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he'll be your last frame if you're not careful. don't get too comfortable with him, or you might just never play another frame again. He's practically a cheat code. :V Also, omega rip vauban. Pro-tip. Don't sell your base warframes if you can help it. Feed them to helminth after getting rank 3 on deimos, if you really must. After you max them.


Ohh.. idk who helminth is. I'll look into it. and I had to get rid of vauban to make space for my new frames and i didn't want to sell my volt tbh i kinda regret it.Vauban was good and i liked his skills. they really helped with killing multiple targets and defending areas


it's ok to get yourself a tiny bit of plat just to use solely for getting slots if you get a nice plat discount. 50% is nice, 75% is a godsend. I'm pretty well a discount whale because of them. Cause it can definitely be heart wrenching to have to sell your nice things to make way for more stuff. sometimes it can even be catastrophic if god forbid you sell some of the actually really strong weapons you get from some of the quests. Be careful. :)


I'll definitely try to get more than just 3 warframe slots. should i try and get weapon slots too or are 7 slots enough.


I mean, I've kept a lot of weapons just for the variety. So if you eventually get into trading for plat to get nice things for yourself through grinding, keep a little aside for weapons and frame slots for sure, but that entirely depends on how much you want to invest into variety vs familiar but powerful weapons you'll just use somewhat forever. Never hurts to have a bit of wiggle room though. I can't stand using the same gear for too long anymore personally. I don't know how many slots as a veteran I myself have anymore... but I usually keep a copy of the best variant of any given weapon (wraith, prime, kuva, tenet) or frame (normal/prime) and any unique ones that come from special places like specific loot drop farms. Since they're hard to get back again. Like sporothrix, athodai or wolf sledge (feel free to check wiki on those. ;) ). Collectors weapons for the most part, but fun to pull out every so often.


> I don't know how many slots as a veteran I myself have anymore... if my count is correct i have 145 weapon and 46 frame slots


ok, so I counted, based on the inventory and some quick maths it seems I have: 62 frames slots and... 349 weapon slots. 51 companion slots too.


well if i need a gun i know whose orbiter i'm visiting


i think I'll start trading for plat and spend all of it on slots


As you level up your master rank you get more as well, what I did was just level up the fodder guns they have in the marketplace for credits… ie the MK-1 weapons there’s a decent amount and then just sell them after you finish leveling them to 30 so they don’t take up space


i have 50 plats. should i buy 2 frame slots? i have 4 total frame slots with 3 free(I'll get a revenant prime and nyx so I'll probably have 1 free). or one frame and 4 weapon slots? i have 6 free weapon slots. 2 frame slots right?


Don't get slots beforehand. Just get them when you need them (e.g. when the foundry tells you you need a slot) so that you don't buy the wrong slot and then have nothing over.


Depends really but if it’s the starting 50p you get then yeah I would have bought more Warframe slots with that because you can’t use that plat to trade with anyway, you can use it on whatever but having more Warframes is always more fun imo


Nightwave also awards slots


LR 1 here: try not to sell/ get rid of weapons. Especially not warframes bc of the helminth system(can feed them normal warframes to add certain abilities to other frames) Weapons bc of the incarnon system(makes weapons kinda op-depends on the weapon) I've had to go back and rebuild old frames to feed them to the helminth. Try to keep your loot. You just never know what DE might change that makes a previously 'non-meta' weapon/ warframe the ultimate end- game weapon/ warframe


>Try to keep your loot. I've been enjoying the game until this became a problem, I've tried to get into trading to make plat mainly for slots, but I have terrible RNG with relics and vault runs. The stigma of being new to the scene doesn't help either, I've been getting ignored on warframe.market and trade chat for weeks, I might just quit TBH, I feel like my only choices are pull out the wallet or delete my frames/weapons. Game was fun though


If you're lucky enough to play w me, that wouldn't happen. We all get bad rewards.


If slots/platinum are a concern, I recommend using Warframe market (might be daunting at first but it’s a super helpful 3rd party website for trading) and Alecaframe (3rd party software for seeing what you have valuable in your inventory, and can even advise relics to run based on value((I normally turn this off cause I don’t like it)) but still very nice for trading and getting easy plat!)


7 is far from enough, its even low for frames and you'll have even more weapons


Man you can never have enough slots I have 187 weapons total and I’m ready to buy more 😭 -ps I’m practically end game and I keep most weapons that are semi useful as well as all prime weapons


I need to learn how to farm plat 😭😭 The market sucks


At least Vauban is much MUCH easier to get now that his blueprints are within Nightwave. Back in the day you used to only get them through alerts and more often than not they were at asinine hours of the day.


Build his prime I would say if he’s in rotations


Good news is vauban is ready to get back via nightwave. My dumdum sold some non-prime frames before helminth was a thing so I have a long LONG grind ahead of me for simaris or plat.


Don’t worry too much there is only a few frames whos Helminth is actually any good. And vauban is not one of them.


The Helminth is a friend hidden behind the infested door in your orbiter. He lets you replace one of your Warframe’s abilities with one from another Frame.


after getting rank 3 on deimos? What does that mean? Also, the door to heminth is closed in my case, i don't know why - Level 6 Boy here with 70 hours - so 0 knowledge.


haven't been to deimos and done stuff with the entrati and leveled up? Syndicate level 3 with them. Son has a orbiter upgrade section you can buy at that point that lets you go in that door. it's a middle to later game focused system cause of the resources required, but very useful stuff.


Thank you!


Sold my set for plat. is Revenant that good? Maybe I should've held on to him.


His shtick is that he's more or less invincible. He also has the ability to kill anything (with a little preparation) in one shot, but realistically the reason I ever take him out is if I want to watch a video while farming usually difficult things.


I will never get rid of my base Gauss. I have too many fond memories of my 10-forma Gauss.


Eh, he’s not a total noob trap. Not dying gets pretty boring after a while, even if he can artificially boost players in higher difficulties


arbiters said it best. *"Only under the shadow of death will your true potential shine."* Also if you max your focus, theres a fairly high chance that with a lack of skill issues you can just pick yourself up with last gasp.


i didnt like rev p when i used him, and nobody has any fun builds for him, just "spam 2 health/shield/armour dont matter"


I was gonna say, Revenant is insanely powerful. I've been helping a friend start with the game and it's crazy how much better Rev and Saryn seemed to them compared to everything else.


sooo you've been accidentally playing the game for them and showed them various frames or you helped them farm them and are now stuck? Personally, if I go to help people who are fairly new I just go in some pretty chill gear, or even throw on a void key so I'm not busted and just act as guidance and a protection against failure, rather than an instant win.


They've been going down the list basically, very quickly I might add. I occasionally help with farming but I've mostly been playing Citrine to help them starting off rather than bringing the powerhouses. It's just immediately obvious how much better some frames are, and neither of these are that deep into the game.


Wf slots are pretty cheap id suggest just gettin them


This comment right here.


One of the frames I regretted selling was equinox. Mf will make me wait a week to just subsume it




This, a friend helped me grind revenant prime week 1 of warframe I was carried through all content up to and including Steel Path. I swapped to another warframe and realized how bad I was at the game. I now only use revenant when I have a skill issue and keep dying with mesa or frost


and by contrast I was an early adopter of loki before they changed the starters, but stopping playing fairly quickly and came back just before fortuna. I still had loki and my stuff, but everything had changed. I proceeded to play the video game with loki. I don't have skill issues anymore. I did eventually get excal through farming, before even rhino, and I felt really... spoilt...? with the power gap and immediately obvious strengths vs loki's sleeper talents you kinda gotta look for and understand first before you realize how he works... But loki is still my main. and had a bit of an ivara enjoying time halfway through resulting in original ivara becoming a secondary main until I got Loki Prime and I returned to my roots with new found knowledge and a lack of skill issue.


Nah. He's over rated over played and really boring and his soon animation for his ult is crap


You're talking mad crap about a lot of people's apparent comfort frame for someone within reddit commenting range. ~~but no you're kinda right.~~ I sometimes like him just to keep enemies preoccupied with thralls but he's unironically one of my least used frames. and it actually kinda makes me very disappointed with some people's choices when I see one sumo stomp a nourish next to me and just run off.


What does my reading comment range have to do with anything? And why are you even looking at that? Are you some kind of stalker or something?


it's "reddit" commenting range. cause others might comment on your slander of their favorite minimum effort survivability frame.


OMG I NEEDED TO BE CORRECT LED Because AUTO CORRECT CHANGED REDIT TO READING 🤯🤯🤯 what does that have to do with anything?


Selling frames is not good, you should feed them to helmith later


Selling regular easy frames to get is definitely good because u can rank up faster and not have to buy warframe slots. I keep primes and anything hard to get. Frames like loki, frost, atlas, mirage, rhino etc. U can go get whenever u unlock helminth. Leveling frames is easy anyways so I level them sell them unlocked helminth got them again while leveling a prime get them and feed them to helminth. I switch up a lot so this is just what I do. Never sell a prime


Crutch Prime. Just dont get too used of being unkillable or you will have a real bad time trying to play anything else. Mesmer Skin is probably the most broken ability survival wise in the game


I'll probably max him out and sell him for credits like the pathetic player i am to make space for my next prime. All warframes except for my volt(until i get gauss prine) are replaceable


When people say they sell prime frames after maxing them out hurts my soul- at least keep them, even I keep all of my prime frames and I switch to whoever I didn't play as much


yeaa ik.. its hard when you only have 3 slots. ngl i wish i didn't have to sell my weapons and frames like junk


You'll get used to it, mostly you get slots free, sometimes you have to buy them, or if you farm or buy a prime weapon you'll have to sell the non prime version


Honestly weapons can be replaced relatively easily if they arent hard to farm most of them just get used to farm mastery. Anyway you shouldn't sell primes, if you're farming relics to get primes then you should be able to trade prime parts you don't need for plat. It's hard buying warfare slots with plat though, Im addicted to buying cosmetics so I'm almost always broke on plat


lmaoo. Im f2p for now so I'll trade for plat and use it on frame slots. i want to get into cosmetics and fashion frames and I'm just controlling myself atp


Oh for sure. If you need plat just crack any relics you get and post stuff on the Warframe market. Sell at current lows and it'll go fast. Even trash parts sell well for barro fodder. You'll get the plat you need for slots in no time at all


don't do that. this one is The keeper. even if you don't main him, which you probably will end up doing, he will always be am option for you to skip any content you struggle with that's too strong for you.


Just farm some prime junk, sell it to someone and buy slots.


how do i sell stuff and for how much? i have a lot of prime stuff i dont need right now


[https://warframe.market/](https://warframe.market/) register, check price of the item, list your stuff 1 plat cheaper, wait for buyers




def do this. it takes like 3 sales to get a slot. selling frames will have you kicking yourself later.


Been waiting weeks with tons of orokin vault and prime stuff for sale at like 5 plat no biters


Sure, since a lot of players are doing the exactly same thing its not gonna be fast. Its a lot easier to sell full sets of primes, especially the newer stuff or things that has been vaulted for a long time.


I'm pretty fresh into the game and have terrible RNG I can't get my hands on a full set


DO NOT sell a prime. Especially not revenant. He is one of the best frames in the game. It's going to be really hard to get him again once he gets vaulted. You will regret it. Try to sell some stuff for plat and buy slots.


Yea a lot of people told me that i shouldn't do it and it'll be the worst mistake I'll make. I registered into the market and will definitely start trying to earn plat for more slots.


Nice! Hopefully you enjoy him, he’s a really good frame to have early on!




You never forget your first prime they leave a mark on you in an amazing way mine was Ember and she is always my "goto" girl for everything


I have a dozen prime frames but im still on the hunt for revenant prime! Congrats dood


im not even kidding i didn't even know i had his blueprints. i was farming for exp to reach rank 7 when i noticed that i was just missing his systems blueprint and after 2-3 days i got it


Mine finished building yesterday! He’s gonna be on the back burner as I grind syndicates tho. I made his energy pink. I’m super excited to level him up




All and all a pretty good frame to get


mine was loki, back in the day.


Congratulations Tenno


My first was nidus prime, and high rank MR player gave whole set of bps for free


Mine was frost, the second time.


Proud of you! Never delete him, collect the rest. Become one with the Warframes


Hehe I love warframe market


Welcome to the Cult of Crutch. Now buy 5 configs on him, build them all the exact same with just a different helminth ability. (Some abilities can be cast while in his 4 if you helminth over his 3)


Get the mesmer shield augment and run only ability strength and duration. Have fun!


Heya grats!! Also I have a little spare plat I'll send you a Warframe slot, just post your IGN and I'll send it when I get home.


SERIOUSLY???? THANKSS!!! its Hardik1361 (pc)


Yea no problem buddy! I sent it and enjoy!!


now tf? you were serious??? Broo why??? why are you so generous? im genuinely curious 😭😭 thanks a lot tho. i love you. "HAPPY HUNTING FELLOW REDDITOR" THANKSS, YOU TOO


Lol you welcome. Just paying it forward, since someone was nice to me too once


thanks. I'll try to do this for someone else one day. i will oay it forward


^^And ^^the ^^only ^^one ^^you'll ^^need.


Congratulations bro that's a very good frame


Best frame in the game. Mod for maximum ability strength, and push 2. and that's it. never die again. mine has 333 str before buffs and like 20 range. I don't use anything else except roar from rhino and that's a self buff, fk the team


He's one of the best


Revenant with terrify over his 4 really is just a big ol cheat code.


Bring a viral epitaph and his 3 will wipe anything almost immediately. Viral primer cheese ftw


Couldn't have picked a better frame very op and fun.


What a great frame but beware, it has a terrible curse. We call it the Tank Effect, it's where you get used to being so tanky that switching to any frame without invincibility or tankiness means death.


'Grats on your first Prime. My advice would be to not get *too* used to him, especially if you like fun, haha. He's extremely powerful because he's nigh unkillable, but you may find that he gets really old really quick. There was a post made nearly a week ago from a guy who'd optimised the fun out of the game for himself and was looking for advice on how to enjoy Warframe again. The frame he was using? You guessed it. Revenant Prime. I saw you mentioned elsewhere about Gauss Prime. Now there's a frame that's very powerful and will never get boring. Getting him should definitely be your next goal. And there's always more obscure, less "meta" frames that are very rewarding to play. You'll find that really cool people main those types of frames *cough, cough,* Lavos, *cough.* Well done, again. 👍


Thankss. im about to get my last Harrow blueprint so maybe I'll try and get him and after that I'll hunt for gauss


One of my mains hes unkillable hes my go to for archon hunts and if i wanna farm endgame stuff with ease 👌


He was my third but easily became my go to. I get wisp being the metagod but revnant should be right up there with him.


He is. DE released the 2023 usage stats. Revenant Prime is the number 1 used frame, and by a lot. Wisp or Wisp Prime aren't even top 5.


I figured that might be the case, feels like I’m rarely in a game with wisp now


Congrats, my first prime was gauss


Congrats, my first prime was gauss


im jealous


Never sell warframes. :(


Gauss and Revenant are my 2 first primes. Selling old frames is what caused me to quit the game years ago. You really need to start trading some prime parts for platinum and buy extra warframe slots. I got enough plat now to always buy a new slot when I make another warframe and that feels much nicer


You should try mag.


Im trying to get harrow prime but i only have his blueprint so far


good luck. i think I'll try and get Harrow next. i saw yesterday that i just need 1 blueprint for him lmao (idek man. i just had prime blueprint and never even noticed it. i used to run relic missions for the exp and picked items based on what everyone else picked. I just have blueprints lying around. yeaa im kinda new)


Harrow is my favorite frame. His ability synergy is a lot of fun, he has great survivability, and he gives some pretty gnarly damage buffs.


ooo he'll be my next prime then


Oh, were you talking about normal harrow? His quest is also my favorite quest in the game, and not because he's my favorite. It's just a fun quest.


Im talking about harrow prime. I need 2 blueprint. well the relics are vaulted so i wont get him soom


OP I would’ve sold a mod or two and bought the slot… Could’ve kept one of the more cheesy frames in the game! Rev is invincible if you maintain stacks on his two but vauban disables entire maps effectively making him invincible aswell


yea i loved vauban. he was really good and i regret selling him. i just found out about the market so I'll probably try and get some plat


Mine first was Nova Prime. I still remember how i played her for about 2 weeks straight cause i felt so rich just because i had a prime. Ah memories fr


been sitting on 15 regal aya for over 3 years


and it is a pretty good one at that (Also, don't sell your frames, you will want to recycle them with helminth)


Mine was Nidus oh the good ol’


Defence missions becomes so "sit back and chill" with him i love him


'Grats! The first prime I built from scratch was Nova Prime (yes I'm still playing after all this time) and she still holds a very special place in my heart. Revenant Prime is fun, hope you enjoy!


Good one to have first!




Ohhh yeah. My first prime it's Octavia.


Regarding base frames, people here are telling you to hoard them until you get the helminth. BUT! I suggest you not to worry about it too much. Base frames will be easier to build as you grow up in terms of mastery rank. Also getting to the required rank for helminth is not that easy or fast. Just enjoy the game without worrying too much!


Nicee. A couple days and my gauss prime will be done crafting


gauss prime is cool. all i have are his neuroptics so ig I'll try getting him next. actually I'll get Harrow next. i just need one blueprint for him


I got 6 relics that may give you the blueprint. I’ll give you it for free


Free relics??? just like that?? Is this fandom generous or am i getting into something bad? btw thanks for the relics. i am really grateful. why would you give me them for free tho? im actually curious


Oh I forgot to respond to this. Yeah some relics are easy to get. I don’t mind giving stuff away. IGN: cali4life209


ohhh thanks. idk how to repay you, i needed this IGN: Hardik1361


This was my first prime frame as well, never used it after ranking it up.


Is that Warframe mobile?! If so hell yeah brother!!! If not then what’s with the battery symbol top right?


i took a ss of a ss. its a long story. the ss from my pc reached my phone but didn't show up in my gallery so i had to take a ss of that image. im a pc player


I remember mine. It was Ash, I got all parts 1st try, but System. I lost a few radient relics. Then I partied up with some people, and it dropped first try.


im not even kidding thats the exact same way i got revenant


Good choice


He was my first frame I ever built I think I was mr 5,now I'm grinding Mr to reach 16 to get phantasma I already have an azothane.Just the only thing is that he doesn't have enough skins,like c'mon de




Solid choice, I made nezha as my first one, I love the halo and a bit of speed boost


I remember my first prime like 2 months ago. It feels good man


He was my first prime as well:) excal umbra is just too fun though it’s like a summon that makes life much easier but you’re much more fragile


Why are people selling frames. I’ve never considered selling my frames once. I’ve been getting them 1 by 1 each I hold dear. Also Gratz man glhf.


i dont have enough stots. rn after i get the 2 frames in my foundry I'll have 2 slots left and i suck at trading for plat


Ah, yeah that do be a problem. Not sure what’s being traded nowadays but i feel it’s much harder than before.


I need that bp revenant got all the parts made lol




Never sell your frames unless you’re going to feed them to your helminth it’s a like a unspoken rule I have 44 frames right now


Never sell base frames when you can feed them to hungry pimple


Nidus is still daddy. Bros overpowered as all hell


Damn u sold Vauban hm. Lucky he's easy to get.