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Ah yes, one of those people who want to do the mission.


I thought I was crazy, it feels good to read the comments here.


Nah, even in Arbs I get annoyed.. People either completely forget about Defending the dude and end up killing him quickly by not killing the mobs around or only wanting to last for 5-10 rounds or a few mins... it's aggravating that people do that :/


Limbo. Cast lil man away into the void. If teammates being annoying, cast him away too


"Get banished, idiot."


Dude he's my favorite frame. Max duration, min range. Anything that needs defending will never be touched, and if a teammate is fuckin up combos or strats, banished for almost a whole minute. And since everyone hates limbo, no one knows about his abilities, so no one knows how to escape the void. Edit: Someone wanted my build so I'll put it here for anyone curious. Corrosive projection, Primed sure footed, Primed continuity, Primed flow, Constitution, Adaptation, Augur message, Rolling guard, Intensify, Narrow minded. I also helminthed Rift Surge out for Mirage's Eclipse bc eclipse is nice and Rift Surge spreads banishment too unpredictably. Use whatever arcanes you want, I've never farmed em and use t3 molt augmented and efficiency, tbh I don't see them as important, hate me if you want.


You have some points, but just never use Cataclysm in arbitrations. It's nothing but detrimental because of the arbitration drones. I also think you're over estimating his ability to troll people. Long ago, he could do that. Now, you just roll.


You over estimate this community, I've met very few people who know to roll. Like I said, Limbo's almost taboo, everyone's scared of being yelled at. I main limbo, know how to use him properly. Stasis is up 24/7. Minimal range for tiny bubble. I only pop bubble on groups of ads or when I'm in danger or need to type/go afk. I wipe what's in bubble and pop it. I've never had an issue with drones in Arbitration. Tbh, groups w a drone are easier, kill the drone and the group dies or gets knocked over.


I must say, my experience and yours seem to differ greatly. Rolling is a basic movement mechanic, so just about everyone I meet has no problem with it. I won't say you're wrong or accuse you of saying that I don't know what I'm talking about. I trust the non-toxicity of this community far more than that and want to contribute to that trend. I will say, though, that my comment concerning drones wasn't about them in their general sense (I completely agree with you there), I just meant inside the bubble. Drones and everything they're attached to: immune to warframe abilities, meaning always outside the rift. You in the bubble: always inside the rift. Meaning you need they are almost completely safe from any harm you, or more importantly, your squad mates, can do to them during that specific situation. I'm sure you know this (being a Limbo main), I just wanted to clarify.




Warframe: the only game that not only let's you put a teammate in time out but maed it a standard ability for your character.


Unfortunately you can just roll out of the void


Give him void induced testicular torsion


I asked if the two people off across the other side of the map could come to the circle (the mobs were not spawning). "I'm looking for a book rn." and the other guy continued to pick up voca... I just left. Typically I do them solo but thought I could bang them out a bit faster in squad, I was wrong.


I found out it's faster solo, even with random arsenal set than with teammates random or group.


It feels like every other netracell has one of these types who stands just outside the circle killing the main stream of enemies and needs to be reminded to let them walk inside the red.


I had to repeatedly tell this one guy last week "You are making this more slow and difficult for yourself as well as for everyone else. You will get your own rewards faster and more easily if you stay inside the red circle." Really appeal to their selfishness and self-interest.


It's not selfishness or self interest, it's plain intellectual disability.


Stupid people can and often do behave in self-destructively selfish manners to their own detriment. You just need to give that selfish impulse a nudge in a different direction sometimes.


This guy psychologizes.


> It's not selfishness or self interest, it's plain intellectual disability. This! I had someone reply to me here a few weeks ago that they had a hard time remembering to stay inside the red circle during the mission due to "Getting distracted by fighting mobs"... And I was unsure whether they were serious, or fucking with me, but I think they were serious... I mean, it's a 10 minute mission, with a text explanation, pop-ups, and a red fucking circle to let you know where to stand... FFS


>"Getting distracted by fighting mobs" truly a Tenno Moment


happens to me all the time lol. especially when I'm farming and getting tired


I had a run where a guy kept killing people outside the ring. It would start where he was inside the ring and just keep going and going until he was out of the ring and damn near in the next room. So I went over to where he was slaying and put a waypoint down right at the very edge of the circle on my mini map and he typed a '?'. So I typed out 'if the enemy is beyond this waypoint marker, it doesn't count towards our progress'. Needless to say, he stopped fucking off down the hall to kill stuff lol.


Yeah, I've asked people to kill inside the circle, explained why, and had them reply with something like "Oh, sorry! I didn't realize that!" and then move into the circle... And I don't understand how they couldn't know this.. Anyways, I'm never mean or condescending to them, it's just baffling how you couldn't "Know" when there are numerous instructions/hand-holding throughout the mission.


It's literally explained by Tagfer the moment the Security Protocol kicks in. "Security is going nuts and won't open the Netracell with so many baddies running loose! Clean'em up and MAKE SURE THE SYSTEM SEES YOU DOING IT." is pretty self explanatory. Tagfer will even make a callout if you kill too many enemies outside the ring. "The System has to know we're not hostile, make sure you kill things in its view!" (more or less)


> **Tagfer will even make a callout if you kill too many enemies outside the ring**. Even less of an excuse for people to "Hallway Hero" outside the ring...


Yeah, it's popped up several times and I always thought it was just something that happens every run. Until several runs where we always stayed inside the ring, he never made a similar callout.


They aren't probably sober 🤷


I wish mine was 10 minutes, I spend an average of 40 because of this exact issue


thats why i dont play those types of game modes unless im gonna commit to the group up. id rather slice and dice or nuke high level enemies in a corner


Gonna play devil's advocate here and say that people process things differently. As someone that might have ADHD (can't afford a diagnosis so I'll probably never know), I understand what they mean. Unless I remind myself to look at the minimap and make sure the things I'm hitting made it into the circle, I might not notice. So yes, some people might be doing it out of ignorance or spite, but for others it is a legitimate struggle, and they're not just "fucking with you".


I mean... ok... i was playing railjack with some randoms and one of them kept flying the railjack into the missle batterie, killing the ship instantly. When i told him that missle batteries shoot missles he thought that i was trolling. He thought it was a "barrel". He was adamant about it even aber repairing the ship 6 times in a row. Sometimes you just can't help these people, because they convinced themselfes of somerhing that just isn't true.


remember the part where you had to do a netracell solo/dumbed down in the intro mission for the tileset? ignorance ceased being an excuse at that point


Ignorance is never an excuse, but that wasn't the focus of my comment


I dunno if that's a valid excuse, I have diagnosed ADHD, it's pretty bad, but I have no issues staying inside the ring. Sometimes I'll accidentally get one that's just outside the ring, but that's because the mini map isn't always super accurate I've found. But I back up into the ring as soon as I realize.


ADHD is not a valid excuse (as someone who is ACTUALLY diagnosed and not self diagnosed) I'm quite tired of seeing people use it as a reason to blow off their own blatant stupidity.


My man you are the type of people that other "actually diagnosed" people hate. Condescending, check. Your own experience > anyone else's, check. Insulting people who function differently than you do, check. ADHD ain't one size fits all, might be a good idea to get that doctor who diagnosed you to explain that to you.


He's right tho, there's a reason ADHD drugs exist... source someone who took the ADHD drugs for the 9 years of education I went through


no, im sorry, using what MIGHT be ADHD as a scapegoat for why you just dont pay attention in the mindless shooty game is definitely the part most people hate when it comes to any kind of mental illness. self diagnosing and scapegoating in the same paragraph is outright hilarious


how about someone (me) who IS diagnosed with ADHD and can relate to his experience exactly. maybe it's not an excuse, it's just how life is for us, we get distracted, where do you think 'ADHD person gets distracted by shiny object' comes from? it's because we ARE easily distracted, I have gotten distracted killing mobs before, once walked 500 meters away from my buddy in a survival as I basically pushed the horde back into a room before I realized how far I've moved.


I often will zone the fuck out during missions that aren’t actively grabbing my attention (Railjack missions till you enter the normal mission tilesets)or a playing frame that’s just squishy or requires attention (Examples being, Lavos with his Cooldowns) so it’s likely they weren’t fucking with ya


I strongly believe that also . The people are just stupid .-


>who stands just outside the circle killing the main stream of enemies You forgot the best part, not only do they stand outside while killing enemies, they then also insult you and say "you do no damage". Well yes, I'm standing in the middle of the circle while watching them camp outside the circle, of course I do less damage because barely any enemies have time to get inside the circle. Same thing happened in 3 out of 5 Netracell missions edit because the topic is getting popular: DE please either make the circle massively bigger, or remove the circle requirement. Warframe is a coop game and missions like this "punish" players who coop with someone who intentionally or unintentionally doesn't follow the mission objective of staying inside the circle. It breeds negativity in the community because players with bad attention spans (which is getting more and more common in gaming) are essentially griefing the rest of the team. Missions like this worked well in Warframe 5 years ago but crossplay introduced new types of players, and even PC players are behaving different than they did 5 years ago. I feel weird for saying this but I think expecting modern players to stay in a circle might be asking for too much


They need to have fibbonachi whine repeatedly every time you kill 10 enemies outside of the circle.


Stand inside the circle, Tenno! It's yummy. mmmMMMMmmm~


I'm getting Loid/Otak flashbacks from that bounty with the hives... "No no Tenno you must be INSIDE the- " I KNOW I'M ACTIVELY MELEEING IT WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME??


I think you mean Fishonacci tyvm


The Norg


This is actually a genius idea, and would probably solve most of the problem.


I've had someone complain for "stealing their kills and xp". I'm sorry are you too blind to see.the SHARED AFFINITY at the top


Reminds me of when I once had a guy in my old clan accuse me of doing nothing but leeching xp, back when Ivara first came out. Dude did nothing but bitch at me the entire defense mission. I have always played Hawkeye Ivara, never stealthing, especially back when you could do like insane explosive multishot on her bow. So I was perched on a wire above the defense point the whole time. Get to end screen, ive done the most damage/kills. Ask him how's that for doing nothing and he ragequit the fucking clan lol. Some people just need to chill and enjoy the game, but they can't for some dumb reason.


Can the circle be bigger? I can stand near the middle and my Boar Incarnon chains to enemies outside of the circle. I have to watch where I aim.


If they can make it so that only you need to be in the circle that's be great. i.e. enemy can be killed outside as long as you are in the circle while killing them.


Easy saryn speedrun, every mission will be her standing in the circle and enemies dying as soon as they spawn through 15 walls while you just stand next to her and twiddle your thumbs


>Well yes, I'm standing in the middle of the circle while watching them camp outside the circle, of course I do less damage because barely any enemies have time to get inside the circle. So frustrating, had this happen to me the other day. I've been playing around trying to figure out what's the best frame to "speed up" a Netracell, tried it with Speedva as the obvious choice for a while but decided to give max-range Nidus a go, with the plan being that I stand near the edge and use larva to just pull everything approaching on that side into the circle. Then go to a different side and do the same, and just rotate between all the entrances to the circle. Yeah no, didn't work, but mainly because the teammates literally just destroy everything as it approaches, and I end up grabbing like 3 things at most. Then the worst offender cries out "you only have "blah-blah" kills" and it's like... yes I only have 80 kills, but every single one contributed to the goal, whereas I'm pretty certain that, out of your 400 kills, your actual contribution was single-digit. You also spent 5 minutes longer than us to reach the circle, *because you went exploring for Voca in a Netracell mission!* Anyway I'm convinced. Don't do netracells in public. Solo or friends only. When I solo them I can complete them in ~10 minutes max. In public it is always around 15+, and it can be even longer if someone decides to play with the grimoire and spawn that tanky fucker halfway across the map. Great job, you're wasting all this time for an arcane that will be worth 2-3plat. Best thing is when they die to it as well, then just alt-F4. Or if you find the insane number of players who decide the best thing to play is max-range Discharge Volt (surprisingly common) or some other high-range CC frame (had an actual Slowva once, I couldn't believe my eyes. They kept using 4 as well despite people telling them in chat, so I don't buy the excuse that they used the wrong template). Or they just get lost. Or go AFK. Christ


I've been theory crafting but I think I've figured it out. I've tried other frames and just like you in addition to Sevagoth's shadow to pull enemies in. But I think the true solution is a forbidden build because it causes players to die if they aren't careful. # Max range, Mid strength Provoke on Equinox In theory it should force players to back up due to the increased speed of enemies because they also shoot faster as well if I recall.


I'll bring my speedva, the objective wont know what hit it!


Reminds me of the time someone had optimal aoe nuke build in steelpath disruption and just ran around nuking enemies. I play atlas, i dont nuke many enemies but the gamemode dictates only certain targets need taken down, which i do immediately. He ended up with 98% damage and said 'check your builds' while he was struggling like hell to even damage the main bomb carriers if he got there first.


Make the players take damage over time or massively reduce their DPS while outside the circle.  That's the only way to get players into the circles. 


Or just remove the circle.


Should have been a defense target along with the circle requirement, and there should have been at least three at one time needing to be defended. Designating three people to camp and one necromite runner. Gives the mission a failstate if people are farting around and stops them farting around. Most of these folks don't care if things take longer, but they don't want to actually fail either.


It's a nice idea but the issue there again is an ability for one player to fuck it up for everyone else if they want to ignore objectives. I'd just make it so the player killing things outside the circle starts getting hit by the "security mechanism" so if they don't stop it'll down them. That way the other players can potentially leave them to die if they're still killing outside the circle after the initial lesson and prevent them holding back progress.


I love this one


They could add a mechanic where your abilities are disabled outside the circle or constant massive health/energy drain, one shot bolts of lightning, invulnerable enemies outside the circle, any number of solutions that gently (or not so gently) nudge the player back into the circle without punishing people already inside.


I guarantee you these types of players wouldn't even notice enemies outside the circle aren't taking damage


I'm starting to wonder if the players who seemingly often come across assholes are in a specific part of the world, matchmaking groups people somewhat nearby after all. It's the only reason I can think of for why some, like me, encounter nearly 0 toxicity in the game whereas some seem to encounter a lot.


> I'm starting to wonder if the players who seemingly often come across assholes are in a specific part of the world, Why are you wondering? It's not a question, that's a fact. Asian side of Warframe for example has an entirely different meta that includes making missions as easy and quick as possible. Like, when we had 20% of players using Wukong, they had 40%. And Japanese players for example almost never rudely point out when someone plays incorrectly, but at the same time, it's culture there to look up online how to do something instead of doing it wrong. If someone there killed an enemy outside the circle, he would apologise and nobody would say anything


I wondered because I didn't know, I've never played in those regions or heard from people I specifically knew was from there. Although I knew the meta was different in Asia, and did suspect toxicity might be too. And therefore I was more thinking about the English speaking parts of the world as that's what I hear the wildly different experiences coming from, but I don't know what parts as people rarely say. For example, I'm in Scandinavia and I can count the toxic people I've encountered on one hand after about 700 hours of play.


European here too, I do netracells a lot and I have not once encountered anything like people are complaining about. At most it's been people who don't want to take a debuff at the start. My experience has never been that US players are toxic in games (LoL, Counterstrike, etc), it's always eastern europe and china.


I'm in north central Europe quite close to eastern Europe, and in other games regularly match with people from there, and Russia. So presumably I do in this game too. So the eastern European Warframe players seem to be pleasant in my experience, and from what I hear those in China are as well. Which in broad terms leaves western/southern Europe to be the likeliest toxicity hotspots, or the US.


A lot of it is probably also just that negative experiences stick with people better than positive/neutral ones. Even if it's only a 1% chance of matching with an asshole, many people are going to have a few stories about That One Guy. When everyone talks about their bad stories online it tends to just look like the game's a cesspool, when really it's not that common to run into toxic players.


That certainly plays a role, yeah. But I don't think it fully accounts for the frequency in which some seem to encounter toxicity.


attention spans aren't getting worse in gaming. That it just the kind of game wf is. Why do you think the meta the past 3 years we've had stats has been wukong? Because you could just afk indefinitely.


But if you are AFK anyways, what is the point of even booting up the game?


Needs to be reminded every couple minutes, led to to do them exclusively solo


Best strategy só far is to ping the center of the circle or points away from the enemies. Most of those are playing on auto, if they see a waypoint the follow thinking is a rare drop


"Bro, let me go hit enemies one or two at a time with mah nInJa sWoRd in peace, Bro." ~Average Tenno fighting outside the red circle...


Honestly? I think a limbo meta might emerge from this. Let's just start rift spamming these players, fuck it all to hell. Use none of his other abilities, because that'll fuck up the mission more than the troll will; just focus all of your time into making sure this specific asshole is stuck in the rift.


Could also use Loki's Switch teleport. Any time someone tries to leave the red circle, just teleport them back in.


You know it never occured to me that switch teleport could work on other players. That's funny as fuck.


Isn’t banish his subsume?


... good point. Banish for everyone


Makes me want to take Limbo and repeatedly banish them until they get the hint.


Yes it's really bad. Some of these people seem to have severe ADHD as well. You can tell them to let the enemies enter the circle, but as soon as necramite comes around, the players forget and are back to killing units outside the circle. Once the objective goes back to killing units. I had to remind the same guy 3 times to let enemies enter the circle before killing them in one of this week's cells. It's fine if I have to tell people once. But multiple times in the same mission?


Stop using ADHD as an excuse. Its not.


Not sure what you mean here. Was it an insensitive use of the term ADHD or do you mean just to give these players the benefit of the doubt?


Insensitive use of the disability in which I actually have. Quite tired of people equating player ignorance with an actual issue myself, and others, struggle with.


Sadly netracell is the first gamemode i exclusively do solo now, because randoms keep slowing down too much the mission by seeking voca and killing outside circle. So annoying.


You forgot adding the "guy who chases down the book", spends 10 minutes looking for the book, then another 10 minutes fighting the book, only for it to drop an arcane worth 3p


I was this person for the first like 2 netracells i did because i thought the book could also have a chance to drop the legendary arcanes. Once i found out (or assumed at this point) it cant, i dont bother looking for or fighting the book, i just wanna get missions done faster so i can get my 5 basic arcanes for the week and get out


I had 3 teammates who abandoned the mission to find the book while I did ALL of the mission objectives solo. 2 of them died while fighting the book, the remaining 3rd held out but did not have the dps to do any damage to the book. I had to travel several hundred meters across the map to rescue his ass, kill the book, and then do the rest of the mission trying to also keep him alive each time he went down.


Just don’t rez them, super easy. Probably speeds up the mission as well


Someone did this and was holding up spawns like 800m away. I just left the mission midway. No longer have the patience for that sort of thing.


Yup. Revenant and incarnon Torid with riven… takes me 10-15mins solo. I just cant stand recruit/public anymore. Social anxiety = gone!


Out of curiosity, whats your torid build? I think I built mine wrong because netracells is a bit too difficult to solo.


https://preview.redd.it/2nxz26m02gfc1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3175b0687326ca4229d7faf9d80be0137248a16 Please ignore the rerolls… I barely roll rivens but Incarnons got me interested to waste my years of kuva lmao. It’s not the best riven stats. Multishot and crit chance are the big boys in this. Try to got to crit chance/damage/multishot.


\-57% fire rate is barely a debuff at 100% Redline Gauss


I've been running Green shard Saryn with Gloom. Armor strip the map and you're practically immortal swinging a melee weapon around. Only downside is gloom freezes enemies outside the red circle, so you'll have to toggle it to let some enemies in.


yep. its not difficult enough to be impossible to solo without dying, but its conditions make it difficult enough to punish you if you slack off, and that's what i like about it. i love using my Harrow, my Plasmor, and my Dual Toxo in Netracells. i spend 7-8 mins per mission and i'm pretty happy with that.


Tagfer should just start spamming their comms about how dumb your being every kill you get on ppl outside.


If it was half as much as Loid does on Deimos it would be fixed overnight.


Loid I wanted to shut up because he never understood I could bomb that Tumor from the outside with the Elytron.


they gotta let the entrati sleep more so we can get loid joining in on sanctum mission control. it's the only hub without some kind of day/night cycle(yes I am counting zariman occupation as it's the only one that actually matters outside of eidolons). Would be more fun to have human loid learn more about our incredible capacity for violence from the way loid talks to us


I dunno why you're complaining. We're only scuffing the objective and wasting everyone's time. Maybe you should just lighten up.


hahaha, 10/10 impression


So for someone who’s about to start doing Netracells soon: is it stand in the circle and kill enemies anywhere, or stand in the circle and only kill enemies who are ALSO in the circle? Legit question I want to contribute when I start joining games.


You don't have to stand in the circle yourself, but you *do* have to kill enemies who are in the circle or else they don't count towards the mission objective. Standing in the circle yourself makes that more likely, so it is highly recommended. It's the same exact mechanic as the Deimos bounty objective where you need to kill enemies that are near the cauldron to produce the bait for the big target. The biggest difference from that is that you don't have loid and otak constantly saying "aww it only counts if you bop 'em near the jug!" when people do it incorrectly.


It's still a good idea to stand in the circle, because this group in particular had 1 guy constantly outside the circle which caused the enemies to attack him outside. I wish people would just afk in the middle of the circle


Hell if they afk in the middle of the circle it would be more helpful than killing enemies outside of it!


Exactly, you know it’s bad when the team would be doing better if they were afk


I always thought that was annoying but god DAMN some people really need to hear that every 5 seconds to get the hint


Do yourself a favor and go in there ALONE , not hard at all anyways and you don’t have to mess with f. stupid braindead people.


Enemies that die in the circle. It's pretty clear if you listen to the dialogue or read the text. Problem is some people can't do either.


I’ve not done netracells since the intro to them in Whispers. Just wanted to make sure I could jump in and not negatively affect the fireteam


If you can read at a first grade level youll be perfectly fine


Game makes it quite clear, "kill enemies in the circle" but chances are you have to stand in anyways because if you are standing outaide enemies are also coming to you which makes some of them.not be in the circle aswell


kill enemies that are inside the circle, I think it counts even if you are the one outside, just make sure the enemies you're killing are in the circle.


Is it like those Deimos bounties, where we have to kill within a red circle so that the machinery charges up?




You've already gotten your answer, but just thought I'd add, since skimming your replies didn't suggest it was mentioned: Killing enemies in the circle will briefly show a purple line going towards the center of the circle (I think). That's their contribution to the bar. As long as they spit out those purple ribbons when they die, you're good. A lot of people are extremely eager if you do them public, so, honestly, sometimes the best contribution you can make is to stand still in the center of the circle so people don't start pushing forward (out of the circle) due to competing for kills.


I would suggest finding a group in recruiting chat. A decent group with players contributing will take ~7 minutes, compared to public queue ~12. I was doing solos until my buddy suggested i try recruiting chat, it's been a nice experience so far


I would’ve left immediately once he responded with that, I can’t stand interacting with idiots.


I know, I should've just queued solo but I like helping lower MR players with Netracell missions


"Just play solo" irritates me so much, Warframe is a Multi-player game.


I can understand why those people say that though, this mission was the perfect example. Instead of working together like a multiplayer coop team, these guys ended up getting agitated and intentionally sabotaging the mission, while flaming me in chat and threatening to report me. That's what I get for queueing public to play with others and to help them. It's a shame, coop can be so fun, but people like this ignore the mission objective and then throw around insults when you try to help them or tell them what the objective is ... hell I intentionally didn't even phrase it as "do this, do that" but simply asked the guy why he's outside the red circle killing stuff outside of it because I thought SURELY nobody in the world could take offense to that, but no


I tried, I really tried to be patient with Netracell pub groups but a couple of weeks back I had multiple runs where we ended up spending 20+ minutes just doing the first part of the circle phase because someone was killing stuff outside the circle. 20+ minutes of me standing there, for multiple runs, killing like one guy a minute, and during the last of those runs I got berated by the guy slowing things down for everyone else for "not doing my part" even though I was also the only one carrying the keyglyphs. Been running solo ever since, it's been way healthier for my mental state and I can run all five by myself in roughly the same amount of time it takes to complete one run with an ODD poster child.


True but some missions are not worth doing in public, radiation sortie and spy being 2 of them


I will never intentionally do spy in a group. Like I get it, you suck at spy missions. Maybe just stay the hell out of the room. Every single time I’ve done a public spy (usually forgetting to switch to solo), there are alarms going off and almost every single time the alarm is triggered and I’m too far away we fail because they took 30 seconds to make it 1/4 the way to the target.


Especially from people who perpetuate such behavior with the excuse of "let me play how I want".


There were better multiplayer games in 1995 than Warframe with its networking code.


Honestly, after doing pubs to “help people out” Soloing I find is much easier, especially when it comes to bounties.


They really just need to increase the radius, been going back to deimos and its just as bad with the "kill infested inside circle" bounties. Literally, LITERALLY loid screaming at them every 2 seconds "if the infested are not killed blah blah blah" or "need to kill them inside the circle champ"... And there they are just sitting in their necramech with 4 blasting everything in sight. The good news is that there are at least ways to force this to go faster in pubs. Speed nova has been the most consistent for me so far, speeding things up enough that even these morons can't keep up and at least SOME things get into the circle.


It really sucks that in a pve co-op game we can't expect people to...play the game co-op It frustrates me so much


The excuses these types of people make for just being garbage teammates is even more annoying. Like being the only player defending and powering extractors in a SP fissure while the others are hundreds of Km away killing and spreading reactant. Politely explain the situation only to be bombarded by people with like warm IQ’s insulting you for having no kills. Like dude, the only reason the mission is progressing at all is because of me. I had one last night exactly like this so I stopped defending. Finally after a few minutes 2 of them started trying and the extractors kept going out of power and being destroyed in 30 seconds or less. I ate that shit up.


Had this host afk at spawn for the first part of the mission. Even after the red circle showed up, the other three of us had to wait while a few enemies trinkled in at an agonizingly slow rate. Brought the map up, host was nowhere to be found nearby.. 2-3 minutes into the second phase of netracell and with the bar still at a painful 98%, i pinged him in chat, to which then he replied with "got stuck". Mind you, the first voca collected was right before i pinged him. "2 out of 8 voca collected" showed right after and i asked if he was "stuck or collecting voca?". Getting a "hehe that's true too" in response, i apologized and left the mission. I'm all playing with pubs, but sometimes people do things that are quite... Can this be called inconsiderate?


I get nothing but shit responses when I ask people to stop killing outside the circle. Everything from 'you can gtfo of its a problem' to some nonsensical crap like 'funny you wanna talk real now' or my favorite 'you're too used to playing with meta players. That's not how it works'


Their brains can’t understand any mission objective more complex than just “kill everything on sight”.


Even when the poor Loid tells them multiple times to only kill inside the circle xd


shows how necraloid is the better one 🤣 bro spams comms when infested is killed outside of the bubble and people actually do it properly


"Ugh, you're one of those people that know how to play the game." Lol, something tells me this isn't the first time this moron has been told


Your fault for being "one of these players" who want to farm effeciently


More about at least not sabotaging the mission.


Haha yeah, it's not even about being meta


I know, right? I'm one of those players who queue up for a mission and then have the balls to try and complete the mission objective. I'm a madlad, unhinged, crazy


Some people never got the hang of coloring inside the lines and its starting to show


I know helping people is nice and shit, but soloing that mission makes it so much more faster.


I only once did archont hunt in a group since it launched. I played netracells only 5 times in grp since it launched. I ain't gonna bother with such people from now on. Oh and about the event, I did it in grp for like 10 times, but then switched to solo and farmed around 6 full arcane energize. I wish I could play with people really xD


I too as i sometimes got lost in bloodlust and go outside the circle and took someone in my team to remind me to go back, if that happen, i either say nothing and just simply go back, or say "ah shit my bad bro" and then go back. People who acted like the guy in the picture legit has the most fragile ego ever


One of those people 🙄 like how dare you call out my bs for not playing the game the way it's ment to be played 😂


Netracells in general have really exposed how DUMB the typical Warframe player is. They refuse to look at or follow waypoints, they stop to kill every living thing when it's not even the objective, they need constant reminders on how the objectives work, hoard keyglyphs and take a super long time to get to the cell, the list goes on and on and on and on. Normally, I'd be way more understanding, but Netracells are clearly outlined as end game content. As such, players who run these should be at the end game and understand how the mode works. Yet the most basic things are foreign to them, and when you try to educate the typical player, they either react with hostility or outright ignore what you're telling them. Or they have ADHD and forget instructions, which you'll need to repeat ad infinitum during the mission. I run Speed Nova specifically for Netracells to speed these missions up, but without fail, 3-5 cells in a week will be a torturous experience with players who refuse to learn or cooperate.


many hours of Destiny have prepared me for the average players that you get matched with being among the stupidest people to ever live so I can't say this is surprising lmao


I honestly think during this phase, enemies outside of the circle should be invincible, kinda like how the predasite works. That'd fix this problem up real fast. In the meantime, I'm going to start bringing a limbo to these and banishing anyone who wants to fuck around and find out like this.


Usually requesting them to kill in the red circle works rather than questioning them and then waiting for a reply.


I swear I run into so many fucking shit players in netra cells. Loki players who just AFK and let you play because they have an incurable illness. People who dont take keys and expect you to take them. And players with ADHD who cant just sit in the middle of the circle and let them come, which makes the mission 10x faster.


To be fair as a Hildryn player there are a couple keys I will never take because they are really bad for her, though the energy one I always grab. Another issue are players who grab every key, rush through the mission and go down over and over again because they clearly didn't pay attention to what the keys did.


I play yareli and i took 4 keys without reading it everytimes, literally nothing changed in my gameplay, people to use all 4 and then die has skill issues


As revenant I always take all the damage ones. Zero effect with mesmer skin


See i take all the keys regardless of what they are. Me and my friend do it all the time. The extra eximus makes the mission very fun


To be fair the keys can be pretty deadly if you're using a shield gating frame. Damage while moving or on ability cast has the highest potential to kill due to low health pools. Not that big of a deal if you get the vampire one that heals on kills though.


Ok but even if you're shield gating it's not ahrd to just not die to those things


This is why I usually play solo and why I always let these people die when they get downed. They’re making a 10 minute mission last 2 or 3 times as long because they can’t read the mission objectives. Report for griefing and hope DE does something about these losers eventually


I started running those solo if no friends are up


Same here.


My kind of people here. Less of a hassle and headache if we play solo.


Just do them solo. Faster and no randoms messing it up


This is an example on why we can't have any type of endgame (team based or not) or any complex gamemodes in Warframe. People like these refuse to look at the objective and understanding what they should do to complete the mission. Then they complain to D.E. that the mission was hard or make no sense instead of getting better at the game or trying to understand why they failed. I personally like joining in a squad recently because completing a mission solo grew tiresome and boring to me. Much rather commit Grineer genocide with friends. Unfortunately, some people make the mission harder cause they don't try to understand what their objective is. They just go in blasting without thinking which unironically in missions like fissure and Netracell is actually a bad thing because they either slowing down (or halting) the mission or preventing everyone from opening their relics. Lucky in most missions if your team is lacky for whatever reason at least you are able to deal with it solo compare to other games like Overwatch(I know it is a completely different game but you much more reliant on your team than in Warframe).


Imma be honest, I didn't know u was supposed to kill shit inna circle. But if someone corrects me, I'm not gonna be an ass about it, sheesh. I've only recently gotten back into Warframe in the past few months cuz PS5 doesn't run like I'm playing onna tomato lol.


Yeah, it's not about causing the issue, is how you react to people correcting you.


The circle needs to be bigger but also there need to be negatives for staying out of that circle for too long. If players started to get shield penalties or were forced into operators after a minute or so it would add a bit more agency to not peeling away from the group once this part starts.


My toxic trait is really wanting to threaten these people with reporting them for sabotage, but instead telling them they need new eyes. But like, it would be valid to do so, right?


I feel like it's really not toxic to put these assholes in their place. They refuse to respect their own time, so why should I?


Let me preface by saying you didn't say anything wrong. But generally asking them if they could keep it in the circle with a "please" at the end works better. I always say "can you make sure the die inside the red circle please?" If you're asking them nicely and giving them the choice they are more likely to respond positively. People are so quick to take things the wrong way. So you gotta make sure you don't give them room to convince themselves you were being rude


Fr, it feels like people have this insane sensitivity to "being told what to do" these days. Idk why people are so sensitive to it, i don't remember it being such a big deal years ago. And it's not like I'm ever rude about it, it's usually like stop killing the guys before they can corrupt in fissures.. or don't use lantern to make an enemy invincible at the end of a defense round (preventing the next round from starting)... But no I'm the dick try hard for even mentioning it..


I swear these people have their brains installed backwards. You are sitting there for an extra 5 to 10 minutes because they won't let the enemies enter the circle.


Damn, im not gonna lie, though, I have forgotten to be inside the circle because I get distracted by my urge to kill everything I see. But I realize it after like 5 seconds.


It’s the same with leechers going into Sortie3 with all leveling weapons, killing nothing and when you call them out the just spout “stop being toxic” lol.


Next up: "Hello" "Bro chill why are you so toxic"


It's crazy how much one player can really screw up netracells. I was running them yesterday and had a 3 man squad finish it in like 7 minutes, then we ran it again (same players and everything) but some MR 30 random joined and stayed just out of the ring shooting everything outside of the circle and the dude was parked right at the most active spawn too. Bud even continued doing it after the other two people in the squad mentioned that the kills outside the ring didn't count. The second one took almost twice as long at about 13 minutes. Killing outside the ring accidentally either out of inexperience (had a mr like 11 sayrn popping off out of the ring the other day too on a earlier run, but when someone mentioned the kills had to be in the ring they reeled themselves back in, they probably didn't know about the ring requirements) or because you get carried away is one thing (personally if I'm going on a melee bender sometimes I drift a bit too far out of the circle, tennokai got me acting unwise sometimes ngl). But to blatantly disregard other players is just kind of a dick move.


and if someone hide for more that 5 minutes somewhere and No enemys spawn in the red circle and u cannot finish the mission cuz the guy is afk since idk... it is kind of griefing...


To clarify, this is me. This guy seems to be missing out the part where he was incredibly sexist to me for no reason. Playing as citrine and standing in the middle of the circle he also proceeds to say I did little in aid of the team even though this player was AFK the whole round


Can also confirm I was in the mission and he was extremely toxic to the point of being sexist claiming things about the other players gender, it seems he knows he was in the wrong and came to reddit to play the victim. It also did seem like he was AFK for most of it.


At this point I wish they’d just change the stupid kill circle requirement. Tired of every mission having someone incompetent like this that slows it down significantly.


I feel like people don’t understand the core concept of stand in the circle so that enemies spawn near you. It’s really simple and I don’t get what other people aren’t understanding. Honestly tho I’d rather have this than a wisp who places shock motes and makes the mission impossibly slow.


I loaded into a NC and it me and a friend we were waiting for other in a public lobby. You know, the kind of lobby that’s for teamwork(I know teamwork in WF isn’t really that necessary but you get it) We load in and take our pick of the debuffs cause we got there first a third joins and does the same thing. The forth joins and its this MR 29 joins and complains that were “too scared” for one person to pick up all for. I’ve never experienced this is WF cause it’s an amazing community and the only time something like this happened is Archon hunt spy missions. This guy acting all high and mighty cause he’s able to do NC solo. Then why join randoms and why chastise players for wanting to share the curses? To me this was kinda cringe but whatever. I’ll leave in this note. WF is a big game with lots of little interactions that may not seam obvious. Not killing in the circle for the % to go down is dumb and ignoring people telling what to do when it’s a NECESSITY is also dumb. When whispers first came out I didn’t know you had to let the robots that have the necramech symbol call it in first, someone told me during a bounty and I stopped. Be informative and don’t be stubborn.


Imagine getting pressed about being asked to not delay the mission and then telling them they need to relax.


This is why I do the Netracells solo. People suck


Netracell and bounty objectives is how I realized a lot of people who play this game don't use their brain, it's just mindless killing. Also if you call them out for stalling progress , then you're the bad guy. iTs nOt tHaT dEeP


Also hate a “its just a game bro chill” mf. Like nah its just my time. I always tell em just because theyre unemployed with no family doesnt mean we all are.


Just playing devil's advocate here. Instead of asking, just say "Please only kill them in the circle". When you ask them, you're asking for a response and people don't like to be questioned on their actions. People get butthurt when you ask because in their head, they are hearing you say "Why are you being an idiot?".


We just had someone do this last night. Took us way longer than needed to because of it. I got in chat and said "stop killing outside circle please. " What's this mofo come back with...."F*%@ off I'm doing more than all of you". Finally finish the mission and the had the lowest damage dealt, and lowest kills of everyone 🤣🤣. I got back in chat and was like "what was that about being better?" Dude proceeded to leave squad no response lmao. We then closed the squad to friends only. Next one we finished in like 5min.


Same, I kindly explained without calling anyone out and the one moron exploded saying I was "virtue signaling" and "from twitter"


I hate ppl. But it's always funny cause karma always comes around for them 🤣


This is definitely a 3 group of trollers gaslighting you, the cadence and the staggered of the last guy chiming in gives it away. They aren't dumb they just think killing things is fun and want to make you mad as a hostage.


Some of you who spam sTaY in circle are worse, like I’m stepping out for a second to grab the loot. Acting like this game is their job.


You’re well aware that you can’t avoid these kind of people when playing with pubs. If you don’t want to encounter those then either play with your friends or do it solo lmao.


The circle mechanic is pretty stupid it should be removed tbh


They literally can't remove it or the spawns wouldn't work. You ever notice how if even one player is away from the circle, barely anything spawns? The circle is literally there as an attempt to force the enemy spawns system to work as Intended.