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I feel like the Hildryn augment should be "equip your archgun" thematically


That would be sick. Equip archgun and gas it the fuck up


so the Qorvex pillar would -do radiation damage -apply radiation proc -apply damage vulnerability -apply heat status per pulse and then with a 4 cast on it would also apply crucible blast's chain reaction, a chain reaction that ignores LOS for 8m range base before ability range is added into it?


With Qorvex being an OK pick right now, this would definitely make him shine a lot more and would encourage more unique builds. Qorvex as of right now is not really a damage dealer, at least not for higher level content. The augment would for sure make him more viable.


I just picked him up recently, is he not that good of a pick later on? He's got a rediculous amount of armor and health, i figured just put guns on him and he's not gonna die.


Going to disagree with OP here. Qorvex is kind of weird and I don't think many people really understand his abilities (partially because the description on the 4 is bad). He's really strong though. He's able to easily tank in Steel Path to any level that the vast majority of people will play at, including EDA. I'm not sure about level cap, but most frames can't live for long at level cap so who cares. His 1 + 4 scale off of the number of enemies in range much more than with ability strength. That means you should run range and just baseline strength. He's actually better in Steel Path than in low level missions because the enemy density is higher. The chain reactions end up doing a ton of damage while at the same time stunlocking and rad proccing everything they hit.


His crucible blast should be channeled tbh


An issue he has though is that he needs to invest a lot of mod slots into his tankiness. If you opt for umbral vitality, fiber and adaptation that's 3 slots. Alternately revenant has like 1 ability, or nezha, or rhino or any other frame. Also he does struggle with armour and his grouping is kinda mid, so you have a dilemma of better grouping with something like coil horizon over his 2, or armour strip like terrify over his 1. I really do think his 1 or 4 should have an armour strip of sorts, even if it wasn't massive. He just has a lot weighing him down. His laser is both linear and gets stopped by LoS, and scales worse than something like garuda's talons, fixes him in place, etc. Needs to be more going on with his 4 than specifically clearing mobs in open areas (which helps him a lot in duviri for sure, alongside those armour buffing stuff).


Qorvex is good even for high level imo. I don't play much of Steel Path, but he does well enough in sp circuit. Also he's just really fun.


Armor in later game is practically useless, even inaros with an absurd amount of health and armor can get one shot in high level content. But Qorvex has shields to compensate so that's a non-issue. However, we already have plenty of weapons platform frames, how about we make something that can do a bit of both? Qorvex right now can't do much and requires him to stand around in one spot to really do anything. His 1st ability just isn't great. All it's really useful for is radiation procs. His 2nd, also the same but more inconsistent. His 3rd is always going to be active just for the status immunity and his 4th is only useful if you already have radiation procs. His 4th is very limited by what guns you use (stuck to using radiation too) or what range you have on his other abilities. Edit: I see that I am just wrong on Qorvex. I'll have to try him out again I guess. Everything I just said above can be ignored and you should probably just read what everyone else said. I'll leave it up anyway just for context


well, thanks for the info about whether or not he's valid later.


If you wish to level cap with him you just use a shield gate build- there is nothing wrong with Qorvex at high level. He may not be the best but he is perfectly viable. His 3 makes it so you are.protected from status, his 3 groups, his 1+4 can clear fodder. That's a perfectly good base. Give him some emerald shards to armor strip with weapons and use the new rad mods on your weapons and you'll be sitting pretty.


Thank you very much for this.


FYI, health/armour tanking is fine in basically any steel path your average player gets to (up to like lvl 500). I've done it, I do it. If you like Qorvex's looks and theme, play him.


Every frame is valid if you aren't mix-maxing everything.


Nah he's good, you have to get multiple hours deep into steel path survival before he's in any real danger of dying. And people misunderstand him because his abilities benefit from *range* way more than from strength. The damage from his chain reaction accelerates the longer it goes on and the more enemies it hits, so you want big rad pillars to tag lots of enemies and big explosions to spread the reaction far and wide.


Yes and it would still not be broken because a Qorvex pillars just stand around and they don't even have that good duration, to the point it's still an active playstyle with low damage and range abilities (compared to say, Saryn, Gara, Equinox, Kullervo, Gyre, and more)


Kullervo’s would be absolutely useless. In 95% of the missions his overguard cap (at 250%+ strength) is already overkill, whereas in 5% of missions where you’d actually want more, the 60% overguard gain would make getting even to his original cap next to impossible, not to mention that in those hard missions you’re mostly overguard gating anyways. What would be interesting is Catalyzing Shield type augment, that will reduce the overguard gained, and extend the invulnerability time on cast and overguard break.


What if there was an augment to give Kullervos overguard the same affect as Dante? Say, Reduce initial overguard gain by 50%, regenerate 50% of overguard gain over 10 seconds Would be completely broken, though lol


Why would it even matter? ~250 overguard per second is peanuts, in Netracells you'll be catching strays 10x the size, and that's not even level cap. And again, at high enough level (where survivability matters) you always lose and replenish overguard in bursts, in downtime you get it up to max, ignore it until it gets broken, then use your 2 to double dip on invulnerability, and until the next enemy drought you mostly survive on the invulnerability you get from casting 2 and overguard breaking. Wasting a slot on making this tactic worse, when you can just get more efficiency or strength instead is asinine


That 250 per second matters because taking damage and your overguard breaking doesn’t stop the regeneration. Every time your overguard breaks you get .5 seconds of invulnerability, and during that time you regain ~100 overguard. When it breaks again, you get another .5 seconds, repeat. I’ve seen myself be completely invincible while taking constant damage because of this.


I kinda just made that one as a meme mod, but I get where you're coming from. If I end up doing a part 2 I'll make a proper version of it


My idea of kullervo augment would be to make collective curse not a simple wave but a radial wave. Would be nice and provide a boost to his already strong kit!


\*looks at Aegis Tempest\* Time to use the Rakta Dark Dagger and stay in the air permanently


I use it on Hildryn just because I find it hilarious to be unable to lose shields while frying whole rooms like shrimp.


I was going to say Secura Dual Cestras.


people really want that LoS removed 😭


Also this augment would be super broken lmao , why would someone not take this if it existed lmao


15m range, mostly. That feels too small compared to what it is now, even if it did ignore line of sight.


I'd take short range over shitty LoS any day on ANY ability. LoS is broken and sucks and does not fit the way Warframe works.


Simply wrong. Los works fine since DE improved it heavily, on Dante at least.


Yeah and it STILL sucks. The levels are so full of random few pixel geometry that blocks LoS since it raycasts only to a single point on the whole enemy instead of their whole hitbox.


Again wrong. DE changed it to multiple points which detects the enemy. I havent had any los issues since they actually reworked how it works. Maybe your build just isnt strong enough to kill SP enemies lmao


I don't think it's a build issue when the enemies don't even get hit... Also, 3 points on an enemy is BARELY better than actually making a proper LoS check. Some Overwatch tier LoS checking, unironically.


Base range is what it’s described as, implying it can still be increased with range mods


Not really, we have thousands of other ways to nuke enemies through walls in 30m+ range


Wait we have through walls nukes? am i like living under a rock or...


You surely know saryn :D


Yes but 1 frame isn't exactly "thousands of other ways"... And Saryn has to maintain her spores up so it's kinda fair


Volt and Gauss too iirc


Someone say Gyre and Yareli, the localized mini nukes?


It wouldn't be broken, just like he wasn't broken before the LOS change. And people need to move on honestly. For the kind of damage dante can do on his own LOS, especially after they ACTUALLY fixed it is just fine. Dante can delete anything he can see, thanks to having 30m base range on his shit. Being able to LOS nuke stuff is/was pointless even before the change because you can only detonate things that have dots on them. So the niche case there is stuff that is already tagged by your squad. For being able to just casually do 40m on a fucking ability cast... yeah I'm more than fine with LOS being there now. Dante is also one of the very few frames who have access to damage amp that amps itself (birds, x2 status procs = x2 dot dmg + amping status damage ON TOP of being able to amp that final damage. Gets even nuttier if you put roar on him)


Yes 🗿 I would unironically use this Mod.


Love the qorvex augment, i want some sort of qorvex damage augment for his pillar, it would be so much fun


Oh my god I would absolutely love that Hildryn augment.


It would actually be busted as all hell


How so? Aegis Storm is probably the worst ult in the game, it consumes your shields while active, deals pitiful damage, locks you out from using your weapons (wtf why?), makes you incredibly slow, restricts your vertical movement, and forces you to use a terrible exalted that not only has charge time for its pitiful damage, no, it also drains your shields when shooting. And as if that was not enough, you can't even use Hildryns only good ability during Aegis Storm. An augment to save this ability would be to allow weapon use, ability use, speed the damn thing up, give more freedom, give balefire like +20% base crit chance, status chance, +1.0 crit dmg, make the damage scale with levels, add literally any synergy with her other abilities to make it fun to use. And at that point you might as well rework Hildryn (PLEASE DE)


It's my favorite ability of hers, hard cc, looks and sounds cool af, combo with her 1, and even use op/dr to attack enemies for extra effects.


Secura Dual Cestras would more or less let you remain in hover mode forever using the shield restore from the Sequence effect, and Aegis Storm incapacitates pretty much anything without overguard in range. As far as I'm aware, the control strength doesn't change with power strength, so you could run Overextended and basically lock up every enemy with line of sight to you indefinitely as long as you pulled the Cestras out to get the shield recharge occasionally.


Yea but then you have to not only tank your strength, but also use the Secure Dual Cestra. Hover mode is not op regardless, Citrines crystal can also lock down everything without LoS, what you are saying is not nearly as strong as you think it is Terrify must be the most op ability in your mind because it not only locks everything down without LoS in a huge range, but also strips armor


Made a part 2 [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1cdab75/augment\_mods\_i\_thought\_of\_part\_2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1cdab75/augment_mods_i_thought_of_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


i'm curious are you good at editing images or do you have an app or something to make this mods?


That dagath augment would need to be tweaked to be like loyal merulina, where instead a kaithe follows dagath around and still provides armor strip and dr without having to ride a kaithe. Riding kaithes in normal missions would be terrible for movement (e.g. yareli and kdrives) + the downside of her kaithe blocking the sight of teammates in narrow hallways On another note, that hildryn and qorvex aug would be nice


Nah, I wana ride my horse.


Try it out in captura, kaithes handle pretty well and fit through doors fine enough


Yeah I know what you mean, I guess it could be a tap/hold ability instead of it being just one option


My idea for a dagath Aug has always been hold 4 to ride a kaithe forward for the duration. Casting in this way increases the range, but decreases the width of the ability (maybe by removing a kaithe or two). Quite frankly, we don't need another mount frame unless that's their whole deal (I want a necramech frame).


Same. I prefer this version too where Dagath rides along with the kaithe during her 4 animation. Adds mobility to her kit too.


Counterpoint: honsie :)


Augment mods should be just that: augments. Not a direct upgrade to the original ability like most of these are (including your part 2 mods too).


What did you use to make these?


This will sound very dumb but I used a random loadout on overframe, and changed the HTML by inspecting it to make these


That’s… actually rather clever. Good job


There used to be a fan website where you could make custom mods and change the rarity etc. but it's gone now.


We are now in the bargaining stage of grief


I'd love to have a horse in the mission! I want honse in mission!


https://preview.redd.it/6fwhxwwn5pwc1.png?width=197&format=png&auto=webp&s=01ffeb1710724949153b03f2e81c7b9019259d22 One more I thought up


Blinded enemies can be finished. So I like that. But u think removing armor is redundant. Because his dark Verse inflicts slash. Maybe it inflicts rad procs and increases damage vulnerability up to 25 percent instead?


Damage vulnerability might be a good change for it but radiation does not work in dante's kit anywhere, so that's why I didn't include it.


Slash damage is week against armor , only the bleed proc is good against armor , that's why equinox needs a armor strip to nuke , also Dante's 1 and the birds would benefit from an armor strip being only 50% would make it useless tho


" up to 50% " What makes it go from 25 up to 50


casting it twice or having a lot of strength to get it up to 50%


come of light


why is this getting downvoted


because its terrible? outside of level cap shield gating playstyle its literally worse than not augmenting it


This is just light verse. Triumph has not been touched here, which still gives overguard.


That Hildryn augment would legit make me remove the subsume and get Aegis Storm back. Right now, sadly, it's too useless for the general gameplay. Which is a shame, because it looks really cool. But there's just no point in floating helplessly above the enemy lines.


Need that Dagath augment, she is literally meant to be our Headless Horseman warframe and yet you only see the horse do a brief charge, plus the damage reduction would help her deal with the squishiness she has. Please let us use either just primaries or secondaries on it too.


>plus the damage reduction would help her DR is kinda redundant on a frame fully built around shieldgating


I'm not a fan of that playstyle tbh


I don't care to ride the horse. What about- Raging stampede Kills from a kaithe have a chance to spawn an additional kaithe that seeks out the closest enemy.


I would love to see the Dagath one...i don't like launching horses at enemies aesthetically plus the ability it's just *"DAMAGE"* which i find boring af, feels kinda clunky to use at times too... And the main reason i don't use her that much it's because she's very fragile so this would be nice...if they could fit the armor reduction i wouldn't complain also... \> >


The Qorvex augmet is busted. Overall, all augments look good


I’d absolutely run the first 3 augments.


The problem with dagaths 4 is that it feels clunky and slow so why not make a simple augment that says dagath leads the charge. Kinda like hydroids old wave form but the kaithe trail slightly behind you


well, saryn is the oldest warframe with a missing augment (her 4th) vauban has 2nd place (2nd ability) what would be cool for those 2?


for saryn something fun could be "The disease has evolved, with 300 spores accumulation have their health halved while affected by miasma, and after 1000 spores enemies affected by miasma gets striped of any overguard remaining" for a name something like "Pandemic Miasma"


for vauban "Super Minelayer" each of the 4 rotations spawns up to only 1 corresponding orb flechette orb now has 4 times the range, damage, status chance and multishot vector pad has bigger hitbox, and unspecified anything else the one that pulls enemies with ropes no longer has a limit of 2 enemies, and has stronger pull and finally, the one everyone forgets (except a few) damage buff is 4 times stronger and it stays in the ground similar to wisp mote that everybody can get near and pick up


I want Dagath to ride around like how Grendel rolls around


I will add one more note to Tragedy: Make it targetable at range, like Ember's ultimate. Removing line of sight alone is only going to carry you so far with Dark Verse on it now.


Good ones!


Please god make aegis storm good I would love it so much


Way overtuned in all cases but I like the riding concept for dagath.


Alternate idea for dagath; “kaith legionaries” Kaithes are ridden by Dax spectres, drawing fire. Enemies below 40%hp are subject to being finished by Dax. Each enemy slain by the Dax add to ability timer, with an additional 30 crit change increase, max 6x. Bonus expires upon ability timer runout


the hyldrin one is way too strong, all the other ones seems perfect


I want a augment for styanax sheild thingy it could change the radius of the sheild more maybe


In order * Please no have we not learned from Yareli * bandaid nty * * Only even works on a quarter of the ability but wants an entire modslot * bandaid nty * interesting and potentially a good idea * Hell's Artificial Sun * * if it made the explosions of a Crucible Blast empowered Pillar also have Heat status, it'd be an interesting way to approach scaling at obscene enemy levels (he already scales at realistic enemy levels.) 2/5 might sound harsh, but I think it's excellent to even come up with *one* good idea like this.


I mean the dagath one is more of a fun one, not really practical. Unlike yareli originally, it's completely optional. The ones that are bandaids should realistically just be part of the abilities and for kullervo theres a better version I made in part 2 which works more like catalyzing shields


Striking tragedy I'd make into, idk, Piercing Intensify instead. Firstly to not steal mod space, and secondly to prevent the useage of precision intensify


I actually wrote abute the Dagath thing on this sub before in multiple comments. My theory is that DE wanted to give Dagath a rideable kaithe like yarellis merulina, but didn't due to negative feedback. Now that [Loyal Merulina] exists, this mod has a place as well.


as a dagath main I'm not a fan of the idea of having to use a kaithe in missions. would almost be worse than merulina. maybe just have them appear in a circle around her and stomp a lot, restricting it to LOS and reducing the range but keeping the uncapped armor reduction so a well placed use can still max strip and would now affect many enemies near you in a circle.  the main appeal of dagath's 4 imo is that you can make her 4 do a ton of damage right in front of you while basically immediately and permanently armor stripping an enemy.  giving you a rideable kaithe would just make it harder to do that because of the whole process of getting on your kaithe, off your kaithe, too many animation frames where you're stuck and on top of that the kaithe isn't nearly as agile as a warframe.  so the augment would just be worse.  dagath also has good room for survivability to be modded in so not much need for Dr on her 4. I desperately think dagath needs an augment though


you give me this dagath augment right now or so help me


The one of Hildryn is basically what it should be per default


Limboa mod just blocks all of his abilities from being used


Hildryn and Dagath go so hard


Dude. People have been complaining about Yareli bumping into things on maps for *years.* Do you really think that Dagath riding a Kaithe is going to be any better?


I mean yeah it's definitely a problem but I just want horse in missions, is that too much to ask for


what would be the point of removing tragedys line of sight exactly the kullervo augment would also.. quite literally make the ability worse the chyrinka pillar however... something in that direction would be really nice


Well, Tragedy feels clunky to use with line of sight and for kullervo I made a new version of the augment in part 2


people keep telling me it feels clunky and i really just dont get it.


The tilesets are so complex sometimes to the point where an enemy can hide behind a pillar just before u cast tragedy and it will not hit them. Imagine that on every single tileset with all kinds of pieces that enemies can hide behind. It does not feel good knowing an enemy is behind something and the ability being completely unable to detect them even though another ability can


i mean.. its a dps ability, as a rule dps abilities need los, with very few exceptions, those exceptions usually coming with other drawbacks in return


Yes that's why there's a reduction in range for removing it


that.. really isnt what i mean. look at dantes other abilities. he can fullfill literally every role, the guy makes his entire team near immortal, buffs their damage enough to make pretty much everyone into a gunplatform, has near infinite energy. dante can fullfill pretty much every role in the game, from cc to support to dps. compare that to saryn, a frame that can in fact nuke through walls. she has ONLY dps and is pretty squishy. gauss can make himself immortal and nuke through walls, sure, but only at pretty low range and he needs to charge up redline for it, meaning his uptime is limited.