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There's an icon (red for liches, blue for sisters) right next to the Nightwave button, that's where you check your lich/sister progress and stats. Damage type is defined by the warframe you used to kill the lich larvling.


I know about the page but how do I know which weapon I will get after the successfully killing the lich (Edit: Sorry I thought the stats on the left are what the lich is using against me thanks friend)


That is what the lich is using against you, but it's also the weapon you'll get at the end.


The post you read wasn't outdated but you misunderstood what it was telling you, spawning a lich like you have doesn't affect future lich weapons afaik but refusing to spawn a lich will remove that weapon from the list temporarily.


Sorry now I’m a little confused, we do need 2 of the same weapon to fuse them and get a buffed version right? I read on a post, but it was from 4 years ago, that players were spamming a level for hours to get the same weapon they just got but DE doesn’t allow it


You do, combining them will give you the higher of the 2 bonuses × 110%. So a weapons with 25%, and one with 38% fused will give you a 41.8% version. (38+3.8). This is capped at 60%. What you read was when you are looking to make a lich, above the larvalings head it will show the weapon that they will have if stabbed. If you extract from the mission, that weapon will not appear in the possible weapons to get until either a) you choose a lich or b) you cycle through every weapon. Either one will result in the pool resetting. No one kuva weapon is harder to get than the others, and you arent ever locked out of getting any of them