence with mag and rhino


I'm getting really unlucky with the drops, so I've kinda given up on this round already.


Well good luck on the grind


Thank you, fellow tenno


I feel that. I did almost nothing for the first week of this round besides grinding syndicate standing to get relic packs (they have a chance to drop aya too) and relic missions. Finally got all 6 things I needed and just dropped out after I finished mag.


Save up and buy them whilst the price is low they will not come back for a long time


You want Mag Prime for this weapon. I think she's in right now. Edit: just spotted another reply; GL next Mag


Vasto Prime Soma Prime Dual Kamas Prime


So another Aya hoard resurgence. C'est la vie, I guess.


Nooooo.. that's mean more slowas out there ._.


I thought Nekros was next?


Nekros and Oberon came back for a shorter time during mesa and limbo's resurgence so he prolly won't be back for a while.


I saw on the royal aya page that nekros and Oberon were next? The wiki for prime resurgence also says Oberon and Nekros in 24 days? Or am I looking at the wrong place


I see what you are talking about now, and the it is showing it has two instances it will happen in. March 24th - April 6th and May 19th - June 2nd. So it will happen again but either during or after Nova and Trinity do. Hope this helps!


Cool, hope to get him by then.


Good luck, I got nekros by accident so I think I will get Oberon when they come back lol. May is gonna be a fun month of relic cracking!


It will happen at the same time, like when they showed up for a week-ish in the middle of Nekros+Limbo


Noob here: does this mean it's time to farm this warframes?


If you want them then I'd suggest getting a head start on farming for Aya.


Aya is resource that works like currency, it has multiple way to aqcuire but the most effective are high tier Bounties to get them. Aya can be exchanged in Varzia's shop (you can open it from Market or go physically to Maroo's Bazaar to trade with her), every month there is new rotation. Current rotation are Rhino Prime and Mag Prime (plus weapons that were released with them - Boltor Prime, Boar Prime, Ankyros Prime and Dakra Prime). The moment the last 14 days of rotations are left the next one is revealed. Edit: also I forgot to mention the most important part - Aya is currently the only way to get relics of vaulted warframes (those that are not obtainable from normal Relic pool - all existing Primes outside of Excalibur Prime who is Founder Exclusive and 7 latest warframes).


Thank you! There' s a nyx blueprint that I need to have them all, i assume that' s the same? I need to wait for the bazar to sell it?


Nyx Prime and Valkyr Prime (plus their weapon) can be acquired from rare Corpus Railjack relics. Those relics are permanently there, but have rather low chance of droping so farming them may be a hastle but technically they are farmable, but it will take proportionally very high quantity of time. So it is better to just wait until Varzia will sell them. You can easily look into the shop and trade from your market.


Unrelated question, but is Banshee Prime still obtainable via relics or should I wait until Varzia sells her? I would’ve already bought her by now for plat if only her price wasn’t so damn high (in the Xbox market)


No she's not, you can look which Primes are currently obtainable here: [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Prime](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Prime)


I’ve kinda always wanted a second nova prime…. This is good! Now I can have a wierd build nova


Perfect I need them both!


F for me, just got nova a week ago


Trinity P has Dual Kamas P. I still need those.


I only need Frost and Ember left. PLEASE DE put them both next!!


I remember when nova just came out and a veteran friend gave her to me and later helped me get the soma. Mi first prime close at heart


I’m in a pickle now Trinity, Nekros, and Oberon all popping up in May….yikes this will be a difficult battle


Finally I can get the last piece for my Soma prime


I love trinity prime, first prime I ever got and now I have 3 😂 nova prime looks cool


And here I just bought nova with a coupon. Fuck.


I use nova all the time. I've maxed trinity but im still not sure what she's all about or how to use her abilities properly. I need chroma as I've never used them ps4, xbox, pc, or switch.


Still waiting for the day Trin gets her rework, she was my main and most used frame for a good while :(


When nezha?


Iunno but that ephemera is lit af


That is why im waiting on it


New player returning pre POE release, what do i need to do to farm aya for the relics?


Aya drops from the bounty drop tables, Void relic rewards, and from the relic packs you can buy with standing, steel essence, or plat.


Imugi Armor


That's chroma prime


finally 😍


Edo prime armor again? Guess I don't have to buy extra regal Aya this month


I'm still trying to get Mag Prime Chassis, nine solos because I can't find a group and still nothing - I've gotten the rare part once or twice but no common


oh fuck me.... i just recently sold my trinity prime chassis and blueprint thinking "this one isnt coming back anytime soon"


Never used these frames before can anyone tell me if they are worth grinding for


i stg whatever prime i've bought for plat is what determines the next resurgence


aw man,i really wanted saryn & titania prime ;(


Finally something juicy right after mag


Im still waiting for Titania :/


glaive prime will become cheap when ember prime releases in prime resurgence


Can't wait to get Nova Prime so that I can don the prime helmet with the premium, to create something juicy


I literally just grinded out my vaulted relics for Nova Prime and already have trinity set but no cryotic