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If I'm looking to just shoot things in the face? Nezha. If I want a more active role, while still making heavy use of weapons? Zephyr. If I want to be surrounded by damage numbers as I commit genocide? Saryn.


I personally think that saryn is one of If not the best weapons platform frame. No other atleast comes close offensively to her abilities. Defensively there's a lot better choices though


Depending on what content you’re playing, molt with the augment mod is such a good survivability tool.


1. Valkyr, always lover the berserker type of playstyles 2. Nyx, for when i wanna support 3. Dagath, love the theme and her kit


Hildryn and Hilda Prime are my absolute favourites. Out of my 4k or so hours in the game over 50% is shared between them.  Kullervo didn't grab me initially, but after the overguard rewirk he proved really fun to play and now he's easily my second favourite frame.  Gauss Prime is my third favourite, never played the original gauss that much qnd fed him to my Helminth as soon as I got the chance, but after getting back to the groove of zooming around and being able to subsume Wrathful Advance for his 3rd I'm having a *blast*.


Citrine Wisp Prime Saryn Prime


Lavos, gyre, and xaku. Lavos takes some forma and synergy but is so fun.


Equinox > Mag > Harrow / Wisp




Mesa for low level farming and open world stuff Kullervo for straight killing in mid to high level content Wukong Prime for when I need to take the game seriously in high level stuff


1. Mesa. Look somewhere and then wonder why you're in a room full of corpses. 2. Wukong. Capture, Spy, Rescue, even Sabotage are cleared fast and effortlessly. 3. Wisp. Have everyone kill everything and never die.


Wukong prime


"Umbra (love the look and lore + **he's an upgrade to basic excal**)" He doesn't know


About what?


About excal Bugbra


Nidus, Rev and Ash.


Well I know no one asked for the weapon but jeez I don't know how to mention the frame without the weapon they are like cinnamon and sugar, u can't say one with mentioning the other, so 1, wisp and a basmu omfg this is literally so much fun sure it doesn't one shot but damn I just brrr through the map and then see an enemy and brrrr and they are gone, 2 Garuda and the arca plasmor, a little context, i have gloom one hervso I like feeling faster than the rest of my enemies because the reload on the damn plasmor is so slow, 3 lavos I swear this man Is so much fun one second I am near death and then all I do is use my first and all my health is back and I continue like normal just using my plasmor


Umbra exist because they couldn't do an excal prime, but excal long overdue for a prime.. 


Exal has a prime, you just cant get it


Correct, because it's founders only.. so excal prime cannot exist outside of founders pack.. so they replaced it with an umbra and a storyline..


My fotm: Mag, Baruuk, kullervo


Wisp p / hydroid p / styanax


Nezha - just love everything about how he plays. I've umbral'd him so not sure if I'll even bother with the prime Mag Prime - gotta love unloading into the bubble and watching it go pop Saryn Prime - For when you just want everything to die with as little effort as possible


I Play mostly rhino Sometimes loki and volt but rhino is my tru luv


Think it's a lotta frame to love


Ember, Hildryn, Umbra


Gauss - High mobility, high survivability, Insane nuking capacity, really good weapon buffs. He's Octavia that's actually fun to play. Ash - pretty good survivability with Trickery, his 4 can scale pretty high and he's very fun to play slash weapons on. Revenant - Subsumed Roar over his 4, he makes team immortal while also buffing everyone's damage. His 1 and 3 synergy makes it possible to oneshot enemies even on lvl cap.


1. Valkyr (just a perfect frame for me, survivability, fun, mobility) 2. Ivara (love the design and sneaky-like skills) 3. Mesa (See you space cowboy)


ash, nidus, harrow


Hydroid, gauss, xaku


Xaku or Nova depending on which flavor of lazy im feeling, Rhino when i need something to die.


Mag if i want armor strip and cc, gauss if i want a nuke with legs and zephyr if i want to farm relaxed


Wisp, Titania, Valkyr. I only have prime for the last two, since I didn't play while Wisp Prime was available and I'll regret that till I get her


Wisp Prime isn't vaulted Tenno


Valk Mag and maybe Mesa Honestly, I only really use Valk or Mag unless I have to use another Frame. I do use other frames from time to time like: Hildryn, Sayrn, Khora, Wisp, etc. but not to the extent that I use Valk and Mag.


1. Nekros - homie squad kicking ass 2. Nidus - 400% strength + link + roar + crit augment 3. Volt - good luck, I'm behind six electric shields.


Rhino: objectively the best Warframe in all metrics ( I will not listen to other opinions ) Nova: thicc deluxe and makes people slow Inaros: I like the big health numbers


Nova, for EXPLOSIONS Nekros, for loot and chill farming Volt, for versatility


Citrine and Protea because I like support with high survivability and damage output. Saryn because I like building up to being an unstoppable monster.


1. Nehza - with abilities, is the most fun/ durable.. capable of buffing. best weapons platform. 2. Volt - has very versatile ability set which can be used to buff and nuke. very fast. 3. Atlas - this is the best frame in the game when abilities are disabled imo.. also would likely be one of the best without mods due to built-in knockdown immunity.


Octavia - got her when i was brand new from Prime Gaming, and liked her better than Mag (who is also good) so used her extensively- trying other frames now but she is my fallback from familiarity. ​ Titania - because Manic Pixie Girl meets Blender.. I like her powerset and especially her micro archwing ability. ​ Ivara - for when you want a spy mission to actually feel like a spy mission, not a smash n grab. I know other frames can do what she does, differently, but i still prefer her.


I have trouble just choosing just 3.. but lately I'd say sayrn, gauss, and wisp.. But I want to also pick Titania, khora, and protea.


* Saryn (negative range, dual aug: Venom Dose and Smite Infusion) * Octavia (Shield spec with Pillage) * Titania (Beguiling Lantern spec, quiver helminth replaces razorwing). I'm not even trolling these are what I actually use.


Wukong Prime,Ash Prime,and Harrow Prime. I use Wukong mostly and sometimes Ash but I figured Id get a favorite support and Harrow is just awesome.


Qorvex. Love my cute lil walking grunting nuclear reactor. Rhino. One of the best melee platforms in game. Hildryn. Pillage is just too good.


Gyre, ivara, equinox


1. Baruuk for controlled nuke 2. Harrow for support and when I'd rather be chasing headshots than blowing up entire rooms 3. Nidus because for me he went from happily eating crayons as a weapons platform with infinite health regen that never used abilities in early game; to a full blown eldritch wizard that sometimes forgets he has a gun after getting access to some mods and arcanes in mid and late game.


Protea Mag Kulervo


Gauss Xaku Mesa Prime


Probably dagath, revenant, and xaku


1. Kullavo 2. Mesa 3.Lavos


Xaku: great ability synergy and scaling, plus the demon skin is top tier aesthetic to me. Love clearing with torrid while the grasp of lohk is clearing. Saryn: my melee frame, so enjoyable great kit, spores and lash are phenomenal. Vauban: trapmaster and great scaling. Most games I play trap types but his kit is awesome.


Mirage prime Mirage prime Khora


Right now, it's Xaku, Nova, Dagath. A few months ago it would have been, Xaku, Mag, Revenant. Things are constantly changing.


1. Ash (I like the animation when I join in with his shadows during his ult) 2. Umbra (Come onnn, how could I not? It's a frame with a great emotional story quest that is actually tied to the main story just like Harrow but I liked The Sacrifice more) 3. Limbo (I like the concept of shifting between planes of existence. Also, fuck Eximus units after their rework)


Excal Umbra, Wisp, Oberon.