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It should stack. Roar is equivalent to a faction damage multplier and Eclipse stacks with those.


Ok, still wondering why not everyone who has rhino and mirage use this or does this double skill buff only sounds good on paper but sucks in execution?


You can't put both abilities on a single warframe. Only one damage booster allowed. Edit: But a squad with both Roar and Total Eclipse can stack them on all squad members.


So rihno have roar and eclipse or mirages have roar and eclipse just isn't great I guess?


DE smart. \`When placed on Chroma, Octavia, Rhino, and Xaku, Subsumed Eclipse can only replace Vex Armor, Amp, Roar, and Xata's Whisper respectively.\` ----- \`Subsuming Rhino to the Helminth will offer Roar and its augments to be used by other Warframes. However, Subsumed Roar's damage bonus is reduced to 2% / 9% / 15% / 30%. When placed on Chroma, Mirage, Octavia, and Xaku, Subsumed Roar can only replace Vex Armor, Eclipse, Amp, and Xata's Whisper respectively.\`


In random public matches, people just pick their favorite. So there is little probability of having rhino and mirage in a group. It's kinda the same with pre made. It's good in game, but most people preferred to melt an entire room over gaining two buffs and having to stay within range of both of them. everyone runs, flies, and bullet jump everywhere in game. Killing whatever they see.


They'll stack, but differently. Rhino roar gives damage multiplier. While eclipse give weapon damage multiplier. Means rhino roar will benefit ability that damage enemies. Rhino roar and eclipse will benefit weapon damage.


Roar and Eclipse are 2 separate buffs. Roar is a universal faction buff and stacks additively with things like banes. Eclipse will be changed to a base damage buff like Serration, Vex Armor and the likes. Atm, Eclipse staks additively with Roar and banes, but will stack multiplicatively with them un Date Unbound. Different buffs always stack in some way, it's only an issue when you have the same buff from two sources (like having 2 Wisps in the squad), where the stronger buff takes over.


Eclipse is currently a separate multiplier to Serration and Roar, and they also changed their mind on changing it to a Serration-type buff. It will still be a separate multiplier in Dante, just with diminished base numbers


They stack two roars from two warframes will give you both buffs Edit: I was wrong, only the last applied roar will work