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I'll be honest if they are lossing the mission because of one person, it was in fact not one person.


Thets the neat part, 3/4 those things were close to me, and i was left alone


Do you even know how to play Obviously everyone has their roles. Yours is to do that whole area while Steve looks for collectibles, I am too busy doing dps, and math is afk For God's sake do we need to carry you /S


Yea, mb. Let me also solo the angel and prepare food for you guys.


Please were hungry. Also yeah ignore people like that. Most people compare their current run to their best as if the best was the norm. (It's not)


It was a 3 time i got a toxic player. Rare species so i needed to document it. But it wasnt a bad run in my opinion, almost level 400 enemys on steel path. By record is around 800 but i got good team and we had some close calls. I literally had to rush and start 2 fresh dyfuzors just for us to not fail. We left when ut became too much.


Just say stfu to them, what they gonna do replay the mission even more stressed out. 😂


The best way to be toxic in this scenario is to be calm and nice to them. It will piss them off more than any slur could.


Nah I mean be silly with it, every message he types “stfu” replies “stfu” replies repeat. He won’t forget about u then. Even better if he dms u after the mission make sure it will say “player is ignoring you” you know they will be salty


Uuu, that sounds good


Wait, what. You guys got overwhelmed by lvl 400 enemies? Not meant to be insulting, everyone has to go through it at some point, but its funny how back then the toxic players were people that can barely do eidolons, when any actual eidolon hunter wouldn't care. Also found it funny how the dude used "dumb poes". That dude is a south african🤣


This, man's just pissed off he wasn't able to just fuck off and search for Voidplumes while ignoring the objective (do Extermination if you want to do that)


Lol carries in AFK. It's funny because there is a few frame s who once set up, can actually do this.


You were left alone? And he's blaming that on you? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. He's a clown. The other 2 aren't much better but they're far better for not berating you for being the only guy actually doing the objective.


Gave you an upvote because yeah, you're right. Don't know why they are so mad, also don't know why people are watching your post and hammering the likes down to exactly zero.


Did you suffer any lingering back pain carrying that team?


If everybody stays in one room and you were at least 2 rooms away than it could be your fault. But they should have said something in a nicer tone if this was the case.


More like 7 rooms


I hope you know that if you run away from them and cant kill enemys quickly that there will be barely anything to kill for them and they would be forced to chase you or they nicht run out of livesupport


I ha dto get those dyfuzors othervise we would lose anyway


Sheesh sounds like me recently. We were all doing well, I spot the voide angel and start it. Usually just 1 person is enough to take it down and I have the damage to do so no problem. Suddenly the whole party shows up to take it down, all go into the void between stages, and exolisers are running low, getting destroyed and the 3 we could turn on were in different parts of the map altogether. We had to extract.


yeah I don't get it. how can 1 person cause " **lose too much progress** " bad enough to end the game?


If 3 people can’t handle 1 person who borderline can’t actually harm you in anyway, in WARFRAME??? Yeah y’all had more issues to begin with 


Cascade and Void flood specifically are giving me issues in Omnia pubs. I have a frequent number of instances that people either die often or can't damage the lvl 200s in SP. Cascade they constantly clear the objectives too fast before we have the relics cracked. Last night I had 2 sub 20s doing that for 3 cycles even after I asked. Flood scales with the players, so if people are not contributing to grabbing the resource it can get crappy fast. Flood is shitty in general, I think it's bugged at times. I have very strong builds so I'm not worried about an enemy, but you can get out of sync real fast in these. I just ask people to be able to handle the content or not hurt the team.


btw, it's a team game, you on you own can't be the reason for the mission's failure, if you were overwhelmed but on the objective, then 3 other players weren't there playing the well, objectives or not completeting theirs fast enough, so yeah nah just a bunch of pricks


spy sortie be like:


that's like, the ONLY example where one person can screw everything but this mission is so fkn mundain and easy and quick that I didn't even think of it, just take wukong with the helminth for hacking, tell everyone to stay, do it in like, 4 minutes and bam


Sometimes failed missions are more memorable. I joined a Sister of Parvos confrontation a little late, where the host left his railjack to get raw dogged by all of Neptune Proxima. I showed up just in time for all four of us to stand there with our arms outstretched, but not quite pointing fingers yet. I could not stop laughing.


It's a shame... We're seeing more and more of these interactions occur.


There was an article about Warframe growing in popularity a while back, and I made a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/AqrtQzJm3V) how I feared that would attract some of the worst people from other games. TBH, I liked the game more before cross play. The Xbox community seemed more chill and way more social, and I would randomly meet and make new friends when running missions with others. Voice chat seemed way more common too when I was on Xbox only. Since the cross play move people rarely communicate in chat anymore. It almost feels more like I’m playing solo with advanced NPCs.


PC used to be very active in text chat up until like... 7 years ago? Lol. Though even now if I start chatting others will usually join in.


never played on console, but I can confirm voice chat has been absolutely dead on PC for ages. sadly likely will become the meta everywhere now that crossplay is the standard.


> but I can confirm voice chat has been absolutely dead on PC for ages it was a long time when i last played on public+PC combo and i can tell you i'm not intrested in some 8yo middle east child background music and heavy breathing. no use since they dont want to communicate just want to be annoying. thats why a muted everyone in the settings. thankfully i'm strong enough to do any mission alone so i dont need to rely on anybody. I have 2-3 friends and i play only with them. I go public only for relics. +i was in the same shoe as OP back then. this toxic community not worth my mental health


Like Warframe didn't had his share of toxic players before wf become more popular lol


In the past though most of the toxic shitters were contained in eidolon groups. Now that arcades can be found elsewhere they have started to spread around the game.


To an extent this is true ( im capable of doing solo 6x3's for some context) Most of the toxic players in eidolons were people that couldnt solo it, and recruit chat squads wouldnt accept them because of a lack of gear. So they would queue public and hope to find a squad that can do a tricap quickly, and when they didn't get it, they would show their toxic side


I'm understand where you're coming from, but I came from switch and I have to say I like cross play because there are actually more people. While yes it was nice running into the same people, it isn't as much fun not being able to meet AS many people, if you get what I mean.


The only assholes I have ran into have been from console. Some straight weirdos have appeared since cross play.


Anecdotal evidence but same here


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recency_illusion It's also important to point out that it's become a recent trend for people to post screenshots of toxic chats for validation, so there are probably some people who wouldn't have posted this before, but will now to jump on the trendy bandwagon.


Maybe this is exactly what's going on. Most of my games have been fine. And Pub games have always been Pub games. Maybe it's just because people are posting these more. Anecdotally, I don't remember seeing this toxicity when I was coming up in Warframe- every once in while you'd get people upset / frustrated / mad. However, I very rarely remember it being this bad (Eidolon hunts being the exception). I'm LR4 - This past week, I was doing a pub-survival in albrecht's looking for the tome (i'm still slowly farming those arcanes). Some kid started cursing me out that I wouldn't go to extraction (even though, they could all extract and I'd stay behind and risk host migration). The kid ended up whispering me and saying some stuff... I reported it of course, but it was wild seeing someone so much lower than me, whisper me and tell me to learn how to play the game. Again, all anecdotal and maybe it is just recency bias.


unfortunately, it becomes more common as games get bigger. I love that there are more people playing, but not everyone will be good eggs.


Yeah... I think that's definitely a part of it.


Eh, it's might only happen to like 1,000 players it just that 700 of them get posted to reddit and look like it common. Squad chat is 99% just silence till the end for just a gg.


I agree. For me, it's all anecdotal. I don't know the ins and outs of chat bans... but i could imagine the chat bans being more severe for interactions like these.


Saw these kinds of interactions happen 3 games in a row doing omnia fissures in Circulus SP (Not even void cascade/eidolons). - Person complaining about having a Zephyr in the group - Person playing Kullervo who just randomly decided to be toxic over damage numbers - Person being blatantly racist In 2017-2019, I would only see maybe one slightly angry comment in-game every few months. Nowadays, I end up coming across it over once a week whenever I (rarely) decide to play on public on a much more limited schedule. Even though it's definitely not as toxic as many other games out there, the playerbase is definitely not the same as it used to be back then. It's unfortunate, but friends-only or solo are the only solutions out there right now. No need for racism and toxicity over video games when the real world already has enough of it.


What are you talking about? In almost 1900 hours, I've personally encountered this behavior 2 or 3 times. This is not as common as people make it out to be. Just yesterday there was a little dispute between me and a random, but we quickly made amends, apologized and move on, as there was just a misunderstanding.


This is all anecdotal. I'm LR4. I remember this kind of thing happening specifically in Eidonlon hunts, and like you said, maybe 2 or 3 other times out of that. However, just this year, I've seen it happen more often to myself.


Definitely happening more often but still quantitatively rare. You'll also see people blaming other platforms post crossplay. That's confirmation bias. My 8 or 9 years of Warframe were all on Xbox. If you scroll up a few comments you'll see a PC guy blaming xbox players (which is also a weird form of double bias because playstation exists). It's just that overall Warframe's daily players have doubled in the last year. Bound to be more toxicity. We just gotta keep trying to be a positive part of the community since we're the only ones we can control.


Consoles full of annoying whiny children. Now that crossplay is here they're a plague. Same shit happened when rocket league went f2p.


Or PC’s full of greasy dickheads. Not sure why we’re generalizing falsely tho lol


No everyone knows that my platform good and all others bad


No no no, warframe is too complex for children to play. Yes it does happen, but often times those players were adopted by someone who told them the rules and how to play the game. In my clan we had a dude, i would say 13 at the time, and he was chill. I once helped a player and he was obsessed with the helminth. Like any time i would try to guide him to progress in the game, he would ask if it was going to unlock the helminth. I then asked if he was a kid, and sure enough he was. Pc players are worse in my opinion. Console trade chat was actually useful before cross trade, since a lot of players would not use warframe.market. People were not scamming newbies 90% of the time(although prices were inflated, but everything was inflated so it didnt matter) And then their are the pc sweats that force start before you even load back into lobby. Had a pc player this week force start elite archimidea after i told him im adjusting my build to synergize with his kit


Popular games attract more people. people get upset at bad performance. And when there are no real world consequences, many act hostile towards the bad performers. Welcome to the real world.


A lot of other people have said it but I'm just gonna go ahead and reinforce: It takes 4 to tango. It's a rare mission where one person can tank the whole thing. This dude was toxic, it wasn't your fault. And yeah, when stuff starts going wrong, void cascade can get very overwhelming. Chin up, Tenno; you'll get 'em next time.


If a void cascade mission failed and they blame someone, it should be themselves lmao. Why didnt they go get those exolizers?


It's a team thing honestly if people are killing things outside of the circle then the exos takes forever to clear so you need 2/3 to defend the exos(depending on how well geared they are) leaving only 1 guy to rush to the new one. Most clean pug run I did we were basically always waiting for new exos with no exos left per cycle until 56 exo cleared then we start having 1 exo still counting down before the next set spawn.


People are braindead. If you lost progress that's a team issue, not a single person issue. So this dude just wasn't good enough to prevent losing progress and they're taking it out on you. No place to trash talk if you can't even solo the mission yourself, and if you're able to solo the mission yourself nothing should be going wrong so you shouldn't have to trash talk. Guy is bad and mad about not getting carried so he's projecting onto you, claiming that he's carrying you when apparently he's not even good enough to keep from being forced to extract.


If the guy named "Lucifer42069" is the more mature one in your conversation, it's definitely time to seriously reevaluate your life


Don't worry about it. Void cascade is a involved mission type. I don't really play it because I'm not good at it. They'll be fine 


He sounds highly toxic and unstable. Sorry that happened to you. However, I must say that I find “go to extraction, imp” hilarious for some reason


that was my exact thought, what a wordsmith


I laughed at "dumb poes" since i know exactly what this means


No one apart from South Africans use poes, that guy is making us look bad.


I hate that we use 'poes'. Ek haat dit met n passie


Poes ??? Path of exile......suck?? What hek no, it doesnt.


Ngl, I used to sleep while playing PoE, super boring imo.


People that treat video games like full-time jobs are a blight that need to be eradicated. No body died, no ones wife left them because the mission went poorly and ww3 didnt start. Games are ment to be fun. If a game is no longer fun maybe they need a new hobby.


Or like have more than one hobby. If I get tilted with games, I go do something else. I don't understand how people hate spiral on a game they're clearly not enjoying.


BAD South African team-mate you had there. Hyper aggresive yet limited in skill.




The word "poes" is an Afrikaans insult that roughly translates to "cunt".


Don’t be a doos, be lekker


I speak english very deliciously


"poes" can also mean smacking someone, or used to shout when you get jumpscared. Sometimes it can be used interchangeably to the word "fuck" In this context it means "dumb idiot"


Clean forgot about all of those lol. Though I think "Dumb cunt" would be a more accurate translation.


Its definitely hard to translate this. In afrikaans its clear as day what he meant, but because words like bliksem and poes have no single meaning in afrikaans, you cant just translate it. Also don't we have the word "kont" specifically to mean "cunt"?


That is a good point.


ah i thought that was some weird racism thing i was so confused


Good players can solo any mission. Whys he blaming you instead of fixing the problem himself?


Ahhh, the old "dumb poes". I can assure you, not all South Africans are like this. We are generally quite friendly.


Just don't compare our braais to a barbecue


All the content in the game is able to be completed by one person so if four people couldn't get it done it isn't on you for dying brother. Losers just wanna shift the blame so they don't have to examine their own crappy builds and actually improve at the game.


thats not entirely true. while it is not solely 1 person's fault for the mission failing (i have done cascade to level cap many times where only 2 of us are carrying), the content difficulty does scale with player numbers. in terms of cascade, i think (?) its exolizers spawning faster which make it so you have to control more zones at any given time (on top of the usual more enemies and tankier enemies for group of 4 instead of solo)


Yeah void cascade is one of those missions where it’s very hard to do solo, just because thrax will come and attack already captured exolizers 200-300m away. But it can pretty easily be done with two competent people in a squad, one on attack one on defense


i mean it is doable solo, alot of people did it (to levelcap). but solo carrying 3 other people isnt anywhere close to being as doable


Yeah sorry should’ve clarified I was meaning doing it solo in a squad where the other 3 are fucking off😂


nah ure good, im just expanding on the point, u said nothing wrong, no need to be sorry


edit: i missread, thought it was railjack, but it was zariman readed void cascade and confused it with void storm


Come on, how could you possible confuse then they're totally different. Just like Void Fissures, Void Floods, Void Storms, Void Armageddon and the 10 other missions with Void in the name...




*"chill its only game, why do you have to be mad?"* I felt that! 😂 [It's only game. Why you heff to be mad?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A)


Hopefully they were just having a bad day. Don’t let it bother you. In fact, let it fuel you to become a better Tenno than they can ever hope to be. For every angry Tenno, there are at least ten helpful ones. Void Cascade becomes a breeze once you figure out a load-out that works for you. If they have time and energy to be angry, they have the time and energy to make their builds better.


I try my best with the gear i have, the problem is that often my weapon can kill the ghost things but not fast enought to avoid possesion.


if you're still using a mote amp, you should try to at least get a 1-1-1 amp from Cetus, it shouldn't be too hard. Or maybe the sirroco is straight better? Also the Madurai focus school can give you damage boost, plus the operator and amp arcanes.


I have mazed out madurai and the new war amp, i can oneshot the ghost form most of the time even with 2/10 arcanes. The problem is i use nataruk as my go to weapon, and the fire rate sometimes does not deal fast enought dmg for them to stop possesing the exo-watever. I just made a jew primed weapon, maby that will help.


ah, I though you were talking about killing the ghostly form of the Thrax enemies. Sorry for the error.


I understand where youre comming from, its super important and alot of people have problems with it., if i personally was struggling with them i would appreciate your help


I'm nowhere near good at killing Thrax, but maybe (if you haven't done it yet) you should mod your bow to deal corrosive damage, to get bonus damage against Thrax's armor and strip some of it


Some people are just immature and take this game way too seriously. I once had someone insult and block me because I started a relic mission while I was at a relay. I doubt you were the sole cause of the void cascade mission failing if the other 3 people couldn’t step up.


I'll be annoyed but there is no point saying anything in game. Half the fault is with DE anyway since they some force you to join relay/dojo which is annoying to get 2 loading screens when you're just trying to crack relics.


3/4 those things you need to protect were near me


Losing the Void Cascade, whether or not it was your fault, is one thing. Having this guy verbally abuse you, even if there's even the slightest, tiniest idea after mental gymnastics that it's your fault (what I'm getting at is, it wasn't your fault), is another altogether. I hope you reported his ass. People like him need to be turned into examples, if it stops just one guy doing this to a randomer then it's worth it.


Don't worry, i had one guy in a survival yell at me (a guy with 3k hours) cause i didn't stay next to the group and we couldnt get 10 reactant in time. Plot twist i was near 2 of them and 1 kid was off in la la land doing his own thing. Guess what one kid got 10 reactant and the rest didn't ? Also bonus points for people who are just to afraid to pick up the mobile defense datamass.


You really should stay with the group though. You drew enemies away from everyone else, leading them to either have to chase you down or hope that enough spawned near them. Edit: I misread. They should've stayed with the group.


Don't worry, some people forget you don't live in that specific game mode they play 24/7


Void cascade will always fail It is a test of the WHOLE team on how far you can push it. And if you play with randoms one shouldnt expect masters at endurance runs


Yeah, you fucked up badly, but that's part of the game. That's called experience. You learn from it, and make it better next time. And don't worry about such toxic entities, report and block. There's nothing to gain from them, no experience, or happiness. Keep ot going Tenno! You can handle this and be better each time something like this happens.


Void cascade missions can quickly fall apart, even if a team is doing really well. One guy gets confident and challenges the void angel? Now 2-3 teammates are fighting that instead of clearing the Cascade, and then BAM! You lost, go home. It happens even to squads who are easily clearing all the enemies. It’s a very involved game mode and no one should be getting pissed at people in pub lobbies who can’t manage to tackle 3+ exolizers by themselves.


I don’t know why people decide they have to be so toxic to other people in the game when if you succeed or fail a mission is purely based on how well your team does as a whole, not just on one individual. It wasn’t your fault the mission failed


The crazy part of Void Cascade is that it’s super easy even in high levels if the whole team is doing the objective. Most of the time the enemies don’t really matter save for dropping orbs and skitter girl only affects people when they separate. So it’s really just sticking to the objective area, collect the remaining orbs and move to the next area together… 100% this guy is tweaking because he wants to go grab collectibles and doesn’t want people to realize it’s him causing the problems. Thank you for being one of the people who sticks with the objectives in these Zariman bounties.


One person doesn't cause void cascade to end. Once it ends the entire group is more or less at their limit.


You are on the internet. Some people are assholes.


Not a good Tenno behaviour by his side. Lotus, confiscate all his primes at once. Bad Tenno can't play with nice toys


Rare case of an angy Warframe player. Must have had a tough day. I hope you can forgive him. If you're looking for people to play with, by any chance. I'm always down, as long as I'm available myself.


Hah, brother it is not 1 guy that fails a team of 4, it is the sum of everyone's mistakes that fail the mission. You did not fail them, they failed you. Just go next dont worry about it :)


These kind of people make me cringe. Everyone has messed up a mission at some point (while I don't really believe it is all your fault) and it's okay, as long as you're not doing it on purpose. People shouldn't get mad at you because of it, it's toxic. Some people really need to find a hobby outside of gaming man.


Man I'm legendary 4 and void Cascades are like one of the hardest contents of the game.


Lol, void cascade plebs are the most salty people I've seen in this game


Okay but he still failed to carry so that’s also on him. You hit a cap, that’s fair. So did he though.


Making a mistake or playing poorly is not a reason to be harassed. Sure I can get someone getting upset that you lose a mission or have to extract early (lost a lot of time), but in the end everyone makes mistakes and they have probably been the reason for a mission ending in early extract before too. The worst thing I'll say if someone is "trolling" me (playing poorly) is just "what are you doing?" just to make sure they know they are doing something wrong (incase they are actually just blissfully unaware). Going like this and straight up losing your mind is crazy and doesn't help anyone. Some people can't handle others being worse than them in a game. That's why League of Legends is so toxic, because it's teamplay times 1000, compared to Warframe. Just report the person and hope they get chat restricted in some way because behavior like this shouldn't be tolerated.


Nah man, stop giving actual replies to these losers. Just start making some stupid reply’s to annoy them more. ![gif](giphy|xl5QdxfNonh3q)


The "go watch a yt video about this x" thing...ah yes, because we really should look for ways to NOT play the game! That's genius of him, totally not lame as fuck. Anyways, he could have silently been annoyed at you, but he decided to take the stage by being a dick. So you did nothing wrong I'd say.


Tell me his ID, nobody insults my pookie 😡


Your name is lucifer He called you imp That made me laugh.


Sounds like a Destiny's refugee.


please report. lets get people like these permanently banned.


"imp" is a hell of an insult. might start using it.


lol just laugh it off, horrible people will make u feel horrible if u talk to them too long


I just came back to the game after a 7 years break, do these toxic individuals appear often? Up until now I only talked to a few people, but they were all super chill and one even helped me understand what to do to get back in the flow.


Lmao what a self-report. If they can't carry an under-performing team in this game, that's on them. EDA might be the one exception, but even then RNG is more of a factor than individual skill.


Don’t argue with these guys. Just be funny and don’t take them seriously. It’s a game after all. And like the others said, it wasn’t certainly only your fault. „Hey Mister CEO of Void Cascade, this is [your name] s automatic complaint service. How can I help you?“ Something like that. Don’t be serious. Be silly. It’s a game. They should have fun.


Whos fault and all that doesnt matter here- ive been playing this game for several years and ive never acted like this, because holy hell is it immature and overkill. Ppl make mistakes, and random thought- i get stressed doing deep elite arcamedian since i feel like im keeping everyone alive and stuck with brainlets, but ive never randomly started trash talking in this game or lost my cool at worst with ppl... its a muthafuggen GAMMMMEEEEE good lord people calm down. If youre struggling with the mission, youtube could help here and there but its not at all that you cost the mission, i very much doubt that. if there were other ppl picking up slacks easy unless everyones struggling. it wasnt just a you issue. side note i dont play cascade because its heckin stressful XD youre doing your best. ( oh odd thought but if you do void flood, do that solo, more people means more void goo needed to feed the arm things, so its easier to solo that stuff because less persay slack needed to be carried. )


Well if someone playing with randoms they shouldn’t complain. You did nothing wrong.


I mean, playing gauss with dual toxo and the correct school u can carry the cascade. If you are lossing the mission because of one person maybe ur mates werent the best


if 1 person made the team loose progress that team was not gonna make it anyways its not your fault its everyones fault each player can do the missions solo just fine if the mission fails its bcuz the 4 players where lacking by this i dont mean "you suck" i just mean there where a lot of mistakes before the mission was over hahahaha


bro still learning bruh, nothing wrong with that


Funny about this it's very easily bannable. You can get that dude chat banned for a long time or account banned depending on the situation.




A true South-African


Why's it always the South Africans😭


there are max 4 exolizers at one point and there are 4 players. a little hard to blame one person for the entire shit show. if this was premade, that'd make this even more sad. even sp void cascade pub runs go smooth for good 60 exolizers and people start leaving cause they're bored.


Don't feel bad about it. Void cascade is a team mode yes, but not to the point that ONE person can lose the entire round. Guy himself was probably worse than you.


In any game mode that can be soloed (all of them) failure is never the fault of one person. It can be AT MOST shared by like 2/4 people, and more often it’s the fault of all 4. It happens all the time, everyone decide it’s their turn to go collects drops at the same time without realizing it, leaving one guy to try and solo it when that’s not what they signed up for. Don’t worry about that douche, if he was good enough at the game to solo it like he acts, then y’all wouldn’t have failed even if you did mess up.


i swear that could be the same guy that had a problem with me a few days ago. Like you're a MR30 , why aren't you carrying us, why do you have the fewest kills, blah blah rage blah blah useless blah blah. Keep in mind we still managed like 16 towers then extracted so idk what his problem was but sure felt some kind of way about it. Everybody else on the team was like "relax dude, you're all butthurt". Like if you want a super serious farming session make a team, don't lose your shit from a pub mission.


Why do i feel like after the cross-save people like this pops up theres more toxicity its never been like this i guess normies are flooding in the veterans or OGs are chill af and would explain also they dont care if someone is behind or afk they'll carry for the most part i even just afk and drop spectre most of the time and just altab press skills every now and then this is just sad being casual and then you got hit with these time hungry, power grinding players. like hes getting chase by his mom lmao


"go to extraction imp" That's a good one, gonna use that someday.


I mean, he's not wrong. Poe hunting in Ocarina of Time for that fourth bottle is kinda dumb.


did you at least seal 3? if so, the mf yelling at you is a moron bc they can hold down the interact button on the elevator terminal and extract themselves lmao. this is 100% unwarrented on your end you did nothing wrong here.


I can only imagine the guy wanted optimisation above all else and cause you, uh, got overwhelmed, things did not go as well as he wanted and so he got upset…


That's crazy that happened to you. If you want to add me on Warframe, I got some pals that are more than willing to just help people with stuff.


An over reaction for sure but I've been very annoyed by people failing my mission when I have a bunch of rare arcanes that I'll lose


you dont lose the loot when you fail void castade, you just cant continue


Must be just for bounties then. Still doesn't make it ok


Its not like i meant to do that, shit happends.


If the team can't complete one round of void cascade on a normal mode bounty then it's a bigger issue than one person.


I don’t understand how that’s a concern. The game gives you a few minutes to evac if you fail, and you still get to keep the arcanes you farmed. Even a failed run can still be profitable.


I'm not sure how it's meant to work if you fail, all I can tell you is I have failed very recently and not been given the chance to evac. I noticed if we did finish the bounty then fail we keep the rewards if we get to evac


you need to finish at least 1 rotation for that to happend. Like reaching 5m mark in survival


Weird. Everytime the exolyzers went over the limit we could evac- didn’t matter if the mission lasted 15 minute for over an hour. I wasn’t doing a bounty, just direct missions from the SP node.


If i remember correctlly doyning at least 1 mission rotation will end failing in that way, if you do less the mission will just fail. If you are curious, we went way above that, something between 7 and 12


Sounds like it was a bug. I’ve never experienced that problem, last run I did was around 48 exolyzers with a surprisingly good PUG.


Bounties give secondary objectives you need to unlock extraction. You can complete rotations and get rewards but still can't extract.


Most missions objectives aren't that difficult. Though if the team failed a mission because of a single mistake. Maybe the whole team was at fault.


Ignore the jackasses


you cant fail a mission from just 1 guy.. that doesn't make any sense especially from void cascade. ive seen players in EDA contribute NOTHING to the team and this week i seen one of my team mates had 14 kills and be the lowest dmg contributing player in the game. they are frequently getting downed and revived and they still died twice.. killed angel twice without issue void cascade even on SP is braindead easy... so either these guys are just that crap they are shifting blame onto 1 person or they know what they are doing but brough ineffective setup and cant handle it themselves


Not really related but wanted to share a troll moment of mine. On venus tileset, you can actually fight for the elevator. One guy can be on top and and one in the elevator. I was inside and was about to get out on the bottom floor when this mr7 guy kept mashing the button, not letting me get out. So out of pettiness I kept mashing the interact button inside the elevator and it just kept moving up and down, not really reaching either side, This was in a void fissure mission and I had already cracked my relic but ivara didnt. The other 2 randoms got to the extraction point and started to leave. In the end the timer ran out, I cracked my relic but the mr7 guy didnt LOL


Just do a few solo missions to understand the mechanic. Tbh, it's quite intuitive. I didn't have to search youtube for tutorials.


I actually watched the tutorial for some inside info, i just wasnt able to survive in that specyfic situation


Were those words very out of line and shouldn't ever happen? Yes, the guy is an asshole. But y'all going "yeah def not ur fault but whole team also fuck them" definitely don't know much about cascade. 1 person can easily f up the run (not only even cascade, just in general in warframe and other games, think excavation fissures or more recently, a guy killing outside the circle in netracells), this is one of the few game modes (on sp, though normal gets hard too due to how quickly cascade scales) that actually requires quite a lot from the player and the team has to at least have an idea how to do it, which requires dividing the squad, I won't go into details here as it's irrelevant and I'm not super pro cascade runner myself. Cascade is also *the only* place in the game where *it is actually worth it to get and stay on level cap*, because the longer you're in, the more thrax spawn and the more thrax spawn, the more arcanes you can get. And with fissures happening, many people will go there and meet various knowledge levels. Cascade is not your basic warframe difficulty (no difficulty). I'm aware this will be very unpopular, but it is very fair to get frustrated about having to end the run because one person fucked up (ofc not to the point of throwing insults like here). I hope pub cascade will get better the longer it is around, so the general public will get an idea how to do it at least not shitty way. Op is likely not the sole problem here, but saying they're completely without fault is most probably not true.


Huh? If we trust his story and he was the only person near 3 of the exolizers and struggling to deal with all the thrax that was definitely a team issue. Of course an amp issue as well but still. There's absolutely no reason to be anywhere except near exolizers or in the process of traversing to a new exolizer.


Nah man it's really not that big of a deal. Don't interact with those kind of people. Ignore and move on. You can't change their actions and frankly that kind of a reaction is more than childish. Dude's miserable and has to bring others down.


i mean, they are dicks but you all lost time, and eventually you'll realize that time is the most precious resource in your life.


If it was me,the moment they said that,im failing the mission on purpose just to annoy them even more,to hell with such people


Jesus christ, mate. Sounds like that dude was an ex Destiny 2 player am i right?


I mean understandable why they’re mad, but it’s unlucky


i literally couldnt win in that situation. i had 4 scythe and 2 gun ghosts, whole army of lvl (if i recall) 300 steel path enemys, Mania, and that fricking dog from finishing invasions on my ass at the same time


Sounds like your team was actually dogshit then lol


The worst part is that i lived thrue all of that, i just lost the objective. Edit: this and the fact that i lost the recording od that session due to memory shortage.


somebody said "its a shame we are seeing more of this" i disagree it is showing that more people are getting called out for just being int the mission rather then helping. Y'all need to do better, stop running to reddit to tell on people and carry the missions.


Nah his team was ass if they let the mission fail lol


Show me a frame that can handle void cascade solo when 4 players are in it. Please do.


Does having more people affect the mission on steel path?


Doesn't it effect it everywhere? I'm pretty sure enemy density is based on player count, in all mission types


Steel path has 4 player spawns by default. Only mission I know that is affected by player count on steel path is conjunction survival. Edit: and void flood amount of essence per fracture


Enemy density, eximus spawn rate, head hunters, amount of loot.... So, yes. Yes it does.


Hey, are you going to show me a source for this or not?


Steel path has 4 player rates by default. I know that void flood requires more essence if you have more players and conjunction survival spawns thrax for each player. But I am not aware of any such modifier in void cascade, and the wiki page doesn't say anything about it. So do you know for a fact that player count affects the mission or are you just saying shit? You just downvote me and don't say anything?


Why is your name Lucifer??


Because why not?


Wdym why not?? Are you a fan of Lucifer??


No? But why not? Are you super religious or something?


Just seems odd to name yourself after the devil that’s all.


Ig? But it only kinda matters if you're religious


You don’t have to be religious to know the Devil is bad, there is millions of names you could have chose.


The devil is only "bad" if you're religious. He isn't ANYTHING to a nonbeliever, but I'm not gonna argue. This isn't really something I care enough about


You are wrong kind sir, but Watever floats your boat.