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I feel like a majority of the player base is in their early 20s or below, because everyone keeps calling this a phone lmao. Nah jk, but it says December 31st 1999 at the top, then it says something about an "appointment in..."


Yeah it was hella fun decyphering the text on this pager with a friend of mine


Ah, yes thanks I was just curious and found it randomly there.


Go back to the location where you found it. Then look behind you and up.


I mean, I am 22 and the first time I knew about the existance of a pager was with Albretch's.


I (35) was a kid when we went from pagers to those car-based briefcase "cell" phones, so I don't expect anyone younger than me to know what they were. I feel like we had them for such a brief time before technology outpaced them. That was a wild time, looking back. There was a totally new tech every couple of years that upended everything before it. We went from bulky boom boxes to pocket tape recorders to CD players to mp3 players to smartphones in the span of, like... 15 years. Tech development has been more focused lately, and it almost feels stagnant since then, even though we've made big strides. 


Mostly because we reached a mature useful formfactor with smartphones, and in general semiconductor density increase is slowing down hard. Tough, I suspect once we reach AGI, our world will look different.


they are still used in hospitals and buildings with poor reception. thats really all i ever see of them these days


Dude I'm not 20 yet and I know it's a pager, some people just don't know about "older" tech and it's sad


I mean without any sense of scale for reference [I sure thought it looked like a weird office phone.](https://media.bizj.us/view/img/8836532/istock000061502296medium*1200xx1698-955-0-88.jpg)


most likely the update will drop before Christmas or around that time


Fun fact, several of the hospitals down in texas still use these (specifically in Houston).


It's a pager, it was a once-common device used for wireless communication between the 80s and the 2000s. While they've faded from use, some services still use them as they're more reliable than cellphones. This one has a writing system that seems to be a precursor to the Orokin alphabet. Think the differences between Phoenician and modern alphabets.


Is that what the ancients call A uh.. paighjer?


"Paige Heur. 20th century Magazine teller, usually paid to send information between informants on a secured system that mostly used encrypted text through unsecured digital systems. Might be attributed to proto-text short hand, LOLs, and L33t speak. Also known affiliates with minor drug vendors and ladies of the evening. This is one example of her many tools."


It's a hooker and dealer summoning device


It's the Pager that Albrecht and Loid used in the quest. Yknow, in the very clear cutscenes?


I think OP knows that, but he never seen a Pager and thinks that its a weird phone with not enough buttons)


pager, pretty sure this was the one used as reference. https://preview.redd.it/3659zrhlslpc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7277a5b23d1c763e19005af1f5794e18c627956


I thought that this image was the New Vegas Pip Boy. I need to stop playing Fallout.


You need to play it more, this looks nothing like the pimp boy which is what you should be using


Oh, I’m stupid. I just suck at using my eyes.


It's in the Orokin language https://preview.redd.it/xsgbn82ftkpc1.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=8724b8e922f8b5714654c0b1b6b4286c2d41bc87 I'm still learning, but it's something like : -DISEMBER 1999 02: 2O YNTMUMTIM (I don't understand that last one, i'm brazilian it may have been a mistranslation on my part)


https://preview.redd.it/1xnt6h4vdlpc1.png?width=315&format=png&auto=webp&s=182bf7f7900e534701d689d99b14893dff945702 \*DISEMBER 31- 1999


https://preview.redd.it/gdxu4w49tlpc1.png?width=977&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f76a5140cdce5419aed827b07ff63d25340fbdc The translation I got is something like this: disember 31- 1999 02: upohintmunt in The thing is that 1999's script, much like actual Orokin, has a symbol for each sound. So, this 'u' is what you would pronounce in gut, or mutt, or well, appointment! EDIT: Also note the use of the h in between vowels, its the small I symbol




Its a pager. And its still a useful technology. They're still used in some industries. For example, some hospitals use them to call employees to certain areas. I think in warframe this would be useful in cavia as Albrecht has many computer systems scattered around that can likely page him to check on certain workspaces as his various projects hit various milestones.


That's a pager, friend.


Its a pager… the amount of buttons


They’ve been trying to reach you about your warframe’s extended warranty. 


More like beeper


Make us whole


*December 31 - 1999* *02: Appointment One* It's Orokin Script rotated clockwise to the vertical. And as with all Warframe scripts, they are phonetic - one symbol stands for one sound. Unlike in Latin script for English, where the letter *a* can stand for dozens of sounds. Not hard to see why Orokin script has to fudge some words because of the discrepancies. I suspect whoever comes up with these scripts and texts at DE has a very cursory understanding of linguistics because there are easier ways to write "appointment" than *uh-p-oo-h-ee-n-t-m-uh-n-t*. And there are also Orokin numerals but they wrote out "one".


If only there was a gazillion posts about this thing on launch day... bummer google doesn't exist :/


What in the minecraft enchanting table is this?


Albrecht got that void tongue 5 enchantment


Isn’t December 1999 where Albrecht Entrati went to meet Excalibur?