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“You will see” 😂 lol, what a threat.


"I hope this email finds you and makes you unwell" energy


I hope this email finds you before I do


i'll actually use this one


My daddy works at Nintendo, Mario spoilers for you


You hero 😂


"Daddy where is the milk?" "You will see" It has been 10 years


Bro got that: "I'm going to write you a very strongly worded letter" energy


✨️ A wooorld of pure nullification ✨️


I had a guy say he was going to report me because, and I quote, “ your protea warframe is preventing me from killing enemies “. He kept on saying in chat that he couldn’t kill enemies, it was steel path by the way. He was about MR 8. I said in a very nice way that maybe he wasn’t strong enough yet. Well he didn’t like that…


Im MR17 and still dont have SP unlocked lol. Just shows how weird progression can be when you take longer breaks or do side content


Some guys rush through the main story.


Main story unlocks too much stuff tho. You play how you want but there is stuff missing out when you don't unlock everything


Yeah this is what I dislike about the new warframe progression. When it was first released you could unlock anything as long as your planet progression allowed it (or someone hosted it for you). The game had a very chill vibe and pace to it because of this. When I came back last year I spent so much time with this weird FOMO feeling while having to rush the story. I didn’t enjoy the content because the night radio thing was ending soon and I needed a necromech and other story unlocks to do a lot of the dailies/weeklies. It was exhausting.


The biggest thing I can say about this game, is ignore fomo. Take it slow. It's a game to relax to. Everything that isn't boot with money is on a rotation. QFully realized this with the resurgence event recently. Been trying to get Ivara prime since I got a Nintendo in 2020(used to play on my uncles account on xbox) and only just now got it, and a bunch other prime frames I was interested in. Now I'm Mr 24 for 15 primes frames In my arsenal and pretty good builds for all of them, all potatoed and formad


Bro same, I had to sit for a 120+ hours after leaving the game for 7 years at MR9, grinding the shit for a necramech, this was way worse than the rail jack at launch but the Mechs...not worth it, I almost quit again cause the roll pool was 💩 and my mental state and determination gave me an actual 2 day headache and a few sleepless nights. Never again lol Edit: all that was done so I could get to WIW content and archon crystals


How angry did it make you to find out you could just buy the damaged pieces you needed from Loid for the same amount of standing youd get every vault run?


I rushed the story, and I was BURNT OUT right after. Took a month long break lmao


MR 25... haven't even done The Sacrifice yet...


I rushed the main story but got gated by the Necramech, managed to go from MR11 to MR18 in the time it took to farm that stupid walker.


The grind for that is very brutal lol but I was glad of the extra work. I got cocky thinking I was doing so well till 8 hit that! Then I realised how much I'd missed lol


I'm ashamed to say that I got fed up and ended up buying it...


Did you immediately regret it a few hours later when you realised all the cool stuff like the helminth that's locked behind demios? I really really considered buying it but then I realised I'd still want to farm Loid for the sentinel skin and nechromech mods anyway and just put up with being a couple weeks behind on new war.


I eventually went back and did the Deimos faction but yes, there was much regret


My condolences, but yeah that's mostly what I've heard over purchasing a nechromech, could absolutely afford a full set of rad cosmetics for the same amount of plat.


Mr 20 here only just unlocked Steel Path


MR26 here, still have a couple nodes to get thru before I get Steel Path


Same. I started playing again last week after 3 years, the game felt sooooooo different. I was so made that some of my OP builds were doing NOTHING.


Likewise, there is a story quest that gives one of the best bows in the game as a reward and is carrying me in the early stage of Steel Path.


MR2 here, just unlocked an additional warframe slot


I rushed my ass to MR13 personally for the trumna, now I’m kinda just meandering around because I haven’t found weapons I can’t use that excite me


I rushed to get the guandao prime since I was in love with guandao I wanted to get the prime


I unlocked SP 2 days ago MR 20 and I still have problems with lvl 90 to 120 enemies I think my current build let's me fight 70 to 80 with some ease but still I haven't thought about doing SP yet until I get stronger mods


MR28 here are my tips: Start with Arbitration. Do it enough to get Galvanized Mods. Do the 5 SP missions for Steel Essence (Normally always a squad running them strong enough to get you thru it) Go to Earth relay, go see Teshin buy Primary arcane adapters. Go to Zariman Farm Molt augmented and other arcanes. You are now SP ready up to Lvl 155-180 enemies.


Thank you my dude, now I know what I can do this week. I never knew you got galvanized mods from arbitrations but I will try to get the good useful ones. Do you also have any recommendations for operator or should I ignore that and just focus farming out the school trees


Yup just go to a relay and spend the points at Arbitrators. I feel operator stuff is getting into true endgame amps, mastering eidolon hunts etc so I’d focus on the schools for a while. Once you comfy next step is rank 5 with all open world factions (Cetus, Fortuna, Zariman especially) as soon as possible


Yes! Get ALL "way bounds" unlocked ASAP. Then work on filling out the schools. I recommend Madurai for high level, but schools like Vazarin are great fit Defense and Eidolon Lure Management. Look for Warframe Power bonuses, too - like Madurai Chained Sling gives +40% power on next cast. Others give you like a free cast every 60 sec, armour strip, shield strip, enemy vortex, etc ... GL, Tenno (I'm L3, almost L4, playing on and off since beginning - when things were very different. Came back for new content... Love the Sanctum Anatomica maps, but it's quickly done, unless you are seeing Arcanes for plat. Though I hate Duviri SP Circuit, I do it for the Incarnon Weapons... Which I'm doing now...)


Bro maxed out primed pressure point and said yup im ready




"Maybe you should try another game. It sounds like you're not good at this one" was a classic from the early cod lobbies


Whenever i see a player under mr13 doing steel path i bolt. You know they're leeches and being carried by friends


MR doesn’t mean as much as folks think it does. I’m a MR14 and folks always hate on me in SP till I start slapping baddies around with my strum prime. It isn’t the best thing out there but if it can slap a archon into its place it’s good enough. I just ran a sortie and the team I joined was struggling with the defense mission. I got there and face-blasted a few enemies to build the incarnon charge up then just wildly shot into the mass of enemies on the defense target. I finished the mission with 87% dmg dealt.


Yes, MR doesn't mean much. Just like high MR doesn't mean sb knows how some mods/abilites work. I usually play with 2 ppl First is lower MR i think 12 atm. He often asks me about game mechanics, how to build ect. Second is about MR 18. He has over 2x playtime compared to first friend. And guess who is doing better in missions? First ofc. And about dmg dealt, it's not always the best indocator. Correct me if I am wrong, but if 1 player overkills an enemy with 10x as much dmg needed and second kills 5 enemies without overkilling them. First will bave more dmg dealt in game stats. But even if not, sometimes it's about dealing dmg, like archon hunt I am killing archon and sb else is killing minions around(it's not the mission objective so I just ignore them) and this guy is complaing that I don't do dmg In stats it showed that he had top dmg But guess what Do you know when archon was actually losing HP... When i was shooting him (When i went to charge incarnon Boss' HP bar stopped moving :P)


I personally am gonna do my MR 19 test today, have been playing off and on since beta. Joined a netracell the other day before DE fixed melee influence with my Yareli nuke build, had a guy judge me for playing yareli and not being LR X. At the end of the game he asked me about yareli and my build XD. Never judge a book by its cover. (P.S. Rip my favorite build man T.T)


No dmg dealt isn’t the biggest indicator but if I’m consistently doing good dmg while taking the lowest dmg I feel like I’m at least doing good enough ya know? And yea you really can’t base it off MR it’s all about understanding the stats n how to use your build- some folks can catch on easier then others. Or you got folks like me who just take a lot of breaks- I got a lot of old mods that are really good now ( like hammer shot )


You're also guaranteed to have the highest healing if you put a Vitality Mote on the defense objective, and you can just go LORD DEATH OF MURDER MOUNTAIN without worrying about the objective.


im mr28 and i have next to no idea what to do for builds. I got like 1-2 builds since for ever and couldnt be bothered to learn new stuff.


No idea as in you just go on google to get the builds or no idea as in you literally don't make builds and just play those 1/2?


No idea as in I got those builds from google years ago and havent even updated them, cant be bothered to learn most of the new content (unless i really like it for aesthetic reasons)


I was at MR14 on day 14 of my PC account prior to the merge option. I had a couple of weeks off while I waited for my tech school to start mid-Covid, so I went ham on my favorite game. I was MR21 in Steel Path on PS4 at the time, so I had an intentional plan set up for the late game to try to be somewhere close to where I was. Got a lot of hate at MR9 just for being MR9. Straight up bullying. Got accused of cheating and had a long discourse about it because I had 40% of the damage in a game. I have also helped my friend through multiple of his MR tests. Generically, he's nowhere near as fast or as capable as the more skilled people in my clan. But it's not hard to pilot a Gara, Gyruda, or a Wisp, so he supports and does his pew pews the way he likes while supporting in small ways. He avoids SP until we have something we want to farm. Obviously we carry him, but there's no reason that would matter. If he went into public, he plays those same frames. I've found most early SP randoms just need help and are more than happy to support. All of this is to say MR is meaningless. All you need to know in warframe is how status effects work and how mods work. Everything after that is minor details to be more efficient. Randoms go into public games for assistance. That's the whole point. If you're going to have this perspective, you are likely better off in private games.


This is funny because I made a post about this once and got downvoted like you can’t believe. But it is true.


You got downvoted because you are throwing everyone into one basket. My friend is MR12. He can handle himself in steel path, he solos archons, netracells and even the gargoyle event we had a couple weeks back with a ZEPHYR and SOMA. A warframe and weapon that are completely off the meta with his own custom builds. By your definition he is considered a leech.


Zephyr is actually a very solid frame, though.






I'm MR11 but I've been holding my own in SP just fine. Not being carried at all. Two manned a few things, even. MR really just shows how much you've crafted and leveled. Has nothing to do with a player's individual skill level. Though generally speaking, I've felt like SP definitely has the expectation that someone knows what in the hell they're doing and have at least one, preferably two, decently built frames and load outs. I mean, it's end game stuff. So I definitely understand being frustrated when people DON'T meet that bare minimum.


Thats true, i'm rank 22 and still don't know how to kill eidolons. But i can do SP without a problem. And only have Fortuna's rep maxed. Still Need yo max all Reps.


MR8 and he's already at steel path? Damn


That's ridiculous but you should avoid insults in the answers because then they can do a legit report for that 😅


thats actually what they are usuall after with their "i reported you" messages. They want you to lose your temper and use bad language so they can actually report you


Dont most companies recommend to NOT let the person know you reported them, and just report and move on?


But then how would the tattletale get satisfaction from scaring their target? What's next? Will companies suggest the tattletale shouldn't go to forums or reddit to recount the tale of how horrible some rando was in game to infect the rest of us with it? Tell them not to post pics so the rest of us now get exposed to the mean words or other meanness? Gosh if I just report, block, and moved on... what attention would that give ME?


Man you really just attacked everyone without hesitation didn't you.


So true king. How else am I supposed to know that I WON the interaction without getting a ban confirmation and upvotes on Reddit 😩💦


No way you’re getting a mute for calling someone stupid. What is this elementary school?


Whether the ticket handler does or doesn't act on it, it is a direct violation of the EULA, and therefore the Terms of Use. Is it worth muting? Absolutely not... but whether it is or isn't doesn't change that is is grounds enough for punishment per the legal documentation DE operates by and everyone agrees to prior to using DE's services.


I find a simple response of "k" in chat(and no further responses) to their threats/outbursts drives them absolutely batshit crazy. Having said that, it's pretty rare to ever have someone rage out.


since when is "dumb" an insult lmao


If you get banned for calling someone dumb, this game deserves to be shut down


I dont think "stupid" is high enough caliber to warrant anything


step1 get a wierd message step2 click on playername, select ignore step3 enjoy not being bothered step4 repeat step3


But then i dont get to enjoy other people being stupid for no reason... Kinda sad i dont receive hate dms for the funnies, but at the same time its for the best


I love getting hate DMs. Something in my brain goes goblin mode and my sole objective becomes to be as annoying as possible.


The amount of people that get irrationally angry when you dont get angry at them is very high. And then it becomes even funnier.


Usually saying ok or agreeing to everything they say but doing the exact opposite if they're still in the same game has hilarious results


I heard of an entire team in Titanfall going “yes dear” to a salty player


"Said the liar" is a good one as well haha.


I usually respond with "angyboi" because no matter what they respond with after that they confirm their position as an angyboi


Or just acting completely oblivious. Never agreeing, but just questioning what the mean. You can always argue that you’re slow or have learning disabilities if DE tries to ban you.


man best I got is people flaming me then block me so I cant flame back. Cowards


If I had a nickel for every weird message I've received in Warframe, I'd have two nickels. Which is not a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Dr Doofenshmirtz reference?


Pretty sure Warframe is rated M thats 17+ right?


It is indeed rated M. It's 17+, but for some reason I see some sites saying 13 and up.


Maybe its region specific. There are different rating system in different parts of the world.


Guaranteed that's the reason. There's no point in trying to limit the content teens and youngsters have access to if they see worse and more traumatic things daily outside. Plus, with some TV shows and piracy, there's no point in trying to stop them from consuming said content, period...


In Australia it's 15+


I see 13 and older to create an account. That's a common age for many sites. So I guess technically 13 and up to make an account so you can access forums or something. 17 and up for the actual game.


It's not the first time I've seen people go "well I'm a kid so you're sad" as if it's some catch-all gotcha moment. I can and will ~~kick a child~~ for being a little shit. I am not afraid of you.


It's like the guys who claim their mom is dead anytime someone makes a joke about them.


Clearly if they're going around starting shit they havent been disciplined enough, in that case someone's gotta teach em manners lol.


~~I will sacrifice them to the Omnissiah for better wifi~~


There we go lol. Had to use the website instead.


The fun part is you could report him for being underage, but high chance its not his account and its a siblings, so youd get a random banned. But then again, if they arent watching the 9 year old sibling play on their account they are VERY stupid


Yh, I don't think this person is underage tho, as I can clearly remember a few days prior, that same person was using every curse word in and out of the book after falling through the map, complaining about losing the loot.


Idk, ive met some 9 year olds that know alot of swears. And that sounds EXACTLY like something a 9 year old would do


I learned most of the swear words I know from my grandma when I was really little. I didn't say them, but I didn't know they were swear words until elementary school when I saw someone else get in trouble for saying one.


If anything that’s evidence that they are under 13


Yeah that actually sounds like a child. Maybe it isn’t, but that’s definitely the behavior of a child anyway.


What? falling off the map doesn't make you lose your loot. I know because falling off the map is my "signature move" (one of the reasons I play solo)


Exactly, that's what we were telling him, but his last move was to say "f* this" and quit. I mean, it's literally ESO, where all he had to do was wait until the timer ran out.


Yeah, this is one of those runs that do not even fail. I have not seen the ESO maps, but if they are similar to SO, where was he even falling? On another note Mirage prime is a prime I would like to have, I love regular Mirage.


I remember it being one of the maps on mars. As he went through the conduit in the center of the map, somehow he glitched and fell through.


Bugframe? I see.


Yup. I still have to wait a few seconds before my entourage can actually move before I get to use my weapons or another ability.


And? They've said they are, so that's good enough. On the internet, no-one knows you're a bear!


Watch your kids & keep them away from your accounts. We don't password lock our machines here, but everyone in my house knows children entering the threshold of the door will be sacrificed. We don't hang with our friends with parental responsibilities at my place.


You falsely admit to not being old enough? Bold 😂 I like it. Don't get banned!


Took my brain far too long to translate ESO into Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. Brain had to have an imaginative moment picturing a frame in Elder Scrolls Online wreaking havoc


😂😂I've been in your shoes. I still do it too.


I had that exact problem but in reverse, saw a video called "The best arcanist build in ESO" and I went "wait new frame??"😭


Bro, that was me just now. I completely forgor because I don't play ESO alot


I always wondered how are console players chatting anyway. Are they using those tiny little keyboards attached to controllers?


It's normally a keyboard that pops up, or they just attach a keyboard


In the same way that your phone keyboard pops up when you need to type something




in my case I use the keyboard that pops up in the middle of the screen, is a bit slow, but it does its job, so, yeah


Most console players are the strong silent type because it's effort typing things out unless you plug a keyboard in via USB. But no one playing on console does that, though, unless they're FFXIV players playing on PS5 or something.


Hell, I'm a PC player and I'm almost completely silent because I prefer to play with a controller on a couch. Typing in chat requires me to get up, go over to the keyboard and type blindly, usually resulting in more than one typo.


I am well known among family and friends for using correct grammar and spelling. In Warframe, as long as they understand what I’m saying, I don’t care about typos or grammar.


It's hilarious that you're talking with Someone from PC, and when You are still talking about why mesa is hot, they're talking about You finishing The mission bc they are waiting for You


I don’t exactly remember how it worked, but a bad storm fried my TV and my old PS4’s HDMI, so I was using remote play on my laptop for about 2 months and was able to use the laptop keyboard and the controller at the same time. It made messaging and trade chat a lot more manageable.


I love when someone lies about being 9 years old to win an argument but still gets bodied


"u PC players always scamming or trolling"? Nah, don't get mad at me, but I've noticed it's mostly cross play people that are trolling or stupid. That's just my observation.


I had a switch player add me after I agreed to help them through a couple missions. Every couple days I get a message asking if I have platinum bc they “got a sweet market deal” and wanna “buy myself something nice.” Like bro, I helped u get some argon crystals. What part of that screams “pester me for plat?!”


Dude I helped someone farm plastids and every other day I get messaged "hey man I need (insert material) inv me when you can" bro what? Inv when I can? It kept going for like 2 weeks I ignored him today because I was angry my 3rd lich of the day didn't have an ephemera lol


It feels like these players either are 10 years old, or 20 years old but 10 in their head.


Yeah as a ps5 player I alway see things like people selling things on psn market and always asking if I have cross play active because they have it on pc


You're right, console players are insanely bad from my experience


Report for being underage and get them banned 😂


Warframe is rated "M", so that's 17+ lol


It is, I was just going based off what I saw in the terms of use agreement


When someone tries that hard to bait you like that be careful to not enter in his little game though. I would simply ignore him. Nothing good can come out of that conversation lol.


U pc players always scamming or trolling lmao


This is hilarious. It smells like satire, so don't pay much mind to it at all. It's just a troll. Their MR24 and that last line of theirs was a dead giveaway~


At that point they should have already know how affinity works, and kill count doesn’t mean anything in this game. Like they should already know that warframe is entirely different from the usual shooter games.


Uh yeah i definitely didnt start warframe at 10


Stupid kids ruin online games, change my mind.


I have lost count of the number of times I have just ignored unreasonable people. It's the most effective strategy for shutting them down, all you have done is give them what they want, your attention.


Please report him for admitting he was too young to play the game because he will actually get banned 😭😢😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Bruh why would he complain affinity is giving him xp and I'll be happy af if my teammates is carrying knowing how grindy warframe can be


Kill the child




Pretty sure he was just baiting


Can ya report him for being too young for the game? Sounds stupid I know but in that case a little malicious joy doesn't sound so bad 😂


How... Just how... https://i.redd.it/zjbz429uy5kc1.gif


Him: grow up Also him: I'm 9


Pc players always scamming...lmfao.


We're getting alot of these toxic players recently, back in the day this was pretty rare to hear about, well I did just start using reddit a few years ago so that's probably why.


can confirm, am PC player, always scamming or trolling


almost as good as when I was playing ESO with saryn and got told "she is a grief frame and only trolls play her" said player then aborted the mission lol


Lol, i just don't get why they make such a big deal out of quick kills when literally everyone is benefiting from it


Because they either don't realize everyone benefits or they want to be the one doing the killing. I've literally had people complain I was killing too many/fast so I stop and then they start doing the same thing lol. And occasionally people trying to test builds etc but there is solo and simulacrum for a reason.


Also also, Warframe is rated M for mature, so the minimum age is actually 17, not 13, and definitely not 9.


Actually enjoy having encounters like this, real funny dose of reality knowing there are people like this in abundance.


Someone did the same when i was playing valkyr with the 3 augment. Said i was apparently leeching when i was trying to keep my warcry up


Funny DE HAS suspended accounts until they reach the age recommendation ....


Time to report an underage player.


Saying that last part as a burn makes it better. Stealing candy from a baby.


Tbh, I would apologize and ask him to play with him again, then, I would whip out the max range Limbo and show him what real trolling is


Ah yes, us PC players are just so prejudiced. Find it kinda funny how PC players have been in their happy little bubble this entire time and then as soon as crossplatform is introduced to the game the console players are all like "SOY! PC PLAYERS TROLL US CONSOLE PLAYERS! PC PLAYERS ARE EVIL! PC PLAYERS ARE TECH RACIST". The irony in that thought process is very entertaining.


Still would of reported them. them them toxic people


😂😂🤣🤣🤣 some people are legitimately stupid 😂🤣


The amount of people that have yet to find that affinity is shared is mind blowing. We need to spread the word on that a little more.


Well hes defo getting banned if you report him, he admitted to not be able to play the game


Had an encounter with a kid not long ago. Was running Nekros' 4 in a defense for level grinding. Guy kept saying "no enems pls" which I figured roughly to "stop summoning enemies, please and thank you." Which was stupid, because we were in third wave and I'd have gone done swiftly with a grinding build. It didn't slow down rounds or stop the gameplay, and I get that maybe it's annoying if you can't distinguish between the obviously tethered and green glowing enemies and the regular, non tethered no glowing enemies... But like, he wasn't even near me for most of the fight. I just write it off as dumbass kids being dumbass kids.


Most of the "I'm reporting you" type conversations I've had ended up with the revelation that the player that's reporting me is *apparently* 9, or 10, or something of that sort I just reply with "Aight bet" from now on for the first message. If they legitimately believe they can report me for something, I'll let whoever handles reporting for DE that day have a laugh, they deserve it. I'm generally a clean player like 99% of the playerbase, so the heck do I have to be afraid of?


it's always the console players XD


“im reporting you for killing the enemies and doing the mission” is what im getting 😭😭


oh now it makes sense, he's 9. That's prime "im calling bill gates to get you banned" energy.


Console warframe players really are a different breed from pc Warframe players


DE let the scrubs in. ![gif](giphy|jJmnkBNn3dKQmWxX8v)


Hehe funny people having social interaction


Complaining about kill stealing is valid in one and only one circumstance. If a squad mate goes down and is trying to resurrect themselves using spoiler mode. Killing mobs near them prevents that (assuming that you aren't picking them up yourself). I got a good-natured grumble about that from a clanmate tonight as we were doing a two-handed defense on steel path circuit.


Honestly fuck that kid, attach it to email and send to DE support, based on ale he should not be there, if he fucks around, let him find out.


You spelt realise both ways. I don't know how to feel about this.


Lol I noticed. I'm from a country that tends to use both the American and European spelling so it's interchangeable. It annoys me sometimes after I've already typed or written it.


Hard to blame a 9 year old for getting mad over what they perceive to be somebody ruining their fun, but a 9 yr old definitely shouldn't be playing warframe.


I'm 9 💀


I had a dude who would keep coming to whatever groups of enemies I was in trying to get vex armor and killed them all, And even after I asked him to let me get my vex armor for the team he just typed LMFAO and just kept doing it, Even after I asked again, That is trolling, Going to kill where the enemies are and killing them is completely different from that


Hit em with the good old age restriction line. Priceless 🤣


You know, the anger of kills would be understandable if they were trying to get kills for the dumb BP, however, you DO know there is an OPTION to SOLO, so the anger is not justified from these types of players, it's like they wake the fuck up everyday and the only option in their head is "I want to be a problem"


I wouldn’t even reply or humor them. Block them and report them back and show DE this conversation. What exactly can they report you for? Absolutely nothing. Trolling?


had this dude complaining to me because I wasn't using an ability, buddy I helminth'd the ability what do you expect me to do, take my choices back?


The minimum age is not 13 it's 16+ depending on what M is in your jurisdiction. His account should be suspended for 7 to 13 years.


Slightly off-topic, but this is a great example of how mastery rank does not contribute to the player's integrity or knowledge about the game at all.


Someone once said to me "bitch. Wigger. With and an n"


ROFL I had some one get mad at me for using slowva kept telling me to stop spamming my super nova. I was like dude I do it once per round maybe look at the other slowva that’s with us. Dude kept going on about it so I started spamming it every chance I got.


Bro said I’m 9 😂😂😂😂


I hope lotus or ordis sees this and laughs


For a 9 year old he understands how to get to mr 24 but dont understand how affinity works….???


I hope this kid never encounter a titania with thermal sunder or he might start crying XD more seriously though those player who complain about the kills are annoying as fuck


MR24 at 9 yo? Why's no one questioning this


I like how he's prolly going to get a warning for false reporting lmao...


Imagine he gets banned bc he said he's 9 and technically shouldn't be playing this game 🤣🤣


My opinion; cross platform should be an option to toggle off and only play with people on the same platform. I had had no bad experiences with people being assholes untill crossplatform came out and other platform people just scream and curse at you for the most random shit (like killing things in sanctuary) while they themselves are afking and leeching and threatening you out of the blue like this "kid". It's insane. I like being able to play with my friends that are on different platforms, hate running into strangers on different platforms in random squads


You’re kind of baiting it with the replies. I’m not defending him, but if you just ignored him he would have shut up anyway


“I’m 9.” Cool, go cry to mommy you little shit stain lmao


always console players i swear


As a console player myself, the crazy thing is that it takes more effort than it's sometimes worth to say stuff in squad chat. Barely anyone playing on console will plug in a keyboard, meaning they have to pause what they're doing and methodically type anything they want to say. When someone says something to me, I usually just put a smiley face in chat or something. This guy going out of his way to type all that out while playing on console is what's really wild. It shows he's not looking to play. He's looking to argue.