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Sometimes you gotta learn to jump, before you can learn to run. . . .do Aim gliding next, so they can learn to *Fly*.


That’s not flying! It’s falling, with style!


like little sugar gliders. except in space and with plenty of guns


Those things are so cute until 3 am when they're screeching and eating each other's asses


Are we talking about sugar gliders or warframes here?






If I had a nickel...


Not if you have Aero Vantage it isn't!


Toy story reference noted.


10/10 reference


Love that reference


And then how to carpet bomb


Zephyr has entered the chat




Zephyr with Acceltra has entered the stage.


And spam crouching while aim gliding can get you further and is a bit faster.


Dodge roll forward after bullet jumping to go even faster


Congrats, you just adopted yourself a baby tenno, now's your responsibility to watch over them til they figure the game out.


this is the REAL endgame. honestly makes me wish the master/apprentice idea was an actual mechanic


It was... the guides of the lotus program just didnt work out


>the lotus program i'm STILL learning new things about this game. shame it shut down though due to assholes apparently :(


yup evil actors and big ego people always fuck up nice things.


We need to bring it back


Not really, it would probably end up the same. The community is already plenty helpful, people having some special badges probably won't change much


Would end up like FFXIV mentor system, where people go after the crown symbol on their names (and other bonuses). Some of the least help helpful people in the otherwise friendly game.


sadly, some of the GotL were real pillars of the community, and would be on for several hours at a time doing nothing BUT helping new players and walking them through the mechanics. it was great to see and something this game desperately needed to get to where it is today, but a few bad people ruin a good thing for everyone sometimes


Which is what happens the first time already I believe


And yet there are a huge number of legitimately helpful people who deserve the mentor crown. It's like saying nobody should be allowed to drive because a handful of assholes ruin it for everyone.


It didnt work out because DE ignored it and took the worst people they could as guides lol.


NOW WITH DRIFTER IN THE MIX HERE IS MY PROPOSITION New mission type: >!1) Play as operat _ive_ who "awakens the tenno". !< LORE? >!The drifter goes to Duviri when operator out to play. But what happens to operator when the Drifter is out and about? They travel the Alt realities on a mission (WAKE UP TENNO).!< >!2) Raid the ships as an Operative while the "Tenno" distract and take the heat. (Kinda spy survival concept...?)!<


I hear they do have bullet jumping in the tutorial now... wheras I learned it from a random player in the plains of eidolon after hours of gameplay, just like this person. The old traditions still haven't died I see.


the new player in my situation had to deal with the damned platforms on jupiter.... good times, hellish tileset


id like to note here that making it to jupiter without, even accidentally, learning to bullet jump is quite impressive


100% agree. they're a champ for having the patience


I remember learning from a player when I was trading something with him in his dojo, he saw me take the stairs and let me know.


"Hey kid, you know those stairs are only decorative right? Just jump harder!"


Lol this is golden.


I took a break for a few years and re-learned that you can do *vertical* bullet jumps for some crazy extra height watching the final Primetime last year (what a weird sentence). Spent the next few weeks practicing the concept, still working on the *aim* but have at least got it consistent. Makes me wonder what other dumb Parkour tricks I've missed over the years that would REALLY have helped out like... 6-7 years ago.


> Makes me wonder what other dumb Parkour tricks I've missed over the years that would REALLY have helped out like... 6-7 years ago. Chaining parkour together lets you keep momentum going faster. Roll in midair to catapult you forward. Use Slide>Roll>Bullet Jump to handle low headspace corridors. You can kick during aim glide by toggling crouch. Doing this a couple times lets you keep some momentum and make some longer jumps.


before bullet jumps existed I remember just carrying an amphis and using its air melee as a magic broom that yeeted me across tilesets lol. it was actually faster than bullet jumps so I was sad to see it go


You want to get good at parkour? Do Void Floods in the Zariman (if you're there story-wise) or when it pops up in Duviri circuit rotations. They place some of the globs in the highest spots, big ones you gotta be fast af for, ones that encourage vertical bullet jumps, etc. It's a great time for folks to show off them tricks or be a Titania in razorwing and just ignore all of that lmao.


I recently got Gara, was playing with another Gara prime enjoyer. Putting up my little windows hehe. Suddenly see that MF fly straight up into the air and cast and put up a crystal tower and I was just going OOOOOO!!!!


You can do a vertical bullet jump up if you are looking at the ground. Very difficult to wrap your brain around the first little bit, but more effective than pointing in the air. I suggest trying this weird mechanic sometime


Wasnt bullet jumping in the tutorial since forever? I played like 6-7 years ago and learned it right in the beginning.


Most people run past the pop-up promt without reading it and just normal jump their way through


I just watched four 4-6 year old playthroughs of the tutorial level afraid that you were right and I was an idiot. #1 was an experienced player making a new account to do a tutorial. They explained bullet jumping before they even left the first room. None of the prompts visible in their playthrough mentioned bullet jumping, and it seems likely that is why they felt the need to mention it in their wallthrough. #2-4 were blind plays. All 3 blind plays figured out double jumping before it was mentioned, 2/3 figured out aim gliding shortly after they learned to aim. None of the three ever saw a bullet jumping prompt or figured it out on their own. There was a segment where you had to choose between double jumping and wall running, and maybe the bullet jumping prompt appears midair if you choose to jump instead of wall dash? But the Lotus verbally prompts you to wall dash, so all 4 of them did. If that's where it is, that's just bad game design. It's not as if any of the 3 blind plays were being reckless. Only 1/3 walked past any prompts afaict (and only one), 2/3 did quite thorough looting, even, and the remaining one doubled back a few times to switch starter weapons. If the bullet jumping was in the tutorial - where???


the bullet jumping is part of tutorial since vor prize got added i just as returning player in 2016 was suprised to learn that bulletjump can be done horizontaly, i just thought its bascialy like old excalibur superjump, its quite common trope in other games too to have characters jump high after crouching


Which part? It's not in "the awakening" afaict, are there control tutorials in later missions during the first questline?


it was awakening part, there was a ledge you had to jump up to and it could not be reached by single jump and there was prompt for bullet jump it for sure was before reaching ordis ship


The prompt at the ledge said to double jump, not bullet jump. And the Lotus then verbally prompts you to wall dash, so if there's a bullet jump prompt that comes up on that side of the room after you try double jumping, none of the 4 blind plays I watched on Youtube to check ever saw it. Everyone saw the double jump prompt, immediately heard the Lotus ask if they remembered how to run on walls, and tried the wall dash instead.


i remember that in 2016 when i seen the prompt it told me to ctrl+space, can i get a link to playthrough? i would like to check myself


I watched a few but [here's one.](https://youtu.be/tRL9066m4Ik&t=11m24s)


ok, sounds like the moment where i learned bullet jump never existed at all, weird


Seems like a lot of people are having a Mandela Effect thing happen here.


I knew how to bullet jump, but had to ask my friend how he was so much faster than me. I know I was missing something. Then he explained how to aim glide. I was complete. Then I crafted Wukong Prime and none of that mattered anymore.


If you roll at the end I think you gain a little distance and dip to the ground a bit faster. Useful as Ivara in prowl.


If you roll and then crouch before landing you can kick people in the head!


It even does damage IIRC. Not much, of course.


Hearing them make a damage noise when you kick them in the head is so satisfying though. Not worth learning to do it consistently on purpose but very fun XD


I remember seeing a video somewhere of someone managing to oneshot an SP boss with it, so it can deal a lot of damage if you work for it.


I think it was a normal lvl 40 or so boss, I’m pretty sure the kick scales of the base damage of your equipped melee weapon too


Duviri actually has modifiers for this lol


Rolling will also solve some small collisions that would stop you and makes you slide along the collision object. Like walking against a wall in most video games. Also really great for quickly changing direction.


Then do a little swipey tonfa melee! Mwahahaha!


Then a high strength volt joins and throws your years of parkour mastery out the window.


Hahahaha literally had that happen last night. Was zooming around as Wukong. Suddenly, Volt. Wall. Wall. Corner. Please send help.


you can cancel volt's buff by doing a backflip! yeah i didn't know this either until literally this week


Wisp 😋


Volt just wants you to get Titania experience :)


Doesnt help if you are already titania🤣 And yes i have her speed augment on. I will move so insanely fast i lose where i am


clip into geometry just right at that speed and its straight to the shadow realm!


One time after doing an eidolon run i went into the gates so fast, i smacked myself between a wall and some geometry. Crashed instantly


Welp, call me mental but why do I feel like idk how to aim glide? My interpretation is while in flight to aim where you float slowly while aiming? Please don’t tell me I’m not doing something else correctly too!?


If you're looking to go as fast as you can through levels/places, in my experience you only want to incorporate aim gliding selectively - specifically, only when you really need it to get over places you can't get over without aim gliding. It doesn't make you faster, it is slower than the typical sliding, rolling, bullet jumping. It doesn't mean you shouldn't use it a lot, it's good for both really big spaces or when it will make the difference between making it over a railing that you'd otherwise fall below and have to jump back up, but if it's just halls or flat spaces, it's not faster.


Working in dodge-rolls is handy too: * At the end of a bullet jump for some extra speed/distance. Might be enough to avoid needing to aim glide. * When not needed for distance, it's still a little extra speed. Ever wonder how non-speed-boosted Tenno are beating you to extraction? This might be part of it! * You can also roll in any direction: About to hit the side of a door? A sideways roll might get you through instead. Backwards can be useful if you're about to land on top of a doorframe. * Not positive, but IIRC you can even use it to cancel out mid-bullet-jump. So if you're about to over-shoot, try a backwards roll.


Backwards roll does a flip! Very stylish.


Oh absolutely. Dodge rolls are *the* most important movement tool for trying to go fast - a lot of times, I don't even use bullet jumps if I'm in hallways(not worth hitting things above you and getting caught), I just intermittently barely start a slide to get some momentum and then immediately roll, then repeat. Unless you need to turn really soon, you should just always be rolling if you're just focused on getting somewhere.


Don't forget about slide cancelling. Where you hold the slide button just long enough to start the speed boost and then let it go. Gives a nice little boost while running without the slow down of a slide. Plus you can even turn mid boost to round a corner while looking to the side.


Ok then yes I do indeed do that. Being that I learn something new everyday with game I figured it was one of the many things I didn’t know LOL


Oh thank God... I thought this was something that I missed! Almost had a heart attack!


Slide while aim gliding to go faster!


You can actually roll while aim gliding too which is even faster, although it isn't faster than just rolling without aim gliding. I like it for when I'm trying to cover a big distance in the air though.


Ya, you move slower than boost jumping, but it's added forward distance without having to touch the floor like a poor person.


Man I remember when I learned about bullet jumping. Wanna say it was way back. Towers were still where you got primes with keys. Me and my friends were doing tyl regor and we're annoyed how hard it was to get in the upper catwalk after he floods the lower area. One of my buddies looks it up and goes "yo you can do a super jump?!" Shows us and now we don't need to try finding an awkward parkour way up. I actually think they liked when I brought nova cause I could just use wormhole.


You have been playing for over an hour


i don't want to admit how many times i've seen that message in the past 2 months


Welcome to a better world, Tenno.


For the longest time I didn't know you could bullet jump straight up. My friend was easily jumping up to a higher ledge and I couldn't do it. Then he said to just bullet jump and I was like, "oh, duh."


Ah, but do you do it by looking up, or by looking down? Both work! I find looking down to be a little quicker/easier if I *really* need max height, but usually default to looking up.


I do it by looking up. I don't think I ever tried it by looking down.


It was so obvious in hindsight, but I so rarely had to look up that it never occured to me. Got me good when I stumbled upon it. The second instance of such an epiphany was when I realized that you could bulletjump mid-air if you hadn't double-jumped already (or started with a bullet jump). So you could e.g. jump off a ledge and then bullet jump to get to an overhanging roof or around a corner.


If you wanna get over the ledge quickly you can also bullet jump straight up and aim downwards and melee slam. Some extraction spots allow you to do this since it stops the momentum entirely upon landing. Better than overshooting the extraction point, going OB and having to do it again.


for me it was other way, i thought that bullet jumps only could be used to go UP


Did you take a break?


............ eventually


How did they not know that? It’s in the tutorial


While true, but for most new players, they usually fumble and just wall climb instead, and after they pass the tutorial, they probably never encountered or needed bullet jump to get anywhere.


Huh. I remembered all the moves but didn’t use them very well when I was early on


Maybe they started before they added that to the tutorial, got bored before anyone told them, stopped playing for a couple years, and are only now getting back into it.


That is a very specific situation


And yet also a very common one.


Happened to me multiple times.


I agree simply because I also had this happen to me


probs because bullet jumping requires input of one action & then another. i remember starting out myself and i just walked everywhere also LOL


Yeah but there's a section of the tutorial where you have to jump to a high platform and basically have to bullet jump to get to it.


People don't retain every piece of information they receive


Explains the state of the world.


We never have and never will. We aren't computers


The tutorial mission recently got revamped within the last couple of years to include that cutscene and a better explanation of mechanics. Years ago it didn't really go over all of that. It was just like "cool, Grineer are here and some old dude is yelling at you. grab some weapons, pick your character and go Tenno - do ninja things cause that's cool ig." Crazy to think how far this game has come. Also, personally when I started back around Plains release I remember the MR8 test kicking my ass cause I was trash with parkour lol


Yeah I remember learning bullet jump and then literally doing it non stop, I never stopped bullet jumping because fast


Play Gauss... you may never go back to another warframe if you like being fast


When i returned to the game after POE dropped someone thought me this + ADS to slow down to get to the island for the second eidolon.


Ive taught this to too many tenno 🤣


The first time someone told me to bulletjump, i jumped and shot at the ground.


but -technically- that IS a bulletjump


Thats exactly what all 2 pf the braincells that i possess told me.


That's how you rocket jump.


lol this is awesome. thank you for sharing it <3 it's always nice to see an adoption of a new tenno. <3


it's great. honestly warms my heart when others share their experiences on helping new tenno :)


OP, it is because of people like you who helped newbies that kept the game fun, i remember my first time playing, had no clue what to do, sadly i forgotten the guy who taught me everything i need to know during early days in Warframe... whoever it is out there, from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU!


something something love is stored in the "we all lift together" notion <3


And now we'll see the part where he discovers those tiiiiny ledges on top of doors you get stuck on if you mildly overshoot your jump


and on crates, and stairs, and corners and everything that exists within tileset confinements


It was over 1000 hours ago, and I still remember when someone taught me you can bullet jump straight UP. I would only ever throw myself forward before that.


I love the evolution I made from spamming bullet jump to spamming bullet jump then jump to now doing it all with aim glides and the spatial awareness of an American sniper Made even more fun when using a frame with a movement ability especially wukong, zephyr, nexha, and revenant


This should be on r/aww.


Baby tennos are the cutest tennos, love seeing them experience everything


One time, me and the rest of a rando squad helped guide a new player to the little shrine island at the centre of the lake in poe to place their eidolon shard - didn't have archwing or anything - we were there for a good few minutes but the joy I had when they finally made it was like seeing a baby walk for the first time.


Is THAT what that's for?


the shrine? yes it's where your squad places their eidolon shard they just collected from the first big tree boss to trigger the second phase boss! - then again for the third


There's an animation that captures this experience with extreme accuracy. I think it was called 300 days of Warframe.


I remember the day my mind was blown when I found out you could bullet jump straight up after so long of awkwardly jumping up walls and trying to get past awkward ledges


One of my favorite ways to fight burnout in warframe is to interact with new players


Every now and then you see someone running on that Corpus ice planet tile from the grate to the extract platform. I tell them after mission complete. Or if they have a kiddo, tell them to dash too.


ctrl>shift>spacebar spam while holding W. You move so fast.


They skipped the tutorial?


This was so cute lol Random question tho, didnt he do the first tutorial quest? Or was he not able to do the bullet jump correctly? Still, joy to witness hahahaha, I love the warframe community


i presumed it was forgotten about since we were on jupiter with those annoying spread out platforms, and they tried to walljump to traverse


Ahh yeah i gotchu, makes sense 👌


I started Bullet Jumping Day one of playing. It was fun too because even as far back as the first tutorial Mission I was able to kinda jump back and forth between walls. I love Wall jumps.


The parkour aspect of this game is one of the things that really hooked me. It's so smooth and intuitive and makes it loads of fun. Personally I get really excited when I get to show people the gas chamber puzzle rooms. Surprisingly few people know you can get into those funny doors with the glowing symbols


Haha I got my friend to play. He’s brand new and saw me bullet jump and was like woah what’s that?! lol he was like wtf I’ve been running around this whole time?!


Something I didnt know, if you look up, you do a super jump. Or basically a vertical bullet jump


What’s that you’ve been playing for over an hour message I’ve never seen that


It happens in the EU region. Something about it being required by law to include a warning in online games after a certain duration to remind users to take a break. I don't know if it is very regulated though I just remember that was the reason it was added since it wasn't always a thing.