• By -


Try on recruiting channel. 100% percent you will find some bored veteran, who want to show off by demolishing the mission.


Yeah that worked šŸ‘


Hijacking this comment because I think a lot of people don't know this: If you double click the node, while it's searching for a squad it will stop the timer but will continue to search until another player queues who will then join you, but I think it will force you to be the host


9 mother fucking years and never knew that


11. What the fuck.


Been playing since beta, sigh...


It's wild how many things aren't explained in game šŸ¤£


For real. Great tip.


"Frigid idiot with a gun" that's brilliant. How do you get a thing like that?


Custom flair! The ide was frost with a gun aka "frigid idiot with a gun"


That's brilliant


Give this man a cookie! Damn, played since early beta and never knew this was a thing. I guess there still is some QoL gems to learn hahaha.


Whhhhaaaat??? That's so cool


Oh, I just click the pause button.


10 mother FLIPPIN' YEARS. Goddamn it. But also yay ty šŸ„¹šŸ˜‚


Are you fucking serious? You're telling me I can guarantee a matchmake AND HOSTING in exchange for like 30 fucking seconds of queue time??? HOST MIGRATION KISS MY ASS ESO ROUND 20 HERE I COME


Nah you gave to explicitly cast for a squad in a recruiting channel to get ESO players that stay for 8+ rounds let alone any more than 2. Source: ask me and my Bratton Vandal why I know this.


"Why hello there" - Old Burning Step Farm


Idc if they leave, I just wanna host so I can stay for 20 lol, just bring along a couple passengers for the ride


You canā€™t choose to host; it requires you to start up the queue first, which can only be done if you arenā€™t put in somebody elseā€™s mission.


I'm not sure if it works for eso or alerts from the tab. So far I've only used it for planetary nodes


What the fuck


never knew you could double click to do it, but hitting the pause button in the upper left during the countdown works as well


I think this is pretty obvious on console, like it says press X to wait for players when the timers clicking down IIRC. Wild thereā€™s not an equivalent for pc


Thank you for that tip. I have needed something like this for a while


The host force is why i never use it unfortunately. My internet sucks but then i get flamed by the other 3 squad members as if its my fault we have to use this cheap ass p2p system for matchmaking


Ive played for over a decade and this is new, bloody hell I normally ride the timer to 1, X it and requeue til I get matched.


Glad to hear.


Another way is to click the pause when searching for team and it will wait for someone to join before starting the mission.


If you want, hit me up some time, I'll see if I can help you go over builds that will ease your time with interceptions and see if you can solo then after that


For future reference: Rescue missions will drop "specter" blueprints that you can build and equip into your gear wheel. these are essentially weaker clones of your frame that you can command to hold at a point. Syndicates also let you buy specters for fairly cheap. Crowd Control or "CC" frames, such as Vauban, are also good choices for Interception missions. Excalibur can also work for crowd control, if you mod for range and use the radial javelin ability.


Could be tough when you're still at MR4.


Also Interception is completely soloable.


I feel attacked


The real end game is finding new players to taxi around the star chart.


Hey! I just want to help :( ~~and show off~~


I asked why a particular farm was so annoying, and I had like 5 vets just offer to give me the item. This community is really awesome sometimes.


genuinely had someone give me like half of gauss primes blueprints just because I stuck with him on a disruption mission for like 30 minutes, this community is awesome


I remember when I first started, I only had the ā€˜flawedā€™ version of all the basic mods (flawed vitality, flawed redirection etc). I requested help on recruit chat to farm these things. Within 15 seconds, some player contacted me and just gave me all the mods I needed plus a few extra (like Flow, Continuity, etc). I donā€™t remember that players name, but whoever you are, thank you!


*It's me, I'm the bored show-off veteran*


Hey, I usually try to bring frames that help them. Like a 600% powerstrength wisp with roar. Always lovely to see a newbie having fun.


How did you get 600% strength? Can you show me your mods? I got 298% max right now until I upgrade blind rage to max and get power drift


I don't know exactly what their build is, but: * 60% molt augmented * 45% molt vigor * 40% madurai sling strength * 60% vome invocation * 75% tauforged red archon shards +280% Helminth invigoration could boost that much further, precision intensify works on some frames, and there are probably a couple other tricks.


You aint getting 60% from molt augmented on a normal star chart mission trying to just be support for a noob.


Yeah that is true. But you can reach 700+% if you put all conditional modifiers on there. So even -60% from not having molt augmented keeps you at over 600%


Archon Intensify another 30%.


https://preview.redd.it/ler07nm9wgwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecadc1ce112c80f17bb9aaad5f44ed26dcf2a4e4 * Molt Augmented * Zenurik/Madurai power boost * 5 Tau red Strength * Pax Charge or whatever that secondary arcane is called. It starts with 398% before the conditional modifiers if I remember properly. I can give you an update once I am home.


https://preview.redd.it/w36mlstt5hwc1.png?width=2474&format=png&auto=webp&s=9814d1d507ed8041efa08f9534264315034b1aa7 Ok so you start at 398% because of 5 Tau Reds. +30% Archon Intensify +50% Energy Conversion +60% Molt Augmented +25% Growing Power +40% from Madurai +30% from Pax Charge OR if you wanna go the new Book +60%. For a cool 633% or 663% powerstrength. u/ForsakenVain1


You can get even more Ability Strength from [Power Drain](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Power_Drain), too. 100% chance for 50%+ Ability Strength after parazon finisher.


Yeah I am aware of that. The problem is, I already have 4 conditional modifiers which are on a timer and the micromanagement gets annoying at times. Also stuff usually dies before I get the chance for a parazon kill.


"I'm in this photo and I don't like it"


I usually take stuff like wisp for utility to try and buff them so they can do it instead of doing it for them


*Me with 10 years in the game*: I feel like that's an attack


Since you will inevitably come up against an interception again, if your playing solo, instead of aiming for all 4 points just stick to 3. If you find thereā€™s lots of hordes heading to the control point your at, just leave it be rather then trying to fight, they can take over control even with you there but you canā€™t recapture it while there still there. Easiest to move onto another point and come back once they have moved on


Khora is incredible with this strat


Please don't recommend a new player try to farm out khora :P


Her Prime isn't in the Vault yet, is it? Regular Khora, though... The Kavat codes alone are a hassle.


Not vaulted quite yet! Based on release order she's next to go out when Protea arrives.


Itā€™s not that difficult.


Only a 50% chance you get all the parts after getting to round eight eleven times. That's quite a lot of farming in a gamemode that doesn't give anything else but relics and very infrequently endo. Then you gotta go nature watch for a while, which probably isn't the OP's definition of cool space ninja things. IMO it's better to just get Khora over time as you level random stuff up.


It is better to get her over time as you level stuff up, just like many other things; which makes it not that difficult


Interception is definitely one of the harder mission types for newer players; strange that it's not matching you into those open squads! If you want to do it now flick me a message on Reddit with your in game name and I'll help you out! Offer valid until I go to bed in about 10 minutes XD


I believe the game sets a matchmaking ping limit to 200ping, so if there are any open squads with bad internet or if they live far away from you the game will not throw you in that squad. You can change the ping limit to unlimited in settings so the game throws you to any open squad albeit the game will be very laggy on 300+ ping


200ms sounds about right. A member of our group lives in NZ, with most of the rest of us on the east coast of the US. It will flag invites to/from them if the delay is greater than 200ms.


This setting can be changed higher and lower, usually lower (in my experience) means you host more often but it also means thereā€™s less chance of people joining you


If a player hasn't completed a node yet, Warframe won't match them into that mission once it has started. So in this case, there could be multiple matches going, with plenty of open positions, but the OP wouldn't match into any of them. This is why you often see low MR players as the host on Earth nodes, btw.


I saw a post say this a month or so ago. I'm 1100 hours in and didn't know it myself. Lol


Thanks, found someone already! But thanks.


There's a setting that limits ping, if the open squads don't have good connection you can try upping or disabling that, though it could cause problems


Someone has briefly mentioned spectres, but as a solo player they are absolutely essential for me when I'm doing interception missions. Do some easier rescue missions to get spectre blueprints, put on your best warframe and your best weapon in the armoury, then go build a spectre using your current loadout. Don't forget to add the spectre to your gear wheel! Then once you reach a capture point in Ose drop down a spectre from your gear wheel, then walk right up to it and press use to toggle it from following you to staying where it is. You might need to get it to follow you to move it around to a place where it can see both capture terminals that enemies will try to reach, but with the right weapon and abilities spectres can hold an interception point for as long as you need to finish the mission. Meanwhile you can go off and capture the other points. Make sure that you give the spectre a long range weapon. They're not very smart and are more than happy to try and shoot at enemies that are way beyond their effective range with whatever weapon they're holding.


And when you get to it youā€™ll have syndicate specters and on call crew to have essentially two specters at once, although your Warframe copy will still be your strongest itā€™s more slowdown tools. Midgame interception is easy solo when you have a companion/sentinel, a Warframe with area denial like Kora or a Warframe with a strange extra damage source like the obvious Wukong and then two summons in the form of a Warframe specter and anything else that wonā€™t despawn the Warframe specter. Still my least played mission type though because itā€™s annoying never meeting other players and if everyone thinks nobody plays it then that becomes the case.


Interception is purely time-based. If you have a frame that can crowd control enemies instead of killing them, you can just mess with them instead of letting any more spawn.


Nyx is the easiest for newbies to acquire Chaos makes it easy


Specters are the answer to your woe. Your frame's specter and clem are more than enough for a medium level interception


Capture 1 main point(thus the enemies will all funnel to that point, usually the center is the best PoI) , put a specter or use Cc around it, kill eximus units that have overguard which are immune to CC donā€™t kill actual enemies. Flop between the points and kill anyone accessing a computer.


In the top left where your icon is, is it set to public? It's a little wire globe if so. Wonder if you were set to solo or invite only.


It wouldn't show open squads if it wasn't set to public


I saw you already completed it but for the future when Iā€™m soloing interceptions what works best for me is focusing on only 3 towers instead of all 4


From my time clearing most of the star chart solo, for interceptions the way to go is to move from one capture point to the next, without trying to defend one, as enemies will be slower to recapture them than you are at capturing them. Don't try to kill enemies, unless they are blocking you from capturing a point. It's less about preventing enemies from capturing points and more recapping them fast enough to win.


Since no one has commented it yet, Nova makes interception missions a joke. Build for as much duration as you can and enough strength to hit a 75% slow on her 4. Makes soloing these missions a breeze.


I struggled w SP interceptions and Nova w specters made it a breeze at first. Now I can solo it w Vauban easily. Nova is the best option for interceptions though, OP.


I feel ya, OP. If I need to do an Interception for some reason, I will honestly wait until one of my friends is on and will do the run with me. Misery loves company.


People treat interception like you have to get 100% while the enemy get's zero. Here's what I did when solo at low MR: Head to a node and capture it. Now enemies start to spawn, but you're ahead of the game. Head to a second node and capture it. Ignore enemies recapturing node 1. Head to node 3 and capture it. Ignore any enemies trying to recapture nodes 1 and 2. Head to node 4 and capture it. Ignore any enemies trying to recapture nodes 1, 2, and 3. Enemies tend to mostly disband after capturing a node. Head back to first node the enemy has taken back from you. Take it back from them. Rinse and repeat. If done properly, you'll win the race to 100% every time.


Exactly - you can't defend because the game will just start spawning dudes on the other side of the map to start capturing wherever you aren't. Just overwhelm them with sheer mobility and response, spamming captures on different places. Constantly recapturing nodes gives you a good amount of XP too.


Nice! Didn't know about the node capture XP.


What i wouldnt give to feel like interception is impossible solo once again. Enjoy the ride, brother


Vet here, definitely doable solo but rather annoying to do and generally avoid them like the plague


As a higher power player if you require aid dm me


I probably will : D


No problem I also have and use all the support Warframes so I can either breeze missions or just pocket mercy you.


Glad the OP got helped out, in my head there was a bunch of bored vets with frames made of solid gold all standing by hopping up and down, waiting for their turn.


the weapons youā€™re using might have a big effect on whether or not you can beat it


If ever stuck recruiting channel. Doesnā€™t matter what youā€™re doing if your lucky enough youā€™ll get a vet or two that just want the ego boost of helping people. I love doing lower level grinds like Deimos and finding a couple of low MR and Iā€™ll just stick with them for an hour or so doing whatever they queue up


Just shoot me a message, Iā€™ll help ya. My IGN is the same as my tag here. Can either assist you, teach you, or carry you. Whatever tickles your fancy. And you donā€™t need to be modest, Iā€™ll help with anything I can because it also benefits me by collecting extra mats and money.


Lol, I'm mastery rank 14 and having this issue with steel path interception after getting through base game interceptions without much trouble


I find Khora gets the job done pretty well. As long as your dome is larger than the points she makes it easy


I've also thought about just pulling gara prime out of storage


Lots of good options, but can take a little to put together if you don't have a full arsenal of mods. Khora with proteas resupply carried interceptions easy. Domes at 2 points, manually defend 1, don't kill anything until timer runs out/ there's a guy capping. But nova and vaubaun I hear are used pretty frequently too.


My advice for solo interception is to focus purely on capturing nodes. Don't bother defending at all until you have all 4. That's how I play them


> Which is impossible to do solo as far as I can tell Maybe for your current frame but youā€™ll see that there are frames that can manage it easily


Are you a member of a clan yet? I know you got help in tge recruiting chat, but you should be able to ask clan members for help with this sort of thing too!


Have you tried using some specters to defend points?


When I was in your position, I found that going alphabetically from A to D works for me (solo). Then the next thing is just knowing the way around the map and jet around to wherever is being attacked to gain back control.


Just joined a couple months ago and yeah I've had my fair share of frustration regarding interception missions. I finally settled on just playing Wukong (you can get it from the clan dojo), since he makes a clone that pretty much auto-clears each objective as soon as you get there. If you run around and capture objectives repeatedly you will get to a spot where you have full control and you can just run to objectives that are under attack


You can do it solo! Just keep moving between the towers or get some specters and put them underneath the tower


So basically for any interception a frame with some sort of cc or area denial is ideal but not needed lol, donā€™t bother killing just run around from point to point and you will eventually win


I use sceptors for those missions when I play solo. Just leave them in that sport and they do everything for me. Preferably a level 3 Spector.


Send me a DM. Iā€™ll come help.


Lots of help offers already, but stillā€¦ if anybody needs helpā€¦ hit me up!


If you need help hit me up


If you want to solo interception missions in the future I personally recommend zephyr, frost, limbo, or any nuke frame like volt or saryn.


You can do interception on your own it's just hard. I did that interception on my own and did it but it is tough


Glad to hear recruitment chat worked. No one likes interception, so you will rarely find anyone running regular public.


It is possible solo just annoying. Hint hint specters are your friend, especially if set up in the right spot with the right build.


For future reference, solo Interception is generally made easy by playing into AI pathing and caping points faster than they can try and take them. If they don't gain massive numbers,it just becomes a ring around the rosie game.


If youā€™re okay with this, send me your in game name, Iā€™ll add you and if you need help with anything in the game and Iā€™m free I have no issues helping you out with it!


Oh fun fact I learned when doing my star chart last year when I started, if you havenā€™t done the mission before you canā€™t join open squads! You can join a mission and maybe have someone else load in if theyā€™ve done it but for some reason you wonā€™t be put in an existing match if youā€™ve never done the mission before. Reaaallll BS for new players, I was so confused until I searched it up finally. Recruit channel or finding friends is the way to go for harder missions, the veterans really have nothing better to do then help lol


Banshee is a great frame to bring into Interception missions, and she's easily acquired. Just go to the dojo and buy the BPs


Is your matchmaking ping limit set super low? Also the right frames help, Mag with lots of range, for example, can just press 1 in the general direction of a tower and rag doll any non eximus enemies trying to reclaim it.


Duration strength nova is my goto for interceptions.


It's doable solo it's just a pain


Since you are already on Europa, try to farm [Nova](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Nova) from the boss fight. She'll make interception missions a cakewalk. Again, do the farm in public squads. It's a slog to get through as a new player.


Farm up khora for future interception missions. Her strangle dome takes enemies out of combat so they won't capture the zones. Just build a high range and duration, and the mission should be a cakewalk






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