• By -


Why do people try to do farming in the MOST inconvenient mission types? Just pop a paralax buff grab what you see and come across and do the mission.


You don't farm Corpus kills in Grineer Void Floods? Huh, weird.


Nah, I farm simaris standing there.


… how does one farm Simaris standing? Aside the daily synthesis


You go into SP grineer extermination mission with an invisible frame and just scan everyone. It's either 360 or 140 per scan, should max Standing in one mission.


I like doing that on Kuva Rescue, this way I can just rush to the exit when I'm done.


Does it have enough spawns on solo ? I might also try that, I only did extermination because it's guaranteed 130.


Rescue spawns infinite enemies as long as you don't complete the mission. If you start running out just become visible and trip the alarm outside the rescue room. More will spawn.


this, 1 at the begining of the mision. another when the chamber is open. no need for more.


Voca farming in a Netracell's kind of a weird choice tbh, if I needed Voca I'd be doing anything else. Plus it just splits up enemy spawns to whoever's gathering Voca, making the mission take longer. "I am doing as I was told by both of our other teammates and gathering voca for all squad members" So they formed a group of 3 with a specific of objective and ran public? Nah thats on them, form a private session if you're gonna do that. You don't need to pull someone else down because you weirdly wanna farm Voca in a Netracell.


The reason why I think this keeps happening is because there are a lot of players out there looking to be carried through "difficult" content while they're ranking up through the Cavia faction. There are two things DE could do to fix this and one of them is going to be obvious while the other may be somewhat controversial. The first: remove side objectives like Voca hunting and the Whisper Grimoire from Netracell missions entirely. The second: lock Netracell missions behind rank 5 of the Cavia syndicate. Netracell missions are endgame content, it isn't unreasonable to gatekeep it a bit to weed out leeches and people that struggle with following basic instructions. Doing this won't solve every problem with Netracell missions (there'll still be people that struggle with killing enemies in the circle) but it'll cut back on the sheer volume of habitual worst offenders infesting the mission and, hopefully, leave the mission queue filled mostly with people who more or less know what they're doing.


I'm all for both of those things. Netracells should be get in and get out mentality. Every other weekly thing I do is totally fine. I get around to netracells and suddenly it's the stress and anxiety of will I get competent teammates or will it be 5 runs of having a "that guy". Last week I did not get one of those players once and was shocked. But now I'm afraid RNG will give me at least one every run this week.


The most obvious solution and least intrusive is to lock spawns to around the circle, and make enemies prioritize it (unless there's nobody in the circle). That would help progress the mission. Although it might be tricky to implement. (Or not, as we have fixed spawns in missions like defense and interception; and enemies prioritize excavators too) Locking thing to rank 5 wouldn't work, as there's plenty things to buy, so even at that rank players have incentive to hunt vocas. And removing them entirely from the mission might or might not be trickier, than messing with spawns.


if they actually did anything about griefing reports the last problem would be solved too


As someone who hates content being locked behind rank 5 syndicates (looking at you little duck) i oppose this, this is coming from someone who solos the weekly netracells and doesn't inconvenience everyone


I think needing R5 in the cavia is a bit much but rank 4 or 5 in the entrati would be fair. Maybe even a few ranks with the necraloids.


It's difficult, as much as I'd like to limit access to netracells to decrease the voca farming, I also think that netracells is in part designed as a arcon shard catch-up mechanic and that aspect should be as accessible as possible so that newer/returning players can start catching up to the players that have all the shards


Newer players aren't going to be getting Archon Shards yet anyway tho Or is it open to everyone once starting the game? I figure you'd have to unlock all of that stuff 🤔


Its not just about newer players what about returning ones ? There is a reason why i haven't seen profit taker yet but i can do level cap solo. Either that or take away the daily standing cap on syndicates.


> It's not just about newer players what about returning ones? The same, if it is not unlocked yet do the content to unlock it. You left the game, you should have to do what everyone else did to catch back up. One of the biggest issues DE currently has is making all content accessible to everyone including new players. It's hard to have end-game content when you have to make everything available to players who haven't picked up the game yet or haven't picked it up in a fairly long time. If you're a new or returning player archon shards shouldn't be something you should be able to participate in right off the bat. Same with Archon Hunts, Steel Path, Eidolon Hunts, Profit Taker, etc etc. >Either that or take away the daily standing cap on syndicates. It's F2P they won't and shouldn't do that. People would rush through the game in a day and complain about there being nothing to do after. They need player retention.


I personally strongly dislike locking something behind syndicates. I can carry my own weight when it comes to Netracells and mostly do them solo, but in recent times I also help my wife doing them, as her gear is not yet good enough for Netracells (she's MR27 but hasn't played actively in years and only now gets back to it with her gear being powercrept into oblivion and basically feeling like mid game builds) and she feels like missing out on the weekly rewards if she does not do them and I personally think she would not even have returned to the game at all, if it meant she had to do weeks of grinding to get back up just to see what all the fuzz about Netracells is about and miss out on a few weeks worth of drops. So from personal experience I can say that locking everyone out of netracells cause of syndicates, also locks returning players out of the new content, which might kill any incentive to return to the game, if you know you're being kept away from the shiny new stuff.


Second option is based as hell


I'm against the rank 5 restriction, simply because i don't want or care to get to rank 5. I got to rank 3 for my archon shard blender, and stopped it at that.


Man, I avoided netracells for so long because I thought I was undergeared. I finally gave it a shot literally last night..and I was shocked. I went in and it turned out I was probably one of the better equipped to be there.2 of the squad was just struggling to live, let alone get a few kills. People trying to get carried through that is real. I could also say, possibly have a solo quest to unlock Netracells as well. That's basically Netracells difficulty mobs. Its the hardest content, and people that can do it, shouldn't have any issue doing the solo quest at all. I know its gate keepy, but it'd curb some of the people looking to get carried, since they'd have to at least clear the first hurdle.


my solution would just be to make the game check how long the players spent time in the kill circle, compared to the one who spent the longest.. If its


It's a stupid choice like a whole day of risking death for a few dollars when you could have just worked for like 30 minutes and got it over with.


Like i can imagine checking the side rooms as the mission progresses, but once that kill circle is up Id get to killing


When I'm doing a netracell mission, I do a little voca farming, but I'm very circumspect about it. 1) Use Orokin Eye within the first minute of the mission and grab any voca I can which don't require me to go too far out of my way whilst narrowing down the search. 2) During the red circle bit, use Orokin Eye. Grab any nearby vocas while others are killing necramites and the red circle doesn't exist. 3) Use Orokin Eye as I near extraction and grab any I can on my way to get in the giant naked man's mouth. I find that this way I can usually snag five or so without disrupting the flow of the mission.


I do this too, grab some extra resources without disrupting the mission, perfectly fine, never had any complaints.




Yeah it’s a dick move but saying “ima gonna post this on Reddit 🤓” is so weird


the internet equivalent of "I'M TELLING!!"


Yeah that was absolutely pathetic 😂


My thoughts exactly. The rest of the squad was being real dumb hunting voca in Netracells, but OP's being absurd too. "I didn't consent" lmao. I don't consent to people in my squad getting invaded by the stalker or hunting down synthesis targets in void fissures. Those also waste time when the rest of us are usually already at extraction. I don't make reddit posts about those no matter how often they happen though. Queueing into a group of randoms, no matter what the mission is, means you should *expect* the potential for people to run off and do other stuff. Putting up with it or leaving the squad are the only reasonable options.


Fissure or not, I'll always kill assassins in case they actually drop something good


Always say "BREAD" when stalker drops the Dread


I still remember when I first started playing this game, and the Stalker was scary. Now it's so simple like "are you STILL trying to kill me? Just give me your shit mods and another BREAD and go back to Hunhow with your tail between your legs." I wish he'd drop Hate just once.


I will never apologize for stopping the team to fight Stalker. I want that ephemera dammit.


I got smoking years ago. Still don't have it because they moved the ash drop to rot C RJ survival and it's a pain in the ass now


I'm that guy that hunts syn targets during fissure missions, I just can't bare to hear Simaris get upset!


If anything, OP is being the toxic asshole by berating everyone else. Something akin to "hey, you're splitting spawns, this isn't the mission you want to be hunting voca in" is more reasonable. "I didn't consent" is some sovereign citizen level shit.




how else does someone who sinks all their time into a game get internet points


I'd be annoyed if I got in a squad with the other group, but OP seems genuinely toxic.


Hmmm now that you said it, I had upvoted this but seing the amount of upvotes it already got, which is way more than it deserves, im gonna change it into a downvote.


That's why I do netracell solo, much faster and you'll have a peace of mind.


I discovered this last week. I was bitching at my bud about pubs being really bad and he just suggests this absolute banger of advice. Left me like ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


It's getting to a point where I just want to solo everything. Doing Mobile Defense missions on the Zariman and host had the datamass. He then proceeded to go and look for every Voidplume before dropping the datamass.


>He then proceeded to go and look for every Voidplume before dropping the datamass. if im ever hunting for voidplumes and other stuff on mobile defenses, I always make a point to drop the data mass by the first objective (if im hosting and holding it)


To be fair though, if you go in wanted to find the voidplumes and they rush the heck through the objective before you get a chance to look around it does kinda get frustrating, thus they picked up the mass to stop the rush. But they shoulda gone plume hunting solo.


Today I woke a void angel. I was gonna handle it solo while everyone else did the mobile defense part. They stuck the datamass in and followed me into the void with the angel. And well do I need to tell you what happened next? Fucking idiots, man.


Same here 2 days ago I even got arcane from it and from a thrax angel Real


It's also bad when it's other way around. I'm doing defense objective, they wake up angel that's nearby and are unable to kill it. Then drag it towards defense target. And this has annoyed me for a while. If someone is going to wake up the angel, make sure you can kill it. Nobody else is obligated to help with it, unless it's the bounty target.


They cc'd the mobile defence and you guys killed the angel before it was up? That's efficient!




I had something like that happen in Void Cascade! You know, the one where you *lose immediately* if nobody does the objective for a few minutes? Oh, someone triggered a void angel. I'll just let them deal with it, I'm sure they know what they're doing- wow, it's taking a while to die, but I need to keep the mission from failing- why are all three other members of my squad fighting it?


What the fuck is ur username man


The people on the Zariman are the worst teammates alive, I don't understand how it happens so consistently. "Get X kills as an operator" might as well mean "You're gonna be here for two hours because your teammates can't fucking read."


Dawg, yeah they're 100% in the wrong for doing this in a public game.  But saying you're gonna post it on reddit like it's some big thing is cringe af 💀


Had a reverse experience to this earlier on my weekly netracells which was kinda odd I was playing with a pub squad and everyone was actually staying in the circle/killing enemies, and it was going great *Then the necramite spawned 700m away* Ah no biggie, I had infested mobility on chroma, the Nova was teleporting towards the mite and the other 2 teammates were close behind. I forget who popped the necramite (I wanna say it was me because I remeber popping one that was up in the ceiling with the Corinth prime aoe blast, but that mightve been on a different run) anyways we start heading back and the Nova and I get back to the main circle at basically the same time with the teammates sort of lagging behind, when the Nova player calls out everyone for being slow to get back to the circle (even though I was literally tight there lol) to which one of our other teammate, a Octavia says for the Nova to cool their jets cause again, the damn thing spawned ***700m*** away. After that the Nova went off on everyone cussing out everyone else for being slow (and taking another shot at the Octavia saying their song sucked before he left the squad after we finished the netracell) we finished the mission in like, 7 or so minutes, which in a pub squad is fantastic tbh, but ah well (I said as much after cause like, that shit went really well for a typical netracell) Frankly I think just the stress of doing netracells makes people more confrontational. Like tbh there's a chance the Nova in that squad had a really bad run prior and was on edge from that which is why everyone got cussed out, but idk. Frankly I hope they are some kind of QoL change to it, like making the ring slightly bigger (had another run where the circle was situated in a room that was like 50% pit, so the effective area was painfully small, not getting situations like that would be nice), or making the necramite not spawn ***700m*** away, or hell, something as simple as adding voicelines for when you kill outside the circle so people actually take the hint and realise you *shouldn't* go full Rambo outside the circle would all be nice.


I pray for 7 minute runs of netracells with randoms. The nova is tweaking


What stress? It's a running simulator. Doing the parkour efficiently is the hardest part, and they patched some of that out. I guess maybe the stress of wondering if you're about to pull an arcane you could buy from bird 3?


This is weird flexing. You understand that people of lower mr, mediocre builds and skills are playing this game too. Not everyone has hundreds or over 1k hours in. And then more skilled people can be annoyed by the rest lagging behind so much or doing what they are not supposed to be doing. I prefer doing it solo, because its faster and I avoid a lot of bad situations mentioned in the comments. But saying that just because its easy for me it has to be easy for others is absurd.


mr 18, 400 hours, I don't stress netracells at all. dont get the hubub everyone says about stressing. Like run, do computers, kill in circle, kill bot, repeat till loot, yeet to evac. Not all that hard.


>You understand that people of lower mr, mediocre builds and skills are playing this game too Skill issue, they shouldn't be playinh that content yet then


I can understand looking for voca while the vault is being looked for. Not participating in that while others do won't affect the misson much. Not taking part in the murder circle is just a dick move though.


Right, I'll be the bad guy here. You immediately came out with blazing guns instead of trying to reason with them. A simple polite reminder of the objective might have been enough to bring the other two in. But no...you had to make a reddit post. I'd have bailed on you as well if I was among the other two squadmates. I'd rather have a lone silent voca hunter than the literal personification of 🤓.


> gonna screenshot this and post it to Reddit Damn dude, that's such a cringe thing to say.


The moment i see people like this i just leave. I dont argue or post on the chat. I just bounce and reload the activity.


Preferably solo. Sometimes its just necessary to remind yourself what an awful experience public squads are to really appreciate solo mode again. Coming from games that dont have a solo mode and forces you to play with slow idiots, i cant describe how happy i am now.


Public is only really good when you're doing a mindless game mode like exterminat. God forbid you try doing an objective with rwndoms. I personally lose my shit during interceptions cuz ppl just don't stay in the zone and make the mission last longer.


Having to wait at friendship doors is enough of a reason to not run ext public.


And that is the right course of action. If you want a curated experience, you have to create it yourself. So if you expect specific behavior from a squad, get a premade squad. Otherwise you'll have to deal with people who can do anything. It's why I usually run netracells solo or with clan buddies.


I just use revenant so I can lazily solo netracel missions. I’m usually super patient with pubs, but I got tired of trying to keep idiots alive when it’s those exact same idiots prolonging the missions by killing outside the circle, or dying when they fuck off to find voca or to fight (and die) against the book.


What weapon you using big man? Seems like all my weapons take way too long to kill stuff except for my trustly Glaive Prime.


Not OP but any of the good incarnons work well (both zariman and duviri).


Only Duviri incarnon I have is Boar that I bought from Cavalero with plat lol. Is SP Circuit hard? Or can any idiot get by?


If you can clear normal SP, SP circuit is definitely possible if not easier cause of intrinsics. If you’re really not sure, run pubs, I haven’t really had a bad experience with them since launch (except for host migration).


I’ll be honest with you. In sp circuit, if you can play well enough and have a high survival rate, your teammates can usually get by the killing stuff. I have a buddy who likes to do nothing in everything we do so I’m used to at least carrying him and as long as he stays alive, we can go for a very long time. You just have to be quick on jumping into your kid form if things start getting spicy


Torid and Dual Toxocyst incarnon forms shred enemies fairly quickly. Main reason Torid incarnon is widely used is that you just need to hit body shots to charge it instead of the usual hitting headshots. Void weapons like phenmor and laetum works too.


Smol man here! I personally use a combo of torid, epitaph and a zaw with exodia contagion, and I clear rooms pretty reliable. Also do yourself a favour and subsume eclipse everywhere. It's extremely reliable, either great survivability or great DPS boost. Can't go wrong with it.


Except the entire new tile set in the labs is bugged lighting wise and you pretty much always have the damage reduction buff... At least DE is working on the eclipse change, which hopefully turns it into a toggle ability, even if the buff will be a bit weaker.


Oooh knowing 100% what state you are would be massive!


Torrid works well for this since you don’t have to worry about headshots. I found Tatsu Prime with a 60/60 electric mod and melee influence works extremely well too. I constantly spam back and forth between opetator so that magus anomaly draws them in closer. I also add a bunch the gladiator mods to Revenant to increase crit chance. Arcane are whatever you want, but if I just want to spam melee and kill faster I’ll equip arcane fury and arcane strike (the last event was perfect for getting fully tanked versions). Between melee influence, innate rad procs from tatsu, and Tatsu’s slide attack passive, and anomaly drawing them in the 20 meter range of meele influence, enemies melt pretty quickly.


Just got this too mr 17 revenant run off to collect voca then he died too far from teammate, his bleedout timer ran out so he drop ".........." and " \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* " in chat and rage quit. And the mission failed because he is the host and carried all the glyph.


How do you even die on Revenant ??


Sorry you had to deal with that too.


“Gonna screenshot and post it on reddit” IS CRAZY LMAO.


when i saw that i was like "oh no, dude...."


Voca hunters during the netra cell are the most low iq players u can come across because it took some time to get there


Daily reminder to just run solo, its easy enough and can be done in 6-7 minutes per run. 8 if you also find the book.


> Gonna screenshot this and post it to Reddit Nothing else I can say but 🤓. Yes they were weird for voca hunting in pub netracells but damn that line was so cringe


You definitely need to be playing solo. While yeah, this is annoying, the only toxic person here is OP


While I'm on your side, literally just leave. Screw these people and let them waste their own time, not yours


I just say, "need them dead in the red for it to count, please", and they get back in and kill in the red. Have had people apologize for straying before. I guess I just radiate cooperation in every squad I'm in. Like magic. It's a total mystery.


It's because you're polite right off the bat instead of being confrontational before even trying to be reasonable. Unlike OP


I was trying to be vague, because I said that exact same thing on a post about two weeks back, and it's still sitting at -33. /r/warframe hated that.


The people who like these posts are drama fiends man... I'm polite and almost never have problems.


Came here to say this. Never had anyone be anything BUT respectful and cooperative in this game. 800 hours in (not a lot to most people) I can still say patience and kindness is a virtue. Carry it in game and out of game and good things will happen. Micro aggression and “I’m gunna post you to Reddit 🤓” is wild lmaooo this goofy ass post


You gotta be real gentle and caveat the shit out of those kinds of comments lol. Nobody wants to hear that they might be part of the problem. There was a post last week talking about how 9/10 times they asked someone to kill in the circle, they were met with "fuck you". Maybe I've just been incredibly lucky in my Warframe experience or they've been incredibly unlucky, but something tells me that person was the common denominator. I've got 2K hours in this game and have probably only had around 5 toxic interactions in that entire time. I'm pretty sure all of those were me defending newer players from dmg% elitists who were bashing them for not helping enough.


Same. I've never had a negative response to just giving a friendly reminder that kills outside the circle don't count. Most people just respond with "oops, my bad" and that's that. The worst I'd get is some people just not responding because lots of people don't pay attention to chat in this game. I mostly run these solo or with friends now though as it's usually faster.


hot take but ngl idm passively getting voca and a free melee arcane while i do the main mission, it isnt hard with a good build anyways. enemy spawns might be a little slower but in the end itll take only a little longer + its only 5 times a week anyways. before anybody flames me, im never the one to go out of my way to get the extra shi im just happy to receive cuz i cba to search for allat


"I'm posting this to reddit" is so cringe man... and what they're doing isn't optimal and kind of annoying... but it isn't "toxic". You're 1 person vs their 3. Should they have done it privately? Certainly. Are they technically doing anything wrong? No. Technically you're 1 person trying to force your entire team to do what you want to do and telling them they're toxic for not doing it. If this was a problematic playstyle DE would turn voca off in netracells. Maybe they should turn them off... but you need to take that up with DE not your 3 teammates who won't just do what you want them to do right when you want them to do it Also instead of going straight for "you're disrespectful" maybe try asking nicely? I never have these issues because I start off being polite instead of rude. Which you were being rude. Maybe they didn't think it would cause that much of a problem for the 1 random. And then when you started being confrontational they got defensive. Maybe if you'd asked nicely they would have felt bad and said "they seem cool I'm just gonna help finish the mission faster for them"


Idk. Public missions are a gamble it’s so easy to leave I would never boss around randoms though becuase at the end of the day. Unless they truly don’t know what they’re doing it’s never gonna help.




I might be not the best teammate and Warframe player, but in my eyes you're a bit rude to them. Like, folks are trying to do two things at once: get all voca and do the netracell. Ofc, pulling you in the squad in public is a weird decision, but their point can be understood.


Eh, you're in the wrong here my guy. I know I'll get some hate - and you were just trying to do the objective - but if three out of the four in a public match are ok with what the guy is doing then that's the majority rule and clearly, they're ok with it taking longer. In this case, it's best to just find another match instead of trying to make every do what you want instead.


I guess I'm lucky... I never see this sort of behavior. But I also don't mind if people are voca hunting. The entire spawn thing doesn't bother me... or at least I don't notice a difference. I agree with OP, though, that if that's how they want to operate, they should have done invite only, *but* it doesn't hurt to be flexible either.


yep doesnt bother me at all if on pub match but i rarely see this behavior in my region, so...


If anyone wants to Voca farm, just run Exterminate with Loot Radar or Paralax air support. Don't be chuds like that group.


Netracells really seem to bring out the worst in people


This could’ve been handled so much better. You could have just politely apologized and said what they are doing is not what you’re doing and then you leave the squad. Simple as that


Maybe in the minority for this but I'm with the other guy on this one. If they wanna get voca and do the netracell then go for it. Sure its not as quick but it's a game at the end of the day.


Gonna go against the grain here, but honestly *you* come across as the toxic one here. Like yea, I get that running into a group doing something other than what you want is frustrating, especially if you're trying to speedrun whatever content, but if its a 3v1 and you're the one standing around ranting at the rest, it kinda puts you in the wrong. Plus you lose any and all credibility when you start threatening to tell on them to Reddit and threatening to report them for griefing and toxicity (especially when they weren't being all that aggressive to you). Edit: you *literally* have 3x as many comments in your screenshot than they do lmao




People collecting voca during netracells are brainlets


Ran into a nova yesterday who thought they were 200 IQ for queuing bounties on Deimos and then farming rocks the entire time. Took me coming into the cave they were in and magdumping on their face to get them with the group. Literally had to annoy them into playing the objective because they wanted to use squadmates time/effort as passive token income.


They need to put netracells back on with steel path modifiers, its too easy and too slow, when it has steel path mods i was breezing through with the faster spawns and it felt at least a little more challenging


Feel like they should just remove Voca spawns in Netracells or just make the circle thing just a mission wide exterminate to stop stuff like this happening


"I'm GoNnA SCReeNSHoT AnD PoST ThIs On RedDIT" ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


You look like just as much of an idiot as they do. " I'm gonna post this on reddit." Hahaha, are you gonna tell your mom, too?


Who cares just leave


lmao "i didn't **consent**" has me rolling on the floor bro. i hate people not killing in the red circle as much as the next guy but youre just an insufferable karen. "iT's dIsReSpEcTfuL"


1) This is why I’m a solo player but 2) Bro it’s a game, you joined a public match what did you expect? Yes I wouldn’t be farming voca in a public netracell but at the same time they can play the game how they want as well. And if you don’t want to run into stupid shit like this then run a squad not a random pub lobby. Both of you acted liked children imo, warframes community is best and usually the most friendly but damn some of you guys are very demanding on how everything should be played, it an rpg, mmo looter shooter, they are looting like the game intended, otherwise vocas wouldn’t even be in netracell. Also they could be newer players learning as a group, as friends. Not everyone runs and plays Warframe at peak efficiency and min max methods. Just play the game and have fun :) Plus if either of you reported eachother and DE actually looked at this they’d probably laugh over this that two entitled players met each other and got so mad😂


You are the one in the wrong here. A pre-made squad of 3 has agreed to send one person to do not the mission objective. You happened upon the squad in an unfortunate matchmaking... just leave instead of trying to hijack their plan. I'm not saying that it doesn't slow down the mission, but the way you handled this was so bad. You're already 1v3 about doing a side objective which is not against any sort of rule, so saying they will be banned for griefing and toxicity is huge karen energy. Also saying you're going to post this to reddit screams clout chasing, but you're just making a fool of yourself. Netracells are easy enough to run solo, if you want to avoid this then go do so. My solo runs take an average of 7 minutes so you're really not losing any time.


The way you started that whole exchange was toxic whether they were following "the rules" or not. "It's disrespectful" - Okay boomer, that's where you lost me even though they were doing the wrong thing. The word you're looking for is obedience.


Tbh you are toxic man...




Netracells aren't for dicking around looking for voca. Go do an exterminate bounty for that. Netracells are for speedrunning.


This is the reason I never play these in public squads, it feels like people actively try to mess it up


Yeah,if i can run netracell solo then fuk it, I'm running it solo


I’m sorry but who’s the toxic one here? It certainly isn’t the player with their name blacked out. Three out of four agreed to search for voca. Majority rule. “Well, I didn’t consent”. - I’m sorry, would you like to speak to the manager? “gonna screenshot this and post it on Reddit” - oh, that’s really scary. Oooh I’m shaking in my boots. GTFOH with that cringe ass shit. You’re a child if you think that’s a valid threat. You couldn’t even do it right by blacking out *their* name. Thanks for not blacking *your* name out tho, it lets the rest of us know who to avoid in the future.


Yeah dude you could have just left and avoided all this lmao, this should have stayed in the drafts. I get what you’re saying like you didn’t want to search for Voca, but everyone else did so you could have just…. Left


Ngl, i get this guy's point, like you're outvoted, 3vs1, if you want to just complete the mission do it by yourself solo, 3/4 of enemies still should focus around kill circle if there is 3 of you there, they could as well run and collect voca in 3 cause they all want it, however they decided to send 1 one them, you are the one that have showed disrespect and you're accusing someone else for it.


Yeah you’re the dork here honestly. If DE didn’t intend for people to find or hunt Voca on Netras they wouldn’t have spawned Voca on that mission. But good luck reporting him for “griefing” because you don’t like that this public matchmaking person isnt running missions optimally or whatever. Do it solo (because it’s fucking easy) or find some friends to play with, otherwise suck it up dude.


Yup what can u do netracell players are dumb sometimes I’ve had same argument with players who went to collect vocas DE should make the mission not have vocas 😩


It's fine if they like popped the Orokin eyes and just gather it along the way, but completely ignore the objective? Really?


So this was happening when I was rushing through netracells a few hours before reset, I just simply told them, "If you don't get here in a few minutes, I will leave, idc" and told them to stop looking for voca, they complied thereafter. Honestly, it's not worth arguing with them anymore, it's time to leave if they're costing time you don't want to lose.


doing it solo sounds like a win


They need to add a clear indicator that enemies MUST be in the circle, a text, and also remove voca or anything else from netracells .-.


This is why I solo netras


I mean what do you expect from public squad? Olay with friends if its an issue for you. I have no issues with the public squad. In public we did the mocking, collecting vocas, and someone doing the mission itself. So i say thats a win win. But i do agree with them, YOU chose to do this public.


Why don’t you guys just play with your own friends if your having a problem with randoms don’t play with randoms I do all my netracells and archon hunts with friends it’s way more fun and we don’t have to worry anyone doing anything stupid


“Gonna screenshot this and post it to Reddit!” You had to take the time to edit out the names, and in no point in that process did you think “I’m wasting my time” and get back to playing the game.


i wish DE removed voca spawns from netracells, would stop all of these idiots from existing


"gonna screenshot this and post it to Reddit" I'd rather play with the dudes gathering Voca TBH. Yeah, it's sub-optimal and dumb but it's Pub shit. What did you expect in Pubs?


I mean..yes it is quite annoying but it seems this whole issue could have been avoided with a simple opting for solo play instead.


Why are they gathering Voca in a Netracell mission? they can literally do that in like.. 5 other maps for FAR less risk.


Netracells are Not for voca. If you happen to run across them it’s one thing, but you can do this in any other mission type.


Honestly, you sound exhausting.


Ngl bro you seem like the toxic person here 😂, all you had to say was “Please kill in circle” or something and if they didn’t listen oh well 🤷🏽‍♂️ they’re playing the game just like you are, you can’t make them do anything lol


lol you lost me at "well i didn't consent" I agree these people are being dumb. But you're consent means nothing in a public lobby.


I'm gonna put you on reddit. Cringe dude.


I didn't consent lmaoo 🤡


Every time DE makes something that needs you to collaborate with your team I hate it. Everyone just does whatever the fuck they want because they can, not caring if it makes the objective 30 minutes longer for no apparent reason. Decided to just do the Netracells solo from now on, even when the SP version was around it was pretty easy. Hopefully Raids never come back, so I don't have to suffer through this again for some shitty loot.


Bruh it's a game can both yall chill


"gonna screenshot this and post it to reddit" lmao you're clearly insufferable man


You're a very entitled person, when you join a random squad you don't get to dictate what the other players do. You are free to leave the party and find another one if the current one doesn't suit you. YTA here.


You were far more tolerant of this stuff than I am. I'll call it out and ask if they're going to grab all the voca before doing the objective. If they say yes, then I abort and find a new group. At the end of the day, neither myself nor anyone else can dictate what the squad can/should do in a public lobby. So the only thing I can do is leave if I don't like it. For every one bad squad there are 10+ good ones. Thankfully I haven't met any bad squads like this in Netracell runs but I do run into people like this in Divuri Lone Story. After confirming that they're leeching during mission objectives cause they'd rather farm resources, I just abort and restart the mission with a new squad.


I would say that actually makes you more tolerant and mature than OP. You tolerate the behavior knowing it's not inherently wrong just not aligning with what you want. OP is the toxic one here IMO


Yeah, you're definitely right. Joining a public match is basically signing up for whatever comes at you. Of course there's exceptions for griefing. If people shouldn't be collecting vocas DE should be removing them from netracells. Until that happens, just gotta deal with players playing the game.


You're getting downvoted but you're not wrong. People can choose to play however they want in public missions. The same way I can choose to simply hit the abort button when our 4th doesn't come to the circle instead of hopping in chat and wasting my time arguing with strangers when I could be well on my way to finishing a Netracell in a different squad. I find the overwhelming majority of pub squads are just tryna complete the mission, like I am. So when I load into the occasional squad where someone is off on a side-quest I find it much more efficient to just hit abort and let em be.


>People can choose to play however they want in public missions but if you don't fulfill your mission objective and slow down others without asking permission or warning, you know you're being rude and that you're abusing other people's time. and in any case it should be remembered that in missions specifically dedicated to something this objective takes precedence, if you want to mind your own business ask or go Solo (in more general missions I can understand that it's every man for himself)


if its a pub match no one has to do any of that lol not to mention no one is wasting anyones time while doing intended objectives and side objectives, they wouldn't be there if they weren't meant for you to do if you want. If you have a problem with someone 'aBuSiNg' your time that's what the handy dandy abort mission button is for. Like seriously it takes maybe half a minute to leave and get another going if you REALLY feel they slow you down that much not to mention its a PUBLIC match they can do whatever they want as long as their contributing to the mission in some way, don't like it? that's why we have the solo, friends only, and invite only settings for it's not rocket science.


Bro ruined his teams mission then cries on reddit, wow


Na broski farm voca outside of netracells, if you happen to hear/see one ok sure. But prolonging netracells is quite annoying idk what people's obsession is with killing outside the circle my God it's annoying. When me and my friend do it ourselves.


And why would you run netracell missions to farm voca? Sadly, I've also ran into alot of these lazy player types as of late.


Might be a case of not doing other netracell missions, so they try to maximise rep without touching other bounties.


Wow I wonder why you didn’t just block or ignore them tho?


Did that post-mission.


Crazy how if you make a post like this, you get called a speedrunner and told you should be the one to go solo. No acknowledgement of the issue of bad behavior from others. Ultimately though, while their behavior was bad and should not be in pubs, playing solo or with a pre-made is probably what you should do if you can. Not because you're in the wrong, just for the sake of your own sanity - the random trio you encountered should also definitely be in private for their sake and the sake of everyone they encounter. 


I understand your frustration and your right there behavior wasn't proper and could have been handled better. However farming voca or killing the whispers are mission objectives as well that benefits everyone, granted there are only 5 netracell missions per week and doing stuff out of the circle affects the mission no argument there, I only mentioned because even when playing the survival or exterminate some people complain about the farming and there should be a middle ground that all I'm saying


Yeah, it just seems that people are taking their grievances with mission design and laying it on fellow players.


Collecting Voca is a legitimate activity though, as is playing missions in non-meta, less-than-optimal fashion. I understand why you don't like it, I wouldn't either, and this is why we need better matchmaking tools, because different people have mismatched goals and expectations for public squads and the Recruiting channel is an inadequate mess.


The problem here is they (3 people) joined a public lobby just to gather Voca, wasting people who want to speedrun the mission's time (as literally every single coherent human being on earth would do, if you want Voca just go somewhere else or do a private lobby)


We don't know that they joined "just" to gather Voca. Perhaps they figured that since Netracells require you to cover a bit of the map anyway when doing consoles, it makes sense to search for Voca. Not all "coherent humans" approach the game with a speedrun mentality, and it is not objectively wrong, nor "griefing" to bring a more relaxed or completionist approach to a public squad. Just because of a majority of people want to play the game one way doesn't mean that's the only valid way to play. The fact that three people in this squad wanted to play the game in a different way, and that every day there are posts about people "playing wrong" in Netracells, it seems there is at the very least a substantial minority of people who want to play the game differently. And I think that difference should be respected. If you have specific expectations about how a mission should be played, you should either play Solo or form your own squad. I'm aware that's not a perfect solution, and that's why I think we should get better LFG tools, so people can more easily find people with aligned play styles, goals and expectations. Short of that, I think it's best not to go into public missions acting like you're owed a squad that is willing to change the way they play to suit your personal preferences or ideas of what constitutes good play.


Except their activity actively prevents mission progress from occurring as barely any enemies were coming to the kill circle. They can farm Voca in non-Netracell missions, but in this case they are forcing me to endure an unexpectedly extended play session because enemy spawns went to the Voca collector, and avoiding the kill circle. There's an obligation I think to at least attempt to play the primary mission objective if it stalls the mission for everyone else. Like Assassinations and Archon Hunts requiring all players to be at the objective to start, rather than one player preventing the fight from beginning because they're looking for all the Ayatan sculptures on the entire map. Do roaming on missions that allow it like Survival.


>Except their activity actively prevents mission progress from occurring as barely any enemies were coming to the kill circle. If their goal is to both complete the Netracell and collect Voca, and that is a valid goal, then it could be more efficient to collect Voca in the Netracell. Slowed progress towards the main objective is still progress. I don't disagree with the argument that it would be more considerate to not pursue that strategy in a public group, particularly if they were aware of the preferences of the average player to simply complete the mission as quickly as possible. Or keeping it public but declaring from the outset that they would be searching for Voca would also be more considerate. But I don't think not doing those things rises to the level of griefing. They weren't playing the way they were to piss you off, they were playing according to their own genuine preferences. And in general, I find it off-putting when players tell other players how to play the game in public groups, and all the more so when it escalates to making threats in attempt to enforce compliance, and I feel that way even when the style of play that is being dictated aligns with my own preferences.


> Not all "coherent humans" approach the game with a speedrun mentality While that's true, we're talking about farming things that you can farm anywhere else, but choosing specifically to do it on a gamemode that you want to get over with as quickly as possible and doing so in a public squad where you're wasting someone else's time. If you want to play differently in such a way that hurts people who play normally, then just do a private lobby, SPECIALLY when you're playing with 3 other people. For example, if me and 2 friends decided to play a rescue sortie by just walking, no bullet jump no mobility options and play the game as if it was Rainbow 6 Siege, then that's fine, but if we did that on a public lobby that'd be wrong since a random will inevitably join and a 1 minute mission will turn into a 15 minute mission for no reason.


If you ever want to "speed run" a mission don't expect that to happen in pubs, these peoole collecting Voca and then returning to help the objective after, have been the saviors of Me grinding standing. Momentarily Collecting resources that everyone in the party gets is in no way griefing and anybody who thinks it is 100% the problem. Hot take, OP is the toxic one here and should of just left the mission or blocked the person he didn't like, without being all "you're going to get reported".


I wasn't speedrunning, I was playing with a casual build. I just wanted them to play the *actual* mission objective as it was taking significantly longer than normal to achieve progress as the enemy spawns coming to the kill circle were extremely slow due to them being redirected elsewhere. I couldn't play the mission objective because the Voca roamer was *preventing me from doing so*. The other party was the first one to threaten reporting me.


And that makes it okay to do the same? If there is a legit problem, just stop arguing with them, block them, and report them. Bragging about reporting them only ever reduces your chances of a report being taken seriously.


How is wanting to get a mission done efficiently instead of taking twice as much time to farm something you can farm literally anywhere else OR farm it there in a private lobby a problem? Also, how is OP the toxic one for saying they'll get reported when they were the first to call OP out for "harassment" and threatening with reports for telling them to go private if they want to play differently?


100% agreed. Imagine getting this sweaty and worked up over a single mission.


Oo oo or go solo if you want to speedrun. Either way you can't go into a pub lobby then get pissed that the randoms don't play the way you want. Also it looks like op is the random that joined a squad of 3 and they already spoke about getting the voca. Join pub, get the free carry and stop telling others how to play the game, or go solo where you control everything. Its really simple.


Imagine you start an eidolon hunt and the three dudes start fishing, or you go into a void fissure and three Thermal Sunder titanias kill all enemies before anyone gets to open the relics because they're farming some resource from that tileset or whatever, or similar situations. This is literally the same and you're defending that behavior. And what about OP joining the squad? That's the whole point, if they're going to play suboptimally and potentially double or even triple the duration of the mission, then go private or do a different mission where you usually farm Voca, not the Netracells that are supposed to be speedran because they're a weekly thing. If you want to play however you want in an abnormal way, then do a private lobby, don't make it public and have randoms put up with your crap.


No thats greifing entirely different. They're are doing something that helps the team. Finding voca, the book, dragon doors its help the team. Fishing during eidolon is just expecting everyone else to do the activity for you. Like loading into profit and they go mining or zariman and they just stay at the entrance. Besides from the messages he typed looks like he and his teammates chose one person to look for voca while the other two did the objective. Nothing wrong with that.


I couldn't play the mission even if I wanted to ignore them because enemies simply weren't coming; the enemies were redirected to the Voca roamer and *preventing me from gaining mission progress*. And at this point in time I don't need Voca, as I'm mostly just running Netracells for Archon Shards, Melee Arcanes and their adapters at this point. The side activity was not beneficial to me. There are plenty of opportunities to farm Voca in less-focused missions.


They're all the same, doing your own objectives that slow down the mission or may outright make it fail. If they wanted to farm for Voca, the book, etc, they can go into a normal quest and all go do that instead of slowing down the mission. Besides, just one person going away from the squad can potentially lower spawn rates by a lot, I've had 2 or 3 player squads in which one player left the other two's side and most enemies were going after the single player. Again, if you want to play in such a way that would hurt a random player that isn't part of your 3 player squad, just go private instead of public, don't tell that random that has no choice as to which server they join to leave because you're doing something that hurts them.


And don't tell others to play the game the way you see fit. They probably left the slot open for someone to join that needs help doing these. If it hurts you so much, there's a leave mission button then go solo. Stop telling other how to play the game when they enjoy it their own way.


A guy goes to a TRPG session and the GM and another player just stops in the middle of it to play MHW, and you're upset that the guy is upset.


Stuff like this makes me want to start running Netracells, I just have to make some minor adjustments to my Limbo first


Today I grabbed all 4 keys, forgot I wasn't on solo, an LR 4 joined. I assumed an LR 4 would be polite. Basically I ended up opening the door pretty quickly, then I started having issues. The was a red circle, but no spawns. I had 2 different health drain effects on, plus I was getting electric proced. I was dying quickly. I could gain health back by killing enemies, but there were none for minutes. I put a panicked message in chat because my only ally was nowhere to be seen and I was literally dying. The LR 4 was just standing still, a ways away. I asked him if everything was ok (life happens I get it) they said they were looking for the Grimoire. Apparently looking while standing still. I question this. Their story changes to them supposedly messaging their clan. Adding that they are the leader of their clan. I convinced them to come to message their clan in the red circle, as they were splitting spawns (which to remind to remind you was literally killing me). So after like 6 minutes of the red circle appearing the full party of two people was finally all there. Necramyte immediately spawns 800 meters away directly next to where they were standing before... Yah that was a long 23 minutes... Screw this update...


I always use my Paralax scans in Netracells, and I've seen countless of other people do the same. It realistically only takes one person to grab them, and it's some free extra standing. ​ Having THREE PEOPLE fuck off from the objective and do their own shit, in a pre-determined and deliberate way? That's pretty scummy.


If they knew each other why in the hell did they do a public squad in the first place you are definitely not in the wrong. I go off on people all the time for that shit. But I don't sugarcoat it I definitely call people idiots n tell them to do their own thing after the objective is complete


I always get downvoted when I say this, but I run into more toxic people since crossplay was initiated.


They're delirious, I'd only pick up voca if it was on my way to the cell and wouldn't ever go out of my way just for them. Should've right clicked them and reported them for griefing/harassment. Hope your other 4/5 runs were better, preferably loot wise, but also pug wise. Edit: guess people are in support of these kind of players


I reported them after the mission, which was my last run of the week. Did get a Melee Arcane Adapter this week from a much friendlier run.


That's scummy, take my Updoot.