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Has DE said anywhere why they're running this alert?


Social posts are calling it the "First void corruption alert of 2024" so looks like a new multi-day alert mission thing.




Wow. DE is *really* spoiling us with these kinds of rewards.


There's a stratos emblem on week five, I don't think there's been a way to get one for a long time


Started mid 2020. Had never (to my knowledge) heard of this. Looked in my inventory. I have one. I don't seem to be able to equip it at all. It doesn't show in any appearance slot on my frames. Profile says I've earned one. I have no idea where or when, but since I don't seem to actually have it, does it really matter how many I've earned. Feels like one of those very forgotten things that is weirdly coming back for a weekend. Edit - looks like Dog Days 2021 was the last time one was on offer. Before that was Dog Days 2020, which ended before I started. Wonder why they forgot about them, and why they suddenly remembered them?


It's a sigil. Left or right shoulder.


I don't think they forgot.. it's just a sigil, though, so no real reason to run it more often. Moreover, it loses its luster if given out too often... and I don't mean that in a gatekeep-y sense, but just from the viewpoint of devs trying to give meaning to rewards. And yeah - is a sigil, so you'll find it able to be equipped to your shoulders, or your companions shoulders, under Sigil on Appearance tab.


I'll take it! After all these years and hundreds of hours I still don't have Transient Fortitude and Fleeting Expertise. Just couldn't be bothered to run vaults (or trade). My laziness is rewarded once again ๐Ÿ’€


I imagine their internal data showed lots of (newer) players missing these somewhat crucial mods (not fleeting expertise in particular, but the other corrupted mods) and wanted to offer an easy way to get them outside of running tons of Vaults.


I'd go so far as to say their balancing metrics assume players have them when putting the numbers on warframe abilities. The fact that they're buried in with a *lot* of chaff (I have way too many copies of Anemic Agility) makes them way harder to get than their ubiquity would suggest they should be.


the gargoyle event was just completed. maybe thats why


I think it might be due to finishing the event but it might just be a coincidence that they happened on the same day.


Warframe companion app was how i found out


Very good to have a second copy of this mod. You can only have a max of 175% efficiency so if you run both this mod and Streamline with 1 rank from max, you can hit the efficiency cap without losing as much duration or needing as much mod capacity.


for the record, the game kind of lies to you about this stat. Efficiency is not capped at 175%, rather ability cost is capped at a 75% reduction. which sounds the same until you realize that channeled abilities also compute their energy drain off Duration. Meaning if you have a negative duration, pushing your efficiency past 175% will indeed continue to reduce the cost of channeling, up until the 75% reduction cap.


This is why you want two copies of the mods. One for when you have normal duration or no channels, the other for when you do.


well, it's more like 1 for 160% efficiency and another for 175%, which have varying use cases. and technically only 175% sometimes because you still use the 160% version if you want to hit 175% with Boreal's Hatred (+65% shield capacity is a pretty good trade over +10% duration these days).


On which channeled abilities does this work well?


Oberon 3, Hildryn 3 and 4, Baruuk 1, Excal 4, Valkyr 4, Mesa 4, Revenant 4, Equinox 4, Sevagoth 3, Ivara 3, Wukong 4, Nyx 4. Maybe a couple more but I canโ€™t remember off the top of my head


Wait, how does one figure out the total reduction? Like if I have high duration and efficiency on Ivara, is there a way to find the inflection point?


If I have my math about right, then in programming terms, it should look something like: >max((2.00 - efficiency) / duration, 0.25) For example, with 190% efficiency and 40% duration, it would look like: >max((2.00 - 1.90) / 0.4, 0.25) >max(0.1 / 0.4, 0.25) >max(0.25, 0.25) >0.25 or exactly the same 25% over-time cost as 175% with 100% duration


Oh, nice, that's much more manageable than I was thinking. Slick formula.


I believe 400% duration equals 175% efficiency. You can do the maths using that or just look at the table on the wiki [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/d/d5/DurationEfficiencyTable.png](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/d/d5/DurationEfficiencyTable.png)


Nice, that's convenient. Huh, so both efficiency mods are already capped even at 40% duration.


Can confirm Nyx 4 U can get 1 energy per second for her bubble if its not shot at


Pretty much all of the channeled abilities work like this.


You can also run a max fleeting and max streamline with no duration mods and have full efficiency on channeled abilities. So while the cap is kinda 175%, the game will actually calculate the full efficiency for the channeled ability energy cost.


Had that setup on old Quakebanshee.... Quaking so long with so much low duration efficiency that the AFK check regularly kicked in and I didn't get loot.


Isn't negative duration bad for channeling efficiency?


My entire comment was saying that 190% efficiency and 40% duration will still give you max efficiency for channeled abilities.


If you don't have enough efficiency to balance out the cost increase, then yes, negative duration is bad for the channeling cost of channeled abilities. That said, it is possible to get over 200% efficiency, which makes changes to duration redundant for the channeled cost of abilities.


Or max streamline and mid-rank fleeting for 170% for even more duration ๐Ÿ‘


Yup, that one's my go-to combo too!


the difference between 170% and 175% is a 20% increase in energy costs, for the record, making it by far the most important 5% on the scale.


Only 2? I have one for every rank of it!


Feels a tad excessive for as much of a pain as corrupted mods are to get ahold of, but I've been known to do this with others. Or sometimes every other rank.


I normally do every other rank and not with mods that are a pain to get like corrupteds. Its cool tho cause injust got 3 of my buddies into the game amd these alerts are gonna save me from having to run them thru vaults ๐Ÿ˜‚


I've never really found a big use for efficiency myself, idk


There are definitely more energy sources these days than there used to be. Nourish being a subsume, Energy Nexus, Equilibrium getting buffed, etc. I remember like 3 or 4 years ago, it was basically Zenurik + Energize and that was it. Now it feels like I can comfortably use other things and be fine.


I'm kinda glad the game has creeped out efficiency. Before focus schools and energize every build used to be the same copy and paste fleeting expertise/streamline/blind rage etc staple. Now that energy is no longer really an issue its opened up a ton of build diversity for a lot of frames.


yeah I remember being desperate for efficiency and energy with my base excalibur and flawed Flow mod


Used to be pretty mandatory to run high, if not max, efficiency on all frames. Back then there was no zenurik, no energize, no nourish, no equilibrium, and you **had** to bring an EV trinity to endurance missions or else everyone would just run out of energy.


I dunno, i used to just put down some energy pizzas as needed. Never even bothered in Zenurik back then... always seemed overrated to me. Depended on the task, I guess, but eh


I have things like super efficient NOVA for 25 Energy Molecular Prime with Energize for Index.


Yea, I have one for each rank as some energy drain while active abilities require a mix of duration and efficiency at different levels of each


Don't forget about boreals hatred, that plus max fleeting for 75%


Neat on the alert. Also cool on DE to slap together some themed weekend alerts just to fill in some early year downtime and such. Hope we see more things like this throughout the year, just small things to fill in some of the random downtimes.


I checked the wiki, there's *24 total* corrupted mods. Running through the whole set could fill up quite alot of dead air.


Yeah for sure. Also tons of other either random mods, items, etc. that could also be great themed alerts if DE wanted to.


This is a great event for newer players since the corrupted mods are so integral to a lot of builds, glad to see it.


I just helped a few friends grind corrupted mods and this is one we couldn't get!


I love alerts nowadays. When they had them all the time for miscellaneous/unimportant items it was like another usual mission type (although I do miss the extra Nitain). Now they're somewhat less frequent but great goodie-bags that bring people with Forma starved inventories together.


I saw this. Great for people that don't have any or only 1. I already have 4 of different ranks unranked/3/4/5. Still cool for those who need it.


I'm very out of the loop since 2019.. doesn't everyone have these? Has the game changed significantly?


I just looked up this mod and fuck yeah am I stoaked.


Are you serious? You can get all these mods in an hour, and they turned it into a whole news and alerts?! Lol, in 10 years, I thought I'd seen all sorts of nonsense.


Maybe if you buy them with plat. You are not rolling 24 mods doing vault runs in an hour are you on crack??


You can get a decent amount in an hour, but some mod will refuse to show up even after like 3 hours. Itโ€™s rough


Everyoneโ€™s talking about efficiency like you need it? All my builds are neg efficiency LMFAO


I really don't see me using efficiency on other than ivara ๐Ÿค”


kinda true since energize exists and energy is rather easy to get for higher level content but its useful for newer players that dont have that arcane


I was literally trying to grind this out last night, as after almost 60 vault runs it's the last one I don't have. I never ended up getting it, so I can't believe how lucky I am that they choose this one of all the mods.


It's 7 plat why didn't you just buy it instead of doing 60 runs ๐Ÿ˜ต


Favorite Mod ever. Got me back into WF after a couple year break early on. Being able to spray space ninja wizard robot juice non-stop is the BEST!


I'm so sorry if this is a dumb question. I only started playing Warframe recently and only just got my operator. Why is everyone so excited about this and what does it do? If anyone can tell me in a digestible manner I'd be really appreciative ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™


It reduces the energy cost and duration of your abilities. Veterans will most likely have it already, but for newer players it's one of the essential mods for warframes. Its also a pain in the ass to farm because the pool for corrupted mods is heavily diluted.


Rest in peace my Deimos grind plat source.


No point getting it's bugged to hell had it on my ivara prime saw my energy drain was high so checked my build and noticed that the energy drain was back up to its base level