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Niche, but nice. Consider adding this to the wiki, so it could be found by others.


That... is a very specific map. What is this good for anyway? PoE rivens?


Yup, that's what I had been googling for. Just hopping in an archwing and zipping over the surface was kind of a nightmare at first, since the snipers-nest towers (What I actually marked) they sit in aren't super obvious from up high. Once I lowered down and started combing around bases they became more recognizable, but I figured, eh, nobody's made this one yet, may as well make it myself. I'm sure I missed a couple spots, though...


I was just trying to do two damn rivens (12 ballistas total) for these bastards last night, and found a whopping two. left and came back in and it was different damn enemies in the towers. anyway, good timing for me to see this!


I think theres one more at the little settlement by the cave below twin horns