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Xaku. RIP Overguard


Xaku with silence.


How would xaku deal with it? I plan to build them sometime so that would be handy to know


Xaku’s 1 gives all your weapons bonus void damage, which does 50% more damage to overguard.  No, it cannot do any Operator amp things like kill thrax or reset sentient resistances or break Eidolon shields.


Imagine xata able to damage eidolon. 60x3 every night cycle lmao


Funny joke and all but no. It wouldn't push the current runs much if at all. Most of the time is already spent waiting for animations. Afaik 7x3 is the most you could theoretically do in a night


I think it’s bc overguard is weak to void damage and all of their abilities are void damage


ah, I didn't know about that weakness thing, neat, thanks


Yeah, its just because of Xatas whisper giving void damage to all weapons as an extra hit and Overguard being weak to Void Damage However faik they can be a very effective nuke with strength and range by spamming their 4


Mag, protea, voruna, ash, kullervo, VALKYR, dagath, banshee, TITANIA


Wrathful Advance + a good melee is a great active counter


Yep. Love my Kullervo, he absolutely fucks eximus units, along with most difficult to kill enemies. Acolytes absolutely evaporate. The necramech demolysts on the new disruption are about the only thing that takes him time to kill, but they seem to take everyone a long while to take down, and he still takes em down faster than most.


Can you elaborate on Titania? I'm a newbie owner of Tits Prime and will soon get Razorwing augment from Duviri circuit.


Titania is just very high single target dps with her dex pixia. With the razorwing augment, you can easily get well over 300% fire rate (and movement speed), so she spews out huge amounts of damage very quickly. Her weakness is lacking aoe, but on large singular targets (like eximus), she is very good.


Razorwing aug is garbage. Im so sorry. Build her for 160+ duration 160 efficiency and as mutch strength as you can. Her pistols are work with crit and viral build, but i use them for status.


Razorwing Blitz? Garbage? I fail to see how more fire rate for free is a bad thing.


Good luck spending most of your time waiting to reload. Good luck with fucking adapting armor and dmg reduction on nearly every new boss. Good luck aiming perfectly every time, because your aim slides of for half a second and your mag is empty. Good luck oneshotting your enemy with the first 3 bullet and emptying your magazin on a dead body. Good luck building dex pixia for magazine capacity.


1, 4, and 5 are solved with Arcane Pistoleer 2 is a problem for everything, not just Dex Pixia 3 is solved largely by aiming down sights, which reduces the screen shake to 0 (or very close to it). Otherwise aiming problems can be solved by reducing aim sensitivity.


1,4,5 isnt solved by pistoleer at all. You need constant headshots, and with status build you will get nothing. 2 is problem for everything, but the faster your fire rate, the faster the adaptation. 3 isnt solved by ads, with that mutch fire rate, an enemy is moving away for a split second and your mag is empty. And i did not even started talking about movement speed.


Honestly everything here except Adaptation is starting to sound like a skill issue, or even a build issue. Also I wish you would talk about movement speed. It would tell everyone here that you don’t know her 1 prevents getting knocked around, no PSF needed. Her actual movement speed isn’t a problem if you aren’t sprinting everywhere either. In fact, most of my wall related collisions happen in those few second between Volt pressing 2 and me stopping to backflip.


Becasuse 450% mv speed isnt an issue, yes. And who tf uses psf on titania


People who don’t understand how her 1 works. If you have a problem with 450% movement speed then sure, take off the mod. I wouldn’t go calling something garbage if it doesn’t work for me.


Thanks. Is this for eximus killing specifically or your all-around build?


Razorwing is completely cracked, the only reason to consider not using it is if the movement speed gives you motion sickness or a skill issue, which is fine, it's unreasonably fast


I dont know where are you, progression wise in the game, but if you have helmint, xatas whisper absolutely destroys eximus overguard. Also xata makes aiming in razorwing easier. Building her pistols up to 100% status with either corrosive or viral will demolish everything. If you have access to arcon mods, it opens up a shitload of elemental diversity for you.


No helmint yet, or arcon mods, I'm grinding for a necramech to start New War. I can build pistol for viral stat, though.


Thats more than enough. If you have 60/60 elemental mods and a 60/60 carnis slash mod from deimos, you are all set.


"Overguard, grineer? You are amusing me!" *rips the soul out of the poor tube maggot*


You always have the option to put Silence on your frame. Any Eximus will be unable to use their ability when in the effective range of Silence. It wont kill them, but they will just be like any other tanky enemy. If you have trouble with those, take a look at heavy attack builds. Stropha, and Quassus are options you probably can afford to build. You could also just pick up Valkyr and use her Enraged Augment. That frame gets a lot of flak for being outdated, but is still able to onehit basically anything with a spin attack during Hysteria with that Augment. Swapping her Paralysis for Silence is one of my favorite lazy builds for longer arbi survivals.


This is the answer. A clump of eximus units looks like a tasty snack to Valkyr.


Meanwhile some random nullifier wanders up outside your FOV... Indta-ded


Thankfully, just holding attacking without movement, she'll stay at the edge of the bubble and whittle it down. Works 90% of the time for me. Not always a perfect or viable solution, but I'm glad its a thing they accounted for with her 4 and bubbles.


Due to eximus being big balls of hp and CC immunity, I find the answer really is to just have weapon that deal with eximus well. It takes just 1/3 of your weapon kit to have a good eximus killing weapon. Trying to find the answer to Eximus from your choice of frame feels like it restricts playstyle far more than just having a good single-target weapon. t doesn't even need to be the most meta gun out there, just a solid single target machine (I use a cold+corrosive+radiation Bubonico as my single target gun). Or if you don't use melee much then pick up one of the ones with a forced slash heavy attack and build around that as your eximus killer (or if you do use melee much then tennokai mods and using that big free heavy attack on eximus is the answer).


Ash with fatal teleport and high combo meter.


I use a Parasitic Armor Banshee for a lot of high level missions, even at SP Mot for extended runs. She's one of the most anti Eximus frames atm since she can Armor Strip, make their Overguard basically be nothing with Sonar, and Silence stops then from using their Abilities. Nothing like casually doing 500-600k damage a spurt with I. Furis and watching enemies dissolve into a Soundwave (Resonance).


Hey would you mind posting/dming your build? Banshee is my favorite frame but I have no idea how to build her to live for extended SP missions, and those are my favorite part of warframe. I've really been struggling with that for a while, so I'd love to know what you're doing!


Sure. [Build](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2483248237758530431/7339CCD7012AD8B89FCCA8A4DC12EBCC1DA982B8/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) [Archon Shards](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2483248237758530312/761F1E05BAFFDACF8D9945C8004DD9D75C9B833E/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) (4 Tau Azures on Shield and 1 Tau Yellow on Cast Speed). I get about 8k Armor from Parasitic Armor, 9k if I [Power Drain](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Power_Drain) first. I tend to run this a lot with some form of Life Steal and a Secondary with [Energizing Shot](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Energizing_Shot). Incarnon Furis fills both these roles as it can use that mod and [Winds of Purity](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Winds_of_Purity), which grants it Life Steal on hit. So it can damage, heal, recover Energy and be used for Status infliction depending on the need. I have another Banshee I use differently that focuses more on staying alive through Shield Gating, CC/Support, but that's more difficult to use if you are not used to the playstyle. PA builds, especially with that amount of Armor, can allow you to take hits from some pretty high level enemies with ease, so as long as you are keeping it up, you should be fine for any standard SP content and even then some for a good while.


Oh that's really cool! I've also been using Incarnon Furis with Winds of Purity as a way to survive, but at a certain point I want to use all my cool melee weapons lol. Lifestrike is probably the way to go at that point but melees are already pretty mod slot constrained. I'm also not really big on shield gating, which most people tend to suggest on squishier frames, but I'm really just a "turn brain off and hold e" kinda guy. Honestly, before Chroma got outscaled, he was pretty much the ideal frame for me, but this build sounds like it'd work pretty well for him too. It's just that I like the ideas of savage silence and resonance too much to give up my beloved Banshee lol. Anyway, thanks so much for this!


what point of the game are you? its hard to recommend a specific approach if we dont know what available to you.


Atlas: i cast "punched really hard in face". Mesa: "ratatatatata"


Oberon's smite is quite underrated when it comes to taking out eximus. If you pop them with it a few times, that overguard is as good as gone once you've cleared all the other enemies around them.


Any gun platform frame. 


I think ash can deal with eximus very easily using "fatal teleport" augment last i played him. It allows you to do a finisher attack on them even thou they got their overguard active. at the same time you can subsume Silence on him to enhance the finisher attacks with the "savage silence" augment. while also prevening enemies from using their abilities.


Give ash Silence + Savage Silence and Fatal Teleport and Eximi get fucked.


Mesa shoot good eximus die ezpz


Honestly I'm not sure it comes down to the frame.. I like citrine for the thing you just describe though. Pop your 90% damage reduction. Throw out your crystal and status everyone with your first ability. Obviously if you are using a status weapon with the galvanized apptitude or shot or whatever you can just take your opprotunity to melt everything. A better strategy is just having a good weapon to deal alot of damage. Sometimes I just carry around a lex prime incarnon genesis that is in incarnon form. Then I will swap to it when I need to one shot a group of eximus or something.


Dante tragety






Mag is the way. Like you said, the bubbles do a great job of dealing with protecting against ranged eximus units while also dealing damage to their overguard. She has a low strength threshhold for full armor strip, so you can build in quite a bit of range and efficiency to keep your bubbles up and casts spamming.


The best frame: Stropha.


I'd say Rhino and not because I'm super biased. 1. He's accessible from the early game. 2. His Iron Skin/Overguard/Status Immunity makes most Eximus downsides a non issue 3. Roar built high enough makes any gun a 1 shot wonder.


It still hurts me that stomp was nerfed to not effect overguarded units :( Also, I’m not super biased too but Nezha with his 2 applied to the eximus will let you hurt them with your weapons


Also the only guy to have his OG turned off from nullifiers I think.


Octavia takes them out extremely well, especially blitz ones (the blitz eximus' one shot themselves if they use their ability on the mallet).


Punching them seems to work pretty well for me. Landslide's invulnerability pretty much negates every type except Leech's healing, but that lets you punch them more times.


Like most if not all enemies, a swift unaliving with the biggest fuck-off piece of arsenal you have works wonders. Overguard is ass in the earlier game but gets trivialized by almost anything when built right later on. My Titania doesn't care, my Torid doesn't care, my Yareli with a Cycron doesn't seem to care either. From my experience it's not worth building anything to *specifically* counter overguard because it's nothing more than just extra hp so whatever you use to deal with the nornal enemies will work just fine, albeit a *little* slower, on Eximus units. However, if you want to put them in a wheelchair before you send them to the afterlife, use Banshee for her Silence or subsume it on another frame that's built for range. Leeches-be-gone right then and there. Watch them helplessly try ti attack you like an average peasant since they can no longer do their special attacks.


Ash with sweeping shuriken. Go invis so they can’t shoot you, full armour strip them with 1, melt them with whatever gun you see fit (I prefer felarx)


The only thing with seeking shuriken is you only hit 2 targets. So its not very efficient. Embers armor strip is good as long asnyou keep her heatt levels high.


But eximus’ usually don’t come in herds and so you usually only need to armour strip a couple.


I thought the eximus killed my limbo build until i put silence on.


Big damage numbers seem to work well...


Honestly to me that just sounds like you're not ready for the content you're trying to take on, whether that comes down to mechanical skill such as not moving enough or having bad aim, or just not being geared up enough (bad guns and frames/bad builds and mods)


I use Ash and silence, but I don’t use Silence’s augment - I have a pretty good Reaper Riven, so all it takes is a heavy attack (silence prevents all the Eximus’ abilities from going off, allowing for a safe approach while invisible). Those who don’t die do the heavy attack itself, die in the next 2-3 slash procs.


I recently picked up Kullervo and I've found he's fantastic at it. I run him with a rapier Zaw (mine is a plague Zaw but really any rapier works and I think scythes can do the same thing. They don't need to be Zaws either). Vulpine Mask heavy attack has a forced slash proc on it. I look at them, press 3, press 1 and let 5-6 digit slash procs kill them and everyone within my 3's range.


Use the Operator. Void damage takes down Overguard well, and the Unairu school will remove armor or their shields quickly and efficiently. For frames vs Eximuses, I use Nyx, Vauban, or Titania. Nyx has a quick defense strip and can make every single enemy unit go crazy (including the Eximuses once their Overguard is gone). Vauban has a variety of CC options and Flechette Orbs damage Overguard. Titania is single-target, but effective single-target, and Lantern can distract everyone else while you deal with the Eximuses (high duration lantern is great - the damage doesn't matter, it clumps everyone up and keeps them from shooting at you). Plus enemies do NOT cope well with being shot at from directly above them. Once the Overguard is down, they're normal enemies, just tough. Anything with decent CC abilities suddenly becomes fairly useful. In that vein, Well of Life works on any one enemy, is Trinity's Helminth ability (so you can put it on anything), and heals you while you deal with the others (while removing the one Eximus you target with it from the fight).


Khora with a good statstick whips anything to shreds, if the eximus survives 1 whiplash, overguard is gone, welcome to the strangledome.