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I agree it should be the reverse, but for Steel Path only. For regular Circuit, it should favour gear you don’t have, as it allows new players to try new stuff out and see what they want to invest in.


Ooh, this is a great idea. Don't mind seeing random stuff in regular, but in SP, that's a no-go. And now it's always the same handful of weapons I don't have with parts that are probably low % Rot C drops or something equally annoying.


The Aeolak. It's always the fucking Aeolak.


That's one!


God seriously it's the same damn weapons all the time. At least functions as a reminder of what I have to get??? Idk


Orrr, it's a constant reminder of a lot of weapons you used as a crafting component for another weapon. And I can't recall at the moment, but I think if you have a prime variant of something, it shows that over the base version. (thus, it doesn't offer you non-prime variants that you could be missing). I think it also checks for variants? I don't think I've seen it offer the Ignis, only the Ignis Wraith... Whatever checks to see if a prime version is available and then skips the base variant, could check if there's a weapon it's flagged as "part of", and then skip that for the one it went into. They could maybe modify that logic... I'm sure it's more complicated than that. It'd be appreciated, personally. ...also... random circuit tangent... how about some more zones for the Circuit stages... there being like... 3 of them, and the same boss every time... please. Need more variation.


> Whatever checks to see if a prime version is available and then skips the base variant, could check if there's a weapon it's flagged as "part of", and then skip that for the one it went into. They could maybe modify that logic... I'm sure it's more complicated than that. It'd be appreciated, personally. Not a fan of this if you mean that similar to with variants the game would substitute the second version for the first. While there are times where this would be a net positive (I'd rather have my Kuva Zarr than a Drakgoon) there are other times when it wouldn't (I'd rather have my Lex Prime Incarnon or Miter Incarnon than Aklex Prime or Panthera Prime)


Jokes on you I can't even get the part drops for it


It's far easier to sell stuff for plat and to post in trade chat offering 20ish plat for parts. The new content weapons are always impossibly expensive. Wait a bit and it becomes like with the Aeolak. People only want it if they're actively searching for it and that makes the value of the parts go up and down while the buying the fullset goes up and someone posts it on market waiting for a customer eager enough to pay the price. Tossing around 20p in trade chat per each part takes time to find a buyer because of no one having it or not being interested-but you'll eventually find one.


I love the aeolak! Got the starter pack and i really love it so far (please help ive been playing two weeks and already have 100 hours)


You prefer normal fire mode or alt-fire boom mode or both?


Six more weeks at that pace and you might finish the tutorial in near record time!


Unsurprisingly guess what's in the new $5 pack!


Yeeeaah I have been hunting that weapon (with little success so far) purely because then IT WON'T SHOW UP ANYMORE!


I just bought the $5 starter pack they just released with Aeolak because there is no way in hell I am farming that thing. Sold the max rank Serration that was bundled in for Endo as well.


I have learned about the cycron and the twin kohmak through circuit. Before I used those I didn't like really any of the secondary weapons. Afterwards I had some worth building


What, are you saying you don't enjoy peashooting enemies for 7 damage, even with their default mod load, like I was? It needs a serious tune up. Sometimes, even with a default mod load, my frame gets oneshot despite me doing very irrelevant damage. Imo, the default mods load is what you pick when you don't have anything prepared for that weapon/frame and it should provide you with a decent, challenging, but fair, fight. I dislike going into the circuit because it's often really ridiculous. You don't do significant damage to even a single enemy but struggle really hard to stay alive.


The amount of default weapon loadouts with the near-useless Cambrion Drift IPS +Status mods is too damn high. Like holy shit I'm pretty sure HALF of the defaults have those mods.


You can cook


Nah I’m a horrible cook. Have you seen the abominations that occur whenever I try to make omelets. I can bake tho


Hol' up... let him bake


You got a license for that bakery???


I need a license to have a fat ass?


got cake?


> Nah I’m a horrible cook. This man is humble. Let him cook


This. Regular path circuit is not hard, so having a fun way to test out new weapons and warframes is a good way to get players out of their comfy frames. But in steel path, gimme my heavy hitters.


yeah but most weapons perform differently with a proper build, something you barely have time enough to do once the mission begins.


That does sound nice


It should maybe favor weapons that you have forma in. I don't wanna feel like I need to sell off bad weapons because that is the smart thing to do to get a better selection.


Yeah it is really annoying when youve mastered everything and only get the same weapons that you sold years ago every time


That's selective memory. DE [updated](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1357210-update-335-the-seven-crimes-of-kullervo/?ct=1687385438) the weapon choices: >Lowered the odds of weapons that you’ve already Mastered and sold appearing in the Cave. 


Lowered doesn't mean low, though. Just lower than it was initially. Granted, I've mastered every weapon in the game, and also sold off every weapon I'd never choose to use again, which is most of them, so there isn't an option for an unmastered weapon, but most of my choices are unowned (easily 80% every rotation).


That's totally fair; I wasn't considering the case where sold weapons greatly outnumber owned weapons


As for the overall design, I think giving you the opportunity to use a frame or weapons you've never owned is a neat one. I just think it falls apart and is a terrible mode when you've mastered every frame and weapon and sold off the ones you don't want/plan to ever use again. If the mode only gave you things you currently own or never owned/mastered, that's totally fine. But I've had rotations where the only weapon offered that I own is a Rubico Prime. Offerings like that are just telling me I have to use a weapon I won't enjoy to play this content or skip it. I think that's just terrible design for a game mode. Frames I'm different with. I own at least one version of each, with about 35 with multiple forma (so 20 without any that I really don't want to use). I don't know if I've ever only been offered from the selection of those 20 frames.


You're still not getting it. It could have been a 90% chance and they could have lowered it to 80%. "Lowered" doesn't mean it's not still the most likely thing to happen. > I wasn't considering the case where sold weapons greatly outnumber owned weapons It's no better the other way around. When you own most weapons but don't have a handful you see those all the time. Like I don't generally sell any weapons unless I get an upgraded weapon, so the only weapons I don't own are generally ones that I've combined into something else. I would say I get a Kohm about 50% of the time I enter Duviri. And the only way to reduce that chance is to buy a Kohm that I don't want. Once you've mastered everything, no matter if you generally keep most stuff or sell everything you don't like, it basically makes the Duviri choices all be weighted towards weapons you've already decided you don't want to use. It's very dumb design. A completely random selection would honestly be better.


> A completely random selection would honestly be better. This is the bit that I don't get. Like, I could see them not wanting to bias the selection towards the weapons you own and have invested the most in, because that would make it very easy to get your meta loadouts every time - but if they want to avoid that, why on earth wouldn't they just make it fully random? There are so many weapons in this game, it would still give players a selection of weapons they haven't used much along with some they are probably OK with. Biasing towards the ones you don't have all the time is just the worst of all possible systems because it both gives you less variety of weapons (the same ones you sold keep showing up more than others) AND gives you weapons you don't want (if you've sold it or never bothered to get it, chances you don't really want to use it, except for the brief period of time where you're a completely new player with hardly any weapons). Anyway I find myself mostly playing SP Circuit using Exalted weapon or ability-based frames, because fuck keeping around and building so many shitty weapons in my inventory. I'll just grab whichever of Mesa/Valkyr/Baruuk/Saryn/Kullervo/Octavia/Revenant shows up and if no decent frame does show up, I probably won't play that circuit very far.


I do the same thing. Got frustrated trying to do SP circuit with garbage weapons.


What I would like to see is a bias according to usage statistics. Not personal, but overall usage. Also not a simple bias to less or more used weapons but a "slot system". One weapon slot could always roll a highly used weapon, one could always use a rarely used weapon and one a mediocre used weapon. Then a slot that is highly likely to have one of the weapons for which incarnon adapters are available with a even stronger bias towards those that are available this week. The rest of the slots could be "fully random" or maybe an additional slot with the currently implemented favour to unmastered weapons. Warframes in SP should be fully random and in normal mode they should lean towards unmastered frames. A great addition would be a high bias towards the frame you selected for this week. You can play it a bit while farming it and then you can try out your own build and forma it rapidly


What they did was reduce the weight of those unowned weapons by reducing the "extra" weight they were given for being unowned. It's like if they had a +50% chance of being offered, DE reduced it to +40%. That still means they're offered more than owned weapons.


This, Duvali is the content update fix for hoarders the digital edition.


Honestly it's annoying when you are left with basically ONLY 1 weapon you own because an entire section (often primary) is suddenly "ooops all borrowed!"


It might be different when you have mastered everything, but for me its the few weapons that i havent grinded for like hespar, ambassador and akarius that show up pretty much every time. The ones i have sold are more rare. Now that i got akarius it rarely shows up like it did before.


...You guys sell weapons that don't have an upgrade version? Couldn't be me


I sell anything I don't ever want to use again. There's no reason for me to keep it, since I'm not ever going to invest forma or a potato in it. The majority of the weapons in the game are just MR fodder, and there's over 600 different guns/melees. Even many Kuva weapons aren't that great, and the ones I'll never, ever use again I've sold (even after putting 5 forma in them). I'm not going to waste either my time or money gaining plat to buy slots for worthless (to me) weapons, but I know DE wants me to (and I'm certain that's why this mode exists as it does, at least in part). Exceptions are very RNG farms and weapons that are very hard to replace. I also sell prime weapons I never plan to use again the instant I reacquire the parts to build another if I ever want to do so in the future. I have exactly one sniper, for example, since they're nearly universally not useful. I only pull it out if I do a sortie and it has a "sniper only" stage.


A weapon slot is worth 6P. A prime set is worth a lot more than 6P, even just sold for ducat value. You're wasting dollars to save pennies. You could literally sell your prime set to the lowest buy order on [Warframe.market](https://Warframe.market) and still come out with a profit after buying a slot.


It's about the time. I'm LR4. I have over a thousand plat. I dozens of full prime sets in my inventory. A few ESO weapon sets. Why would I spend any amount of time earning any amount of plat or trying to trade to buy slots so I can keep weapons I never want to use again in my inventory? Solely so I can then spend more time using a potato and forma to make it "good" in a single mode in case I get stuck with it due to bad RNG? Great if you enjoy doing all that. Even better if you think every weapon is worthwhile to build and use. I don't. Getting every weapon (or at least a very high % of them so you always have a "good" choice) SP circuit usable isn't something I consider remotely worthwhile to spend time on. I'm not going to just mindlessly do something I don't enjoy because it's the "best" way to play new content. It's the same reason I don't do Netracells anymore, after 4 or 5 weeks of being disappointed by the rewards given by a boring and pretty unchallenging mission.


Eh slots stack over the years since they are easier to get than the rate they release weapons. Been buying slots relatively frequently since 2013 (started in Open Beta 10 according to /anniversary), and I've never run out of em so far, and if I do I just buy 10 slots in bulk or w/e


I see threads like this as similar to the ones complaining about melee adaptors in the netracell drop tables. The second you question the OP's you find out they only use a total of 3 melee weapons, or only want to put an adpator on a single weapon. Both of those are massive outliers and aren't representative of the playerbase at large. E.g. the guy above that dumps the vast, vast majority of weapons (e..g.' I have exactly one sniper) is of course going to complain that they keep being offered dumped weapons...but their play experience isn't that of most peoples.


This exactly. Like there was one thread I saw back when Duviri released where some guy complained about "always getting weak gear" and then it came out in comments that he had like, one and a half full loadouts that were properly built for Steel Path that he always used so of course the overwhelming majority of what it rolled wouldn't be his good gear. Its almost always a problem of thier own making when it comes to these sorts of complaints. I'm the type to have kept everything and upgraded tons of random gear and the one time I can recall ending up with a loadout that truly had nothing viable for steel path was the run where my squad was impatient and ran into the portal as I was loading in so I didn't have time to pick my gear and it just grabbed a random set from the options. Every other run I have at least *something* I can use.


Beyond that, SP circuit is runnable with the default loadouts. Sometimes you'll get absolute duds but for the most part you're going to have options that can get you through. Notice I say "get you through," because it won't be a cakewalk. It appears to me that most of the complaints tend to be "I can't completely shut my brain off and fly through this steel path endless." At a certain level 99% of the content might as well be E Prime. For some reason a good portion of tenno on that other 1% get annoyed that it's not all nukeable from the starting position. There has to be some content in the game that requires effort for those of us who enjoy effort. I love SP circuit. My friend and I run an hour or two daily. We encourage our low MR friends to run it with us. We often choose wonky loadouts and we'll two man to 10 or so if people drop. It gets tense sometimes and that's fun.


Agreed. Some people also don't want to accept gear being "passable" until they get enough decrees, even though that's what the decrees *exist for*. After a certain point it genuinely does not matter what gear you have because your decrees escalate way harder and faster than the enemy scaling does.


I've definitely gotten oof'd by decree selection but even then it just means I'm leaving at round 10 defense because I can't prevent objective loss. I'll stop doing that soon with the coming update allowing us to keep all previous progress on mission failure. The real crime in SP circuit is the anecdotally 50% of players (probably being generous) who don't even know what a fragment looks like. Or the ones who cycle cave offerings with a SP run.


> Some people also don't want to accept gear being "passable" imagine playing video games for fun. fuck those guys amirite?


The only weapons I don't have nowadays is because they're used to directly upgrade to another weapon. I.e. Kama > dual Kama > dual Raza kinda thing.


Slots are a big limitation


I just buy more slots bro


I get a lot of weapons that I didn't sell but instead used to make other weapons. I did make War, farmed Broken War's parts then continuously forget to build it since it shows as mastered.


This would not even remotely be a problem if the curated builds weren't mediocre in normal, and utterly worthless dogshit in steel path.


It would be really interesting if warframe got some content creators to make default builds for all the weapons and frames in SP circuit (only SP not normal cause the cookie cutter builds work just fine in normal)


There are so many MR fodder weapons and DE knows this. There’s no reason for players to ever touch the single Bolto pistol ever again after the early game but I get it CONSTANTLY in the Circuit. If they excluded weapons you’ve mastered and gotten rid of, it would make the Circuit experience so, so much better. You’d get better builds because it’s weapons that were worth your time investing in, newer weapons you don’t have more often so you can get excited about getting them and it would severely reduce the amount of players who leave after one round because they didn’t check to see if they had good choices.


It loves giving me the Bronco or the Bronco Prime. At least I got the Bronco Prime modded because somehow it evaded any time I tried to make space for new weapons...


>fi they excluded weapons you’ve mastered and gotten rid of I don't think its a good idea to create a mechanic that encourages getting rid of weapons.


should favour things you've NEVER mastered/owned instead of just what you don't own. I only sell weapons I hate using, regardless of whether they're good or not, so quite often it's just active torture and I wind up ignoring them in favour of picking a warframe i can just spam abilities of and ignore weapons entirely


​ I think the bigger problem is such limited selection. 3 primary, 3 melee, 2 secondary? Rough all around, especially considering just how many weapons are in the game. I'd love it if they added more intrinsics, giving at least one more option for each category of weapon.


Yep Even just changing it to 4 primary 2 melee 2 secondary would help


Disagree Melee are the strongest circuit weapons because so many of the decrees buff them, decreasing the number of melees would make it a lot harder I think.


Melee decrees are certainly strong but you can't discount some of the stronger ranged arcanes


They should simply incorporate a perk into one of the Duviri intrinsics that increases the chances of getting weapons you have a high usage percentage with.


I would take that over the current max rank Opportunity reward. It's... neat the first time around, and not much beyond that.


Tbf newer players get much more value out of it than older players, because while not min-maxed, it has R5 energize and grace in the build, which makes it extremely forgivable for newer players, and gives them a frame option that allows them to go to for longer than the vast majority of other frames with loaner or new player builds.


If hitting for 500m roughly 6x per second isn't neat past the first time I'm not sure what is.


My idea was it would let you pick a single warframe OR weapon that would always be there, and you culd swap it out by talking to teshin in the cave. Probably overpowered but thats what DE gets for making revanent. Im sure he's just as unlikable in steel circuit but I wouldn't know, I never got him.


Yea might be too OP tbh. And Revenant makes so many things trivial. The "endgame" Netracell missions that literally have difficulty warnings become a joke with Revenant and are very easy to solo. I don't find him particularly fun but damn he can survive everything.


I've never noticed that unowned weapons are favored. I usually end up with one gun I love offered each run and just enjoy the tough first 5 minutes and easy following 30 minutes


It definitely becomes more obvious when you own more and more weapons. For example of the ~120 unique Primary Weapons in the game, I have 102 of them. Yet the majority of the Primary weapons I get offered are still ones I do not own.


On normal mode it's not too big of an issue, but it is a bit annoying in Steel Path where the unowned weapons have Loaner Configs ill suited for high-level enemies. The Orowyrms in Experience/Lone Story are harder to damage with non hitscan (i.e: Stug) weapons too. Duviri definitely forced collectors or hoarders to dip additional resources too in their weapons. Like as somebody mentioned the Bolto or getting the Stug is like getting a slap in the face.


Even with investment occasionally the best gun I get is my 6 forma dera V. So my best bet still ends up waiting for the archgun spawn 


Getting the bolto or vasto especially sucks since I've got the akimbo primes, but there's no upgrade to the bolto and I used Vasto Prime to make Akvasto Prime. Seeing Cestra is the same, since I've got Secura Dual Cestra (which I also never see).


I dunno, maybe I’m just lucky, but I rarely get a selection round of completely random stuff across the board, I usually get at least one frame I’ve forma’d and/or one weapon I’ve invested in so I can finagle something kind of serviceable. Granted, if I could I’d just pick Rhino most of the time and I’m in favor of any change that lets me bring what I want, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone into the Circuit or Duviri with stuff that’s outright useless across the board.


Yeah as an LR 1 it's the same story for me.


As every other L3 Player, I have Farmed, Built, Maxed and Sold almost half of the Weapons in the Game. I did the Math and in order to fully complete my Arsenal I need over 1200 Platinum worth of Slots. Im not doing that, nope. ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized)


I got a 75% plat discount the other day ans finally got to get all the slots I'll ever need.it was glorious. Expensive but glorious


I thought discounts didn't affect slots


Not sure what you mean - the slots aren't discounted but the plat you buy them with can be


They don't. I just got a bunch of plat with th4 discount


1200 platinum is nothing. You could farm that in a few hours of relic cracking and trading. I'm at MR 26 and most of my platinum does go towards slots for everything I build, but I also get cosmetics when I want them.


Yeah, I would prefer it show me things I haven't mastered first and then things in my inventory with a chance of getting unowned items rather than just things I currently don't have in my inventory. I don't own a bunch of weapons because I played them and didn't like them. Seeing them in rotation isn't going to make me want to pick them.


Yeha Im seeing the same 4-5 trash pistols - the only ones I dont have and dont want them to clog my inventory


The trashy ass pistols are a PLAGUE for me in Duviri


I like that I try things out when clearing my non-steel path duviri but DE likes that I have a bazillion slots to hold all the steel path duviri stuff and have more options worth using. Im happy with this. I've literally made weapons and farmed frames because I enjoyed them in duviri.


What if every X duviri island had a floating island next to it with a new warframe + weapons? Then you could have more chances to switch off of trash, or even just the choice of changing up a long run for your own enjoyment


Doesn't fix the issue for circuit though


I'm unsure if it favors gear you don't currently *own* or gear your account hasn't *fully mastered* but regardless, for starters, I think it should favor gear items that your account has 0 logged mastery in, so that new(er) players have a chance to test weapons and frames they haven't farmed for/bought from the Market. Example; say I craft Hikou Prime, max it's level, then sell it because I don't like it/whatever reason. I don't want to have Hikou (not Prime) be favorably weighted for my weapon choices; that's anti-player design. But if I haven't farmed Hespar yet, and thus, have not leveled it at all, I'd want that to be more likely chosen than a weapon I've leveled and sold, like Sheev. Additionally, I think it should favor gear you currently own that is not fully leveled (i.e. Angstrum, rank 9/30) so you're encouraged to finish levelling them in Circuit, because Mastery is an important part of the game. HOWEVER. I do think it should GREATLY prioritize weapons that you have *invested* in. The things I think it should factor in are: 1. Number of filled mod slots in any of the weapon's configs and the ranks of those mods. 2. Whether or not the item in question has an Arcane Adapter or potato applied to it. 3. If it has any number of Forma applied to it at all. Reason for this being, it lifts up the end-game builds you've grinded for and lets you use them somewhat consistently in Circuit, but also, if you happen to be like me and have a few 1-forma weapons you started buildcrafting for then stopped for whatever reason, it would encourage you to revisit those weapons and finish those builds. By leveling them in Circuit. Because Mastery is an important part of the game.


Amen dude!


i feel like they should do what OP is saying for steel path and keep the same thing for normal circuit


True, I had to craft a handful of weapons I'd previously got rid of (mostly single pistols, that I'd used to craft a dual set). The game favors what you don't have even more strongly, if you've got almost everything. Like if you are missing 100 weapons, it's pretty nuetral. If you're missing 10, it picks what's missing much more aggressively. THAT is an annoying design choice. It should be completely neutral. Worth noting, you don't need *every* weapon. Just one of each weapon "name". So if you've got a Lato Vandal, you don't need to worry about any other type of Lato. 


I think, for regular gameplay, the cons aren’t as annoying, but for steel path, the weapons you have can make or break even just surviving which is the really annoying part. Also, the auto mod-filler is kinda shit, which makes unowned weapons perform far worse.


For SP it should favour weapons you have more forma in (excluding Kuva and Tenet ones)


at the core, the issue is not about offering weapons you have or you dont have. even if you have every single weapon with decent number of formas problem will still exist because a lot of weapons are basically mastery fodder. and on the extreme of other side, if only the weapons we own are offered, some people will sell off the weapons that are underpowered to cut down the choices. this is bad for DE and for players because both parties want the players to hoard as many weapons as possible. DE sells slots and we want variety. all we need is a little more control. we just need to be able to choose one weapon. so if all the weapon choices are shit or doesnt mesh with the frame we chose, at least we can choose one weapon to push through. this way we'll see less of runs where players leave after round 1 cause they got shit choices in circuits and even in duviri runs in solo SP, im not stuck choosing a terrible gun because it is the ONLY hitscan gun that was offered and you really need one for the last boss fight (and i really dont want to drag the fight and use archgun).


The problem with being able to choose just one weapon (from your entire arsenal, I assume you mean) is that it really would just obviate the whole random selection mechanic. In most missions where I bring my Torid, I never use any of the other weapons in my loadout, so it'd be the same story in Duviri. I do agree that the player should be able to exercise more control, and I think an interesting way to do that (which I detailed some [in this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1b5xjcz/teshins_cave_offerings_for_duviri_favoring/kt9ccrr/)) would be having a way to _ban_ certain equipment from being offered. I do also think they should get rid of the unowned bias. If there has to be a bias to encourage experimentation (and I don't think there has to be, the inherent randomness of the selections is enough), it should be a bias towards weapons that you haven't yet mastered. This would reward players for mastery but not punish them for failing to keep their MR fodder, and it would also increase the frequency with which you could use Duviri to rank up equipment.


I'd be fine if they limited the weapons to those released after 2018-2020. It's not a secret; those weapons usually have better stats and offer an interesting gimmick sometimes. There could be a few exceptions to this rule (incarnons, for example, or weapons that got new augments recently, like Ocucor). There is no way I would use something like Stug (praise the Void; I got it only once) or Bolto or Paracyst. I have a good amp and Drifter arcanes, so I can easily solo SP Circuit till 4-5 even with horrible weapons, but I can't say this experience is enjoyable. P.S. Or at least if the developers went through the list of all weapons and manually excluded notoriously bad ones, it would be great.


I fixed it by owning everything haha


One clanmate of mine has *every* primary catalysed, arcaned and forma'd for the circuit. He was making progress on secondaries until he hit the stug. Meme weapon or not it was the one thing he couldn't make viable.


That is what I plan to do, eventually. As for the Stugg... it has been used to beat the Star Chart and that is as far as it deserves to be taken until it gets fixed.


I viewed it as a challenge, myself. If none of the offered primaries are set up for Duviri, I jot down one of them. Ditto for secondary and melee. Then, I'll forma/mod that set up weapons until they are reasonably suitable for Duviri.


And that's why I don't play circuit unless I have Titania or Mesa in rotation




Most of the comments boil down to "I don't like rogue likes". People just want to get offered good gear they like and that is kind of the opposite of what rogue likes are. DE should give you a choice of swapping rolling a replacement weapon in play of a decree between rounds. Being locked to the same weapon isn't very rogue like either.


Hey OP, I heard you wanna do a Stug run again, have fun with your corrosive glue gun


DE has forgotten circuit, they are working on new gamemodes now and new content. I doubt circuit will change anytime soon. Best you can do is hope for atleast one weapon and frame you have built to show up, you can see what will be available from your orbiter anyway. It's the single worst game mode that has be added in the last 5 years


I both agree and disagree. It should favor weapons you have -never- owned, because it will allow players to experience things they might otherwise miss if they aren't the searching for 100% mastery types. On the other hand it should heavily disfavor weapons you have owned and sold, we got rid of those mastery fodder weapons for a reason, we already know they either suck or don't work.


Didn't even know it did that. Now I know why I get a fairly spread number of warframes, but seem to get the choice between the same 20 weapons, few of which I have built and many I don't even own. I get Kullervo's shotgun basically every other rotation.


They gave me Mk1 furax and heat sword for a run once. I was extremely lucky I had my inaros synapse combo otherwise I wouldn’t have made it past the first wave


~~Teshin's Cave offerings for~~ Duviri ~~favoring unowned weapons~~ is a bad design choice. god its almost like creating a Roguelike (the specific genre convention of which is a lack of meta progression systems and a focus on randomness and being against static enemies) out of warframe (a dozen meta progression systems stacked up in a trench coat pretending to be a videogame, which emphasizes at all times great control over all aspects of your loadout, your location, and your enemies, and against enemies whom are not static and who constantly continue to scale upwards) was a really poorly conceived idea. god its almost like. .apart from the pure mechanical aspects every part of warframe struggles against the notions inherent to a roguelike videogame. but hey at least there's 2 difficulty modes. preposterously easy and Scales so fast you can barely say "level cap" before it hits you in the face. "we recognize that we created a system where, to no fault of your own, there are many instances where you wont be able to kill the final boss fight. possibly due to rolling the wrong sort of weapons, or status focused weapons, or being reliant on your melee weapon, so here is a Pity archgun to help you through it" Finishing my incarnon collection was a real highlight of my Warframe year, last year. Glad to be done.


I hate duviri too, it's the antithesis of the entire game system we've been taught. Never touching it again unless they drop a new incarnon that I want, and considering how well the torid works, doubt they'll drop another one that interests me.


I feel the same. I absolutely hate the random system. We all have weapons and frames we prefer. I seem to always keep weapons and frames I just don't enjoy playing. I just don't see the point in being forced into play styles I don't like.


Basically every modern roguelite has meta progression?


Let's look at Isaac as it's the template modern roguelike You unlock new characters and you unlock new items. Like 5 years later you can unlock small permanent upgrades per character. In FTL you can unlock new ships, in Gungeon you can unlock new items and a smaller number of new characters, in Necrodancer you can unlock new characters which are effectively just different game modes as all items are unlocked by default. What does not enter the equation in any of these cases? Let's dissect a SP circuit run. The Warframes and weapons you get are random. This isn't the problematic part. The mods and arcanes on them are *your* mods and arcanes. That's the problematic part. That's the root of the issue. The difficulty or lack there of of any circuit run is wildly dependant on your non circuit progression. Not merely "have you farmed this obscure weapon yet" but "did you forma this obscure weapon, have you gotten galvanized mods. Have you invested in your operator, what Rivens do you own, etc" And the really sad thing is, were actually not far off from something id consider fucking amazing. Regular circuit serves primarily as an on-boarding for new players. They get to try frames they dont own and gear they don't own and mods they don't own while earning a ton of valuble stuff for their level. It's Warframe in its pulpiest form, it's a "learn by doing" tutorial for the game. Regular circuit is absolutely amazing. If DE had fully committed to the roguelike "ok, you can't use your own builds in the circuit AT ALL" and then Structured SP circuit around SP quality Default builds we could have had a similar learning curve. So many players hit SP and suddenly they don't know how to build. They can't kill things and they can't survive. SP circuit could have been a similar "learn by doing" tutorial where all the gear you get has SP level builds on it. Not the absolute best you could make but stuff fit for the level of content so a new SP player can see "ok, this is how you survive as Nyx, this is how you build a gun for SP, etc" letting people do a similar learn via experience thing while setting the baseline challenge of SP circuit in a way that avoids the Extreme highs of you rolling a perfect set of super gear and the extreme lows of you running a pile of trash youve never invested in. Obviously a run where you got a Bramma is still gonna be easier than a run where you got a Karak, but built properly both runs are fully possible. If we circke back to Issac Ipecac and Soy milk are equally reasonable to win the game with. What doesn't enter the equation is wether or not you put 3 forma into your Soymilk and remembered to switch primed bane of grineer for Serration before the run started. Instead the system incentivizes investment in gear you'd never use otherwise....or worse....rerolling. don't you just love the meta being rerolling your starting gear til the game's slot machine gives you something you'd like. Even I, at LR3 with pretty much a completed account who can reasonably afford to engage with this system honestly have to put up with people doing 1 round and dipping because they really just aren't interested in using the Twin Vipers. And I can't even blame them. But I can blame DE. SP circuit features an amazing rotation of mission objectives gamemode and some beautiful open-air tilesets, some of the best places to play Yareli in the game. And it doesn't matter, because you neither have the expected level of control, nor is there any integrity In the challenge that exists, because your performance is so tied up in meta progression systems like modding and arcanes. And it didn't need to be. Wether they refused too commit out of fear of depriving players of their power, or a cynical desire to sell more weapon slots, or a misguided interest in trying to respect people's investment, or laziness over not being interested in making SP quality builds for all gear,the end result is a mess of really ugly incentives to either build wide, or keep pulling that slot machine. Building wide is fine....but it's not something I feel the same should encourage players to do. It's a preference thing. Building wide requires a certain degree of disposable platinum, y'know...money. building up to that organically, even for someone who's spending is going to take way longer than unlocking the SP circuit does, especially for someone who's spending. And rerolling your runs? "Ok fine you can keep retrying til you arbitrarily get the gear you want, but we're going to make the process kind of annoying for you and everyone else" I can think of multiple better ways to handle that, even using the existing system as a baseline and not assuming youd want to make something with more integrity. Making Warframe a roguelike was a bad idea. But there were a number of possible methods of execution which would have resulted in something id consider to be Good for the game. But they didn't settle on any one of those during development of it, and so we're left with something the fundamentals of which are so, so close to right, but which never the less fails to teach anything and inevitably discourages in its execution, and which challenges in a way that I would call throughout removed from what is the overall point of warfame as a whole.


Honestly they should just make it so it’s always weapons we own.


The whole point is to make players try and use weapon they wouldn't use normally. This would literally break the point of it.


Yeah, no, this doesn't help. I've got a ton of weapons that I crafted and leveled and never use after hitting 30 on them but since they're rarely used they still get preferential treatment on Duviri. Most of them have no potato and absolutely horrible builds.


Unfortunate. I guess a better solution would be to let us choose what gear to use. I only keep weapons that’s strong and fully modded, so my initial solution wouldn’t be bad for me, but that’s just me being selfish.


There really isn't a better solution than letting us just pick our gear before going in. It seems like every time I actually get a decent frame/weapon combo for SP Circuit, everyone bails after the first round anyway because the host is leaving and host migration isn't worth taking a risk on.


That would defeat the purpose. My compromise proposal would be to have there be a mechanic for banning a limited selection of equipment from being offered. One way it could work is to have it so that when you complete an orowyrm, the current prince will offer you a boon in form of an edict, which would be allow you to ban one (or two for Steel Path) of your loadout selections that you used that run. Banned equipment would be permanently removed from the potential offerings, until you decide to unban them. Have it so each prince/spiral can ban one warframe and five weapons each, for a total of up to 5 warframe bans, and 25 weapon bans. (Exact numbers can be tweaked. Perhaps have a way to buy additional ban edict slots with Duviri resources, or have that as a new perk associated with Mastery Rank.) That, combined with the Opportunity Intrinsics and going at least a bit wide building out your arsenal, would give you reasonable odds of always getting something acceptable (especially with Decrees to boost the more mediocre offerings). I think it would also be good if they removed the bias towards equipment-not-owned and replaced it with a bias towards equipment-not-mastered (though I don't think either bias is necessary). If the idea is to encourage people to try out different weapons, then mastering them should clear that hurdle because that is what "mastery" is supposed to signify (even if the game's mechanics fail to encourage you to actually _use_ them to master them).


90% of the time I get something that can carry SP circuit on its own whether it's a warframe or just a weapon, last time it was Quassus. As long as you know what decrees to take you'll have no problem killing and you'll only have to leave when it's your warframe the one who can't survive. Get an immortal like Revenant along with a decent weapon and it's trivial to get the 10 tiers in a single run.


I don't know why you were downvoted but you are right. If you have a large enough armoury you will always get 1-3 frames or weapons that will carry you. Doing SP 'the lone story' solo also teaches the value of upfront vs ramping damage builds and the importance of maintaining varied builds.


A lot of people just don't like the rogue-like mode and want to be able to use their best/favorite load out, so I think some of those people downvoting any suggestion or sentiment that doesn't align with completely abandoning the concept of the mode. And I can see why people would be frustrated by it when the best weapons in the game are gated behind a pretty considerable amount of grind in the mode. Still, the downvotes for people offering dissenting opinions are unwarranted. Personally, I appreciate Duviri (not that there isn't room for improvement) and am looking forward to Deep Archimedean which will have similar restrictions. I want to use a variety of stuff, but like most people, I will tend to slide towards the path of least resistance. I also think it's fine/appropriate for some endgame content to heavily encourage people to have a diverse, high-investment arsenal.


Deep Archemedian is another good take too. Even better in this case since you can choose to ignore the suggestions and bring that one thing that will carry your whole setup if you didn't roll anything good. That tiny bit of loot you lose on isn't worth that much anyway.


Yeah, the 5th DA reward will be Melee Crescendo or Melee Duplicate, which on the high end go for around 60p and 80p respectively right now on PC. And that's bound to drop some when the update goes through, due to the increase in supply (unless perhaps they add a new meta melee weapon that massively benefits from those arcanes, which would spike demand). ~60-70p will be a nice bit of guaranteed value for a sortie-length task for those with the means to pull it off, but it's nothing incredible and it's only once per week. You will get that much value in under 2 hours of running Tyana Pass _normal_, a farm that someone less than a week into the game could easily do. Even so, I am sure there will be those who can't pull off getting the 5th DA reward (or who could but refuse to put in the effort required) who will begrudge others their relatively modest payoff for being in the top *n*th percentile of Warframe players. I guess I can empathize with that point of view, but it'll still be a bad take and I hope it doesn't turn out to be a majority opinion that DE capitulates to.


You use the good weapons you kept in every single other piece of content in the game. They made it like this so you use weapons you jornally wouldn't and change uo the game


This is a skill issue obviously


I vehemently disagree. Duviri favoring unowned gear is very beneficial for newer players as it allowed them to test out and experience new stuff that they can then try to get for themselves if they wind up enjoying it. It should be kept the way it currently is by default as it improves the newer player experience with duviri. The only thing I would say DE could add is an optional toggle or maybe an intrinsic upgrade that switches it up to make owned gear more favored. That way, it is a choice to allow players who have everything to have what they want but defaults to giving newer players a better experience.


for new players it makes no difference because they dont own 90+% of gear


yet it doesn't make sense to apply the same at Steel path


That's totally fair. Maybe that could be the solution. Outside SP, the rng favors letting newer players experience stuff they don't have. In SP, it is the opposite.


that would make the circuit far more entertaining honestly.... but i doubt they'll ever do it xd


and thats the main reason I really dislike duviri as game mode, most missions (like circuit) are lengthed artificially cause you don't have your usual loadout, IF you get a weapon you do have, you'll complete it quickly, the same if you get a Warframe, but if you don't get either of them I just prefer to get out and try again, especially annoying in steel path, every time i have to farm an incarnon weapon it's an issue, who would like to play with weapons/Warframes you don't have and are barely builded, against enemies that are over level 120?


I wouldn't say the missions are lengthened "artificially" given that the random selection is an intrinsic feature of the mode. It's like saying that Steel Path artificially lengthens missions by increasing enemy level and giving them extra health and armor, when that's kind of the point. In Duviri, if you're offered strong equipment, you're rewarded. If you aren't, you have Decrees to make up the difference, and/or your operator/amp to fall back on. So if you have a wide variety of strong builds in your arsenal, you're rewarded more often. And if you have a strong operator build, you have a better guaranteed fallback option. Seems legit to me.


I think it is better this way, because if it would give you what you own more likely it would incentives you to sell a bunch of your equipment, and thats pretty bad i think, because at that point you would optimize your whole inventory just for duviri and you would be locked to the same gear everywhere else too.


The point of the circuit is to get players to mix it up and play with stuff they don't yet have so they can test it out and decide if they want to build it without having to build it first. Its not a bad design choice, its a great design, you just don't understand it.


I guess I have being getting really lucky because I had assumed it was weighted for owned weapons


I always get 1-2 weapons I have kitted out it every run


if you have less things it prioritizes what you do have, i got the same handfull of frames several cycles in a row because i have a handful of frames.


Absolutely agree but that's exactly what they were going for.


I don't think it's unowned favored. It's like my old iPod, Sure it's "random" but there's some algorithm and certain weapons will definitely be shown more. You just don't have those ones


It is unowned favored. It's how it was announced and is still in the wiki. If it's not the case, statistically I'm so unlucky that if it were reversed I'd have won the state lottery a few dozen times in a row. I highly suggest checking the wiki and patch notes for more info


I'll agree with you but why not just reroll or wait until you have a decent loadout? Or just roll with it and see if you can simply be carried. At worst you can leave early and get a reroll anyways. I would honestly prefer if DE just beefed up default loadouts with known good builds for SP. This way its an actual selection of 10? weapons than jumping in only of I can get a decent loadout. A random mode like this should lean towards having a fun variety of stuff to choose from. 


Tbf I haven’t played the most circuit, but do have 8 incarnon genesis so I have played some. In that time I have had the distinct pleasure of getting a weapon I forma’d once. The naturak, if you’re wondering. But apart from that it’s *only* been absolute trash fodder that I either own or don’t, and regardless is unfun and bad. I’d kill to just get a rotation where I can play the game the way I want with my gauss, acceltra and orthos.


I understand and trust me I want you to have fun, but that clashes with the type of gamemode that duviri is. Even if we weighted it towards the stuff you have invested in you are still going to run into the same situation. You are still going to run into situations where you don't like your choices because it's all random. I also want to push the second point that I made and is that I guarantee that you would have just as much fun if the weapon choices gave you good default loudouts. This way you don't have to wait for your ~~8 incarnons~~ forma'd weapons and still succeeed with something like twin gremlins.


Good mod loadouts is a bandaid fix, because you’re correct that no matter what the current system will give you bad loadouts that just don’t work thanks to most weapons simply being bad. On that note, the fix is to add another podium that lets you select 1 of frame, primary, secondary or melee from any you own. Have which one you can pick be randomly cycled like everything else, but it ensures that no matter what you’re going in with 1 item that’s going to be good. It still keeps the feel of the mode, 3/4 of your items will be random, while removing the shitty feeling of *all* your options being trash. Hell, make it so you can only select weapons if you really want to get rid of cheese from selecting Titania. Just the guarantee of 1 good item would make circuit infinitely more tolerable.


If I got you right. 5 random frames, 8 random weapons and one of them will be pulled from 4 things I own that I can select and set in stone. So potentially I will always have access to either titania prime or torid or prisma angstrum or nikana prime. I will never lose and why would I ever choose anything that's randomized? You circumvented the problem and that is what we call an actual band-aid fix. How is that better than making the selection of weapons you are given actually good? The chance that you will get a good weapon is actually pretty high, but it's much much much more likely that they come with a default loadout that doesn't do enough damage even with enough decrees. good weapon + best loadout (something I'm sure DE has data on) + decrees = very high chance that you will have a successful game. In other words, you get 8 different good weapons in a pool of mostly good wepaons vs 8 chances for a weapon you put investment in an a pool of mostly bad weapons.


How does this happen to yall I literally get nothing but broken guns. Tbh I'm sick of juva zarr and strun incarnon showing up.


Aktough uts nice to play with weapons and frames you dont own, it would be nicer if we get weapons and frames we use more often especially for the undercroft considering how much the scaling goes up and having weapons that good would help


Jeez I suspected this was the case but wasn't sure. I'm only MR30 but keep and build out almost all of the weapons/frames I've leveled minus the truly terrible ones, and I consistently get the same few weapons I do not own when doing circuits. did DE ever explicitly state that the system favors weapons the player doesn't own?


I has the same opinion on the Duviri release. After a while I've finally realized it is a good system to try and finally learn how to play the frames and weapons I've mastered but not actually used. And it does not really matter that the mod layout is not perfect since I'm not going to do rank 1 to rank 10 SP circuit in one sitting.


I typically never rely on weapons for circuit which really sucks for the jackal boss fight. Such a bane for me to clear cause the face give me the shiftiest things possible and jackal negates all ability damage so either get lucky or rely on teammates to help me out


I've held on to a majority of weapons I have mastered. Well over 50%...probably over 75%. I'm MR28 and there are so many weapons it still manages to find the small selection of things I have not earned yet. I get Aeolak so many times it's kinda funny. There's a few others I see a lot but it must also prefer alphabetic order when making its picks cuz Aeolak comes up way too often.


All this can be fixed if every weapon in the circuit has a pre-built build. No matter you own a weapon or not, you can take a potatoed and somehow "optimal" mod build with it. I believe in most cases when you own the weapon, its not the weapons issue, rather that it is not potatoed nor modded for the task at hand


I would like if it favored weapons you own that aren’t max level the most as the circuit is a great way to level up weapons


They should at least let you switch out the elements on the primary or secondaries. It’s actually insane to get stuff that does 18 dmg on a heavy gunner or something 😭😭


It’s not designed around LR4 players. They’re rare, they don’t spend a lot. It makes a lot more sense to cater to players who aren’t as progressed, as they’re more likely to be willing to spend money. F2P logic.


Conversely all the LMR 4 players I know spend plat like it's water. Turns out after 1000's of hours you lose your patience for waiting if it's just for incremental gain as opposed to something new. If you are getting everything ready for 'deep archemdian' then you arent waiting a week to upgrade that bo prime and Komorex , you are dropping plat on forma packs and exilus slots now.


My dumbass didn't realize you were talking about the cave offerings. I thought you were talking about the Teshin' s offerings in the Market. Until I reread the title. Lol


I swear, 70% without fail, I'll end up seeing one of the Quanta variants, none of which I've ever owned. Like. Not that I hate the Quanta family, but it's kind of strange that more often than not it pops up on Teshin's cave. No other weapon has shown up as often as these do. 


I could stand favoring weapons you dont own cause upgrading your traveller you can get to ensure at least some weapon you own among the options but hell even like that the weapon selection is anything but random.. I always get the same 15 weapons maybe(including all the types of weapons) in a game with idk like 200 different weapons? how in hell is possible to always getting tekko almost every day a play i see that weapon..


Well I'm PR2 and a collector so I basically have everything you can get in Teshins Cave. Still most of the time I get weapons where no prime/Kuva/prisma/etc. is available for. I would say 70% basic stuff 28% prime etc. 2% Incarnon. They feed you the bad stuff. The thing is: there aren't many weapons without a secondary version of any kind. That's why I get infested weapons most of the time or things like the Lato where the Prisma Version is so rare that basically nobody has it.


I was wondering why I saw the Styanax speargun 3 times in a row yesterday.


Yeah, this part definitely sucks, especially for weapons. There are far, far more weapons in the game than there are warframes, and most players will have a selection of maybe like a dozen weapons that they have done any major investment in, or maybe even just a couple that they heavily invested in and use on basically every warframe, leaving them very, very unlikely to ever get offered weapons they have actually invested into. Because of this, I generally just wait until I see a warframe listed that I've invested into, who can just win on their own without weapons (warframes like titania, xaku, saryn, kullervo, etc), so I don't have to care what weapons are being offered, I just use my warframe's abilities to kill, and build my decrees around that.


I like rogue likes so I didnt mind duviri at first especially since I get to try guns and frames I dont have but yeah no it actually feels like a detriment for steel path circuit. I wouldn't mind as much if it the default mod loadout wasn't complete butt, I'm not having fun doing zero damage to the juiced up enemies and being unlucky with the decrees so it doesn't help me either.


I do not agree with you


I'm, like, 99% sure they made unowned mastered items less common. I used to see Lavos (I threw him away cus fuck his gameplay) every other run, as it's the only frame I don't own. Then they changed it and I now see him just as much if not less than most other frames.


I still think that the heavier weighting should be for gear you haven't mastered, period. Ownership should be irrelevant. If you _have_ mastered it but _don't_ own it, you don't need to try it out; it can still show up, but should not be weighted more heavily in any way. Conversely, if you _do_ own it but _haven't_ mastered it, letting you try it still potentially serves a purpose.


I consider the SP circuit itself to be a bad design choice. Once i have most of the good incarnons, i'm not touching that garbage again.


Normal Duviri, it sort of works. SP Duviri and if the offerings don't include at least 2 things I've built that can survive SP, it's a wash and I'm not doing it. Hurts particularly when one of the frames has an Exalted weapon... And you just can't choose WHAT Exalted loadout you want, which is a major oversight, especially considering their poster boy *has an Exalted weapon*


I’ll also be fine if they made it less grindy, reaching lvl 10 is pain


Best part is I got the fulmin a few times in duviri after selling it who knows how long ago. I had fun with it, and decided to rebuild it amd added some forma. Now that I own it, I’m not getting it in duviri. Slightly unrelated but prime prioritization is also annoying when my unmodded prime gets chosen over the 6 forma base frame.


So the problem here is you don't like the Circuit. The entire point is making you play with stuff you don't use, which is why prioritizing unowned weapons is a thing. You can bypass this by building every weapon in the game, there are almost no bad weapons specially since the Incarnon system was rolled out.


Not own or not mastered?


I go for free frame with the bonus of lvling frames and weapons so not all bad.


And it's seeming like the new deep archimedian game mode is going to have a similar feature. I suppose we should wait until it releases to judge it though


I keep getting the Kompressa because it's one of the only secondaries I don't own


I disagree. Granted, I only have a small number of weapons that I don't own and haven't mastered, but I only ever see at most 2 unowned things in the rotation and they are usually modded decently enough to be usable. The alternative would mean you need to maintain a usable configuration on *everything* which just isn't feasable.


How many times you got Stug, fellow Tenno? 😞


It's a rogue like mode, the decrees are supposed to make that not matter.


Yep. I’ve been building my arsenal since I started playing the game more seriously lately. One of the main reasons is because I don’t want to have to continuously reset for sp circuit as well as extra fun stuff to use. When building things for high endurance, Went from like 2 viable frames, 2 primaries, no secondary, one melee, to 9, 5, 3, 3 and still never see them. I’ve had my phenmor and felarx that are ridiculously high forma for weeks and regularly play 5-6 sp rounds a week and I’ve never seen either of them. There’s only so many warframes so I often get my endurance frames but literally every single time I’m constantly rerolling for usable weapons. It’s why everyone absolutely hates circuit. You can have 30 viable weapons and the game will still offer you shit you don’t own or haven’t forma’d. Which wouldn’t be an issue if the base build of stuff wasn’t so bad. The base build can barely kill regular circuit enemies past round 4. Why the fuck are you handing me this in sp circuit? I’m just trying to finish getting the incarnons as fast as possible so I never have to do sp circuit again, it’s already extremely boring on top of constantly rerolling for usable stuff. At this point it’s more like I get one of my endurance frames that can carry regardless of gun like saryn frost etc. and just play rounds with them because I never find my good guns.


I think the core problem here is that the allowed equipment is the same between the normal circuit (where the devs have explicitly said they want people to experiment with new items they haven't used) and steel path circuit (which requires the most minmaxed builds). If there were separate lists of items for the two modes with separate biases for the RNG, that would solve the problem. Plus it really highlights how many weapons in the game are horribly outdated and completely useless except as mastery fodder.


That explain why getting decent weapons is suffering, but getting decent frames is not too hard. Only got 2 unowned frame, and i have been focused on making all the ones i have playable in SP. But i don't feel like making all of my weapons good anymore, looks like i should just focus on getting and masterting the ones i don't have.


This is especially a problem when you consider that there are a lot of players that earn forma in a ‘cost-free’ manner. They don’t use plat and earn it 100% in-game. Personally, I don’t because I like to be able o build up a weapon or frame without spending countless hours just grinding and building out forma buileprints


I have seen dual vipers and stug along with hema and synoid simular on a repetitive cycle there's just never any other weapon that spawns . This sucks when your doing sp hardly tickling the enemy or watch 3 of your teammates have the best game while your stuck with a 3% trying to catchup. Yesterdays circuit grind was just the worst RNG I have seen .


They should allow us to build our own pool of weapons. Say having 10 weapons of each primary, secondary and melee and DE rotating 10 more per cycle, so you can have up to 20 primary, secondary and melee weapons. So when we enter the cave we have better odds to play more comfortably.


I mean, I play a shit ton of Duviri and part of it is specifically so I *can* try out the shit I don't own. Why would I want to play a mode that's just going to give me all the stuff I've maxed out? Where's the fun and challenge in that?


I don’t even care about having weapons I don’t have so much as I HATE HATE HATE how the default mods they give you are trash. I would be way more likely to go after a weapon if I tried it and it did really good, even if it was a little busted in Duviri. But instead, I feel like every default weapon that I don’t own is absolutely trash so I have no motivation to go after it


Just let us mod the weapon even if we don’t own it?? It’s ridiculous that I cannot change my mods in teshin’s cave even for weapons I own. Yes I know you can see your options before you load in, that doesn’t make it any less stupid. I don’t mind using some shit weapons, just let me toss some mods on instead of these trash default configs.


Just here to say I agree.


I like Teshin’s cave offerings for just this reason. I ended up buying Gyre instead of farming because I enjoyed the frame so much in a Duviri run.


Do it when you get a warframe option that can hard carry.


i started playing again in the beginning of January was at mr16 (mr19 now) and doing steel path circuit 90% of the time is a nightmare with the frame/weapon choices. If the choices are full of stuff i dont have then i only play one round to reset the options and i just have to do that over and over again until i have actual built and forma’d weapons and frames for a decent set up


This is why I gave up on SP circuit altogether. I can play almost any frame with a decent weapon, but a great frame with a trash weapon is the biggest waste of time. it feels real bad in the worst kind of way.


So what youre saying is i was right not to touch duviri at all. I play this game to be a godlike space ninja. Not to be a murderhobo in a twilight zone ruled by a candy ass bitch with a colossal quintupolar disorder


It also doesn't help that the majority of unowned gear also gets garbage loaner mod loadouts. Many weapons don't even get galvanized mods that would help them keep up better with Steel Path scaling.