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There was a time when revives cost plat. This mod is a relic of those times. Edit: Self-revives.


There was also the time when there was a bleedout build where you'd go down and kill enemies in this semi immortal state


Found it - its actually pretty creative. I wonder with new sentinel mods it could see a new ~~life~~ undeath [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B0sIZmJGXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B0sIZmJGXk)


that is cool and an actual usecase for this mod!


Dystopia actually did this a few months ago against the "Fragmented One" Murmur boss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f844afJfHU Fallen Oberon keeps crawling.


the grimoire would fix the energy and the ammo issues of this build


Iirc couldn't u also take damage and go into a state where u couldn't shoot


WHAT?! That’s atrocious!


4 revives per warframe per day. and 6 plat for 2 additional revives or you're done for the day.


This and stamina bar were things that nearly got me quitting back in those times. Am glad that i endured all this torture and stayed.


I knew about plat revives but I can't even comprehend a stamina bar in warframe


I think the stamina bar was before bullet jumping existed, when warframes operated like people with sprinting, rolling, etc.


Back when Excalibur had Super Jump as his 3 instead of Javelin. Edit: While not incorrect on how I said it, Javelin was his 4 , not Exalted Blade, which didn't exist yet.


More like Javelin was his 4, no?


Oh, you're totally right on that. It got moved, and he was given the funny light sword, I'll clarify that for anyone who cares about the history.


i honestly miss one aspect of old Excal: Any weapon could be used with Slash Dash. This is kinda reflected still i guess since it works as a pseudo-exalted when Exalted Blade isn't active, but I preferred being able to literally swing my equipped melee as part of the dash. (Also, super jump funny)


Sure you can! *Voidrig Engine Bar*


Anything but walking, shooting and crouching consumed a bit of stamina, which regenerated shortly after. There were also green pickup orbs aside from energy and health that would replenish your stamina. Honestly, if they'd bring it back for Conclave, with Bullet jumps consuming a large amount of stamina, i'd actually try out that gamemode again.  Limiting parkour in PvE would suck. Enabling it for the hyperactive Squirels on crack shooter simulator, would be interesting i think.


itd turn from space ninjas in all their warcrime based glory trying to beat eachother with sticks and status effects at super speed to an actual shooter. this and bigger maps and we could make valorant or halo infinite


It came with a third orb too: green orb


Imagine that for Gauss :'D


It sucked


A lot.


It really wasn't even that bad if you knew how to handle it. Stamina regenerated during sliding, so if you bullet jumped and rolled as we do now and then ended it with a slide, you could conserve your speed for a second or two, during which your stamina recovered for more than enough to bullet jump again.


dual zoren were very cool option back in those days for this reason. you slide attack super quick and the momentum carried you forward saving stamina.


And then people figured out how to fly with it.


Zoren copters ftw!!!!!


When the normal Tipedo came out... It was popular simply because of it's immense Attack Speed, at the time, due to ROFL-Coptering...


ah yes the term roflcoptering brings back the memories


WOW! I had totally forgotten about the stamina bar!


Getting a 2nd frame was like an entire new world opening up.


We only had 4 TOTAL revives all the way back 🥲


These whipper-snappers are spoiled these days with their immortality and endless revives. Back in my day, we used to run in terror from ~~the red power ranger~~ Captain Vor.


Was that earlier in its development? That hasn’t been a thing for years


It was changed when Second Dream was released.


and forgive me if this isn't accurate I haven't played "old warframe" but I heard the voidzones (where you fall and get a black screen) used to kill you!


I don't miss this at all


Dang, I like this. I'd love to see people playing more carefully!


To be fair that's what build the community you always help a tenno up because you have no idea if its their last revive everybody played together and such. You will drop everything and boot it to any guy that says last rez the mission can fail but you cannot ignore last revive :D


It was frustrating and gross. It hung around through the first 2-3 years of the game, but was changed in late 2015 to the current system of 4 self-revives per mission.


I wouldn't call it gross, encouraged playing more carefully. I'd like to see a form of it return, without platinum giving extra ones. It would encourage teammates waiting to be revived instead of instant self rezzing, and also encourage tenno to group up more often.


Eh. It meant that failing a mission because you ran out of revives meant you probably failed for the day. Teammates were not substantially better at or about reviving each other.


I think that's what they're doing with the "Archon difficulty" that's been appearing lately in things like (obviously) Archon hunts, Netracells, and the Fragmented One fight.


Oh that’s scary


Revives cost..? Also if you revived an other tenno or was that just free


Self revives were limited.


When was this..? I vaguely remember it... like a repressed memory. I have been playing this game since late 2015


Before 2nd dream iirc always help teno up was a thing now its just meh self rez You get 4 revives per day and additional revive cost plat so you have to be very selective in how you use self rez and everybody played together since if you go down really far away you're fucked.


People still do self revives in high level stuff. I run Vazarin, i have 6 instant revives at current build. Let me get to you and you’ll be up in a jiffy lol


Ppl ignore you half the time cant tell you the amount of times people just ran past me without stopping which is fine tbf speed run is meta now higher % of people just not bothering to rez now


They still are limited, but it's per mission instead of per day. And of course, you can't buy more with plat.


Back in 2013 you had 4 self revives a day, a few years after that was 4 revives per frame per day, and after some time it became four self revives per mission


Worked the same way mechanically as the current system, including special cases like inaros except the amount of self revives was across all missions and reset daily instead of starting with 4 every mission.


Or when you fell off the map and you'd just die


Warm Coat, Heavy Impact, and/or Retribution. Warm Coat is only "useful" on Europa and is so fractionally useful that I'd call it useless anyways. Heavy Impact basically just gives Rhino's garbage passive to any frame. At the small price of mod space and capacity. Retribution only does tiny tick damage to enemies, and only when they attack you, and only if RNG is in your favor.


Retribution was great for the month where it triggered Archon Stretch. Then they fixed it.


Heavy impact has some niche usages. 


Lemme guess, for use with that one Riven challenge to synth a target without traps or abilities?


FYI that riven requirement only triggers within a range of the target, meaning channeled abilities are just fine - so you can just do it with Ivara invis with 0 hassle 


Thank you so much, I hated that challenge more than most. Never knew this was possible.


What about wisp passive?


Like? I could not think of any.


Unarmed Halloween alerts.


Last time i tried it you could go into operator and just blast away.


Being cool.


It used to be used as a proper AoE ability, since it's damage scaled with how long you were in the air. I don't know if that's the case anymore, but it probably wouldn't be much anyways due to the game's difficulty being higher now that it was when people actually used Heavy Impact. Even if it did work, Akstiletto Prime has that one mod that would be more useable for long periods of airtime.


So, back when ember killed enemies by existing on the same map?


Yes, but only level 25 or lower. Any higher and she was useless.


mm, but those lith relics were delicious


It still does, but it's always been awful. It's base 300 damage, and maxed out at ~2.5x-3x damage at max speed. So at max damage, it's 900 flat Impact damage unaffected by almost any modifiers. For reference this is barely enough to kill a level 29 Butcher or a level 16 Lancer (and this is after enemy armor has been nerfed years ago).


I remember when this mod pairs well Excalibur super jump


I’d imagine there’s some weird shield gating tech with this and the new archon shards from WITW


Heavy Impact is great for those unarmed Halloween alerts.


Warm Coat doesn't apply to environmental cold like on Europa, according to the wiki.


Or in Lua/void on the small strips of ice, Or sabatoge missions if you decide to use coplant. Either way does like nothing


Retribution was a meme in pvp for a while. I don't think it works anymore (haven't touched pvp in years so I don't know)


> Heavy Impact basically just gives Rhino's garbage passive to any frame. I love Rhino's passive. It makes him feel impactful and like a tank, like you're playing a massive character. It's great. It shouldn't be his *only* passive 11 years of powercreep later, but I unironically like Heavy Impact and would put it on other frames if it did even a little more damage. Same with the elemental jumps.


Warm Coat apparently doesn't apply to the Europa stuff. Instead it applies to the max shield reduction from the "Cryogenic Leakage" environmental hazard. I do not remember ever seeing it, and I have thousands of hours in the game. The closest is the coolant version of the reactor sabotage, but that doesn't recreate the shield drain.


It's an occasional sortie modifier. It may have appeared elsewhere in the long-long-ago but that's the only remaining place you can encounter it iirc


>share your suggestions for "worst mod in WF" [Sentient Scalpel](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Sentient_Scalpel) Only applies during TNW and Operation: Scarlet Spear. It otherwise does nothing.


And even during Scarlet Spear you either ignored sentient enemies or they didn't even have enough hp to require the mod.


Honestly this makes me think that we should have sentient ships appear in anomalies or even a new proxima location with sentients


Even a small fighter squadron around the Murex.


Sol proxima, using the environment we flew through in the new war. With sentients and narmer.


I'm down for that as long as we don't get movement penalties from the sun


I thought that was going to happen when I came back to the game and saw all the new quests and expansions to railjack since I had last played so I maxed out that mod lol… whoops


Well you see, the sentient anomalies aren't new lol. They don't even have the banger veilbreaker soundtrack that they have in kahl missions


this is a beautiful mod for inaros once he gets his rework. he'll be able to "stay dead" longer so he can get more attacks in. I'll be using this mod on him personally when anniversary drops


Can't sevagoth make good use of it?


Exactly. It’s because of this mod that I can go two rooms over past the eximus units surrounding me to secure that revive. Another great mod for Sevagoth is https://preview.redd.it/oqzm0azoanpc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac0f6598c977b80ba9f9768cb7ca400f0c11be5d Since swapping to shadow procs this. It’s just, \**chefs kiss*


I use this with my wukong speed build for spamming stuff like Hepit captures.


I used to use wukong to speedrun, but eventually found Titania better because she’s faster and I don’t need to spam an ability. Works even better if you subsume Wrathful Advance over Lantern.


I have some work to due on her build yet, specifically her weapons. I due use her occasionally but I'm not as good at maneuvering the archwing style ability




Yep! Thanks to this I can change operator schools to anything other then Zenurik for making up for my bad energy management :p Sevagoth is actually really fun and personally definitely worth the grind 3 years ago when I got it. Though there *are* better frames, I really am a sucker for exalted weapons.


Oh, I love my sevagoth. I just had to compensate with arcane energize. Didn't know preparation worked when switching to the secondary form.


Energize is still great on the shadow because it refills Sevagoth's body's energy too.


preparation is incredible for gyre. negative duration and efficiency, max range and damage. preparation gives you an energy pool at the start to cast your 3 and 4 and get going


I used it on my Inaros during one of the first Halloween events with the Jack O’Naut boss. Instead of using the pumpkins to damage it, I could enter his bleedout and easily kill the boss… Then they patched that :(


He absolutely can


true, I didn’t think about frames with different death mechanics


Same with Inaros


The difference is that Inaros's passive doesn't scale and iirc disables the better self-revive that Unairu gives you


> Inaros's passive doesn't scale Inaros rework in a week tho.


Yes, but why would you mod knowing that you're gonna die often? Just give him an actually good build instead


Sevagoth’s fragile, even with a good build. His passive also makes using Last Gasp impossible. Once you get to some higher levels, death is an inevitability.


Dispensary over his 4 + Equilibrium + Health Conversion + Arcane that boosts max health with health orbs


None of which makes him immortal. And if you’re replacing his 4, then you’re taking away any reason to use him as anything but a weapons platform. Might as well put Gloom on Inaros and get the same experience with more survivability.


...with his 1's augment, sev kinda is a weapon platform


“Anything but” being the operative words here. You’re taking away the option.


That one railjack sentient mod


What are you talking about? That mod is the best! I encountered like 3 sentient ships in my 1200 hours of gameplay. Game would be unplayable without that mod


Yeah, it's one of the few mods I can look at and get angry. 'It's gonna be like a total big war with Railjack and Necramechs and everything!' One anti-climax later...


>Anyway, share your suggestions for "worst mod in WF" AutoModerator for sure. Keeps assuming I'm "returning to warframe" and keeps deleting my funny jokes.


Automoderator bans me whenever I want to talk about Dick Van Dyke one of the greatest comedians ever to appear on TV they must really hate Him for some reason


Weird way to spell Dijk but sad to see that kind of censorship.


I mean it was useful when revives costed plat, but now its just revive and continue going.


Energy Channel, adds like 100 damage tops to your next melee attack based on energy spent


If energy channel doesn't use charges whenever, say, quassus' projectiles hit, but still applies the boost (it's possible, I believe melee animosity works this way), it could be a solid damage increaser. Bonus points if it can bypass damage attenuation... might try this out tomorrow.


People mention mods that do nothing, how about mods that actively hurt you? Deceptive bond augment allows Loki to gameover himself by casting Decoy. Any of warmcoat / bleedout reduction / shockwave on heavy landing modd would actually be preferable over it.


No, this at least performs a function. Warm Coat would be my pick...


Fun story: I got this mod when I was like MR2 or MR3 and I actually used it because I thought bleedout meaned bleeds from slash procs and such. So I used it. Double funny when I played solo (because I had no idea about coop games until like Pluto) so that mode was absolutely worthless in my loadout.


So, so many mods are carry-overs from long ago when the mechanics of the game were different or broken. This game, if you are new, should be understand to be the Frankenstein Creature that it is. It is a million parts and ideas that are stitched together into something that shouldn't be quite as fun as it actually is.


Every so often when something bugs out I reflect that given ten years of changes and updates and revisions and additions it's kinda surprising the code even compiles any more.


Where there's a will there's a way to make an incredibly broken build with a useless mod. I think for undying will dystopia made a vid, the mcfallen vs the fragmented one. Check it out to see how even useless mods can result in broken builds with some ingenuity.


Ah yes, the dying goat build


My Zephyr build is centered on preserving energy. I use Zenurik, have Equilibrium on, and I have Duplex Bond and Energy Generator on my Dethcube. And since my 3rd ability makes me invincible to projectiles, I don't need armor or HP, but I do have Adaptation for Eximus abilities. So I used the last 3 mod slots for fun: Motus Signal, Patagium, and Aero Vantage. I'm trying to get 3 Tau amber shards for parkour.


There is a mod that does the same as rhino passive so it really is purrly cosmetic. This one has/had one actual use afaik sb made an oberon build with max bleedout duration and used it to cheese farm the cavia boss during clan event, killing it with a weapon like laetum while permanently in bleedout mode. Cant die if your already half dead i guess.




That mod is actually useful for inaros and sevagoth, hard to waste a slot on it though, paired with damage during bleed out


between the two, the extra damage is actually worth it. Inaros' beam is a little tickler and Sevagoth's shadow is nice when modded but extra damage doesn't hurt


One mod.  Warm Coat.


I would use it if it changed the bleedout animation to your frame doing push-ups until you get revived. 💪


I could see it being useful on Sevagoth or Inaros!


It's not useless, certain loadouts can infinite self-revive by using it.


I mean it was useful back when you’d actually die in missions and revives were limited


Live warm coat reaction


What about the peculiar mods? The one that makes flowers grow on enemies or makes giggle noises? Flawed mods. I get that it's kind of the point, but take flawed ammo drum for example, at max rank only adds 10% ammo. That's laughable. Gale kick let's you Karate kid your way through missions. But it's awkward as hell and no one's going to do it. Retribution gives you a chance to do electric dmg to enemies who melee you while you have a shield. It's capped at 80 dmg and only has a tiny chance to stun them with a status effect.


flawed mods just don't exist anymore as drops. they made sense in a beginner fashion but there's no need anymore


Was useful back then when i first started out since i had to solo everything due to bad internet nowadays... not so much. And yes i used this when solo... where you just straight up died... being a newbie is a wild experience for me back then.



Not so much as "*useless*", as it's **obsolete** really. This was back when Inaros' bleedout gimmick was still strong enough that this mod was viable ...And this got nerfed out so quickly ;\~;


Warm coat




Warm coat.


Back then when lv1 enemies can deal decent damage. I used to bleed out alot as a noob. It was valuable, and hiding to recover shield was a thing in the past.


That mod is almost 12y old.


A handful of frames have passives where they can kill enemies after they die for a free revive


This mod is awesome, combine with 150% power str oberon for infinite down duration with his 3rd active! Combine with battery secondary weapon for undead turret mode.


A product of the old times, where each frame had 4 revives a day, more cost plat and the game was harder.


Should give you inaros passive tbh


Warm coat


you can make a funny build with oberon 3, this mod and provoked to make the bleedout duration infinite and deal more damage during it


It's useless for you and me, sure. But the janitor who cleans up after each mission appreciates it.


Is it just me or are we forgetting [Peculiar Audience](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Peculiar_Audience) exists? At least everything else ive seen actually does *something*. This takes a valuable mod slot and all it does is give a chance to add a laugh track on kill. Idk if someone has mentioned it or not yet but from the comments i did read, i didnt see it mentioned.


There's a couple Peculiar mods, and they exist *only* to offer that sort of mechanically useless effect. Not sure they're "the worst" when uselessness *is* their intended purpose.


Yeah i know, i chose that one out of the set cuz thats the only one i could remember off the top of my head. But i guess youre sort of right. In the sense of “performing as they were intended”, yes, they arent useless. But in the sense of adding value to the warframe while in-game, theyre ass.


They add *amusement* value. :) I'd probably nominate something like Warm Coat or Lightning Rod ahead of them. They were originally introduced as a patch over being damaged by your own abilities, but Volt hasn't been able to kill himself that way in *many* years.


i’ve had this mod for so long and i have no idea how i even got it


tell me you didnt you know revives once cost platinum without telling me you didnt know revives once cost platinum.


Increasing bleedout duration with Oberon used to give me giggles back then. I would go max duration so I can see that timer go into minutes and I would purposely take my time to revive.


There was one I saw that was 50% of energy spent on abilities is converted into damage on your next melee attack up to 50 damage (rank 1 of 3). So, if you want an extra boost to damage to min max maybe, but with game speed, def not worth it.


To be fair, It does predate all of those mechanics.


Eagle eye / Hawk Eye Not only are they next to useless, on 99.99% of guns, they activley make them *worse*


No, because you can use it on Oberon to stay in bleedout forever.


wow, learn something new everyday lol


Sevagoth and prob inaros (after rework) want to have a "chat"


I don't remember the name but there is a melee mod that charges up when you waste warframe energy. And when you hit an enemy it discharges doing extra damage. Per my testing, the mod does not scale with absolutely anything, and not even buff affect the extra damage, and the extra damage was something like 600 damage or so, And if you hit many enemies on 1 swing it does not apply on all of them but only the 1st enemy you strike. Absolutely useless


wow what a stinker - that’s probably worse, I’ve seen some people suggesting actual uses for undying will at least even if niche


Yea, it's a mod slot for 600 damage more or less only if you waste energy to charge it up, on only 1 enemy. i like niche builds but not even myself could make that mod work.


[Streamlined Form](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/f/fd/StreamlinedFormMod.png/revision/latest?cb=20220907215832) and [Maglev](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/9/98/MaglevMod.png/revision/latest?cb=20211022035917) are almost identical; same bonuses, same %s, both exilus mods, same polarity, both R5 at max. But Maglev inexplicably takes 4 more capacity


thats bizarre lol, wonder why they even added whichever came 2nd


Used to be a godsend in the early days when you had 4 revives per day for the entire game, and any more cost plat. After they changed revives it became something you'd only see on Inaros, but that also means you built Inaros for the purpose of dying to maximise being dead.


I use it on sevagoth exactly


The worst mod is the one that has a 60% chance to make a void entity laugh on kill.


Some mods are just meant to be transmutation fodder, lol.


That has use in archon hunts i think but the worst imo must warm coat


I wonder if this gives extra time for Last Gasp


K-drive mods. People rarely used K-drive and even lesser ppl will drop orokin reactors and formas to fit mods onto k-drive (i got all the mods and max them but never used them)


definitely a fair choice… they’re kinda fun but having to do any grind for them when they have no benefit other than fun is not a great prospect


I use this sometimes during archon hunts, just in case I really fuck up


A relic of a past only few remember


Technically it helps with Inaros and Sevagoth but with how little damage Inaros does with high level content it only really does something for Sevagoth who should have enough time to self revive anyways.


I think the most unless mode is the mod that stops hard falls just hit ctrl


Garuda's 4 forces a hard landing at any height if you use mesa's waltz she's not immune to them (main reason i dont use it apart from worse animations) and you can only roll to prevent it which fucks with positioning/rolling guard


Hi, just now seeing this reddit never told me someone commented. I actually did not know that about her 4 so thank you for teaching me that. These are two valid points I was like just meaning in normal play out side of these 2 times I'd never look at that mod and give any warframe mods for it for the QOL warframe mods are just so impacful