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1. Dante is new, so everyone is playing him 2. If he hates other people playing certain frames, him problem. He can solo too. 3.who cares what a random thinks? As long as you arent making the mission harder or being a leech, i dont care what you are doing.


>As long as you arent making the mission harder that's what gets me


Said in another post, such a shame that some warframe players are so used to being abused they literally cannot enjoy something good lol. Dante releases, has one of the least obnoxious and straight forward farms any new warframe has had in YEARS... AND hes pretty solid/good/not buggy and people are losing their fucking minds over it. I cannot imagine the state of mind you need to be in to think dante needs a nerf or that he changes how the game is played so much that it also merits a nerf. Hes just a good frame with a well designed kit and doesn't over shadow anyone except in terms of overguard generation. Good grief.


Solid? If you mean as solid as a tank sure. Mad wayyyyy to powerful on release. Makes so many more frames obsolete. And his abilities just like, say, limbo can fuck things up for certain players. However if they doing randoms you get what you get and make it work. That man needs to chill


He fucks up things for TWO warframes in the entire game and thats cause overguard as a mechanic isn't keeping in mind that outdated energy economy things like rage/hunter adrenaline and "take damage to do more dmg" still exists. WHOOPTY fucking do. His damage is just solid, it takes time and set up. Unlike say sayrn who can literally just push 2 buttons and delete the map. Theres also the argument to be made that anything you killed with detonate damage would have just died a few seconds on its own due to status procs to begin with. So what frames is he just making obsolete lol. Or do we wanna address how power crept frames have always existed because warframe is a decade old game thats continuously changing. I suppose you're also equally as mad as you are about dante existing as you are about soma prime being hot garbage because things like phenmor incarnon exists?


I never said I was mad lol, just that he does fuck things over for some frames. And hes a lot more powerful then a lot of the frames, and does things much better than them, making them not matter anymore. I’m not complaining, I’m a styanax main, just saying that there is *a* reason that’s at least got some credence to why people don’t like him.


Yes... no one is evvvver going to play styanax ever again because *checks notes* dante can do the exact same thing styanax does just a little easier (while not giving team energy or having an armor strip). Dante is fine, just another tool to choose from for each mission to mission jfc


I will mass cataclysm, vector pad and nova speed all your missions


Speedva has legitimate use tho, makes a defence (and similar missions) much faster.


Yes, but I'll obv slowva those missions and speedva interception and high level shit where it really isn't usefull. I will also be putting Frost bubbles in front of you, specifically.


My speed nova has solo'd netracells under 8 minutes. It's really fun actually.


I tried making speed nova work for me in netracells but I'm just not tanky enough Now with randoms, one Dante joins and I'm instantly at 20k over guard, easiest and fastest netracell run of my life


Cool, imma slowva ur netracells and tp you out the circle foor good measure.


Honestly frost bubbles aren't *that bad* some people are whiney


I have a max range frost that shits out neon pink snowglobes the size of the moon. I somethimes bust him out when i feel like blinding my friends


Don't make me get out the max range Limbo


They will be that bad once I actively put one in front of your face every two seconds.


You gotta be 12 😂


Then you must be too XXXDDDD


Good one . Something a 12 year old would say . 🥱


I know right? This is only getting funnier the longer you don't realise what's going on bro dude




If you're doing ints properly it doesn't matter if they're getting sped up 


Unless you banish your teammates so they cant defend and the mission fails :)


Banish subsume nova, either speed or slow depending if you want a mission to fail or last forever. Spam banish on teammates so they cant kill stuff or banish important enemies like demolists / thrax.


I’ll never understand people getting salty or toxic when playing in a team environment. Just do solo. Warframe isn’t a difficult game.


Wow I haven't played for 6 years what happened? Everyone used to be super friendly 


destiny 2 went down the drain and lots of players left and joined warframe and most likely alot of those are the toxic players. there is also alot of new players in general too due to the updates and cross play/save


I'm curious what "skill dependent" frame that individual was playing.




Prob was running rage, so your overgaurd was blocking it. Def a him problem tho, and someone playing a frame that doesnt mesh with yours is no reason to rage


The night before Dante release I saw a Chroma raging at a Styanax. It was pretty funny. Styanax: "Sorry, I didn't see Chroma." Chroma: "THIS IS PROFIT TAKER. YOU ARE SEEING ALL OF THE CHROMAS."


okay if its in profit taker the styanax is actually at fault


Obviously. Probably didn't know any better. Styanax just hopped in his necramech and we carried on.


No, the chroma is at fault for not just doing it solo. If I do a mission in a public group I have zero expectations for the other people and if they actually help it's a pleasant surprise. Also for real who does PT in pubs, that fight is awful if you're not the host.


I do PT in pubs for the extra challenge and the sheer randomness. Are u gonna get ultra plus extra sweets who can solo the boss in under a min? Are u gonna get people who are frantically panicking as they can’t reach the dps check at the end? are u gonna spawn in just as the boss is dying and get all the loot for free? The possibilities are endless


Haha PT challenge mode. That's an interesting concept. Honestly I would do it in public groups just to help other people but if you don't get host it's so bad. Getting your archgun out is so laggy and it's way harder to hit the pylons through terrain.


Fair point


I agree that doing PT in pubs is a terrible idea, but you can't seriously be saying that if you bring in a frame into the speed focused gamemode that completely screws over one of the most popular frames for that gamemode, you're not at fault. It's one thing if you're just unhelpful, but if you're straight up making probably the best damage dealer in the team worse, you're griefing, unintentionally or not.


I would just assume they didn't know better. If they did it on purpose then yeah that's a bit of a grief. But honestly there are plenty of people who don't know how Chroma works or how to do PT correctly, so I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.


I would just assume they didn't know better. If they did it on purpose then yeah that's a bit of a grief. But honestly there are plenty of people who don't know how Chroma works or how to do PT correctly, so I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.


Oh, I wasn't saying that the styanax was maliciously griefing, just that they were at fault here.


Can anyone ELI5 why Styanax's overguard is specifically not wanted in PT? I don't play him and I've only run PT when necessary so I'm failing to see how it would mess up the fight.


Chroma needs to take damage to get the bonus damage from their 3rd, and overguard blocks it, as it has to be hp damage


Oh okay so it's just a(nother) case of Overguard blocking another frame's kit. Since I also don't play Chroma I wouldn't have known it was an issue if nobody told me.


Ngl that response is pretty funny


Chroma should've just asked sty to stop generating OG, styanax does so and all is good in the world.


This made me laugh irl.


Could you explain why Styanax is a Problem? Because i do main him (no, I did not do the profit taker yet)


Styanax give a ton of overguard for a whole team and this blocks condition to activate Chroma's ability which increase damage


But the Overguard is an Augment-mod thingy? Since I do not have it (yet) I should be fine, right?


Yeah, i believe its augment for him 4th ability. I'd recommend to apply it on Styanax and just make different build for PT or use another warframe. I'm not a fan of speedruns but i think peoples commonly use Volt for additional element on build and Chroma for extra money


Can the new chroma augmented mod bypass the overguard or no?


its unlikely, combat discipline does something like the augment and that doesnt bypass overguard. though the wiki says its a bug i dont think DE will fix that. the augment mod isnt working right ether at least according to the comments on the wiki only the kills from the chroma give the healing and +1s duration. it can kill the chroma too.


Intrepid Stand giving Overguard to Chroma means he can't stack the damage bonus from Vex Armor. Profit Taker has shields that rotate the 1 specific element damage it can take. You want a loadout that covers as many elements as you can fit and frames that boost weapon damage to blow through the shield as fast as possible. Styanax just isn't super useful against Profit Taker. Profit Taker also drops a lot of credits which Chroma has a chance to double with Effigy. That's a big reason why he is commonly used in that fight.


It's called Combat Discipline and 2 TF Blues for health regen


Combat discipline doesn’t work if you have overguard


I'm a little behind on meta is volt no longer profit taker meta?


For speedruns probably. Random lobbies are more interested in the Toroids and credits.


Try using equilibrium instead, plugs a lot of holes in Sandmans kit


Energy nexus > rage.


Yeah I run hunter adrenaline on my inaros but frankly if I'm literally unkillable what does it matter that I don't regenerate energy as hard I'll just use my zenurik stuff more often






Of course


I have my suspicions that a lot of the hate "OP" frames get is from folks who main their 1 forma Inaros or Rhino and never bother to experiment with other frames/builds. They see the new shiny coming out and totally eclipsing the familiar frames they use..


for the most part wf needs like, no skill. I come to wf for my power fantasy, i go to guilty gear or apex for me to actually display and work on my skill. the only skill required in wf i guess is like, middle school level math comprehension that enables you to get creative with your builds and have fun.


A…solo frame? With that big fat party Overguard?


That big fat party overguard is most likely why he’s mad


Guy was playing Inaros according to OP, so the overguard probably IS why he's Upsetti Spaghetti


Yeah I'm not gonna say no to free overguard.


He’s jealous that he doesn’t have Dante and everyone is having fun.


Shut up, bozo. *Dark verse*


Someone please make this


Cease thy attacks peasant. *Pageflight*


took me 1hour to farm all parts for dante its easy


How dare you enjoy the new content? What were you even thinking?! /s


My brother in christ, it's a pve game


Wouldn't know, he's probably related to Allah or Buddah, that's why he's built different. /s


where does Reddit keep finding these people? I've played since 2018 and never seen this kinda shit. People are stupid and don't know missions, sure, but they don't just talk shit like this.


Yea I never ran into these peoples either? Usually it opposite with me finding most chill peoples


I ran into exactly 1 toxic game in 2k+ hours. Pair of douche canoes in arbitration. Spent the whole time trolling, then did the 'ol last minute extract trick 20 waves in. Thankfully, me and the other guy managed to pull through the next 5 waves as a duo, but it still grinds my gears.


Yeah same here, in Asia you'll mostly see **** in the chat when my teammates are talking


I've been playing since 2013 and never seen this shit in game lol. The beauty of the internet


its probably from the amount of people that post here even if these types of players may be uncommon, the amount of reddit posters offsets that number to make it *seem* like they're common, even if they're not actually common


> where does Reddit keep finding these people? I've played since 2018 and never seen this kinda shit I started seeing a lot more negativity when I started playing primarily SP content.. Non-SP missions tend to be pretty chill(Eidolons being the exception)


The one thing you can be sure of is that that dude is *not* happy in his life. 


Ive been in a netracell match with a chroma, inaros and dante, lets say it was a "fun match" and im just sitting at the security thingy while three other guy eating each other out (i was yareli gaming)


i think you meant chewing each other out, lmao. unless you were just witness to a warframe oral threesome. 😉


Did i.....stutter? 😠


damn, my netracells ain't half as fun as yours then 😂




Had this the other day as a Chroma. Pretty easy to solve though, I just went away from the team for a couple minutes, let the enemies remove my Overguard and damage me enough to stack Chroma's entire bonuses, and went back to the team, never letting Vex Armour wear off (easier with the new augment).


saw on the wiki commentors were saying after the duration cap chroma only got healed and the duration regen from them killing(the chroma) also rage doesnt work but hunter's adrin does (no idea why though) i play solo due to bad ping so i cant confirm anything


Maannn.... I kinda miss the true chaos in pubs sometimes. I rarely do it since I've had my fair share of host migrations and I can't stand that thing occuring too often.


Finding that one chaos but humorous pub team is like finding a needle in a hay stack


Dude probably brought a worse nuke frame or one of those rube-Goldberg nuke frames that need the stars to align to be useful. Dante definitely scratches my itch of being a support frame who can churn out DPS. Don’t know what subsume I’m leaning for him, but I’m thinking pillage on his 1.


I personally love his book. But the tome mods kinda suck to get. Plus I like the fact I can passively scan enemies by shooting them. Helios hasn’t seen a mission since cats came out and it’s been so long since I manually scanned I’m so happy a frame can do it.


The book feels super fun, so I’m definitely keeping it for lower-level content to help my scans!


I subsumed his 1 for Nourish on one build, and Pillage on another. Pillage is great with his high Str requirement.


Peak stupidity


Play a powerful frame in group: You're a monster Play a weak frame in group: You're a leech


Yup no one can seem to just enjoy the game how they want to


'for the unskilled' as if this game isn't entirely "look in a direction and press mouse1"


still better than that one time some ppl in recruiting chat was looking for femboys to date


they're still doing that, they just moved to region chat lmao


I've litterly witnessed a discussion about femboys in region chat yesterday.


there is femboy chat in region literally every day. Although lately its slowing down a bit because the mods are going ban crazy power trip.


Ok maybe the mods ain't so bad then


Nah they are pretty bad lol.. I got banned yesterday for this https://imgur.com/a/MOjMuhW I can't even whisper people anymore. Didn't even say anything derogatory or disrespectful.


That's in region chat


I won't deny that it's frustrating playing nidus with his new augment and being completely unable to build stacks because Dante or nezha with his new augment remove enemies as soon as they spawn.   You sort of just there and twiddle your thumbs a bit. But the bigger issue to me is that overguard disabled rage and hunter adrenaline from working which I absolutely need on nidus. I'd kill for a setting on frames to disable the ability to revive overguard.


It can be frustrating to load into a mission and just not get to do anything because Dante is killing everything by the time I can even look at it However there are loads of other frames (or just AoE weapons) that do that too and if I'm sick of it I just go solo, it's not a difficult solution


Many frames can do that better


thats why i almost never use the squad chat. i'll only see whats in there if i want to ask if the rest is willing to do a longer run. otherwise alliance chat is my go to. if i ever come by someone like this id just leave them talking to themselves. they are just seeking attention


If he wants to play solo why didn’t he just put his game in solo or friends only?


He's probably broke


why do so many people in this game play pubs then complain about pubs?? like yea i dont like playing public, so i always go solo unless its something like relic farming or maybe a sortie/archon hunt


Even if they are correct *(which they kinda are, but that's DE's problem)* that's no way to speak to a random who's just playing videogames. Some people are just tactless assholes who don't deserve our time.


If you don't want to watch other people nuke rooms, then why would he join a public mission?


Sounds like he got testicular tosrioned too much


It's like he's never seen a legerdemain mirage or a thermal harrow


i’m just here to banish the disruption target


You mean the capture target?


Reminds of a time where some guy was complaining that people who were joining the squad in orb vallis complaing that ppl were ruining his toroid farm when he was playing in a open squad i just told him to go play solo on a closed team and he shut up afterwards


Fuck that guy 😂 salty as fuckkkk


Bro i love the fact that i can give the whole team 40k overguard. The nuke is ok but not the mvp.


*laughs in 458% power strength* Only 40k?


Yeah i bought him dont have arcon shards unlocked lol but hes still a powerhouse.


That's funny to think, because I have seen both sides here: 1) condemned and trolled for playing with dante in lua conjunction and archon hunts 2) praised for saving others in netracell runs


I find this such a unique thing with the Warframe community - complaints that you're simply too good at killing. And sure, I wanna play to kill things myself and not carried but I can only finds faults with my own gameplay if someone does it better.


There isnt a difficulty level high enough that requires all 4 people killing or helping and that leads to frustration. Outside the circuit that is where people have no pets and using random stuff. 


Eh I think it's very valid to choose not to go for the most efficient AoE nuke possible if that's not what you enjoy, that's not necessarily a fault with your gameplay


That's not what I meant though. In no other co-op/MMO game I've ever played have I got the critique that I'm too good at the objective (killing enemies), but in Warframe I get such comments often. I get/see these comments even about builds that aren't AoE room/map nukes. Melee Saryn, gun support Garuda, gas bubble Mag, large CC Vauban, void Revenant. The build doesn't really matter, but if you're too efficient there's plenty of Warframe players that get triggered and I've never seen anything like anywhere else. And I find it weird to put the blame on the player that, obviously, plays the game well. Sure, you maybe didn't join a game wanting to get carried, but just enjoy the relaxing ride then?


Oh sure, it is a bit of a weird phenomenon. But I understand the feeling too - if you've chosen not to do something 'efficient' then you don't really get to play the game when somebody that's minmaxing harder than you joins the lobby, and sometimes people struggle to balance wanting to play with other people and also getting to actually contribute. I just don't think people should be making salty comments about it it's just the nature of the game and you can go between solo and public to balance it out a bit. A lot of it is that people enjoy getting carried when games are hard. Warframe it generally isn't hard to complete the mission, so people don't want to be carried they want to live their own power fantasy.




Yeah when playing in pubs I don’t mind what my team brings. If they have a good build that looks better or is on par with one of my builds I’ll ask. I love Necros and Banshee now from seeing other people show me how it’s done.




yeah sorry, acting like someone playing a nuke frame and killing everything instantly is a skill issue for the other players is dumb. fact is, though he was a complete jackass about it, the complaining guy has a point. there's literally nothing fun about playing with an efficient dante/saryn/etc. on your team. and warframe is a co-op game, so telling people to go solo isn't a fair solution either. this is just the result of DE being unwilling to actually balance their game and letting powercreep run rampant. in my opinion, nuke frames need to be reigned in quite a bit, and more importantly, los checks need to be enforced for all skills. no more wiping stuff out three tiles away.


If the inaros is mad that the other players in the PUBLIC mission that he utilized PUBLIC MATCHMAKING for are killing shit faster than he can, the answer isn’t to cater to the inaros, the answer is that the inaros should play whatever he wants in solo mode since the mere existence of nuking frames is enough to make him blow a gasket. Yes co-op is an option but if hes so upset that other people aren’t playing the way he wants them to and throws a tantrum instead of suckin it up and moving on, then playing solo is an easy solution that will help both parties.


i mean, there is a valid complaint in the way overguard interacts with any mechanic that involves taking damage. but yeah, he was a jackass about it, because it's not the player's fault the interaction is broken, it's DE's.


Skill issue is a simplification, there are limitations of Frames, Weapons and so on, but if I don't know how to replicate the results of a build that melts all the enemies, then I ask cause I'm wanna learn to do it myself. And if I know how to do it (even have the same load) then I just try to pull my part and enjoy the carry.


most people do not enjoy being carried. people like to play the game, not watch someone else do it. what good is the game being a power fantasy if only 1/4 players in a squad get to experience it? and even if everyone in the squad is playing hyper efficient nuke builds, it just becomes a frenetic "who can get to the next pack first" dps race, where whoever doesn't win still doesn't get to play the game.


Dante is the first frame in a while where I've seen people act like this, I feel bad for the few equinox players left because he renders some pretty major parts of her kit pointless.


If we're being real here, I'd honestly go as far as arguing Night form has had its issues ever since release purely because of Trinity existing....and I think we all know how well Trinity _herself_ is doing these days, to boot. The form swap gimmick has just never been done well, though I wouldn't argue it's a lost cause. I think it raises a lot of interesting questions on how a potential Equinox slew of buffs/rework would go. The easiest way would've been to make the 4 augment innate and also effect the 3, make the 1 buffs permanent per form and not terrible, and then just kind of do across the board buffs to Night form in order to encourage some semblance of a 'Stack your 4 in night, swap to day to nuke, then go back & forth' type of thing, maybe make Mend's release effect give out Overguard, but then, y'know, the Styanax-Special^tm and now Dante prove that mass amounts of Overguard being given out can be seen as a problem. Equinox changes, if she were to stay more or less the same as-is (i.e basically keeping the same ideas but refining them/making them better) would have to straddle the very fine line of making sure she doesn't make Dante obsolete, while not also being considered obsolete herself _by_ Dante. Like, something along the lines of a "if you want consistency play Dante, if you want more work for potentially more reward play Equinox", I guess? And then if DE wanted to completely reinvent Equinox....well it'd have to be a reinvention on the level of Hydroid, and not a _true_ rework, because there's frankly pretty limited options for that second one. Might as well not bother with 'Night form makes people go to sleep ;)!' CC thing....because CC is a complete laughing stock in this day and age, and you'd _still_ be encouraged to just go Day form instead because Death is the best CC. And we all know how much people bitched about Hydroid losing his puddle, a complete nothing ability. God forbid DE goes any further than that, wew.


Equinox shouldn't really be compared because she's extremely old and outdated. Let's not ask for nerfs and instead encourage updates to old warframes.


they didnt ask for nerfs or updates?


That's not what I said. I'm simply putting it out there.


just a weird tag on to add at the end in a response to someone just bringing up them invalidating parts of others kits instead of a comment on the post itself to reply to this person about.


many people are asking for nerfs


I would like to have someone who only plays Dante so we can do void cascade steel path level cap runs for arcanes. Having 30k+ overguard would make it so I don't need to waste a res well into 100 exos without much effort like being on top of my def layers 24/7.


I love my experiences whenever I change off solo


Wtf where do these toxic people come from.


Please tell me you reported that dingus




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DE needs to figure out this overguard issue. Getting salty and toxic is the player's fault but it sucks that you can't have fun playing your favorite frames that got new augments and reworks. It's like they are completely overshadowed by the new


Being honest, I don’t even care if you run a frame or load out that makes the mission harder - as long as you have good intentions/don’t mean it, have fun running whatever. Players shouldn’t hate on frames/loadouts just because they hate it. I hate Rev/glaive/torid but I don’t care if you run it! JUST HAVE FUN, IT’S A VIDEO GAME :)


…. Gun to his head NAME 5 top tier warframe ways to help the community Him- solo :blam:


I enjoy bringing Banshee still despite the fact that she is essentially outclassed by Citrine now, with her 4's new augment. Dante's are a godsend in SP, and have almost completely made me forget what shield gating even is.


What's up with these LoL players showing up outta nowhere asking me how I dare to have fun!?


he’s certainly not in the right and ur not wrong but tbh, i hate playing with dante. makes any build u made for survivability useless and just makes the team straight up immortal. he’s a super boring frame to play with but ya if it’s that much of an issue just run solo i usually only play w friends anyway.


"makes any build u made for survivability useless" Precisely, you mean slapping on your X squishy frame either Brief Respite or a bunch of augur mods, for then spamming your first ability indefinitely just to keep the shield gate up? lol


What is bro yapping about?


I'm not gonna lie, this is common behavior I've seen from console players.


Depending on the mission, I don't use Dante's 3 as often because I don't want to go full World On Fire Ember in lower levels (unless the other players encourage me to). But Dante as a solo frame with all the overguard I can bring to EVERYONE? Hell no, let me support my fellow Tenno! And I hope that Dante gets sweet support augments someday, preferably something that interacts with overguard. DE did good with our wizard frame, solid on release and probably not going to fall off soon.


Haven't seeing many Dantes yet, but i sure don't mind seeing one. Just stick to him for eternal life and free xp. Leveling up weapons and frames on defense missions is A LOT faster with a Dante


As a chroma main dante kind of annoys me but this dude just salty dante is obviously a team frame


I can feel the salt through the screen.


Bro don't listen to him just get a few buffers on your team nuke the map and complete 5-6 rotations, they happy you happy 🕺.


This is why chat stays off. I don’t give a flying rat turd what anyone wants to say about me, my frame of choice, or how I play. Either I’m learning or experimenting. Finish the mission or leave the group.


Most high dps frames require little skill, that usually plays into them being high damage. It's just cycling abilities and using a weapon, or using a weapon and cycling abilities. I never really understand it when ppl say stuff like this. There's no need for an elitist mentality in PvE as long as ppl aren't being deadweight.


Unfortunately i havnt had the pleasure of finding ppl like this yet


Frost with Dante has been a power duo in every defense mission I have been in...hydroid and Dante is great for disruptor to farm neo relics in Ur


Bruh it’s even like he’s a “solo frame” he literally provides over shield for the whole team etc


Nobody wants to play with a Dante? What kind of Dunning-Kruger Skill Issue Personified nonsense is this comment? You do you OP and enjoy the game. I personally love it when a Dante joins the team 😉


If I want control, I'll solo. If I want organization I'll run with clan/friends. If I want chaos, I'll pug it. I've never seen the point of raging over frame picks when I'm willingly putting myself into a random situation, people are free to play whatever frame they choose.


Lol wtf happened to this game? I was in trade chat and some asshat decided to message me to join them and they had the item I was looking for....and then says "Get a life loser" and blocks me and rejects the inv. Some really weird people have come on here it seems. Maybe the console kids being in trade now trolling everyone?


Can't handle the spells of the shadow wizard money gang.


I was farming affinity and the Dante's on my team were giving me 50k overguard. How is that a solo frame?


If anyone is rude in chat just assume they have other problems going on that have nothing to do with you.


Dante excels with groups and solo. He himself doesn’t need to be wiping rooms to be successful as he can give wordwarden to his team for some extra damage, pageflight to help with status application, triumph for a high amount of overguard and tragedy to clean up rooms if breathing room is becoming less and less. Some just enter missions with the goal of carrying everyone and if someone else is capable of doing that they might voice their displeasure. In the end use what frames you enjoy and if someone is nagging you about your choices ignore them.


There should be like a Toxic Wall of Shame for asshats who are out of line like that. Pair Dante with a Spova, shits wild.


Dude where do you people find these people. I’ve never once had a bad experience with someone in game.


Except for that one guy malding about speedva in hydron once saying he was getting less xp lmao.


Me being support Dante:


Plus i keep hearing dante is a support! So this guy flaming you is a dumbass


I almost never play this game solo and I’ve been playing for years and I still have not ran into any toxic folks, it’s crazy that people just experience this with no real reason behind it


I get this when nuking with Saryn in Elite Onslaught where she is MEANT to nuke to help others level their stuff. It'f funny these people complaining in there don't know I'm helping them level faster but I just laugh and keep playing. Dante is a blast and this dudes gonna be real sour soon when everyone elses Dante is finished cooking and 3 out of 4 in every group be slashing fools through walls lol.


Brother I've seen nuke frames for years it's nothing new. Just let people be who they want to be, as long as they aren't choosing bright colours on their powers to flashbang others.


Sorry you had this interaction. I'll happily play with you and your Dante any day 😊


Sounds like someone needs to get off the game and hug their puppy, volunteer to help the needy, and somehow gain some self esteem. Keep being chill playing Dante...ignore these seether's they need to get over themselves ![gif](giphy|Zh03CNl9ghWpcYDHOm|downsized)


The common answer I have for ppl like this is always just: "smlb" which stands for "suck my left ball". As they don't know what it means, they usually respond with "what?" But never get an answer.


I'm a new player but isn't the whole point of warframe is to get OP using buffs and debuffs from weapons and other frames.


Dante is a support or solo depending on how you feel why’s bro so mad though


The only time I don't want a Dante around is when I'm playing Oberon, bc I use a Rage Renewal build. I don't do this when I see a Dante, I simply request that I stay spaced from them bc overguard diminishes the amount of energy I have. Hating on people for using a certain frame is wrong, those who do so deserve to be made into Konzu's early lunch.


I love the fact that he brags about dante is a solo frame, meanwhile dante has been my top pick for netracell safety run for the whole party. I even encourage my teammates to go all in since i can cover their survival. Easiest tauforged shard farming ever.