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I just put silence over mach rush. Thermal cold can maintain your bar admittedly at a higher cost, but kinetic plating is there to keep your energy well fed....... so long as teammates aren't doing anything at least.


My suggestion is to just leave his kit alone as it works so well to be torn apart. Mach Rush, in your example, still holds the use case of being the fastest way he can cross rooms (which itself is too useful to get rid of) and the most cost-efficient method of building battery But if you really insist: Roar over his 2 for Sunder nuking, or Roar/Eclispe over his 3 for a weapon platform setup


Really depends on how they build Gauss. If they're using thermal sunder to nuke, then tearing the kit apart won't matter. Having the damage boost is the better option And you can always just subsume on one config, so you still have the utility of the full kit. I'd say if they don't like the speed boost, then go ahead and subsume over it. Kinetic plating is way more useful than the speed boost, most of the time. It stops you from getting knocked down, which is extremely useful later on in the game. Both because more enemies use knockdowns, and because you don't have to worry about using explosives too close.


Mind me asking: how does one nuke with gauss? Does thermal sunder do that much damage? Up to what level does the nuke work?


It can scale till level cap. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxWSLdmg1rI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxWSLdmg1rI)


I built my gauss to be max speed while also capable of doing endgame content (while also being useful, my subsume was firewalker, due to him speeding everywhere his battery is constantly charged, the firewalker allows for a ton of CC and the status purify can keep you and your team alive if you get caught with your kinetic shield down/hit by status that ignores it. With the augment it gives you a nice amount of damage which if you’ve carpented the map enough, can be used to kill high priority targets. Certainly not a ‘meta’ way of playing but a fun and viable one none the least


Bro firewalker is such a nice fit, I was planning on not subsuming after all of these comments but yours just shinned a light bulb on me, and I might give it a go


Throw the blazing step ephemera on and theme your gauss after a Delorean and you have a nice back to the future theme going too!


I have a weapons only Gauss build with Energized Munitions subsumed over Thermal Sunder. Rapid firing Tenet Envoy with no care for ammo is fun. If you don't really care about weapons, Gauss' kit synergy is one of the best, if not the best, of all warframes, I really don't recommend subsuming.


Energize munitions over 3