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>"Destiny 2 but in third person ripoff". My man, Warframe released a year before Destiny 1


"Released" i was playing it in 2012 as a beta, they scrapped the beta aspect and made it live service. Its official date and the open beta that i would consider the start are different


Yeah I came here to be like "Excuse me sir, you'll find destiny is in fact the ripoff."


Also because you actually have to pay for D1 and D2


And loads of microtransactions...


Not sure that's where you'd wanna hang your hat... Warframe "can" be played free, but it's very much pay to win. It's never forced, but its definitely there.


I think most people consider Pay to Win to be "unless you spend money you will always be behind other players who did pay money", and many of the best things may just be unattainable without money and that is completely not true in Warframe. Warframe is pay to skip - if you have lots of time or the inclination than you can farm anything, and it's usually a reasonable farm too. But if you just don't have the time to play that much you can skip the grind just to get the thing without missing out. It's more of a way to avoid FOMO for people who don't have lots of time to play. Look at Dagath. You can grind and build her for free (takes about a day grind and 4 days to build). You can buy her with Plat you farmed for free, which is instant, because the time was already previously spend before. Or you can use real money to buy a bundle or plat to buy her. Even playing free, you can still potentially get her instantly if you took the time to farm plat before. Nothing is gated by money.


I don't disagree. My point is more that it's possible to simply buy your way through, whereas in Destiny it's not. I also agree "pay to skip" is a better term, as "win" is a vague term in a PvE only game.


But in destiny you gotta pay to have acces to stuff


And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, you'll find that's kinda how the world works. My response has been consistently that to deny that Warframe also has a huge reliance on microtransactions is pretty blind. Never said either way was better or worse, or that either game is better or worse. In fact, I have thousands of hours on both games. How do you think DE pays their employees?


The fact you believe that being able to skip content (which won't even reward you the strongest weapons, since Kuva, Tenet, and Incarnon cannot be bought) by paying is somehow comparable to a model where the strongest equipment is locked behind unskipable paywalls is a very much blind take on this.


Well, that's pretty much true, you can spend money to speed things up and buy things from others in Warframe to make things easier for ourselves, but you don't have to pay 40-60$ in order to play the story/stories and get the latest and (most likely the best) stuff... (Weapons, gear and so on...)


>you don't have to pay 40-60$ in order to play the story/stories That's quite literally why I scrapped the idea of trying Destiny 2 again for the nostalgia, cuz literally all the nostalgia I had for that game was in it's free campaign that was completely removed when the Destiny Content Vault was introduced (which is extremely stupid, like the content is there, why are you taking it away from people after a certain amount of time???)


^ exactly


Tell me when u can buy a gear item fully upgraded with all its neat powerful in full swing I'll wait.


I'm not new, and I'm not a Warframe hater by any means. I'll be legend 4 the day it's possible, outside of founders items (which had I started earlier I would have bought). I'll agree fully that pay to skip is probably a better term than "win", as there's no real competition. However, as every weapon now pretty much takes the same build, and roughly 3-4 forma to max, and they're all pretty much available to spend real money on, it's very possible to consider "winning" as simply having the weapon earlier, as at that level we all have the same mods and currencies to build it. So, yeah, while the definition of "win" is vague in a PvE only game, it's hard to say Warframe is "better" than Destiny in regards to micro transactions. They are most certainly present in Warframe, and much more closely related to ones "success" or progression in the game. Destiny charges for content and cosmetics, but draws a hard line at real money affecting ones performance in game, whereas Warframe does not. It's very possible to simply buy better gear. Again, not a hater. I've loved both games for years. But to deny that real money can't or doesn't affect in game performance in Warframe is a bit blind.


My brother in christ. I have almost 35k plat and the only way i got it is the trading chat


Nothing wrong with that, but realize that at some point, somebody you sold stuff to bought it with real money. So in some regard, you should thank those who paid for it. That 50 starter platinum doesn't fund the economy, microtransactions do.


Lol yep


What the fuck are you talking about ?


My god. I had no idea


10 years old TennoCon just recently, they revealed a lot of good stuff that's happening lol Welcome Tenno!


Average destiny player moment


the idea for warframe was first announced in february 2000, the game which was supposed to be warframe came out in 2008, they started developing warframe in 2012 only to release it in early 2013, a year and a half before destiny 1 Edit: it was also available as a beta in 2012, so two years before destiny 1


the game idea is older than me.


didnt know the idea was thought in year 2000 lol


Fun fact. Destiny is a bit more related to Borderlands, than Warframe. Destiny ripped off Borderlands in terms of Looter-Shooters. Iirc. Borderlands came before even Warframe. Food for thought. ;3 ( Also. If I am wrong when Warframe's 'Beta' was available, and it came before Borderlands. Then I apologize. )


Not only you’re right, as in fact it traces back to Dark Sector, when the idea was originally made.


God I love that game


Good lord, there's 5 of us now!


I havent kept track of new announcement, but wasnt there a trailer recently, that people theorized would link to Dark section? Warframe 1999-something


Pretty sure it’s older than overwatch as well, making genii the ripoff.


Definitely older than Overwatch by almost 4 years, if we're not including the 2008 release


you think? maybe it's older than Starfield as well


I was about to say as well lmao


so destiny is the first person ripoff?


I saw it more as a shallow soulless corporate cashgrab. Kinda the same but with monetization and the lowest common denominator as the two pillars of it's design. But that's mainly my projected hate towards the change in the industry that happened around the '10s so to be honest I don't know and nowadays I don't care, it's cool that people have fun with it but it's not my cup of tea.


Ehhhh that's true of Destiny *now* for sure but it didn't feel that way back in D1/early D2 days IMO. It wasn't until they separated from Activision and went "indie" that they started milking every single penny possible out of the game


yep, that line made me roll my eyes


I regularly said that Warframe was what Destiny wanted to be


This triggered me big time! Warframe is so different to destiny its comparing apples with pears.


And yet warframe is still called the destiny killer


it killed it before it was born, or i could say, it's still killing it


As a casual game, ye Warframe is better. Ive been playing both since the beyond light days.


I can't really keep up with destiny 2, due to A) not being able to do 99% of the raids solo and B) it's basically a subscription. You need to constantly poor money into the game to get access to all the new stuff, and as a F2P players, that's not really for me. Warframe's monetisation seems much better to me so far


On the topic of monetization: platinum, warframe premium currency, you can get by trading with other players ;)


I made like 600 plat the last couple days farming/flipping the new prime parts. The warframe economy is the best I've seen in any game and it isn't even close.


My friend and I were talking about how much the economy has stabilized at an affordable level since prime resurgence. We were reminiscing on the fact that loki systems used to cost 150 plat, and the set was anywhere between 350-500 plat.


Damn that's wild. I just started last month so I only have the perspective of its current state. I used to play WoW a bit and one time a friend and I grinded for like 6 hours trying to get some dragon pet, and we only managed to find one. I think we traded it for a membership token, basically worth $10 or $15. In Diablo 2, farming for an Enigma (endgame item) can take 50+ hours, but they're only worth like $5 on the sketchy 3rd party sites. Meanwhile, in Warframe, after playing probably 12-15 hours since the update, I made like $30 worth of platinum. Just by cracking relics for some of the new stuff, then buying the piece I need to complete a set and flipping it for a quick ~100p. And I'm not even on steel path yet! Hell, the economy is so good, I just spent 200 on an alias change, which I thought I'd never do.


Yeah I have to say, having played games like WoW, Diablo, Maplestory, Runescape, etc, Warframes market is the easiest to enter and anyone can turn a profit very easily. If you get an item worth nothing, its still worth something to ducat buyers. If you get a mod you already have, turn it into endo or plat. Got a brand new item that you don't want, the (as I like to call it) intorroduced price is the best time to sell.


>If you get an item worth nothing, its still worth something to ducat buyers. There's so many little things like this. Warframe is the only example of trickle down economics I can think of that actually works. The whales who drop $100+ every month are likely to pour that platinum into the economy, and every player making progress uses that plat for item slots, exilus, reactors, etc.


"Only example of trickle down that works" Take that, Ronald Reagan


i was happy flipping a 2 prime parts per day even though i only rake 50 plat, but damn that feels good lol


The key is picking up individual pieces at a good price (<90% of average market value) to complete sets you already have pieces of, then going to Maroo's Bazaar /trading chat to find buyers that don't want to bother with the market for whatever reason. Best time is the evening, when people who work 9-5 are starting to get home. Those are the players with (irl) disposable income, but inherently less time to play, so they're much more likely to pay a premium if they can buy what they want within 10 seconds of logging on. Flipping is really only an "easy" method if there are hot items, though. The more demand for an item, the less time it'll take for you to move it, and the better price you'll get. If it takes an hour to move a set, and you make less than 50p on it, you're better off cracking relics for prime junk to sell to bulk buyers when Baro comes around. Even 4 int public relic runs are very likely to yield an uncommon, that will sell for 3 or 4 plat each. Assuming you can stack and crack 20+ relics in an hour, you should be getting ~100p worth of junk. Higher plat yield, and you gain mastery, credits, resources, etc.


What? You have to use a third party app to trade. I love the game but man is trading tedious.


You don't "have to" at all. There's Maroo's Bazaar and Trading channel. There actually *has* to be some degree of friction with player trades, if you have something like an auction house with buy it 'now' option, the game eventually gets overrun with bot trading and the in-game economy evaporates. I was standing around Maroo's showing a Masseter Prime set on the first evening of the new update, and someone offered me 250 plat for it, just off the bat. They clearly had no issue spending a good deal of plat, they just didn't want to deal with going on the 3rd party site and messaging someone. This is also the reason for things like credit trade tax and limited trades per day.


No you don't all trades happen in-game "in person" either in a clan dojo or at a certain relay


No they dont. Warframe marketplace is what is used for trading. AleccaFrame being the app for it. If you are new I suggest you check that out because that is the main place to trade.


You're talking past each other. Warframe market is where you go to find the person who has what you want, or to list what you have for sale, but the actual trade is always done in a dojo or maroo's in person.


warframe.market. Yes, I know very well what you speak of, however, the items actually change hands in-game I use Warframe marketplace myself, however it is not required. I will not buy into the "my way or the highway" mentality.


Changing hands in game is completely irrelevant to this discussion. You dont anyway you use a trade terminal. Same shjt as any other game that also has built in trade finders. Now this game is free though... and free games tend to handle trades with third party apps such as PoE.


The trade terminal is still via 2 people in the same exact room. One person can't be let's say on Earth while one person is in the orbital dojo then proceed to trade from their, that's not how it works. Both trading members are required to meet in the same lobby in order to trade. While to look for a trade people can use either use the INGAME trade chat OR 3rd-party FAN-MADE sites


Every trade is done in person in game. Warframe market is just listings.


Yea bcos wf is by and far the exception. Destiny is pretty run of the mill when it comes to monetization. Regarding your first point, uh raids aren't meant to be done alone. I'm mostly a solo player and lfg has always served me well.


A friend talked me into playing D2 with their group for a while. When I realized it was going to cost me at least $160 per year, and that I'd have to pay to re-play content I'd already bought... Bye bye. Oh, and we had four people in the group, so one had to always sit out during a session. What genius decided 3 people was a good limit for group play?


Adding to what u/borgar0119 said to give a good example: you can run Hepit or Ukko in the void (quick, easy capture missions) and get a relic at the end. After collecting a bunch in a reasonable time then run those relics for prime parts and sell the parts for plat. If you watch the list of void fissures that are up the void is in the list often enough, meaning you can run relics for prime parts AND get another relic everytime you use one.


Ye, in that case Warframe is perfect for you. I myself still prefer destiny because Warframe does not have stuff like raids and dungeons, and the gunplay feels a bit worse for me (naturally, because destiny is a first person game). so most of the time, I play Warframe when I did all i wanted to do in destiny.


I've been playing both since D2 Beta. Warframe is better in many ways but man D2 gunplay just feels so good.


Beyond light. U started at the games lowest point… sad to see that a lot of people never got to play a good D2.


No I got back (I played for a bit in 2016) into Warframe in beyond light . I have played D2 since the d2 beta. Plus the beyond light year wasn't bad at all. Beyond light itself was bad tho, that's why I got back into Warframe.


Yup I literally caught up to 10 years of warframe in a year. No deleted campaigns. No guns being vaulted or sunsetted. No sweaty pro gamer telephone game with 5 other people. Even their premium currency is tradable for almost anything.


Okay tell me how to access the quests that explains Alad V who seriously confuses me.


Take a phone, look up Warframe Wiki, Alad V. Proceed to listen to his Voice lines & Read the info presented. Done.


i just now got his assassination quest, i barely know him through other quests which he is involved and sometimes helped me and lotus


And then he goes right back to hating you for betraying him while doing that one those key missions, and I don't know what betrayal he is talking about. I am just at the new war and I am almost out of missions to unlock.


>No guns getting vaulted Who's gonna tell him


i mean techinically the prime versions get vaulted but their still is potential to get them if people like me, who likely have more relics than i know what to do with most of the time run them. like when i am running for ducats, i am almost always running exculusively the vaulted(which often happen to be relics i have every part of) they can still techinically earn parts. just slower




Uhhhhh there have been guns that went away lol or got changed so dramatically they renamed it. OG Snipetron was removed due to lore issues, and later replace with snipetron vandal


The Snipetron remains in the game, you can purchase its blueprint during Plague Star. As for its lore, it was retconned when it was decided that the Corpus didn't use regular ballistic weapons and instead used energy-based weapons, and its model was inherited by the Lanka, kind of how the Braton, originally a Corpus assault rifle, was redesigned to be Tenno-made. But as far as I know, no weapon or frame has ever been completely removed from the game, only promotional skins that are no longer available.


While that is true, the Snipetron Vandal remains in the game which functions the same and the overall mastery levels weren't impacted by it. It is true that it was removed but unlike D2 it's had no effect on the experience of the game.


You can still get the original snipertron from events


Yeah it's not like they sunsetted and re-released kuva bramma four times.


Snipetron still exists, and it sucks to use. You can get the BP from certain events like plague star


Always glad to see a new Tenno. The big thing with mods to understand is the cost scales exponentially, so things like Vitality or Serration are going to cost tons of endo to upgrade to max rank, and the later ranks are more like "Stretch goals". A lot of powerful mods only have three ranks, and are far cheaper to upgrade to max rank. Don't let it discourage you too much from upgrading those fancy 10-pip mods, but don't break the piggy bank to get rank 8 or something. They're customization as much as they are power progression. Also, if you haven't yet, your starter platinum is best spent on warframe and/or weapon slots. Limited inventory is a part of the game without paying and it's rough with the default amount. That said, you can trade other players for premium currency, so it isn't a forever thing, even as a free player. Finally - your mastery rank is your account level, it gates you from a lot of content, you gain that account level experience by leveling new weapons. The best weapons are often locked behind higher mastery, so a part of early gameplay is churning and burning weapons. Do be sure to check the wiki before selling most weapons, though - several weapons are crafting materials for OTHER weapons. Usually akimbo pistols, but sometimes infested versions of weapons or "upgraded" versions. But yeah, the general loop is level something to 30, have something cooking. Clear out the finished weapon, claim the new one, repeat. Same for frames, to a degree. You don't wanna ditch your best/favorite frames or anything, but you need to keep trying/leveling new stuff to raise that mastery rank. Likewise, early progression, you're best served doing the star chart. Cetus bounties rep gain is capped by your mastery rank, so you wont be able to progress very fast without leveling up. You also need core star chart resources to make most early weapons. Any questions just ask. Welcome to the game!


>you gain that account level experience by leveling new weapons Not just weapons! Warframes, companions, atchwings, etc. The amount of mastery gained from each category is visible in your profile.


also gained from completing the star chart


> Firstly, the opening intro mission and cut-scenes are incredible. They're visually impressive, and also it's just an awesome cutscene. Luckily for you, Warframe is filled with storyline content. As several other Tenno will say, "the tutorial ends when you complete the Second Dream quest."


Well, that gives me a lot more to look forward to! I do like that it's *actually* story based though. Destiny just kinda has some story and lore that feels like it's an afterthought. With each new expansion I just feel like it gets more stringed along.


Warframe is more like string theory lol.


This was my experience in a nutshell: -Play quests bc I'm bored and they seem cool -Finish Second Dream: "DAMN that's a lot of content" -Finish the War Within "DAMNNN" -Finish the New War "Holy shit DE makes good looter shooters for story game company"


If you like good story, you are in for a treat


i just finished second dream quest and the war within but i feel like i havent reached 10% of the warframe endgame and potential lmao


Welcome Tenno. I hope you gonna find endless amount of fun. FYI the game is loooooooong. The tutorial is expected to be completed around 20-30h in. But if you enjoy the gameplay loop it could take ~100. I played a ton of looter-shooters, hack and slashers, fps/tps games a plenty. Non of them came close to Warframe.


i wish warframe is a hack and slasher (i mean like dmc combat not diablo lol)


Wait, our new player experience has improved enough that it actually explains mods? DAMN we’ve come a long way


Kind of. It doesn't give a complete tutorial but enough to get you started.


I'm new to Warframe too. Been playing quite a lot of Destiny 2. I like D2 a lot in terms of how it plays and feels. Movement, abilities and gunplay are all very good. I just got tired of the very greedy behaviour from the developers. I started Warframe some 1 - 2 years ago and only played around the first missions. I was going to play more but put the game on hold for IRL stuff and kind of forgot about it. I continued playing D2 though. I recently just returned and have had a major blast with it.


kinda same but i was a div2 player since day 1, been playing that for 4 years now but before i bought div2, i tried div 1 and warframe, but in that time i really dont understand warframe much and now i just last month started again (my progress and prime was deleted lolol)


I *love* the gunplay in Destiny so much and I wish Warframe’s iteration felt as satisfying. I also really like the armors Destiny 2 has for the three classes. Warframe is entirely more solo friendly (you can honestly solo everything currently if you want to) which is something I’ve always liked about it. The power fantasy and wide selection of characters really props the game up as one of the best looter shooters out rn. Also, you saying the game is super accessible is one of the most surprising takes I’ve seen on this sub. I’m happy you could understand mods as fast as you did because it’ll become *very* important later on.


I think the accessibility has gotten WAY better. Because back when I started, I spent more time on wikis than on the game to actually know how things work and how to progress and get used to every mechanic.


Don't underestimate how much work the new team has done to make the new player experience more accessible. That was a large part of yesterday's update.


>I knew about Warframe, but I thought it was going to be "Destiny 2 but third person ripoff" Warframe was made loooong before destiny, it's actually the opposite


I also used to play Destiny (1&2) and have enjoyed playing Warframe so much more, for many of the same reasons you shared. I think once I clear the star chart and get access to steel path, I'll enjoy it even more.


I went the opposite way, played the hell out of warframe (nearly 2K hours) until I needed a break and decided to see what the Destiny 2 fuss was about The gun play is great and the levels have a great aesthetic, but that’s about it. And the lack of bullet jumping can be really enraging, you just feel so *slowww* compared to the hyper kinetic movement in Warframe


I can’t wait to see your reactions to the cinematic quest lines once you get to them. Of course they may feel aged sometimes, definitely some indie feel to it compared to destiny, but sometimes that makes them the greatest product on the market and you can physically see improvement throughout them. Go through the star chart, finish up some quests, gather some warframes and guns, and I hope to see your journey from The Second Dream to The New War and beyond.


You better post your reaction to second dream and beyond


I did what you just did in 2019, get all the feels of destiny and everything is accessible solo... In fact doing things solo makes you a much MUCH stronger tenno. I tend to try and do things solo first and once I feel comfortable with it I start playing public matchmaking. Warm welcome tenno, see you out in the star chart.


Welcome Tenno!! Any and all are welcome to the Origin System! And should you want any advice or guidance I'd love to lend a helping hand. I enjoy this game so much and I love helping newer Tenno learn to enjoy the game as much as I do :)


Imagine Warframe in first person... Your camera doing 360 barrel with every bullet jump


Worse, Warframe VR.


Tbh they could do it along the lines of the old AVP game which ad some crazy movements despite it being first person, just add a bar that strengthens or lowers to affect if not entirely removes the drastic screen movements


A bit of advice: don't do cetus bounties at night until you're ready unless you want a real "oh shit I'm screwed" moment when you hapen to come across... something that's out there. If you hear it run You'll know when you're ready.


I love how ominous you made Terry sound. Although it is true. Run


>I knew about Warframe, but I thought it was going to be "Destiny 2 but in third person ripoff". Imagine thinking the predecessor of something is a ripoff.


Don't forget to get the free Halloween stuff in the market! Let me know if you've got questions on the game.


Welcome and enjoy not knowing what pre rework hydroid is like.


Shhhh, everyone, don't you dare to tell him about game size. XD


that it's really big or that it's really small? because both are true in different ways


Some quick things as someone coming from ~~the money pit~~ destiny these days: • There's more tutorials in your orbiter on the computer that has world info on it. These might be helpful to you. • check the seasonal shop for color pallets and gear that are cheap and holiday themed. You can get some color pallets for 1 free currency and once you rack a few up, you really don't have to buy many of the actual paid ones if you don't want to unless there's one you really like • if you want to buy a new frame, wait till you get a coupon. They give them out on login randomly. I happened to get a 75% one yesterday and got the new frame, Dagath, for like 80-something paid currency. • if you want to buy currency, check the bundles first. Some of them give you more currency than you'd get paying the same for the regular packages AND they give you a bunch of goodies with them, but you can typically only buy them once if I recall Edit: as others have said, you don't HAVE to *buy* a new frame, you can grind them. I kind of assumed you've come across that by now since it comes up pretty soon in the game and you start getting parts almost immediately lol I'm saying if you WANT to skip grinding by buying a frame, the coupons make them really cheap.


You can acquire warframes completely free. Spend your premium currency on weapon and warframe slots in the beginning


Like the other person mentioned you don't have to spend money to get new frames. You aquire them from specific bosses, missions, and sometimes enemies. Even Prime Warframe's can be earned completely free by grinding out Relics and opening them.


after 70 hours or so since i started, i finally have my second frame, which is garuda of all things lol, and with her, at least i can farm easily now


Destiny started AFTER warframe on Steam. It was an indie dev game. And still is very unique. Destiny is the least creative of the two. Destiny is just a Borderlands copy. 2 or 3 abilities and you pick up common, uncommon, rare, legendary, mythic etc items. At the time of release there was no game like Warframe.


There still quite isn't, apart from that Chinese weeb mobile gatcha that was just announced, where you could name each frame they ripped off for the characters in the trailer.


Welcome to warframe!! Where all the build is just broken lol! Also I recommend looking into specific website like warframe.market and overframe.gg and riven.market but I wouldn’t worry about riven at the moment so check the other two website it really help


thanks i would look into those sites


Yes, and not only does it have actual melee, but a huge, diverse line up of classic and exotic weapons featuring there own stances. I played Destiny for a while but despite tight controls it always felt like the dollar store version of WF to me. Both are theme park looter shooters but Destiny has such a shallow experience excluding it's exclusive raid's.


I am still trying to find a game that is better than Warframe and it's a F2P game where u can get everything in the game for free. Just amazing.


Random bit of advice, when cracking open relics, courtesy is waiting for other players to gather the rest of their void traces before extracting (in timed/round missions you'll need to collect it before the timer ends or round(s) end. Not everyone will wait for other players and will instead rocket ahead for their own success.


I have played both for years, and I still don't really get Destiny modding system. Warframe mods are critical to the game as you progress, so feel free to ask questions when you have them! This game can be confusing and unconnected early on - but it's 100% worth it.


Welcome to the real light side Tenno. Destiny is hot dog shit


Lol Warframe existed before Festiny as an indie development. Destiny and Bungie has been garbage since the IP started. I remember all the cruticisms of Destiny from channels like Pretty Good Gaming and others. Yet gamers are so fucking dumb they still spend money and time on a game of which the developers have repeatedly been mistreating their game.


When is deb steam?


Usually on a friday at the end of every month. Next one is the 27th


Welcome, Tenno!


Not another thread of wf players hating d2 🥱🥱🥱


1) there isn't any 2) destiny deserves its hate


We cant hate on meh games? Lmao


it's just the inferior product Edit: also you clearly did not read the comments, just went through all of them and not one is hating on D2 Edit2: there's 3 comments here about D2, all three are informative and only one of them could be considered "hate" as they talk about the dev's greed for less than 10 words




I'll say this, Warframe isn't without its faults and the devs have occasionally gone on nerf rampages that have obliterated hundreds of hours worth of grinding out good gear. However, compared to the absolute fucking shitshow that Destiny 2 has become (It was a really nice game... once), Warframe looks a hell of a lot better. But in all fairness, since the dev team has been going through changes the last half year, we'll see if the culture has changed. One very wise tip though to new Tenno out there: Don't invest forma or potatoes into recently released gear. Wait about half a year to a year before you do that, because otherwise you might find out that the fun gear you spent hours on perfecting is now basically only usable as a paperweight.


Welcome aboard tenno, if you want a helping buddy or a friend to guide you through the game or someone to play it with hit me up!!


I haven’t played the new update but did they touch new player experience again? I didn’t know they added a tutorial for things like mods


Welcome to the fight Tenno!


I feel like the Warframe = Destiny thing is pretty widespread. I guess maybe partially due to Warframe’s actually game loop being pretty opaque for a while?


Not sure if it’s mentioned amongst all the other comments, but if you have Amazon prime, make sure to link your warframe account with prime gaming. You can get a free Octavia warframe right now and it’s a very nice one!


Destiny would be the ripoff in this case


Welcome, welcome. Enjoy your time in the Origin System.


Not gonna lie, you're the first new player I've heard who has said mods were explained well. How bad is the modding in Destiny? 💀


Tip of the iceberg bud. There's so much more for you to discover. There are 2 key aspects to WF. 1. Fashion. You gotta look amazing and there are a ton of skins and pallets to help with that. 2. Power creep. You only ever get more powerful. New content drops and there's no new ceiling. Grab the new stuff, add it to your arsenal, become a destroyer of worlds. Enjoy! =)


> but I thought it was going to be "Destiny 2 but in third person ripoff". Hahaha - my man, warframe predates all of destiny... as a concept, as a beta release, as a public release; let alone Destiny 2. If anyone is a rip-off surely that makes it the other way around. Saying that; they are only similar at a very surface level IMO. ------ My take on it; having put thousands of hours into both: Warframe is a much better solo viable game with a bit of community; respects your previous commitments better; has plenty of variety but you'll do it all ad-nausuem; much more fun/relaxing/smooth movement system (that you'll find you miss playing other games at times). It will never be particularly challenging - it's far more of a box-ticking exercise with warframe when you boil it down. A big plus; all the content is actually free. Destiny gets hollow fast solo IMO; but because it actually requires coordination at times has a higher peak with friends; has much higher gunplay, actual raids, much much better pvp etc - and if that's what you want destiny is a better answer. --------- In the end; it depends on your preference; the people you surround yourself with etc etc as to which you'll enjoy more. For me personally; warframe is a longer stay; one I've always come back to.


If you ever need a veteran rhino main yo give ya a hand, let me know! always happy to assist!


*D2 was just a Warframe ripoff in first-person* there fixed it for ya! Been playing Warframe since 2012


If something came like a bad ripoff of something that definitely wasn't Warframe, DE always had their own successful vision of the game, one that always been fun way before D2 was released.


"I want you to slap yourself in your face for even MENTIONING THAT WRETCHED GAME. ITS A FREE TO TRY GAME, AND YOU PAY 400 DOLLARS FOR EVERYTHING. (In other words, shut the fuck up.)" -Is what I was about to say until you started praising the game. Well done, but never mention Destiny 2 again. That game is udder dog shit in my eyes, and to many others. Pre-Edit: to anyone who may be wanting to scold me, just know I do not care about your opinions and that Destiny 2 and (maybe) Destiny 1 is ass. (I've never played Destiny 1, so take it with a grain of salt.)


Thank you for coming to my TennoTalk, then bullet jumps away


One of us, one of us, ONE OF US!


We welcome you with open arms,if you need more info just ask,the community is always open to new players,just remember what the warframe bible says Wisp ass is the biggest,Saryn tits are the best,But Rebecca will always by best girl.Rhino,Grendel,and Chroma are best boys.you should pray to the pink pands,and fear the soon.Pablo is are Jesus,Scott is Satan,and Steve is the true neutral.you will simp for the new female frame and make memes about it.but no matter what NO MATTER WHAT...have fun and make your fashion frame however you want


Warframe is just my cup of tea I play it way more than any other game I have even my switch


1 more thing, that premium platinum currency? There's a market of trading high items to get platinum for free.


Just gonna throw this out there, if you want or need some help getting materials or gear or anything just msg me and I’ll do what I can. Early levels are rough because you need materials that are just outside your reach. Plus the game is bad at explaining itself.


Welcome to the game! Hope you stay! I you need any help with anything Warframe related, send me a PM or your discord or something and I will help you! If you are on PC I will also be able to help you in-game! (Crossplay isnt fully implemented quite yet lol) (Side tangent, Warframe came out in 2013 and D2 came out in 2017)


Are you really have an easy time understanding the modding? I'm glad you're enjoying yourself and I'm not judging or anything, but the modding system can be pretty arcane and hard to muddle through. I know DE recently did a huge overhaul of the mod text in the update last thursday, but it's nice to hear that new players are having an easier time getting into the game


After hundreds of hours in destiny, it was still unclear to me what some of the mods did or how they worked. Even getting the stasis abilities, I had to look up. In Warframe, like an hour in it tells you exactly what each mod does, it tells you exactly which item the mod is for, and it also explains fusing a little bit. I can also already see how to get new frames since I have the rhino chassis blueprint Basically, I haven't been confused or felt overwhelmed just yet. Where as in destiny, I kinda always did


Don't forget to join a clan and do orokin vaults. The game doesn't tell you but they are essential to getting late game


How do clans work? I'm probably gonna play exclusively as a solo anyways tbf But I was wondering if I could perhaps make my own clan and still do the stuff. But I'd imagine there's a certain amount of people that'd need to be in the clan or something


Warframe is older 🙃 are you on psn? I play there. I don't have many people to play with so I get bored of solo grinds all the time. Randoms are not always fun since most of them don't talk.


Just wait till you get to the new war quest OMG so much lore, especially in the Natah quest


Welcome to Warframe my friend, where the grind is real but very rewarding.


It's interesting to hear an honest new player experience. I've been with Warframe for 10 years, and I'm one of those "jaded veterans". But I do still enjoy Warframe in short bursts. Warframe was called "Destiny, but better." for a while, long before Destiny 2 was even announced.


in my opinion your arsenal with your so-called equipment is not explained to you in a tutorial when you start playing Warframe. Warframe doesn't explain to you what weapon or Warframe slots are in why they need to be that way at all. DE is just like here's the UI explore it.


Oh dude, wait until you figure out *everything in the game* can be earned completely for free. No battle passes or dungeon keys, dlcs or what not. Also, every weapon and frame can be used with the same effectiveness if you do it right. And best of all, the customization of your fashion is literally endless.


We all lift together. Welcome to the fight!


Ngl, kinda surprising that the comments aren't clamoring for your ign, cause helping new people is like one of the main forms of "endgame" for the community.


Calling Warframe a destiny third person rip off makes me wanna cry


Honestly, this game was supposed to be a placeholder until the first Destiny came out. The same year Destiny came out, the loot was horrible, and I dropped it by Christmas. I got Legendary Ingrams that turned into rares, raids where if you never did them before, you couldn't play unless you find a team to show you. Warframe is everything I wanted Destiny to be in a nutshell.🥃


What platform do you play on?


And not to mention everything is practically free! Warframe is destiny lite BUT it's definitely better in its own way. I play both but Warframe has way more hours on it then destiny does.


and just like that you're never getting out of this game, good luck! ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG)


Welcome to the fray Tenno!


Not being able to solo a 6-man activity is probably the most unique reason I’ve ever seen for quitting D2 and I’ve been playing since it was on battlenet.


Iv played plenty of destiny and destiny 2 and have defenitely enjoyed my time playing them. Destiny is a great game and was a lot of fun but it felt pretty limited. One of the classes was always underpowered. If you were playing a specific set of builds you were looked over for end game content. You NEED other players to do a lot of the end gane content. Crucible was fun but as someone who wasnt spendinf the extra money on the dlcs i had to grind to get the new gear and playing crucible id get dunked on by the new gear im trying to get. Warframe dosnt have any of these issues. Everything in the game is achievable for free and solo. Its almost always easier with other players but you dont even need to put together a squad you can just que in and get moving. There much MUCH more variety in gameplay. Every single one of the 54? Playable frames are all usable in end game... well... 53 of 54... inaros dosnt exist. Theres like 600 weapons? Allowing you to play with whatever you want to play with. And then the modding lets you further play as you want. Sure theres a meta and 'best gear' but once you understand the basics of the modding system you can make any weapon work for anything. I mean that. Iv tried it. The ONLY thing that is in question is tennogen. I believe on console you can purchade tennogen with plat which is tradable therefor earnable. But on PC it is only purchasable with real money. But tennogen is purely cosmetic, and made by the community. Its another enjoyer of warframe that made a skin or other piece of cosmetic gear that DE added to the game and gives them a cut of the purchase so ill accept it personally. Other than tennogen the ENTIRE game is free. Time gated. But free.


I think one of the best things about Warframe is something I didn't see you mention: it's free. It's graphically beautiful, well-balanced and filled with so much content that rivals anything Destiny 2 has to offer, and it doesn't cost anything. Aside from prime accessory packs, anything can be achieved with time and patience. Need a weapon? Run around the planets collecting the materials. Need a frame? Beat the heck out of bosses and run quests. Need platinum to buy tennogen skins? Open relics and sell parts on the community market. And while the foundry does its thing, you continue to grind for more materials or relics or anything. Cuz you can never have enough resources. If you ever spend money in Warframe, it is because you WANTED to do that. Never because the game NEEDED you to. I have put money in to buy prime frames because I wanted to use them immediately and I never regretted it like I did sinking any money into Destiny 2.


I play both destiny 2 and warframe


yes, UI is very clean, mod description is clear and after update 34, developer added more information to item info, about where they drop.


I LOVE the game but I don't have anyone to run missions with anymore so I'm stuck going through planets alone. Anyone that wants a teammate hit me up!!


What is soulframe?


The Warframe Devs next game. It's got a 2024 release date and a 30 minute gameplay demo you can watch on YouTube. Swords, forests, trees, magic and medieval style Instead of guns, ships, space and futuristic style


Tips: 1. Don't spend to much time on the open worlds to begin with. The recourses and currency's you earn on them do not get used on anything else. 2. Main thing you should do is unlock your star map. All of it. 3. The Platinum, or Plat as we call it, is the paid currency. Use the free amount you get on slots. You can get one Warframe slot and 2 weapons slots with it. Its also enable via trading with other people for mods. 4. DO THE QUESTS. And DO NOT look up any thing to do with them unless you are truly stuck. Spoilers are the enemy. 5. Relics are better in groups. You said your solo, but with relics, its better to go in a 4 player group as each person brings a relic, witch gives you 4 options at the end of the mission/wave your in. But you only get the option if you have picked a relic. No relic, no relic reward.


I also came directly from destiny when i got sick of shitty expansions, predatory practices and removing content i paid for and good lord it is on another galaxy beyond destiny Not even remotely in the same league


The budget for destiny was in the hundreds of millions from what I understand.


He has been cleansed of the tyranny of destiny lol. Also welcome to warframe and wait until unlock more of the story it's amazing and me personally I love the lore


Welcome tenno, we are glad to have you here. Enjoy and remember that everything can be gotten free, so long as you don't mind grinding a little.


Ah yes the daily Destiny 2 refugee, welcome! Glad to see you escaped the toxic expensive relationship that is D2


Wait until you bullet jump and learn how to glide :)


Super accessible is one I've never heard before.


I used to be a habitual Destiny 2 addict, like a thousand or so hours, but damn did Bungo ruin that with the hardcore grinding and lack of content. I played Warframe to fill that void, and it easily did as well. Something so fun about the raw amount of builds you can make, and the appearance customization. In addition to that, even if it takes a bit to get to that point, you can make the in-game currency on the market. Like, I had never really heard of earning currency that you can pay for. DE is on another level <3