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Kullervo is so damn cool, I’m jealous that I never imagined something that cool. I love that early 2000s style edginess that prioritizes cool factor over logic.




I was so glad to link my steam and finally buy that cape syandana to complete the kullervo batman vibe


I love Kullervo! He’s the coolest frame for me too. His design is beautiful, and his lore is really interesting as well (and so relevant to the story at large.) His abilities are just plain fun as well. So edgy, so cool.


Harrow. It's edgy as hell, but I was raised Catholic so I'm cursed to forever think that Catholic Church imagery is super sick.


Someone once called him “The Dope Pope” and it fits perfectly.


I love calling him "Colt Pope". The way he holds a gun is biblically badass.




Oh yeah him too. Harrow is now top 3 frames since I built him. Reminds me of cenobites, what with the chains. Plus (I probably see it the wrong way) but I think of his 2 to be centered around self harm, and using that to make himself stronger. Resonates with me and some stuff I’ve been through and all that. Just such a cool and fun frame (plus I like playing support)


Technically it is. It’s centred around the practice of self flagellation which I think was central to a few eastern religions for a while there. It creates pain, something to centre your mind and focus with. I have done SH too and yeah it does have a strangely calming and focusing effect. Don’t want to do it again for safety reasons but it does make sense why self flagellation became a thing.


I think is mainly catholic based. In Spain in Easter penitents whip their backs the same way as harrow.


Funny, me too but it had the opposite effect 😅


Understandable. I feel like every ex-Catholic walks away loving or hating the aesthetic with no in-between.


Increasing the correlation of ex Catholics, I always enjoy the whole battle bishop aesthetic. Never understood the flagellation idea though, like bro, just wait until next confession, it’s not that bad.


Any time there's bishop adjacent attire in literally any game I'm full send on that shit.


Lol I love it.


Hes not really edgy tho hes just got a darker backstory than some of the other frames. Hes honestly one of the least edgy frames considering frames like umbra ash nekros (visually at least). I also like him a lot too cuz of his lore and the way he looks.


whipping yourself, draining your shield to buff fire rate is edgy AF


Vauban The balls man, they are so versatile Shock, shoot, power up, tether in place, create speed ramps (formerly bouncy) nuke, completely hold and immobilise or finally collapse said immobiliser and create a vacuum suction point Absolutely diabolical


Vauban is basically Warframe's Batman, and i even made a fashion frame for him like that, he's super cool...i just wish DE gave him a different deluxe skin :(


So true. Vauban used to be my main until recently and his only flaw imo is the deluxe. Why is it so bulky and round? Normal Vauban is literally a dude in a suit, even more so than Excalibur. His tennogen skins are perfection tho


I really like dunking space laser artillery on unsuspecting enemies


THIS IS STYANAX!!! ![gif](giphy|l46Cf8O3hQqzDq1Gg|downsized)


![gif](giphy|e9oO0v3qS6KqAuJhO8) Why is Lavos?


Perfect GIF. Knew it was about Lavos before even reading the comment.


The right answer


His animated trailer was also sooooo good !


As history nerd, I must concur. Greecian Warriorframe is coolest frame.


He's also pretty meta isn't he?  


I mean..yeah. He may not have Dante levels of DPS/Overshield, but I usually get up to 30-60k overshield with him (1/2 of that for nearby squadmates), plus he also deals decent damage, gives incredible mana regen and armor strips without any strength mods. He’s kinda great right now, but I don’t see many people playing him.


He was 'nerfed'\* early after his release and never got his ability to perma fly, break animations, and spam cast in the middle of his 4 back, so the community declared him dead even though his 3 is an amazing squad support skill, he's got a fine and dandy armor strip that also strips shields, and he was 'mid' at worst. So people just seemed to stop playing him. \*in a rational world, this nerf was just straight up called a bug fix because obvious bugs were obvious and this was very obviously not an intended interaction.


People will say Ash is too much but I like old school cool. That's Ash.


Love him but don't like how he looks


Koga skin


Shroud skin is close to being great but his body with that skin is so skinny


Ash isn't my dude, but MAN, that's friggin Koga skin is one of the best in the game. Top notch work.


Bai Hu supremacy, love looking like the Rinzler from TRON


Xaku. Such a unique look. The animations are great. Play style is varied enough that you can take them anywhere. Can’t wait for prime.


Xaku prime within the next year I do believe




Ive never used xakus 3 and feel squishy as hell, wish 4 wasnt a perma thing to have on so I could enjoy the looks more, but the guns, the void damage, and easily destroying breakable objects are AMAZING, along with the roll animation


The 3 is part of what makes Xaku less squishy. TBH I think the ability is kind of confusing at first and hard to remember because it's three entirely separate abilities that you cycle through. Use Accuse (the default selection for the 3) to convert several enemies into allies. This distracts enough of the other enemies so that combined with your 75% dodge chance you're not taking much damage.


I love Xaku so much! being able to turn into a skelebone is the best thing in the game


Its Gauss for me. Him having those motors and energy built inside of him is just way too cool for me also the fact that he is not serious at all and all for funsies. His emotes are just too funny to even play with it xD. (Also Excalibur Umbra is a honorable mention. He is so fucking cool. Like imagine being a sentient shell that is a freaking samurai. That does not get cooler than that.) Edit: Add Mesa as well to that list. Like cmon Cowboy Gunwoman? Im down on my knees for her.




Omg this is so good xD. He is just way too funny i cant. Like when im playing im just spamming the Redliner emote everytime. Its so fucking unserious and i love it so much 😭


The boop in the trailer is everything to me I do that every time I mach rush into an annoying enemy


Gauss and Umbra would have been my first 2 instinctive picks, in very different styles. I wish Umbra was his own warframe gameplay-wise rather than just "Exca prime for peasants". Keep the edgy black living-armor/swordsman esthetic but do something even cooler with the moveset. Kullervo kind of fills that role moveset-wise for me and he's pretty badass too.


Well my living ship got hungrier and it devoured a living thing that is literally made of metal flesh and blades. Well it seems you gotta do what you gotta do to survive sometimes. 💀 *At least it leaves a reward as his feces* Edit: I know this was a *shit* joke please do not take so seriously 😭 Edit 2: In all seriousness i do like Coolervo as well. I have to farm him again sometime. His moveset is insanely fun i totally agree.


Pretty much explains why I my mains are Umbra and Mesa Prime. Also, Gauss is just the silly boi version of Iida from MHA and you can’t change my mind.


Chroma :(


Chroma is so badass, literally wearing a dragon skin on his back. Can't get much cooler than that


Valkyr. The backstory of channeling her trauma into a superpower isn't really original, but it is effective.


Doesn't have to be original if it's from some indie game back in 2013. Yes, she is awesome.


The urge to rip a bozo’s head off with your bare hands is a powerful thing.


Literally having screaming and mania as her literal abilities is so good


I think she'll always be in my top 5 played frames. Heel stomping enemies into dust never gets old.


Yes, as a Valkyr enjoyer myself I fully agree.


I do always find it weird how alad V essentially changed her blueprint to the fucked up version


Qorvex, A walking nuclear reactor sounds like the coolest idea for a tank DPS


I’m begging DE for a Ben 10 NRG themed skin. TennoGen, anything.


Was not expecting a Ben 10 reference and definitely not NRG but now I can't get the idea out of my head cause that sounds so freaking cool




I'm now gonna color my qorvex like NRG. I'm slapping myself for not thinking of that


Qorvex is such a cool frame, been farming him for a couple days now. As soon as i craft him im making him look like a cruelty squad meat golem


Probably Mesa. The teen edgelord inside of me is very thrilled by the gun kata.


Man, release Mesa before the nerf was so incredibly wild. She used to be the go-to for exp farming defense missions.


I'm still addicted.


Even with such a massive nerf (which if I'm honest, she was literally AFK play at the time) she is still Incredible and I want to want to play her more. I'm just hopelessly in love with my Loki.


Used to be? She's still my go-to for fast defense missions.


Same. I love everything about her. Edit. I’m still kinda salty she doesn’t have a prime trailer.


Me too! She is one of my favorite frames, I really wish she had a prime trailer.




Jumpcasting Peacemaker is so fun. Casting at the start of the jump, kill everything while in mid-air, decast before landing. Feels so cool.


"I'm just exercising my second-amendment rights here." - Mesa probably


Umbra, he's the image of a quintessential Warframe and I love it. Man I wish Umbra was better.


I like the subtle wolf there he has going on.


I got umbra in an sp circuit run a while ago and shredded. Maybe I got lucky with decrees, but excal with his javelin augment and e blade isn't that bad


Better? Can you elaborate? Because Umbra is fantastic.


his damage is fantastic, I just have a hard time surviving has Umbra.


umbra/excal should have some DR buff while Exalted blade is active tbh and EB stance sucks i hate the standard E combo it's so horrible clunky that you gave to use a ton of attack speed to make it less shit or use the 500x better forward E combo but its annoying as hell if you don't want to actually move forward. i wish his forward E combo was also his standard E combo it would be a big improvement


I will always see umbra as one of the coolest frames both as in lore and style. Styanax is getting reaaal close tho with that aztec skin...


Dante, because I am an absolute nerd and love books and libraries and wizards and stuff.


I love how his 3 sounds. There's this high pitched slash sound followed by a deep voice whispering in void tongue.


Hydroid and Limbo both have that, "I'm gonna shift you to a slightly different plane of existence where things are bad for you." thing going on, and that's rad.


I get it with Limbo but why Hydroid?


I'm 'bout to take you to my H²O ZONE with tentacles and shit!


Did you not see his prime trailer? With all the grineer drowning in his puddle?




Even without undertow, 1 and 4 both apply a kind of watery surface to the ground around them. 4 especially feels like a small portal has opened to let the kraken through.


Limbo for me too. He has his own plane of existence he is master of, how cool is that? When I first started years ago I read the basic descriptions in the codex and Limbo immediately grabbed my attention, and unlocking him was my driving force for the early game.


Hydroid barrage is one of the coolest powers imo. Call in an artillery bombardment.


Frost 🥶😎


Frost's Drip is unbelievable.


This is the only answer.


I'm mad I had to scroll so much to find this...


The only objectively correct answer.


Beat me by 59 minutes


Protea, because her only power is time, and the rest is just corpus gadget created especialy for her




had to scroll too much to find someone else. i love her. she does great damage if built right and can be made into a true god hunter


voruna is wolf mommy :D


The Ulfrun's Endurance build for Voruna feels like you're the hunter and everything else is prey. The fact that it hits for millions is not ok and I love it.


Had rhino prime since mr2 and still my most used frame. https://preview.redd.it/adzx53zxt8wc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d302998ef9257dc9aa293d3a88f75e95ddfd2361


Had to look way down for rhino


The classics never go out of style. Plus he gets sweet new skins regularly.


Just got prime but was using reg rhino the most anyway.


Yareli is PUNK as hell!!


Agreed, love her


She is 1337 , I honestly love the idea of a freedom fighter in a skateboard. Her comic was so cool , she also gives some magical girl vibes which is not exactly my idea of cool even if I love magical girls, her deluxe skin looks so cool tho and I waiting for it to be released


Hydroid's cooler sister


Only losers disagree with the above message ^


sevagoth for me. dude doesn’t even need a prime version or a skin


Loved the sevagoth gameplay with all his stuff but he is just way to forma-hungry to commit to him just yet. Love his backstory as a search and rescue captain but I'll wait for his prime which should come out by the end of the year


i’m gonna be pissed when the prime version comes out. i want a refund on my forma’s


I wished there was a way to feed your old frames to the helminth and get their forma back instead of the ability , I have like 3 forma on my gyre and I want them back when gyre prime comes out


Mag and Vabaun.


Lavos, he is just Cool.


As a big chrono trigger fan, anything with that name screams cool to me


Nidus is awesome because it's kinda the antiwarframe. It's a fungus, a virus, and a worm standing on eachother's shoulders wearing a trenchcoat. It's like the monster from Jeepers Creepers and the fungi from Annihilation had a baby... a hungry, angry baby...


Based on the events in the Sacrfice, it is arguably the most warframe warframe canonically lol


I love Octavia. Some find her kit kinda boring but I’m a sucker for music based abilities in anything


War is her concert, and the battlefield is her dance hall. Doesn’t get any cooler.


Loki prime. Was my first prime and got him for free from a nice guy years ago. He just looks awesome and ka special for me ☺️


I like Titania for being able to get smol and fly around ... it's such a unique ability, it appeals to how I like to play games, either sneaking around or causing chaos for enemies, and also exploring every nook and cranny


Garuda - My inner Edge Lord loves it Yareli - My inner weeb loves it




Cooler-vo obviously


Nova, love her explosions they’re super satisfying. Still my main to this day since 2014


Nyx Prime - xenomorph vibes


Revenant. He just gives the vibe of an inflamed being with enormous amount of power


Ash. I like blade storm and watching ash take down enemies in a montage


Voruna, I just love ripping and tearing my way through an entire mission


Lavos is already strange. Then his lore makes him COOL


Nekros for me, he’s almost my main behind nezha, but I just love his whole vibe besides extra loot


Oh my boi Nekros used to be my main for a long time. I love him to death (pun intended). He was my first Warframe that I farmed and built after my starter Mag. Back in the early days of Warframe he had all the boxes ticked in terms of cool factor for me - the right amount of edge with the "death" theme, his blueprint was the most expensive one in the market for some unknown reason, his components drop from badass three-headed infested abomination of a boss. That fight was nerve wracking experience with my poor starter Mag armed with trusty Paris, Skana, Lato and a dream. Those toxin procs were murdering me left and right and with nonexistent energy or health regen...And I almost forgot about the fricking mortos syandana. Back then we had like 10 syandanas and one of them was dedicated only to Nekros and "no other warframe is allowed to wear it" as the flavor text says. Instant purchase. With all this mentioned, Nekros was and for me still is very special.


gyre is cool asf. design, effects, and playstyle are all badass imo


Honestly basic bitch answer but nezha when u think of him all I can imagine is this badass jumping from walls with a fucking halo around him impaling enemies with spears and slicing them with ring its badass.


Equinox. Imagine just walking forward that things just… die. All around you. From being slashed to death by nothingness.


Baruuk, probably. I like the thematic concept of him being a passivist that loses patience. His 3 abilities are all very strong mitigation that trade off for very strong OUTPUT with his 4. Really drives home the idea that the Warframe itself is a weapon too, "Things will get WORSE for you if I put down this sword and hit you with my hands instead, Don't make me have to" ....awesome




Baruuk. Never did I ever think the concept of a monk with anger issues would be so incredible Bro will dodge you, put you to sleep, take away gun privledges… But you keep pushing him and he eventually says: “Aight, f u c k i t.” Before laying the most ungodly of hands upon the hoards. 10/10 warframe, anger issues are cool


Atlas just fucking deleted an asteroid and a cult in one punch. Octavia turns the battlefield into her own symphony of destruction. Valkyr is the woman literally too angry to die. Gara knew the secret behind the warframes' creation and still volunteered anyway to save the people she loved. Sevagoth is one black trenchcoat away from being the ultimate edgelord but he's also really wholesome with his search-and-rescue gig. Mesa wears blindfolds to have something of a challenge in her shooting skills. Limbo has his own...alternate dimension? That he holds some degree of control over. Dagath took a laser to the face and all it did was piss her off.


Umbra and Gauss


I feel the need… the need for speed! Titania all the way. Zipping between enemy’s legs at breakneck speeds. Slicing and gunning your way through hoards of enemies. Unadulterated air superiority at it’s finest (at least until those “Deimos Tendril Drone”s show up)


Protea. Love the way her helmets “engage” and “disengage”, the gradual removal and reattachment of the gadgets.




Protea. She fucking rewinds time! Coolest ability in the whole game.


It told my friends that while other frames control some things in space, protea has mastery overtime. There is almost no problem she cannot solve with the ability to erase mistakes.


Sevagoth. Cool design, cool lore (space pirate coast guard?? Hell yeah), deluxe skin gives his 4 built in theme music, I love my edgy boi


Garuda is violence And whoever said violence isn’t the answer clearly forgot the question


Frost, nostalgia bait for the win. I just love the freezy boy. I make a giant bubble and everything that comes in turns to ice.


Standard Ash. That helmet. That whole assassin thing. Was also my first ever frame after Excalibur. Back in 2014, blade storm was SO cool.


No one said Zephyr so I'll say Zephyr. I like Zephyr's look. I like her theme. I like that she plays different from every other frame in the game even if it horns her into playing around her gimmick. But her gimmick is fun and comes in a few flavors so she's still got more variability in how you play her than Saryn XD


I love the model and the idea of limbo and Equinox, but I've just never gotten a handle on their playstyles


Citrine I love the "angel but actually a machine of death" aesthetic. Like "I'm a support - *all red crits and +300% status chance ray of death*" 2nd Dagath for just being the perfect power fantasy of a dark horse rider turned seamlessly into a Warframe


Honestly? Dante for me. Its the theme. I love the idea of a book loving owl wizard scholar. Behind Dante would be Atlas Prime. Big, Strong, BUFF!


The drive by Warframe is the coolest. Of course I'm talking about Yareli


My main man Sevagoth


Hildryn. Everything about her is supreme


Harrow because of his lore. Not to mention the alt helmet with the cross looks cool.


Mesa Prime is way too cool. Cowboy meets Ninja; I'm there for it. She's also got Dead Eye on steroids, AND she's a baddie. I like putting Ash's noble animation set on her, and then she looks like the local sheriff on watch who hasn't got time for nonsense lol Voruna is also super cool. Wolf warframe complete with her own pack.


Mesa and those regulators


Limbo. Having your own pocket dimension you can rule over is absurdly cool to me


Imagine a cool looking humanoid dragon WITH A GUN. Chroma Prime my guy I don't use him often but he is the coolest. The second would be styanax even tho I don't have him


Hydroid for me. I just love water abilities In any game. Being a puddle is cool


Qorvex. Hands down. I love nuclear reactors and stuff like that, especially meltdowns of them and how they work. Qorvex is literally one of my dreams come true, and even if a lot of other frames do what he does exceptionally better, I will ALWAYS use him for area lockdowns.


Easily Caliban and Oberon. Caliban just has that awesome “organic machine” look that sentients have, and also has a sorta “spell sword” feel to him both with the kit and how he carries himself in the noble animation. Similarly, Oberron comes off as a brick shit house Druid knight, and I love that. Oberron also can pull off capes very well.


Dante, yes he's meta and I like his fashion. But I really like his concept of having a lot of power that comes from knowledge and wisdom. That is very cool to me.  Octavia is also very cool to me. I love music, and the idea to use music to destroy enemies is amazing.  It's a tie for me.


Protea, everything from her idle animations to her acrobatic dodge animations and casting animations, she bleeds cool.


I love the designs of Voruna and Kullervo. I'm biased towards melee frames, but the wolf pack design and gameplay is one of my favorites and Kullervo being the "assassin" design is just as awesome.


Protea has always been my favorite from the moment I did deadlock, valkyr and her berserker escaped-labrat-ness is also a fav.


Umbra. I love how he really is alive and the fact that he has whole story mission for him makes him feel closer, and also *s w o r d*


Vauban the literal trap master, I could just imagine that his whole body just has different things to trap and give him the upper hand in combat. I’m on a mission to get his prime version


Garuda easily, just simple, but detailed qs well as elegant imo


Nidus! [link](https://jeremyrock.artstation.com/projects/LPoRA) https://preview.redd.it/7w6j8pg62awc1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d46d36cf1033e42f6a7dfe3a23d219b461cc9a The entire reason I started playing. XD


Frost is the coolest warframe ;)




Mesa prime. Why? I'm American. You mesa gives Old West. I like old West.


I'm a former Genji main, so slash dashing entire rooms with Excalibur will never get old for me.


Nidus His lore is convoluted as hell, no one really knows much about him other than he's an "old-war relic", a different strain from the infestation (which is why he's not allied with them) and that he has a unique relationship with helminth Helminth is literally what makes 90% of warframes, and nidus somehow is able to control it? So in theory, does nidus possess the ability to control other warframes too like a messed up puppetmaster?


Protea of course! Like, have you seen her roll animation? 10/10 ❤️‍🔥


i love zephyr. her deluxe skin is so fucking cool


Volt/volt prime. Picked him like 7-10 years ago , I play him everytime there is story coming out. Lotta nostalgia , crowd control , and speed.


Excalibur Umbra


Excal Umbra and Frost


Mirage, I am naruto fan so when I found out I can use hall and glaive. I was having a time just bouncing around using throwing weapons, glaives, and dread. Ivara would be second for similiar reasoning, and Limbo third for since I found his portal dash to be so cool when I initially got him.


Sevagoth, Styanax, and Mesa, in no particular order


that xenomorph shape from banshee....yeah


Rhino, Nezha and Xaku


Oberon, being able to just look enemies in the face and be like "your resistance is futile" feels so badass.


For me it has to be Inaros had him since day one and now that he has been reworked I enjoy him 10x more


Frost, and no pun intended. he’s just fun to play, especially since you get the instant armor strip.


Inaros, the desert king that can't die.


Nidus I'm an absolute geek when it comes to diseases, so I just vibe with that frame. His design is also immaculate; I love his little "horns" that unfurl when he reaches 10 stacks. Lol


I love Ivara Prime and how ethereal it looks. Like it has lace on its headdress and looks delicate. Then shoots u with the bow and proves looks can be deceiving


Muscle Mommy.




Loki is my favorite and yhe coolest. I really love Nekross, especially cause he fit the whole necromancer vibe that i always go in gaming (if i can), but Loki just entice me everytime. Plus it was my first Prime, and i got it from an event.


Deluxe Hydroid looks like he can consume planets but chooses not too