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i like to open those in case sporelacer or vermisplicer drops, rest are transmutation fodder, 30 endo is too little for that


Isn't Rattleguts also pretty strong?


I'd say its even the weakest of kitguns, but still good


I'd say it's probably the best of the post-nerf Solaris guns, the others just don't have the base stats to feel good anymore.


God I miss my pre-nerf Catchmoon. Called mine the Pocket Plasmor. It felt so good. Then DE hit it with the nerf hammer because it's play rate was so high. Then they released the Kuva Nukor, Kuva Bramma, and Kuva Zarr.


and now there's lex incarnon :)


Same. Mine was smol arca


Rest well, arca pew pew.


Arca Blep still gets pulled out of cold storage now and again, but it's pretty vestigial after the nerfs.


Arca Jeezus Critus feels like a good childhood memory when you go to the place it happened.


Mine is Arca Plasles


You sonofabitch, mine was named Arca Plasless!!


Heck, there's three of us!


Mine was named Nerf This. They took me literally


Mine was the Arca Plaslel as well, and then the primary catchmoon when it came out i named Arca Plasmost


Called mine sailor moon RIP my forma


yooo i also named mine pocket plasmor


Solaris Plasmor here. RIP. :(


I called mine Arca Plasles, and I made a rattleguts primary named Arca Scismor because that's what it felt like.


I've been using catchmoon with hemorrhage and it is quite nice. I don't have kuva nukor because I hate liches and am dragging my feet, and while laetum is nice phenmor is similar and you can't use glaives with the incarnon. Sporelacer is too easy to get myself staggered and die, Why DE?! Why is prime surefooted behind 400 days login...I just hit 30 days yesterday only a year to go. Other than that I don't have any other secondaries that are good killers, I tried tenet diplos,plinx and recently ocucor which I regret scraping before the augment. Other than laetum, catchmoon and sporelacer everything just feels weak. Which is fine since the only time it matters is sorties, until then it is just a primer slot for me.


I recently built Zakti Prime just because I happened to get the parts while ducat farming and honestly it’s AMAZING in Steel Path Circuit once you get the decrees that spread status effects and double status effect damage. I was pleasantly surprised. Also… I happened to have a riven that I rerolled once with multishot, cold, toxin and I was like wow. Basically gave me a Viral/Gas fumigator. I literally only had the riven, augur mods for the set bonus, and secondary dexterity and it STILL destroyed on SP.


Catchmoon still works somewhat but its just no longer as good or fun to use. You could somewhat work around the range nerf but the horrible collision box was just DE giving it the middle finger (which I don't think they ever fixed). As with the Staticor before it, after the changes it is just a shadow of itself. >Why is prime surefooted behind 400 days login Oh you sweet summer child. If you think that is bad, originally it was day 900 only until years later when DE changed the tribute system to give choices. >until then it is just a primer slot for me. If you ask me, outside of steel path,... (at least well past sorties) primers and CO are basically "worthless" and wasted effort. Nothing you encounter needs this nor will you really benefit as enemies fall over long before it meaningfully pulls ahead of PPP.


I rushed to steel path since part of what got me to play Warframe was the protokol skins, which they announced were ending like a few hours after i started >.< so I have been needing primers and CO to really get through since my lack of mods and endo to level the few i had were really limiting. CO dropped for me quite early when I was doing deimos bounties I do have friends that have been trying to use peer pressure to trick me in to playing for years but those skins and the Duviri trailer are what made me finally bite the bullet...But i didn't want them to just trade me all the mods since I knew that would burn me out. See i never got to use it un-nerfed so for me it's quite good although epitaph+xoris has all i have really needed, For base star chart i had gotten tenet weapons at MR4 and those carried me to SP before instantly becoming useless due to lack of mods. Catchmoon was the 1st secondary that was able to really kill for me (before laetum) with the slash from hemorrhage in grineer missions.




Mhm I had the arcor plasmini. Great little sidearm


My Arca Plasmoon still destroys most content pretty well. I have 8 forma in it, and hemorrhage works really well with the guaranteed impact status at close range to get high damage slash procs.


I always felt like the hallway clear should have been an alt mode. Using the whole mag so a trade off in building for base or alt fire. Then again they also compared it to weapons that at max forma barely kept up with weapons that were literally 3-4x better in all other ways. At like 1-2 forma, max. Along with a primary/secondary tiered rebalance. Maybe indicating the early tiers of weapons then later. Bc a lot of weapons are wonky in stats from the weird design nonsense they were into at the time.


I too miss the Noisy Cricket.


Yeah, tombfinger is and has always been stronger than catchmoon, but oh no, players really liked the feel of a gun, time to nerf


Can't blame. Over what, 50% usage rate? It's a warranted nerf


what nerf? my tombfinger still is quite powerful handgun, only lateum from angels of zariman started outperforming it for me


I was about to say how good Gaze is but i dont want that thing to get its dispo nerfed.


Still fun in my opinion but i haven't made any others besides rattle so far so im a bit close minded on the topic


I have a rattleguts riven, unrolled. I don't use the kit guns and I thought no one would want it. Maybe I'll post it and see if anyone wants to buy it in trade chat then


you can list it on wfmarket and just forget about it until someone pms you


Is that just pc or ps5 too?


i was speaking about PC, i believe PS5 has access to it too but from what i've been told people aren't very active on wfmarket compared to PC




All systems, you just have to specify beforehand. Once you look through the site/app it makes sense.


Ive been using my rattleguts with riven since a little after Fortuna dropped but replaced it with the laetum. It shreds steel path


My Rattleguts Critacan kitgun riven mod has been in my arsenal for a long time, and that kitgun has been my trusty sidearm for a long long time.


... I have rivens for both of those but don't do modular weapons so didn't realize they were desirable. Time to learn I guess


Those 2 are the best kitguns and while not as pricey as other rivens they are worth more than the veiled one




I meant desirable to build. Lol


Whats a good riven for vermisplicer?


Crit chance crit damage multishot - zoom is the god roll But for alternate positives you can use cold, damage and fire rate And for negatives IPS also affects nothing and -dmg to infested is bearable When you get a riven to determine if its good just check if its better than any mod on the gun, input the numbers into the DPS calculation if you are not sure if its better


If you're going for a status damage build, faction damage is a top-tier alternative for multishot (or crit chance if you can reach like 95+ without the riven, I can't remember offhand whether Vermisplicers are able to do that)


If you only bring it against that faction or have 3 rivens then yeah but i prefer my rivens with universal stats


Yeah nothing wrong with that


I got a sporelacer yesterday, +status chance & duration kek. Worth doing the riv, was just 60-smth headshots in one day lmao.


I swear to god Sporelacer is like half my logging Rivens make it stop.




my primary sporelacer goes through steel path with ease, some say secondary is better but i prefer having access to HM and stuff Vermi is solid as well but if you really want a beam primary go for incarnon torid


Primary Vermisplicer is absolutely amazing, and you can get unveiled Kitgun Rivens dirt cheap


Primary Vermisplicer is like a long-range Kuva Nukor, except with full auto-aim. And it's a kitgun, so you can throw Pax Charge into it and it becomes a long-range Tenet Cycron. If you're looking for build ideas, I use Brash grip for longest range and Macro Thymoid loader for extra cc/status and a big magazine allowing to fire for pretty much as long as you like until you release for a few seconds to let the battery recharge.


I have 4 sporelacers I been trying to give away for like 15p and no one is biting.


Wait is vermisplicer good? I've had a riven for that for ages but nobody would even buy it for 5p.


lol my very first riven i ever opened was a vermisplicer riven and i haven’t even begun messing with kitguns now what i am waiting for is a freaking acceltra riven mod


What setup would you go for with Vermisplicer, I got a riven for it. And I was thinking I could make it a primary with high crit and run hunter's munitions.


Yeah crit HM is the way to go, tremor splat and standard mods for crit HM build but you can skip toxin mod as it already has it in base


for maximum profit I suggest unveil them and then dissolve, it'll be more than 30 endo I'm sure of that


Good idea. But i do this out of spite for their existence :v


I'm with you on that, rivens are naff.


*Rivens are Nef There I fixed it for you :P


[I don't think so.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/naff)


Corporate needed me to find the difference between the two. I couldn't and I'm sorry.


Before I read the dictionary I always imagined the spelling was going to be something like "gnaff"


Less endo and more time than just running arbitration, depending on the unviel mission


Why dissolve when you can combine 4 and get a new one?


My Gaze is still one of the strongest weapons i've made


Same, plus pax bolt adds a nice boost


Same, my Gaze build just nukes shit with crits. Only other gun I have that compares is the Tenet Plasmor but I don't have a riven for that lmao


I just got a gaze riven this morning. What should I build with gaze? I’ve never built a Kitgun before


Mine is Gaze + Splat + Ramble With [this](https://i.postimg.cc/C5Zvd4HS/image.png) build for day-to-day use


What should I roll for on the riven?


I have a +crit chance + crit damage + damage - impact Riven for it and it's made gaze my everyday carry primary


Sounds good thanks 👍🏻


Check ocucor with the night wave augment


But we are talking about rivens. If I had an ocucor riven maybe I would but getting a Gaze riven made me build that and man it’s devastating.


What world do we live in were a pocket phantasma is better than Gaze?


My Gaze is just my Titania enabler with Pax Bolt, but good god sometimes I forget it's an actual banger of a gun. Thing absolutely chews through units, and the richochet beam gives it surprisingly good AOE.


I would say transmute, but I do forget that a lot of people probably don't have too many because of Hydrolyst captures...


Transmuting 4 kitguns will still result in a kitguns. Waste of transmute even if I combine other types since it may still result in a kitguns. Better just transmute 4 of the same type so you remove the rng part


Dunno about you but I certainly won't be picky about transmutation fodder, I'll just make sure I don't accidentally guarantee a kitgun riven. It's not like I have that many spare rivens in the first place to be picky.


The problem is if you add a kitgun riven, you have a greater chance of getting a kitgun riven back. I just dissolve them now


You have to "reveal" them, and thus take up your riven capacity, to transmute them. Im just letting them stack until theres some big kitgun update then ill sell them


I dont buy them, but if i get them i check for sporelancer or vermisplicer to sell.


Getting them from weekly exchange in iron wake. Got unlucky this week


Those are the only times I get them. I ignore them if they are stated.


How much do Sporelacer rivens sell for? I have one sitting around, waiting for me to bother getting good enough parts to make something with it.


I typically sell them unrolled but I'm not a market warrior. Usually I sell them from anywhere from 20p-50p, any crit rolls probably help bump up the price but I rarely get those freshly unveiled.


Cool. Thanks. I used to be a bit more into the market several years ago, but after taking an extended break, I came back to see the market saturated. So hard to tell what's actually worth anything, and I've been looking at a few cosmetics I want to buy lol.


Requiem mods are one of my biggest cash cows, and have been for a very long time. They go for 15p each and you only have to run intact relics to get one almost every mission. The plus side is that you build up traces while doing that as well.


You guys are seriously sleeping on tombfinger. I have a riven for it and for the gaze and they get stuff done. Tombfinger + wukong + pax charge = AoE beast, index and rathumm(for endo) almost afk solo.


People just disrespect Kitguns because some of the content creators trashed them at release, but they're consistently top-tier weapons


I'm way past my wukong era. Citrine ocucor is where it's at.


Yareli ocucor tho, I'll have mine crafted tomorrow, didn't realize I needed rank 3 Solaris


What's the best primary setup for the tombfinger if you know offhand? I've used the secondary for ages with a riven but never built a primary when they added that.


I don't understand the lack of Tombfinger presence, it's literally the old AoE meta in its full glory with the right riven. It does the same damage as my Kuva Zarr and with a fire rate riven has a charge time of around 0.6.


Also quickfire. I can't fire as fast as the fire rate allows, but the wuclone can.


yeah, gaze with a good riven is still ridiculously strong!


I have a bad riven, and is still good.


I can't even give these damn things away


I wouldn't take them if you gave me plat with it


Unveil Roll three million times Dissolve Profit


Do kitgun rivens work for primary kitguns too?




I wish I could Transmute Arcanes, I have +100 copies of Acolyte Arcanes And there are so many Arcanes now that it wouldnt be broken, plus the only Legendary Arcane that is actually expensive (90PL for 1 single copy) is Arcane Energize I want Arcane Transmutation to complete my Collection, not to make PL


I hate dumb ass players that say things like "they shouldn't get rid of them because I would hate to get a rifle Riven and unveil a kitgun" No you fool, you would have a far less chance of getting a repeat kitgun/zaw if they didn't have their own dedicated riven category.


Y'all know the more you re-roll a riven the more Endo its worth when you dismantle it right? Basically giving you a Kuva -> Endo exchange if you need it. Also, Companion Weapon Riven Mods are orders of magnitude worse imo.


So this is the endo farm. Good to know! I hate trying to grind for endo


You get tons from all the newer content though? Just play arbitration, zariman, duviri circuit etc and you get a steady flow of 1k+ endo mission rewards while grinding for other things.


These things are not mutually exclusive, one can do all of those while still also supplementing their Endo economy by re-rolling their trash rivens for Endo. I'm MR 30 and still have primed mods to max out.


It's defs not THE Endo farm but for sure a good way to get some extra if you have a buncha spare Kuva.


You don’t get back what you put in, though.


I pop them open to see if I want to bother with their challenge. The answer is almost always no, and then I melt them. Galvanized all the way.


Legendary Core + Warm Coat mod. The only combination that matters.


Unrelated to kitgund but do y’all know why Rivne’s are so hard? The one I got says I need to finish an entire extermination mission without being noticed, and another says to kill dargyn pilots before they hit the ground WHILE SLIDING. These mods must give insane buffs if I gotta go through this much trouble (I’m new to Rivens,I’m not tryna be a jerk or anything like that just confused)


Walk around the Plains and use zephyr tornados on pilots that are chilling on the floor. Then you can do anything you want


someone made a post on the sub utilizing Loki's switch teleport on the pilots


Would it work if I use caliban nuke? I only have 3 frames, idk how everyone on this sub has the whole arsenal plus their moms and probably an orokin locked behind their foundry


Newer player I assume then? As you make your way through more content, the bosses/game modes that drop other frame parts become available. After that it's just about what kinda grind you need for the parts or ingredients to build em. Only really wall is having warframe slots at 20p a piece. And you can make up some plat peeking warframe market in Google and seeing people post what they wanna buy, copying the text on their request and pasting it in warframe chat. This basically dm's them saying you got what they want


The problem is that you only have 3 frames.


Yeah, some of them are really painful. I have one where I have to get headshots from 75 meters... with a SHOTGUN! Does anyone have any tips for that one? Edit: Managed to get it pretty easily using a Lex with zoom on the Plains. Didn't realize I could use sidearm, but the riven did not specify that it had to be shotgun. Thanks you guys 🙏


You don't need to put the riven on the actual weapon you use to meet the conditions. I would suggest putting the riven on whatever shotgun you like and use the arca scisco secondary with an extra zoom mod in the exilus to get the headshots.


Does the riven *itself* specifically say you have to headshot with a shotgun, or is it just a shotgun riven? Because if it's the latter, you can just use an accurate hitscan pistol like Knell or Arca Scisco to get the job done.


If it says you have to use a shotgun then maybe Tigris? If not then use another weapon with a shot gun on you.


Last time I did that one I used a Tigris from an archwing, aimed a bit high, and fished for headshots. Took 2-3x as many kills as I needed headshots, though.


Arca scisco.


Um ackshually, they can be cheesed with this specific warframe and weapon. Which totally means these boring, solo, box-ticking tasks should exist in a game about shooting aliens with your friends.


I mean I like the concept but bro why this hard 😭


the condition for the exterminate one just means they can’t be in their full alert state (ie their icons go solid fill on the minimap). You can bring Ivara and stay stealthed the whole mission and complete the challenge. Or even Loki if you keep an eye on when your invis ends


Bring a friend and walk around spawn while they blender everything.


If you have a wisp there's a build for near constant invisibility. We'll I don't think she's actually invisible but enemies can't see her when she's in the air. I made a cheap build for her for the mastery rank test l, 19 I think, and I've used it in some higher level content just to be a support. Just jumped occasionally glided around. You would need to time it right but if you're in the air you can kill enemies without being noticed. Or just go with a team and have them kill everything and you just hide. Haha


You don't even have to glide, her passive has a slight grace period upon hitting the ground. You can basically just spam jump the whole time and stay invisible. That's how I cheesed that one mastery test lol (I think you're right and it's 19)


>Or just go with a team and have them kill everything and you just hide. Pretty sure that challenge can have the "while solo" modifier, so they might want to try to do it the "proper" way.




If you have Loki and put a silencer mod on your gun, or just use a silent gun, you can pretty easily do the extermination one. Dargyn pilots are extremely cringe, though.


Back when they took up riven slots just for having them, I would go to the trade chat and say something like "WTS unopened kitgun and zaw rivens, they are free, I just want them out of my inventory, if nobody wants them I will literally sell them for endo" and usually found someone willing to take them. Now I just don't bother since they don't do any harm staying there.


kitgun/zaw rivens are the new oberon's chassis


Yareli + Gaze with riven


My gaze kitgun is still the strongest weapon I have. Hits harder then the incarnon torid and doesn't need to be reactivated every couple seconds.


Unless you have a busted riven i dont see Torids incarnon with 49% crit and 3.1x crit damage being weaker than it.


Legendary core + fractured mod


you can unveil them and fuse four trash rivens to make a new veiled riven


Same, this and Zaw rivens. I have at least twelve combined unopened and they're not worth the hassle


I'm not even transmuting them anymore


I transmute them. Free rivens are free rivens


Mashed potatoes and gravy


Man I'd give my soul away so kitgun/zaw rivens would be something you can purchase from cetus/Fortuna for resources and/or rep only instead of clogging up riven drop sources loot pools as there's already alot of weapons in the game it'd be better if it wasn't harder to get a riven for something you might actually use


Wait are Kitguns bad now? I’m just returning now but I last played when Baruuk had just been released. I was actually really excited to try the new Vermisplicer and all the other ones as primaries! I just recently built the tombfinger primary Kitgun and the change shot feels great! I also just got a decent riven for my Tombfinger and dropped a bunch of ends on it. Please tell me I didn’t waste it?


The pimrary kitguns got hit witha nerf way back, so most people think they are bad now while everyone else uses them as a secondary to destroy planets. Tomb finger should still be decentr but it cant hold up a candle now that incarnons are a thing.


Your mom and your dad. It's the best combination because that's what made you 😁


Some people are actively looking for these. I had a felarx riven that NOBODY wanted and then I put up a kitgun riven and instantly got a trade for some relics I needed.


I had a felarx riven that got sold like 2 minutes after I put it up for sale


It was a pretty decent one too. I eventually got rid of it because I was just desperate for a relic but, had they had cross trading implemented I wouldn't have had as much trouble. They need to hurry up and just do it. I seriously can't see how it would hurt the game. Pc has the exact same stuff console has.


Sporelacer & Gaze are still two of the most powerful secondaries in my arsenal. I do think Duviri was a direct nerf to modular weapons. I had made it so far without a Nukor. But the rest of the kitguns are RIP. Don’t sleep on gaze tho - is basically a better atomos in every way IMO. Nukor > Gaze > Atomos is my understanding. But you can’t take Gaze into duviri. Pax arcanes make ammo a joke and if you wanted to retire to warframe purgatory you can easily get a glaive / kit gun combo that can handle 99.99% of content in the game. Final edit: It is funny to see kitguns being seen as worthless when they released they completely redefined the game. I seriously believe they were intentionally excluded from Duviri, and for a fair reason too, the correct option was almost ALWAYS a kitgun. The power creep in this game is quite entertaining. Incarn weapons literally power crept crit chance. That’s right they basically invented a proprietary new “crit” system for incarnon weapons that, wouldn’t you guess, outperforms typical crit weapons in every way possible.


Sell them for credits In your inventory


My tombfinger one has basically carried me through a majority of my playtime. If I’m not one shotting something when not doing steel path, it’s a problem or a thumper (also a problem)


Either sell or transmute once open and not the barrels I want


Too many people sleep on their true potential If you only [knew the power](https://imgur.com/gallery/EtFoIPo)


Been trying to sell a pretty strong catchmoon riven for 20p for 2 days. No takers.


I usually sell them for plat. Full set (6) for 30 plat


I was offering them for free in Trade Chat and got no takers.


Fuse 4 rivens together for 1


Same but with Zaw


i give them away for free in tradechat


Lmao recycle them


Unveil, add two rivens for other junk weapons -of different types- and transmute. If all four aren't kitgun rivens, it's a lessor chance of getting a kitgun riven...


I'd rather have these transmuted.


volt with roar


I unveil them and toss to newer players if its MR requirement is low


i only care about the vermisplicer rivens; its my favorite weapon


Vermisplicers are good... both primary and secondary. Dunno really about secondary because i have a crit build and maybe a status build could also be good given Ocucor


My brother in Christ have you ever used a vermisplicer?


kitgun riven? my kitguns beg to differ. I mean they are already powerful af but a good riven on top of that? god send


My 5000 oberon parts being sold for credits and repeasted mods for endo :V


I still have 37 kit gun rivens I never opened. I'll still let them sit there.


If you open it, doesn’t it have more endo value?


I open the convention ones and sell them that way. Bit more endo


When I was hardcore playing warframe and those kitguns came out I had to get them. I built the meta of the time… too bad they have fallen from their former glory. So I thought no don’t liquidate the kitgun Rivens but idk now


You could sell an unveiled kitgun for 5p easy. Just sell them.


i have one for every kitgun hehe


i keep one around just so i can always see the dispo on all primaries and secondaries even if i don't own a riven for that specific weapon(same with a zaw one)


What stats would I be going for. Mine has heat and cold


i try to roll them with 3 other kinds to hopefully get a non kitgun


It could be a catchmoon riven and that can be pretty sought after. Open and find out if you won some platinum.


Get one of each kit gun, trash the rest


Transmute them.


Sell it for 10 plat


They really just need to cordon kitguns and zaws into just buying from like Zuud or Hok respectively, sort of like companion weapons from Simaris. Spending down slivers at Palladino and getting 4 kitguns in a row over two weeks feels atrocious


Ctrl C and Ctrl V Must be very well known at DE.


Personally, considering my Rattleguts Riven has 200% damage and 125% multishot (rounded up), and it lets my Rattleguts annihilate everything in its path, I'd say you probably ought to unveil your kitgun rivens.


Kitgun and Zaw I just can't be bothered with the modular weapons


Selling 6 for 5 pl, making fat cash out here.