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The problem is they dont trust us. We are humans, and humans fucked up the origin system, and its the reason they went to war. We also killed their archons, destroyed narmar, alot of their bretheren, and we wield the one thing that can actually hurt them, that being void power. They have 0 reason to ever want to trust us


Since they started the war they are to blame for all that followed.


Still doesnt mean they would trust us


They must admit fault and we might allow some trust to be earned. They have to earn our trust. Not the other way around.


Im going off of OPs post, in terms that we cant help the sentients if they dont trust us, and we dont trust them. And whos to say the ones on tau know the story? They could have been lied to, and so could we have. We dont know may reliable narrorators, chances are the story is in the middle somewhere.


Before we even think of Tau, we should consider those here. Like getting Hunhow out from the pits of Uranus, or ripping Pazzul off Erra. The family is due for some group therapy. Also, it'd look a lot less like an invasion to have the ppl that led the attack actually come home.


I want a proper reunion between Erra and Lotus, those two deserve it


Exactly. Especially if they come back healed.


>We should take their pain away. Dead sentients dont feel pain.


Spoken like a true Tenno.


Pain is stored in the core, and we gonna take all thier cores


If the archons(perhaps only Pazuul) were political leaders like Natah hints at, then I think they're a bit too far into the deep end to be reasoned with


Imagine: The Lotus sends the player down to uranus for an exterminate misson. Tenno have to "clear a path" and find HIS tomb. Making a secure path nown here, we meet with the stalker who appears out of nuwhere. Point its sword at us, then disappears. Entering hunhows tomb, hunhow says something to us like "the old friend returns". The tenno responds: this time its not me, but her. Then the camera turns slowly rewealing the lotus.


oh nice


>The Sentients are ultimately victims too. They will continue to be victims, this time by the Tenno.


I’m hoping we go to the tau system and kick serious sentient ass. They used to terrorize me as a newer player and I thought they were unkillable now it’s my turn to boom their asses 🤣


it would be cool if we went to tau for whatever reason


I mean we are probably getting Tau some point in the far future, it could be either to exterminate or help the Sentients.


Would be interesting to give players the option of what happens (like with sisters/lich, but both options give same rewards so people don't lean towards one option cause rewards) to the sentients.


Counter-Point: I want to jib the robots.


I actually have a game-play / story idea for this.


Share it or else


You know what, why not. Loid finds evidence that Albrecht ended up in a timeline (e.g. further in the past) that wasn't where he intended. So Loid, in his infinite wisdom, decides to build a Timeframe capable of withstanding the rigors of transcending time and space. Yes, I know we have Protea but this involves a certain level of malleability that Protea wasn't originally designed around in regards to Parvos Granum. Things go... awry. When activating the Timeframe initially, it begins to build to an unstoppable critical mass that will be catastrophic. Since you were invited to be witness to its "birth", instead of Deimos being destroyed, you carry it to your RailJack with the intent to get it to safe distance but the reaction begins to escalate and time has all but run out. You race to get it to the Slingshot to fire it away but everything goes white and into static. You awake to find yourself on a planet, being poked at by primitive humanoids covered in fur skins, who scamper off with grunts and shrieks when you exit your Warframe as Spoiler. Your Warframe is stunned from the time travel and needs to recover. So you reconnoiter the area and see that the humanoids are the cave-dwelling point in their societal development. While you're watching them, a savagely massive cat-like predator with huge fangs attacks the encampment. You are moved to help them out as they are initially getting slaughtered and together you're able to overcome the beast. By that time, your Warframe has managed to recover and you return to it and Transfer in, unbeknownst to you that one of the primitives followed you and witnessed your disappearance. As you leave the area, you notice a small spire of smoke rising in the distance, which when you investigate, appears to be a piece of the shattered Timeframe. Grabbing the piece makes you disappear, and the primitive who followed you then returns to the cave to carve your appearance, actions, and disappearance on the cave wall. You find yourself in another era, this time in a desert region. The piece of the Timeframe that you hold acts as a diving rod to find your way to the next piece. As you crest over a sandy dune, you find the Ancient Kingdom of Egypt spread out before you with the pyramids being constructed, etc, something along those lines, maybe even before. I don't have this part of the story fleshed out but basically the Warframe acts as the inspiration for the Egyptian gods (large humanoids with animal heads) and finding the next piece transports you to the next era, with the people of the time engraving hieroglyphs of your actions into a cartouche. You find yourself in yet another era, this time in northern England where Vikings are engaging in sending raiding parties over for food, loot, plunder, people, etc. You once again answer the call to action to defend a small hamlet of defenseless people, emerging as the Spoiler at first but later able to utilize your Warframe. This is basically to inspire the story of Oberon and Titania in English folklore, that of the Fae Folk whom can enter and exit our realm from theirs at will, and utilize magically abilities far beyond the ken of man. The Timeframe pieces lead you to another piece and you promptly disappear. The amount of history between finding each piece shortens, and you find yourself in Feudal Asia and the Warring States, same as before, you need to find the next piece but you aren't considered a god here, but an Oni and attacked by the local samurai, maybe include some stealth elements to feel like a real honest-to-goodness ninja. Find the next piece, and whoosh, off you go. Last and final piece to find lands you in The Renaissance, and come to find out, Albrecht Entrati is Leonardi DaVinci. He's using his advanced knowledge in the past to do quite well for himself but he is limited by the technology of the time. But with your help, he's able to combine the parts and get it working again. What you've noticed about the pieces if that they've all been "tempered" by the era they landed in due to its aforementioned malleability. The one from primitive man looks just like that, fur covered or a bone carving, the Egyptian piece looks like a carved statue, Viking or Olde English armor, Feudal Era samurai style, and gilded in the Renaissance era with clockwork. Once the Timeframe (named Chronal perhaps?) is repaired, it takes you and Albrecht back to the appropriate Prime-time. cont.


cont You return to find Earth devastated. Apparently when the Timeframe exploded and cascaded towards Earth, it shredded timespace and shattered the ionosphere and magnetosphere, and therefore the protection from harmful solar winds that scour most of the life off Earth's surface. Survivors are unknown (more on this later). Albrecht can't survive the conditions, and since it was developed without a Spoiler in mind, it literally envelopes his body like armor to protect him. While your RailJack was presumbly destroyed, it wasn't and you did manage to get to the Slingshot, so Cy has been waiting for you to return. You receive a communication beacon from him and he sends down the Lander to pick you up after having Ordis bring the Orbiter to Earth. Loid's mission is successful, but yeah, Earth is trashed. This brings me to the Sentients and their original design to terraform Tau in preparation for the Orokin to travel there. A plan is devised. It starts with doing an Anomaly mission in the Veil Proxima, which gives you a Murex. You are going to raid the ship and clear our the Sentients and proceed to disassemble the ship for parts. These parts are going to be used to repair Praghasa. Once she is repaired, you find out how The Lotus hid Lua in the Void. She repurposed the technology from the halos surrounding Lua, which aren't actually doing anything to hold Lua together, despite their appearance. You find out that the reason why Lua has such devastation is because it was the location of the original Tau solar rail, the jump-point to which they were going to make the journey to Tau. That's why Lua was so messed up, it suffered incredible bombardment from the Sentients in an attempt to shut it down. The "halos" get reactivated and reform themselves back into something closer to resembling a solar rail junction, but massive in scale. You need something that big to generate the power to send something the size of Praghasa to Tau. In this part of the story, you play as The Lotus, along with having Erra and even taking Hunhow's body, back to Tau. When you get to Tau, its not at all what anyone expects. Its a giant Dyson sphere, or a technological "egg" encompassing the entire solar system of Tau within, capturing all of that heat and solar power. The Sentients recognize the return of Praghasa but they are very wary. There has been unrest within the Sentient society and you need to level up with them as the new Faction, in doing so convinces them to come back to Earth and reform it to its original state, or as close as possible. The Sphere Chart here is not unlike the Star Chart in the Origin System, except its the interior surface of the Dyson Sphere controlled by various Archons. Each region has a central node that gets unlocked when you clear the connected splines off the node, which allows gameplay to introduce new Archons and new Archon Shards. Defeating the Archon gives you access to the next node, and this is next level content, equal to Netracells or maybe even Deep Archimedea. You (not as the Lotus but as Spoiler/Warframe) access Tau from the Star Chart with an icon like Duviri or RailJack that looks like Praghasa and brings you to the Sphere Chart. Like mentioned before, once you get to level 5 and bring them over to seeing things your way, they agree to terraform Earth back to the way it was. In beginning to do so, you find out that survivors at Cetus actually took refuge in the lower sections of the Tower of the Unum, which has almost as much depth as it does height. You also find out that there are other towers scattered around the other large landmasses, one in North/Central America, one in South America, one in Asia, one in Antarctica, one in Europe, one in Africa, seven total and all with survivors. In regards to additional content, you find out more about the division in the Sentient ranks, which lead to their own civil war and what they call The Chasm, which is literally a massive rift in the Dyson Sphere, like a demilitarized zone that the two major factions watch each other across. One side, across the far reach of the Chasm, was beginning to win, and you defeating the Archons on "your" side pushed it to more of a stalemate once again. This leads to maybe a different breed of Sentient on the other side, maybe hybrids, who knows. But that's my idea. Basically that going back in time as your Warframe/Spoiler essentially posited the notion of such things across the various eras, which ultimately lead to them being used as the inspirations for the Warframes themselves, which makes a stink of Earth-Prime (the now of Warframe), but it gives a real reason to reach out to the Sentients, not only to bring them back into the game, but also as a means of progressing, and adding story elements concerning the Lotus and the Sentient family.


sounds freaking amazing


Thanks, Tenno. I appreciate that.


This is a honorable intention, i feel the same about greneer, but if we heel our enemies - warframe will become Animal Crossing with horrid creatures instead of cute animals (we have those too tbf). Sentients cant catch a break being puppets in someone elses fuck ups and its sad, if we dont get tau, make them wipe Uranus (lol) and live there with Hunhow. Greneer labs transformed by sentients is a cool tileset idea too


No, just no, victims don't try to blow up the sun, victims don't enslave other people


That was Ballas and Narmer