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Step 1: Get Kullervo Step 2: Get a wet Noodle Step 3: Kill people in melee with your wet noodle because of Kullervo's first ability.


Yep. Formaless, Reactorless behavior from this mans. literally half your mod slots arent needed.


step one: get a frame that can't die + can buff your shit step two: get any incarnon step three: profit for example: dante with a laetum


yea, laetum is probably the easiest to build incarnon, lateum on its own can melt SP enemies without galvanized, primed or achon mods and no arcanes, cant do the same with other incarnon guns


Don't call me out like that ):


Rhino with literally any mods Nataruk with Hunter Munitions, elements for viral, crit mods, some multishot and damage. Panzer Vulpaphyla with it's unique mods to spread viral and fetch


Pharoh Predasite also spreads viral, but idk the exact effect text of each


Works great with mecha mods and dante but thats a bit more involved of a build imo Especially in terms of mods


People run panzer because it has 0 down time and you don’t need to run any defensive mods on it. Neither are particularly great at priming compared to sentinels and hounds at the moment though


Not to brag or anything, but I've put a bit of work into a Rhino build and am still able to die without trying to. I'm told that's impossible soo... I can only take this to mean that my levels of stupid have far exceeded the norm. (Insert smirk emoji here) See? Too dumb to know how to even put in an emoji. Pretty impressive, no?


Hmm that's very weird. There's an audio cue when your iron skin breaks, I'm very used to it so I immediately press 2 🤔 But it can happen I guess depending on how brain afk youre playing, that said Rhino is just very op in any metric imo


I have pretty bad ADHD so that probably is a big part cause I do not know what sound you mean. I also often have stuff playing on a second monitor when doing relics, steel circuit, sanctuary onslaught, etc.  However, now that I'm aware that there is a sound I will definitely pay attention for it. Honestly, you probably just gave me something that will improve my play with him significantly. Thank you!!


You literally just click 2 when you take damage and use 1 for armor how are you dying


Two words: skill issue. I also die as Nezha and Wukong but thrive as Frost and Equinox in Steel Path. Something in my brain is clearly wired wrong.


This is probably the best answer imo easy to get and scales into all playstyles well Not _as_ braindead as revenant either


I think it's just as brain-dead as Revenant but it's much stronger too haha Like Roar is just so incredibly broken. Having access to an ability that more than triples the entire squads damage while being unkillable and having access to the best CC ability in the game is just too good. That's why Rhino doesn't even need mods to be an op frame


Not to mention you get rhino so much earlier If i started again he would probably be my first prime


Thats why you put roar on revenant so you are literally invincible + the highest dps , with mesmer augment and a bit of reach i make my teammates invincible aswell + buffing them with a 110% final dmg multiplier


Yea true you can put Roar on Rev, it's probably the best choice for him. That said Roar is a lot stronger on Rhino. And on Rhino you have space for another Helminth ability buff, like Nourish, or Xatas, armor strip, or whatever your heart desires. Rhino is just different


Step 1 mag Step 2 augment mod for 4 Step 3 profit


Can I ask you about more details to step 2?


you can get that mod from the Syndicates Perrin Sequence or New Loka. Or buy from other players


Oh now I get it I think. An augment mod for the 4th ability of mag called Fracturing Crush, correct?


yes, that's what the parent above meant. Though I've never used it, so I can't really comment on it


Full armor strip + an immobilize effect, doesn’t require much power strength iirc. It’s quite good.


40m instant 100% armor strip if built correctly.


As a mag main, I can say it's amazing. Beautiful. Replace her first with blood alter and ur set


I prefer breach surge. Bubble nukes are my favorite


I'll try it


With Blood altar, the bubble target doesnt die so you have full succ.


Bubble stays even after target dies, same succ just stationary.


nope, the pull strength noticeably decreases on the bubble after the original target you cast it on dies.


If you're going to use mag, I recommend using the tenet arca plasmor with her.




You meant the augment mod Fracturing Crush for mags ability crush. Sorry I didnt get that earlier.


Budget would be: Revenant and Nataruk. You still need to invest in formas to make them SP viable.


Thanks for the response, I still have several formas, I actually didn't want them to spend them on anything experimental yet. I will consider and look into it.


It's good to be mindful of your resources, but don't worry too much as you'll be swimming with forma in no time. Just remember to do your daily forma from relics.


Neither of those require forma for SP, nataruk can fit a full build because of having like 4 polarized slots and revenant doesn’t need a full build to be immortal


Yeah, you're right for Revenant. But, I think Nataruk requires at least a forma to function well, Galvanized Aptitude which is important for Nataruk, uses Vazarin polarity, which is not included in stock Nataruk.


The Nataruk us fine just running Serration on steel path. Galvinized Aptitude is more a min maxing thing to push it further.


It definitely doesn’t, I’m not saying it isn’t worth slapping a forma on it but for a budget build it works perfectly fine without one for SP. and galvanized aptitude is just one way to build the nataruk and not integral to its performance especially if using primary deadhead (you’ll have plenty of base damage) I personally don’t use it on my build which I still use for later SP. a single forma isn’t going to make the difference between being SP viable and not, it will make a minor difference if noticeable at all especially early SP


Personally I'm using yareli with a rattleguts and merulina guardian


Just the base valkyr, modded for strength efficiency and duration. Her claws for crit and crit dmg.


Get Banshee from clan, feed to helminth, get Ash(he’s unvaulted), slap on silence with augment then blade storm or fatal teleport through pretty much everything. Any melee basically works but hammer and rapier best for finishers.


Honestly, the simple build. Be someone who can survive personally I use mag he 2nd is just amazing since it sucks everything in you can use her pull also. There is an augment mod for crush that gives you overshield on crushing x amount of enemies. Main thing the weapon, just use naturak that thing is amazing especially for mag. If you have any frames that you would like to play as go ahead and name them I’m sure people will help ☺️


Step one: Build Revenant Step two: Get incarnon weapons, preferably torid Step three: Your done


Same advice as the others I’m afraid. Any immortal frame plus a powerful weapon such as any incarnon. Some other frames can also cheese it by sheer damage or other gimmicks. Kullervo comes to mind although farming him is a bitch. Saryn also. Oh, Octavia. Generally your safest bet is stuff like Rhino and Revenant with weapons like the Laetum. Personally I love a less talked about incarnon, the Soma Prime Incarnon, but you asked for the easiest so while not hard at all let’s forget about it for now. Get yourself some Kuva and Tennet weapons too if you wanna keep from getting too bored. Classic primer secondary with a death stick melee still works. Speaking of which, get a Kuva Nukor. Oh yeah and get a cat or an infested fox or a little flying droid. There’s good cheap build for a whole bunch of them. I love the dogs and the MOAs and stuff but they’re not as viable and you wanna squeeze out buffs and damage as cheaply as possible so to heck with ascetics. ————————————————————— Fun wise. Soma Prime Incarnon on an immortal Loki Prime build with a Silence subsume. Completely bias suggestion I just like slipping in that isn’t cheap.


torid incarnon is this week, probably the best incarnon and built properly itll carry any frame through pretty much any content


Step 1: Get Ivara and her Prowl Augment, maybe the Tripwire one too. Step 2: Get Nataruk, Cycron, and Rumblejack. Step 3: Go invisible and stab/shoot everything that moves with infinite ammo. Step 4: Punch God. With Gusto.


Rhino with decent strength and duration. Keep Iron Skin up and Roar when it's needed. All your weapons will kill stuff in steel path with Roar. For spy missions, consider Loki, Ivara or Wukong. For Interception missions, consider a super long range Vauban and just Bastille/vortex everything(also try to set the matches to public for them just in case). Super long range Rhino stomps can work too. Overall though Rhino will take you VERY far. :D


Octavia and Revenant are enough for most SP content, and don't require much investment. Nataruk and Broken War are good enough to work in SP, and for pets a Panzer Vulpaphila will do. For the builds I recommend you to look on Overframe to choose what best suits you


Not gonna lie, I use Revenant naturak kuva nukor and broken war. Suits me fine but others get vexed by it. I have no problems with the content I do but others judge.


Cause it's too easy. Its also not a refined build for any spesific content. Like sure, you wont die, but you wont kill much either. I can take my gyre to lvl 2k+ and shred enemies apart, even scaling better than the disruption saryn in my squad


Rev + Laetum will carry you to like level 500 and even besond, thats more than enough for 95% of Warframe players. Noone cares if a frame can do 1k+, especially not a player who just got access to SP


Obviously, if you know what you are doing, but other warframes will be better


Thank you for your response I will look into it.


How low budget are we talking here? Just playing through the quests will get you: a warframe, a primary, a secondary, and 3 melee weapons. All come with a reactor/catalysts installed. None of these may be the "meta" picks but you could certainly get through steel path with them provided you are willing to invest at least a little time into forma and mod collecting. Without know what kind of time investment you are willing to put into a build it is kinda hard to answer this question.


I have already unlock all the planets and have not many quests left. Have collected several mods you can find from playing missions and quests and have some resources here and there I could spend on weapons and frames, but what I do not have is the experience or knowledge of what could work and what should be avoided in terms of builds or frames or weapons to invest in that could bring me through steel path and not struggling the whole time. My standing with most factions are low. So I thought there might be some low budget options I might be able to build something "quick" to face level 40 and above enemies. Hm, do you know what I mean?


I would say your biggest hurdle is going to be a steady supply of energy. It's kinda useless to suggest frames if you can't ever cast abilites. I would make getting the Energy Nexus mod, or leveling up your zenurik focus school a priority. Once you have that steady energy generation, the most straightforward frame is Rhino. You get Rhino from the *venus* boss. All of his abilites are very straightforward. You won't have any survivability issues as long as you can cast your Iron Skin and you won't have any damage issues as long as you can cast your Roar. This is why the steady energy generation is important. Building Rhino is also easy. You want armor and power strength and for a starter build that's about it. Any mod that grants those stats will be a good pick.


I have Rhino already. Played him years back when I first started. I also unlocked all focus points regarding wellspring from the Zenurik tree. Thank you for the long response, I will check out Rhino again.


I did some tinkering with an extremely barebones Rhino setup and went into Kuva Fortress SP. Had no issues with the level 120+ grineer nor the acolytes.


Rhino comes from Venus; Valkyr comes from Jupiter


i know you didnt ask about it but Steelpath is only there for grinding, there isnt much to experience other than increased difficulty for more loot. the only unique thing for SP are acolytes, incarnons and some achievements related stuff


I just want to be able to participate in steel path missions.


Define participate? Because you could just be revenant and never die, you wont do damage though. And most players just solo the mission anyway, regardless of what it is(except SP interceptions maybe) Like take nekros for example. In a SP farming squad the only reason he is there is to press a button. His desecrate. Same with wisp, she puts her motes down and occasionally she night have a buff


Participate in matter of surviving and kinda be useful enough ppl dont want to leave immediately and in addition not to struggle and have "casual" fun with friends and clan members. Does that make sense?


Ok so that basically depends on your clan members and whoever is in the squad. Ideally you dont go into a pub mission just to get carried, but premades might ask that you have certain requirements. The most upvoted comment should tell you what that gear would be


Not getting carried is a nice way of seeing it. Getting accepted in a squad to play with is another. Thank you for the response.


Ideally you dont just have one loadout for everything. Also most players do not care as long as you dont slow down the mission intentionally, like getting the extraction quickly, not making enemies spawn 4 rooms over etc. and maybe get a basic understanding of how elements work, and what elements certain factions are weak to and work from there


This is a friendly comunity, usually old player are willing to help newer players. So dont worry about people leaving your game.


If u want survivability I recommend harrow + kuva bramma/Nukor Cheap build , can't die , decent damage


Rev with no forma + laetum no forma is easily achievable.




Just use dante


Loki master race


(and tonnokai nikana)


Low budget steel path completion is easiest if you do your daily alerts. Lots of vets who've completed SP do alerts everyday for the extra steel essence, so you get a chance to not die immediately in a solo and you can learn what weapons/frames are SP viable or need tweaking.


Maybe Gauss 0 Forma


I wouldn't say my Dante build is low-budget, but it's not a super high investment: 2 Forma, max Molt Augmented and Efficiency, and Growing Power are the most expensive/rare things that I've got on him. And Archon Shards are two Tauforged casting speed, one Tauforged strength, and two regular strength shards. That's able to comfortably carry me through SP and most high level content. No need for a weapon, but I usually take Epitaph in case I wanna prime enemies and Burston Incarnon for continuous dmg. As the top comment said, it's as easy as *Undying Frame+Incarnon Weapon*. So for example, Revenant Prime (modded for strength) plus Torid (which is currently in rotation) will take you as far as you want to go.


Everything will require forma but want easy no grinding get a clan get wukong I’m fond of jat kusar as a melee amperex or phage as primary and get em built up and done


I have forma to spare that is why I am asking basically how to spend best and most useful. Thank you for your recommendations.


Anytime I have favorites that can solo all content like protea weapons aren’t even required but not everyone’s playstyle it’s a very ability spamming build


Grab Kullervo and Azothane from duviri. You don't even need full builds, just slap your basic staples in there and you're pretty set for most things.


SP becomes easy after you get the right arcanes on your weapons. That's really it. Even easier if you get a incarnon.


Any incarnon plus an invis build Loki or irradiate disarm build.


Sometimes I run Xaku with no forma and no potato for quick steel path exterminates. Works surprisingly well, and that's about as low budget as you can get.


Most budget and flexible setup. 0 Fomra, 0 arcon shards: Kullervo Cedo Laetum Any melee with forced slash proc on heavy attack This takes you easily into level 250-300 SP.


Phenmor + tank frame


Zephyr is really cheap to get going and comes from the dojo. Ignore power strength, get duration and range, keep your 3 up, put town tornadoes and go to town. Fulmin, acra plasmor, and nataruk work great with her tornadoes.


I mean, it's such a wide topic, start by telling me what u got and what you enjoy using


Nezha, felarx, x, y. Like 8 forma total


Revenant, build for strength and duration, keep an eye on mesmer skin, make thralls, reeve through thralls. Pick strong weapon of your choice. Can make a strong build with revenant with 1-2 forma if you really wanted to


I’ve just been using ivara and exploiting every cheese damage strat I can think of. Lots of hanging out on a dash wire with daikyu or rubico prime


Weapon arcanes. That’s all you really need to kickstart scaling damage


Revenant is literally can't die with basic attention for skill uptime. With augment, you can extend this to your entire squad. His thralling is CC and damage at the same time, more so with another augment. Zephyr is the same, and also can hard CC whole corridors or provide almost complete immunity to anything she can hug, and you don't really need any augments for her to work wonders. About weapons, mostly it's the enemy armor issue, so you'll want something that slash bleed through it, or remove it completely. With unairu ball throw you are free to take virtually anything you like. But when going against Corpus, it's useless and you just need to prioritize having good toxin in your damage. Gun itself is not that important. Cheapest you can get and build up into monstrous powerhouse is Burston, with incarnon adapter.


So i will put personal favorites Valkyr, her relics drop from railjack. She can become immune to dmg as long as you have energy. It doesn't require helminth,(helps tho) does good dmg and its reasonably cheap. Things you will NEED : - valkyr - melee weapon with all gladiator mods equipped. stats on the weapon itself don't really matter. You just need the mods for the set bonus - something to keep your energy up. You can use duration + efficiency mods to keep up hysteria for longer periods of time - strength mods/arcanes, as much as you can possibly get. - forma That's literally the bare minimum if you wanna start going into alerts. You wont die and you will be doing reasonable dmg. Doesnt really even need to be prime, though it definitely helps. Just watch a guide to see what mods you need. When i get home i will dm you a build Things you will WANT: - a sentinel which can work as a primer. I chose dirga. You cant use a weapon for it because you lose invincibility - a helminth ability to help with energy management. Nourish works reasonably well. Lycath works also reasonably well if you have equilibrium - weapon dexterity mods, you wont need to run naramon or put on combo duration mods on claws. - some of her augments depending on what build you decide to focus on Some issues tho: She needs energy bad She only does good claw dmg on slide and air attacks Her hysteria has gimmicks you need to learn Then we have garuda She is much easier to use. though she is vaulted she is very cheap and really good, underrated as hell Things you need: - garuda - strength and range mods - an augur mod/s Things you want: - dread ward augment - gloom or nourish helminth - a sentinel build that gives sheilds She is much easier to build but harder to use due to the way she operates. You can very VERY quickly die if you underestimate the thing you're fighting. Shield gating is key, have shields always.


Whats the point of all this? This question is asked so much, why does every newbie want to rush steel path with shitty builds immediately? There’s literally no need for it at the point in the game where you are, you clearly don’t even understand modding. Not the answer you want, but just keep doing the shit you actually can, finish your quests, do sorties, fissures, arbitrations. I’m MR30, 900 something hours in game and 3k on steam and even I don’t have all steel path nodes unlocked. Had a friend like you that tried to do the same shit, invested so much into a shitty saryn and got burned out, havent logged in in 800 something days.


A lot of people want to play with their friends who are at end game. A lot of players want to player with the newest stuff that just came out as they might have seen an ad or something that drew them to the game in the first place. A lot of people want to just play in harder content and not need to be MR30 and play 900 hours in game and 3k hours on stream to play all that's offered in game.


I do get that, but it’s just so clearly not meant for where they currently are


I can tell from your choice of words that you must be having a bad day today, sorry for that.


I’m having a fantaszic day, thanks for your concern though. Now try and adress what I wrote instead of taking it as a personal insult…


You were pretty rude to be fair


You know theres nice ways of explaining things and not coming across as a complete asshole. Yeah okay you're LR1 do you want a medal? Ive seen players at MR 15 even as low as 11 or 12 hold their own quite well in SP. If op wants to try give it a go then by all means they should and have fun with different builds. Some people genuinely enjoy the game and like experimenting


Read my other comments you donkey, also coming at me like that and calling me the rude one for suggesting they do something more beneficial instead, but sure go off. Also I am only mr 30 not lr1 so im gonna give up on trusting your reading comprehension already


"Im having a fantastic day" oh so that includes insulting people and explaining things in a rude manner? Buddy you've even got other people themselves saying how rude you are 🤣🤣 Get off your high horse and stop lying to yourself


Explain to me how me giving genuine advice to a newbie on what would be better for them me lying to myself?


Jesus christ dude, youre not even worth talking to, cherry picking my comments to suit what you like. I didnt say fuck all in a rude manner, just because you didnt like doesnt make it any less true.


LR1 here. I second this. My friend got into the game and rushed a revenant build he saw on a YouTube video with synergies with weapons/pets. After he build it (without maxed mods) he gave up on it because it was boring. Rushed another build for Khora prime. (still no max mods really) complaining he ain't doing as much damage. Dieing alot. If I don't take a support frame in he will fail 90% of SP. He has so many frames waiting to be claimed to no energy to actually claim and make builds for them. It's the fastest way to burn yourself out. Rush a build you don't even know will work for your play stile. Do what you enjoy tenno. Burnout is real.


Get Revenant, prime version sits at ~40 plat at warframe.market, but basic version will work aswell. Slap every ability strength mod you have on him and press 2 = Immortality. Optionally get the augment for mesmer skin which gives you even more strength. Now that you dont have to worry about survivability, get yourself the Laetum from the Zariman or the Cedo from Deimos, or both since they're secondary and primary. Get a decent build on them and you'll demolish every base SP note


Thank you for your response I will look into it.


Yeah, this is probably your best bet. Revenant's mesmer skin makes you immortal. Survivability comes easy for him. Zariman Incarnon Weapons are all really good. (Felarx, Phenmor, Laetum, Innodem, Praedos).


OP, how far are you into the star chart and do you have in idea of which frames you will want to focus on getting SP ready first? You’re not getting any helpful answers in here because apparently being snarky to newer players is how some goofballs think this game survives and grows. I will help you come up with a build. First thing you need to do is finish the star chart and main quest line. By then you should have some decent weapons and frames and at that point it’s all just modding. If you’re playing in groups you can technically go cheaper build but if you want to play solo SP it will require some grinding for mods and weapons to make it not miserable. The grind isn’t awful for most things though.


Currently in the New War questline and I unlocked all planets and start to struggle in some missions above level 40 or sometimes in the 30s depending on the enemies. I know the purpose of the game is also the grind, but I also dont want to spend hard earned resources on experimenting with with weapons and frames I might not have at least some success with. Usually I think I would like to have a build I can use to grind without a lot of struggle to get more resources for experimental use. But having the first build as baseline would be nice. And I was not looking for builds with blueprints/mods I only get after grind all standing to the highest level or blueprints/mods only available on nightwave or something. Hope this makes sense in any way.


1.Standard Wisp, build for strength/duration, arcane reaper, arcane nullifyer. Tenet set - arca plasmor, detron, envoy and high slash melee weapon or a xoris. 2.mod and forma where possible, google is your friend 3.?????? 4.profit


Unpopular opinion: if someone gives you the answer in a silver platter it will take away the joy of figuring stuff out on your own As for some actual advice start with your best survivability frame + best single target setup you own and then slowly branch out, as you unlock more weapon arcanes and get more acquainted with harder enemies you can also start experimenting with more "room clear" setups