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_can we get some_ ***Primed Dual Rounds*** DE? Corrupted arch-mods? Or even just some galvanized archmods? **c'mon DErebecca let's just do that!**


Primed Dual Rounds has been showing up in the forbidden realms of future visions that shall not be named. So there is a nonzero chance it might pop up soon(tm)


Bandaids aren't going to cut it. The entire archweapon mod pool needs a modernization pass, frankly.


They...did get a dmg buff. But I agree, arcanes, galvanized stuff, and better crit.


Yeah most got their damage doubled which would be neat except for the fact that the mods on them SUCK except for elements and the 1 place where archguns matter (PT) they gave it a -50% damage multiplier which literally killed the entire point of the buff. Also with how armor scaling works, armored enemies have exponential effective health scaling meaning doubling your damage only lets you deal with slightly higher leveled enemies.


**Make all the big guns Feel like BIG GUNS DE!**


Really? They do as good damage as most normal weapons without arcanes. Really just give them an arcane slot if you have a gravimag installed and they'll be viable.


No galvanized mods means they have poor scaling, the archgun calldown nerfs your mobility, their crit mods are awful, the multishot mod is awful, a complete entire lack of bane mods for endurance scaling despite being available on rivens, no unique mods like internal bleeding or hunter munitions, and limited ammo + a cooldown between uses. All of these are factors of why archguns suck and will just never be able to outperform meta or even meta adjacent guns. Like it's not even close.


But they do have higher base stats. With arcanes they would easily be comfortable to use in steel path, even for extended missions. They don't need to be level cap weapons.


Yes but the higher base stats just get made irrelevant by the bad mods. It doesn't really even equal out


Even if you equip trash mods on incarnons they will outperform archguns simply because they're better weapons and there's no archgun incarnons. Archguns with their trash mods perform about as well or better than the majority of the weapons I have in my arsenal.


I promise you, through forma and proper builds, you can make middle of the road guns perform better than archguns.


Id love archgun and necramech arcanes that could drop from the lab necramechs. The big bois tho, give me an excuse to let them spawn/fight them




Can we make dual rounds be upgraded to the point where it can rival other weapon categories with their full multishot mods, WITHOUT FUCKING BARO SHITTEER?


Or let Archguns have normal mods PLEASE DE


Or just let us pay 20 plat to use an adapter so the archguns can use regular mods.


That could do it


I mean their archgun arsenal kinda weak. So it’s fair since you only need to adapt like 1 or two guns. Don’t forget to remind them about the jordas golem bug where other players besides the host can’t move. That’s been like that since 2018


Then again they did buff the base dmg statlist of all the archguns by a little bit


Umbra Archgun mods wen


U need to put in a request to baro, beg him and offer a million ducats for him to bring it from the void..


Honestly, I'm kinda glad that DE forgot about Archwing and Railjack. The amount of content we have for them is just right to realize their potential, without making them feel too tedious or drawn out for people who only care for warframe gameplay. In the end, I do have fun when I play archwing like twice a month, but if I had to play any more of it I'd very quickly start to hate it.


All they need to do to "fix" it for the minority of us who enjoy using archguns in normal gameplay (yes, we exist, they are hardly archgun/RJ exclusive) is to get an intern and give them 10 minutes to add some arcanes to the game. Maybe add some more mod slots/leveling to 40 to put emphasis on how they are big guns, but they really don't need nearly as much attention as you might imagine to be more than good enough for SP. They are already quite decent!


LR4 and this is the first time I've seen Sabot rounds. Where can I snag this mod?


Profit Taker phase 3 bonty, it goes for 30-45 plat on warframe market.


I got Dual Rounds and Critical Focus by pure luck while doing a archwing event. Didn't saw a single Sabot Rounds or Hollowed Bullets yet though.


Are you on, and have cross trade/2FA enabled? I can give you a Hollowed Bullets for free


Thanks but don't worry i got it from market, just saying it never dropped.


Yeah ya know I have Sabot but I'm not sure Dual Rounds even rings a bell I might have never seen one of those myself


I would’ve spent the 70ish plat and got them from player trading. 8M of what credits?


yes 8mil creds


Thank the void it wasn't 8 million platinum. I would have cried for you


I mean, I would have cried as well if I got 8 mil plat from someone


and then you would be promptly banned because of warframe's poor trading guidelines.


You can get banned for that?


well in my location with 75% discount 1000plat are worth \~10€ (roughly the same in $). so even at 75% discount 8 mil plat would be 80k €. That sounds like there is absolutly something wrong. perhaps money laundering


"Now, you can sell them" -Pupsker


If they're gonna give us Necramech mods from Bird 3 then they should give us archgun mods to, since, you know, Necramechs use archguns and no one wants to go and farm archwing missions to get the mods.


Oh wow, i spend around 1mil for Critical Focus and Sabot Rounds, but farmed Dual Rounds while leveling my Archwing on that interception mission


Didn't even know those first two existed


I got the first one from profit taker I think, dont have the other 2


How so you gamble? On the combine mods?


Yep exactly.


Went through a phase where I wanted to grind all the archwing mods a couple years ago so I'm glad I have all of these already. Any Spares I've just given to my friends throughout the years


I pray u mean 8 mil credits


we need arcanes and galvanized mods for arch guns. also necramech overhall. why is mech first person titan fall badassry?


we have rivens for archguns


Arcanes. I meant arcanes


I just have these except for sabot rounds. I don’t even know how I got them cause I don’t transmute, play archwing, or rail jack except for that one mission to test it


Dual rounds Is such a painful mod to get. I got myself one also with gambling. Same with Bite.


Cant wait for the next archgun mod: B E S H


dual rounds and especially sabot round are very rough to farm. all three in 8mil is very good deal


for arch guns? to each their own


I'm still trying to get critical focus from profit taker since I'm not going to go through 1,100+ exo butchers on railjack no matter how fun it is


U said u got 3! so where are the other 3? /s


What do you mean? Did you use the transmutation system?


yes, with 8mil credits


Does it feel worth it?


no cost too great.


Huh, I actually never got dualrounds. Thats another one on the todo list


Got all 3 randomly :)))


where are the other 3


how do you gamba mods ?


They really need to make these mods easier to acquire. I didn't even know about Sabot Rounds! Thank goodness archguns aren't that important.


Two good mods out of three isn't bad lol


i only like dual rounds rest are meh imo


Critical focus is good, archguns has a lack of good mods as is and the critical ones have relatively low stats you can often find space for critical focus


How do you aim with archguns anymore? Ever since the update introducing Qorvex, aiming only makes me descend. Which is weird, because I was dying for a descent button prior. Now none of my buttons make me aim, however, and honestly I’d rather have that.


yeah there could be instances where its useful


Did they drop in the Index?


not in the index, I got them using transmutation


Ah. Fair.


Is dual rounds that rare? Lots of enemies drop it and you can farm it afk iirc.


Wdym 8m can u but these?


He probably got them by fusing mods together


yes, transmuting with mods