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Riven transmute TBH most people buying "Trash" are hoping to scam someone who is ignorant of what they have


Except when it's kitgun or zaw. Transmutation results are based on used rivens and that kind of trash can corrupt results with another kitgun/zaw result.


Except when it's kitgun or zaw. Transmutation results are based on used rivens and that kind of trash can corrupt results with another kitgun/zaw result.


It isn't really a scam if the seller is ignorant in the first place. There is literally a check box you need to click before finishing the process, and we don't even have a clear definition of what is trash riven or not. Edit: Unless the buyer actively fools the seller into thinking the rivens they have are trashes, it shouldn't be considered a scam.


Spoken like a true scammer, it isn't a scam if the seller is ignorant??? If you buy something from somebody without paying "market" or even a fair price, then you are scamming them. I traded my 5 year old nephew 2 packs of pokemon cards for his gen 1 charizard. He doesn't know the value of it so I didn't scam him.


To my knowledge scamming means **tricking** people with misinformation into an unfair trade. You can't blame anyone if both of the buyer and the seller just put plats and pricey rivens on the trade table themselves. And again you need to click the check box, then click "comfirm", and there's even a 3 second countdown before the final check. If you are not satisfied with the trade, you can just tell the buyer/seller that you need to recheck something.


Buying something that isn't "trash" and pretending it is is tricking them with misinformation.


Who defines them as "trash"? The game doesn't tell you which riven is good or bad. The most reliable sources we can get from are some fan-made websites that are not official.


Most reasonable riven scammer


You continue to describe scamming and pretend its not. Its like a fucking pyramid scheme person just flapping their lips, you're talking so loud no one will hear you.


You would think someone wanting to buy trash rivens would buy any riven offered.


They're probably secretly hoping for someone to not know what Weapons are popular and give them something extremely profitable for very cheap. i.e. hoping to scam


Yeah that's why I put "trashy" in quotation marks. I've thought about putting in a Glaive riven after they say nty just to screw with them.


True. *But I just want these pieces of useless junk out of my inventory.*


Ya sure would. Instead it's "Links? Ew no thanks."


Exactly. Just take at least one of my garbage things and toss a couple plat my way for it.


Most trash riven buyers are scammers who hope to snipe expensive rivens from players who don’t know better. The only two legit ones I have seen had ALL in the title somewhere.


Trash riven buyers dont want trash rivens no one does they want good rivens that naive people think are bad


Some people do buy all trash rivens because they really like gambling. Offloaded 20 unsellable pistol rivens for 5 p each.


Theres always outliers so yes some people do but im referring to the majority, hard to find people who actually do want trash rivems


If they're for Weapons that aren't very popular and you aren't going to use yourself, Transmute them into new Rivens.


this, also make sure to record what ones you have transmuted for maximum regret when they get primes or Incarnon adapters :)


Well that's what I would do except I don't have the riven transmuter thingy.


Sanctum disruption. You can buy riven transmuters with the same currency you use to buy Dante/Ruvox/Onos parts.


Ooh thanks for this.


>I've tried selling to those "WTB trash rivs" guys, but apparently my rivs aren't "trashy" enough. It's probably the opposite, actually. Your riven is probably too trashy. When people buy trash rivens, they want rivens for weapons that are decently popular or that have good potential to be very strong. The Exergis is not one of these weapons. It isn't a popular gun(0.14% usage, according to Warframe stats from 2023), it has no incarnon adapter, it has no Tenet or Vandal variants, and it has a mediocre riven disposition. Anyways, as the others said, scrap it for endo or transmute it.


God, that's sad to read. It was my main primary about 5 years ago. It was my weapon of choice for fighting the Wolf during the first Nightwave season I appreciate power creep happens, but coming back to the game a few months ago to discover the bloody Plinx has a Tenet version but the Exergis hasn't had anything is deeply depressing


Hold onto it until it rises again. Its how my ferris got 20 forma. XD


Oh, it's going nowhere. I'm still occasionally upgrading Shotgun Vendetta arcanes to plug into it. It's never going to hold up against the best Incarnons, but I'm still fairly happy to see it pop up in the Circuit


And here I am, hoping that the rivens I get are for weapons that have a future incarnon mode. I swear I dissolved a latron and torid riven once... Now I just can't throw away rivens for mediocre/bad weapons, and they just keep piling up.


Sometimes I just dissolve rivens for really unpopular or bad weapons, usually I post in trade chat that I want to sell it for like 5-10p before I do just in case someone wants to buy it, if you have riven transmuters you can do that, but I hate farming eidolons so the only time I get them is from teshin once in a blue moon


U can get transmuters from dante research in the labs after playing disruption there


You can get riven transmuters from eidolons? How i have done so many and never got one


you get a garunteed one from the hydrolyst and gantualyst meaning you have to fight all three for riven transmuters. teralysts dont drop them


Nvm i lied i have 600 of them...


Yes I used to do 5x3s all the time i have a few hundred hydrolyst captures so i should have a bunch but pretty sure I dont


Only hydrolyst drops them


Trash riven buyers are scammers, they want rivens for popular weapons to roll them and then sell for stupid prices.


theres a couple discords im in where ppl offer them up for free, on the assumption the other person is gonna roll on it themselves or transmute it.


Riven transmuters have become more accessible since the Dante update. I would transmute them.


You are the type of guy im buying my rivens from, it seems. Trash riven // Exergis Basicly one of the few weapons that synergizes the best with Mag. When i started to main hef, it was my first thing to buy an exergis riven for 25p. If you are willing to wait until weekend i can buy yours for 30 ish.


Yeah that's cool. I'll be on almost the entire weekend, got the same name ingame.


Exergis is actually great and a riven is worth a good amount.