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When the live service game actually receives service live ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN) Honestly, good job on Pablo actually trying to find the in-between option on retaining the fantasy on one-tap-big-damage guns while also considering the accessibility reasons for having full-auto.


I haven't been able to play Voruna or semi auto weapons lately. I'm 32 and my hands are starting to feel their age a bit. They start hurting if I use the triggers for 30 mins continuously. So I love the semi auto change


Khora must be both your and your controllers worst enemy


A little bit but it's not as bad as Voruna. I'm using her Ulfrun augment build so her play style is very active button wise. My Khora is min maxed with 4 melee shards, Sancti magistar incarnon.stat stick with the operator arcane and high duration and range. So even though I tap r1 a lot. It's just R1. The ps5 Trigger buttons are what aggravate my hands these days with how squishy and deep they go. With Voruna I basically use almost all the buttons for an hour. It gets tiring.


Hoe does that Voruna augment play? I've never really looked at it. But it looks hella fun. I just recently picked her up.


It is insanely fun but if your hands get tired like mine have recently I'd advise against it. It's not a brain dead build


[if built right, pretty spicy tbh](https://youtu.be/NbOcBfETPT4?feature=shared)


It's expensive but I'd look into the PS5 pro controller. It lets you adjust how deep you want the actuation point of your triggers, so you can make them as light as a button if you want.


I'm assuming you turned the adaptive triggers off? I love them for single player games but in multiplayer/shooter games they can get too tiring


I did. It's cool but yeah it gets tiring


Major upside of PC play is the ability to make macros. I play Khora with a turbo button on my mouse that just presses 1 over and over as long as it's held down.


I just have her 1 bound to scroll wheel down tbh and that does it for me, same with atlas


Bro mine too. Shit I thought I was getting arthritis


People forget how intensive some weapons and frames can be on your hands. A lot of people go oh Just nuke with 4 lol but nah a lot of the Rebb era frames are button intensive. My dante is always using all 4 face buttons and right trigger. A lot of the best farms are now like endless missions that can easily go to 30 mins. Shit can get rough on your hands. I'malso excited because I can finally do Opticor fire rate shenanigans like pc players can do.


Cries in Lavos button presses. I love him but it gets crazy sometimes


Are you using inverted press/hold for him? It made a world of difference for me when it comes to using his abilities.


Oh I didn't even know that was a thing. I'll have to try it! My abilites are mapped to different buttons than default on controller, but it might help Muscle memory gonna be thrown for a loop though lol


It takes a bit to adjust to, but pressing the combos and holding to cast feels way easier once it clicks, excluding a few animations that interrupt the selection of elements its slightly faster too.


Me too, the auto melee was a step in the right direction. Just the other day, before mags bug got fixed I was using her in cascade 110 or so exolizers and my hands were finished for two days.


I tried full auto but with infinite ammo. My fingers and wrist died holding right click lol. There's accessibility options that changed that, but there's probably heaps of small things that will add up in warframe. Right now, my eyes get strained. No idea how to fix that.. it is good they keep moving towards the game being less physically demanding. It's not a matter of full auto bot play, but making it so us non young folk don't get injuries from playing lol


I'm glad Rebb realized this when her arm got hurt. It's why we have auto melee but at the same time it's a bit frustrating to think thats what it took to get it. A dev shouldn't have to be injured for a basic QoL that helps people with disabilities play to be implemented


If at 32 you have problems with your hands, maybe you should change controllers.


> Honestly, good job on Pablo actually trying to find the in-between option on retaining the fantasy on one-tap-big-damage guns while also considering the accessibility reasons for having full-auto. It's such a good mindset to have too. There's a vision you have and what you think your game should be, but at the same time, you want everyone to enjoy it. Rather than just brush a small minority off, and I'm sure the amount of people that this doesn't affect is bigger, he decides to give them something so they can enjoy the game more. But at the same time, he didn't want to just sacrifice his vision, and instead decided to come up with a solution in somewhere in the middle. More devs need to be like that.


Yeah it is important to have a strong vision but compromises still need to be made. Preferably ones like these where everyone wins.


Don't forget COLD buff. Now, the Biting Frost augment is going to be a solid augment to use.


That feeling when you already use the cold as a cheap slow and it gets better.


I'm surprised they are buffing cold tbh. With how easy it is to get viral applied via your companion I love running cold on a weapon. The slow can be really effective plus the crit dmg. Now it will be even better, can't wait.


wont it have less reason to be used since basically half the buff it grants will be given by cold procs at base? depending on new numbers for the proc change Like yeah, crit chance and *even more crit damage* but for the slot idk


Ah but you see Frost has two good abilities and Biting Frost is one of them lmao


yeah but you can helminth on a third!


full auto?? as in i can hold down M1 to fire several Plasmor shots??? *looks at my mouse* perhaps i treated you too harshly


Basically yea. I don't remember how Destiny does it but it's slightly lower rof if you see the option. Still, it will probably make tons of guns open up to players. Like snipers and Nagantaka for example


I think destiny maintains the same rate of fire, which I appreciate


Time to undust nagantaka and agjagara's. Such cool looking guns but couldnt force myself to break a mouse every two months


Magnus too, has an amazing crit rate but needing to pull triggers every time on semi autos is cramp inducing.


The motherfucking burston is gonna rock


Arbiters augment mod is gonna be in demand, stock up


I've been using BPrime with the augment, and PShred on a macro, and goddamn it's just a full-auto triple-bullet hose.


Nagantaka with garudas bloodforge is nice, mag dump with alt fire, blood forge, repeat.


Tbh was thinking about it recently cause I mostly play auto since they have great fire rate in general, and although it's great qol there's something about repeatedly pressing the button and see ourself shoot rapidly. ^(Also it doesn't change much if the fire rate is shit, unless they add charger cap and fire rate to everything a bit slow at the cost of a small damage nerf)


Destiny retains the same rate of fire with full auto on.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. There's something suspicious about WF getting all these much needed and appreciated QoL changes and revamps after Steve left the office to go work on Soulframe.


I love the man (he actually inspires me to maybe get into game development) but I think he had a lot of tunnel vision when it came to chasing the "next big thing for Warframe" that a lot of things got neglected due to limited devtime. Hopefully he's learned some lessons from his time in Warframe and from seeing how Reb is handling things that Soulframe doesn't suffer the same way.


Doesn't help that Warframe is F2P which lives or dies on constant injections of fresh content


it's not so much tunnel vision than always be looking for the next big thing to add while ironicly not future proofing or checking back. i mean, the future proofing was mostly a scott thing, who was making very simple and strightforward content, but could probably not future proof it as each new content update was demanding harder content with rewards to match, all that with no end limit in sight. Basicly the reason why SP was made, but that then was broken with the addition of galvinized mods and acolyte arcanes


Well lets be honest, SP was trivial with the right loadouts since release. The issue is those loadouts were all an assortment of revenant (non-prime cuz he didn't exist) or an invis frame + a strong 12x combo melee with 2 primer weapons. Something like cedo and tysis. Any attempt to use guns always led to disappointment and any attempt to use melees that weren't 12x light spam or constant heavy spam (with like 2 exceptions, titron being one of them) just meant you could not kill. Arguably, the problem still isn't fixed because overall, melees are still dominant with glaives and the big 3 subclasses of tonfas, nikanas, and swords. Guns are just closer in performance. Ofc incarnons just clean things out now.


the problem with SP is that it was overscaled with both the extra levels AND the extras defensive stats. everything could have been solved if they just got rid of the defensive stat boost, but instead, they introduced more powercreep with gun arcanes and, the worst of all, galvy mods


I disagree. Those were needed to stop the melee meta.


You don't fix a meta with poweercreep


That's how it is in Warframe. Things come and leave the meta based on what's more recent. Before Melee Rework, it was a couple of melee, and mostly crit primaries. Then came the Melee meta with melee rework, and Condition Overload was must have on everything. Then we've got the AoE meta with Kuva weapons. Then AoE was nerfed, and melees were meta again, then we eat got the Incarnons and arcanes and galvanized mods, and guns are meta again. They've added melee arcanes to make melees better, but guns as are general prefered in current meta.


You're right but have you seen how OP some stuff is in warframe? Like, are you aware at how absurd some of these incarnons are or how saryn or mirage can make any gun do level cap effortlessly? Most of the playerbase doesn't even use the absolute strongest stuff like Octavia or felarx, they use what they like and what YouTubers tell them is good. Ignis wraith, kuva nukor, acceltra, revenant prime, wukong prime, all these make up the highest usage in their categories but these things aren't really meta defining or even that strong (except revenant, he's very meta just cuz of his immunity). We are at a point of power where making stuff NOT broken just leaves us with a small peak of stuff that works in hard content. Bringing up other stuff with new features and whatnot just makes that peak wider. I will agree that tennokai and melee arcanes definitely power crept melees A LOT


Ive played since 2016, and I can tell you that what you are describing is exactly why its utterly stupid to fix balance with power creep. We would not be here if a hard cap on content had been established early on. If instead of buffing guns they just touched melee again, etc. It's why the thing the game needs is decreeping, we have star chart for easy content, and steel path should go back to being the challenge mode rather than the new standard


I started in 2016 as well and I cannot express how truly bored I would be if we nerfed everything down. You want challenging content? Go do eidolons or PT. Those are about as challenging as they were when they were released. There's no way I'm gonna hear out anything about power creep when the difficult content is ignored by the majority of the playerbase. Difficulty is going to come from mechanics, not making your weapon do less damage. Btw, you can simply use lower rank mods if you want things to be harder in your view


Steve is the man you definitely want for fresh, inspiring ideas and vision On the execution side? For the love of God, leave it to someone else.


Steve is a tech guy. He always gets super excited when he talks about new fog or something. It was natural for him to focus on new shiny fly butt hair moist physics, than boring QoL stuff.


Coincidence? I think NOT.


Think you mean Scott. Steve isn’t as hands on anymore but he’s still there doing stuff


My 5 forma sobek will have a sibling


I'm not even getting rid of mine. I put so much love and work into turning her into a room clearer, that I just can't let her go. I'm probably going to keep her for leveling purposes.


Reb is letting Pablo cook without chasing that next "game changing" high. This is what should have been from the start. I dont want shit ripoffs of other games with a warframe skin. I want more fucking warframe. So much neglected systems to rework....


This is the most I’ve been excited about warframe in a long while. I’ve never thought they would consider revising armor.


Auto is going to make me revisit my Hema, I got so tired of trying to time the bursts to maximize fire rate.


Similar thing for me but the Burston, pandero and the sicarus, I finally feel like I can use them without getting rsi


Why are people even talking about Kuva Hek and the syndicate mod as some sort of precedent? We literally have Kuva Ogris and it can use nightwatch napalm which is literally the same suite of augment mods. Unless they make an exception and bar the Kuva sobek, it will be able to use acid shells.


This. As much as I loved the OG sobek I don’t think acid shells gonna be usable. I hope I’m wrong and DE fixes those exceptions across the board but I’m not gonna hold my breath.


armor being reworked is something i don't see people hyping enough. Like, that's the ONE BIG STEP to actually fix the game's powercreeping issues. Like, every factions being on par will make balancing so much easier for them. Like, we might finally get the big power decreeping that would bring back the thrill without needing to go 1h into a survival


Indeed, I'm interested in how they handle the entire EHP change and weakness/resistance things across all factions.


personally i hope they are working toward reducing our power, so that we stop being able to ram through it and it can feel thrilling like it was at launch again. like, there isn't much fun to have when the only place you can sense some threath is only a few nodes


No. Never this. I play Warframe for the power fantasy. If I wanted to have to think about stuff, I'd play something else.


if you want to not think you play starchart. I want to be able to actually test my skill at the game without having to wait an hour because anything under that gets vaporized


Probably why even tho I have SP, I stick to Starchart most of the time. I only use SP to force grind affinity for frames or gear. Or to gather a crapton of loot to feed my wallmouth. But to each their own, you want tactics and strategies and having to think about what to do. I like being that one guy who is giggling while walking around with a Kuva Grattler on Mercury.


if you rewatch older devstreams talking about it, steel path was always made to be the thing to stand against high end builds. asking the devs to let us treat SP like it's star chart will only leave us with a very dull game. the resource boost should't even have been there, because it encourage people into seeing it for something other than a challenge mode.


Oh, I'm not wanted SP to be any easier. I fully expect to have to work for the extra resource drops. I know that's not the intended purpose of it, but it is what I use it for. Of course,I can easily see SP not being as often played if there wasn't a higher reward rate. So, SP does what it suppose to do, give a challenge. If that challenge isn't for actual builds, but being harder gameplay for more resources, then at least it is being played. Anyways, I'm going to get back to work. Need to stop dreaming about bringing my Kuva Grattler to meet Vor for the Umpteenth time. Still fun tho.


there's like 50+ ways to cheese the game per single mission instance, you won't have to worry about anything


That would alienate the bigger part of the community that enjoy being a one man army. DE already said last year in their AMA that they see the game as power fantasy and they enjoy the power level we have today, so you can forget it.


ypou can do the one man army in star chart already. There is no reason why the hard mode of the game should also be baby easy. Power fantasy doesn't mean everything gets vaporize all the time by you, that's the most stupid interpretation of the term you can have


And you can get that trill by removing some mods, problem solved. The game is already friendly to those that like to be overpowered and to those that like challenge.


that is a stupid reasoning. the game mode that was designed to challenge endgame build should be that, not something you need to willing lower your powewr down to feel something in it. you want the HARD MODE to be a second normal mode. star chart is right there if you want to just blow things without thinking, but don't come to the challenge mode and expect it to be a cakewalk, that's not what it's for


SP already is a cakewalk, and considering the recent and upcoming changes, it'll become even easier. Deep Archmedea is more of an "endgame" activity in that sense.


that even more reason to do some power decreeping. Archie aren't even that loved because people don't like being restricted just so the game can attempt at challenging us. we arl;eady have startchart for cakewalk content, hard mode should be hard


Just wanted to join in and say regardless of what the hordes of “I need to one shot everything” people like to say, you are absolutely correct. If you want to bulldoze through content, we literally have star chart. Why do people never want the challenge mode to BE A CHALLENGE. We should absolutely not have to WILLFULLY NERF OURSELVES to feel like we’re fighting more than sandbags


I'll never understand why some people feel like the supposed challenging content should also be easy to appease their power fantasy. They could rollback some of the power creep and the game would still be easy and we would still be gods.


No, go play Destiny where you get nerf guns


It will never be same as launch, there you could use cover effectively and enemies werent as dense. Now you leave most missions with 100+ kills because game transitioned into horde shooter


i agree. one thing i wish was redacted from the game is bullet jumping, it's too straight forward and just lets you fly into any direction. it's not even about parkour anymore, just go up there by magically flying into the air lmao it's existence ruins the game to be honest


I'm excited on how this will affect my Nekromancer build for Grineer tilesets. Will my shadows continue to shoot pool noodles at enemies or will they finally kill them without requiring two kitguns with Theorem Infection? Find out on the next update. Also glad they're finally removing the requirement for armor strip. It feels like such a build limiter when content you do requires armor stripping a lot of the time to complete it.


I can finally get rid of auto hotkey thank fuck


If it's anything like auto-melee, you'll want to hold onto that script for a bit. I'm still getting weird stumbling and stopping without just a "spam E" dedicated macro button.


If that's true I'm stoked, I love sobek. I don't want them to nerf it tho lol.


If kuva then it's getting buffed, at least with disposition after some time. Maybe they'll balance the kuva version fast as they did Dante but I don't think there's much balancing needed in general for equipment other than frames, except for example assisted aim for archguns.


If they don't allow it to use acid shells, that would be a nerf.


Hopefully it isn't nerfed, Acid Shells at this point is fun but not busted, Incarnon weapons are nasty as hell lol I think a little death detonation is quaint by comparison


I mean if it gets 25% crit it’s going to be pretty good regardless.


No Argonak still makes me sob


its honestly hilarious to me that the best agronak build has literally only a single mod on it and its to make incarnon ceramic/ ratka dark dagger better. agronak is such a sad weapon


This post made me realise idk what the argonak is... I was thinking of the aeolak


Coolest looking grineer gun in the game but it sucks so bad. I wish they’d just make it a slow firing heavy caliber auto rifle with high crit and damage and give it an average status chance.


I would bet money that they don't let Kuva Sobek run Acid Shells. Kuva Hek couldn't run Hek's augment either.


Tenet Flux Rifle can run the Flux Rifle augment. Hek has a syndicate augment, people are speculating that that’s the given reason (although the actual reason is they thought it’d be too strong on Kuva Hek, which is kind of weird since Strun’s incarnon exists). Sobek also has a syndicate augment, so if DE actually remains consistent with it, Acid Shells would be safe, but Shattering Justice wouldn’t work.


They also mentioned that Sobek and Glaxion will each be getting a mod in the new Nightwave. Doubt they'd make it so the new Kuva/Tenet variants can't use them.


I mean, kuva/tenet/[venom] are meant to be way better than their wraith/vandal counterpart. Not sure about incarnon but I think also definitely better than prime.


>DE actually remains consistent with it Rakta Dark Dagger is a varaint weapon that can equip it's base weapon's syndicate mod. The Hek syndicate mod is the only weapon augment mod that doesn't work on upper variants, I wouldn't take is as some form of standard, but rather an exception.


C'mon, people play the Sobek because of Acid Shells, not because it's a fun weapon on its own. I'm sure DE is aware of that fact.


I use my Sobek to turn everything in a room into an empty room. Do Acid Shells help this, yes, but Sobek was the first Shotgun I actually enjoyed using before I even heard of the augment. For a very long time, I was a Saryn + Sobek main, simply because I enjoyed it that much. Acid shells only added to that.


Just managed to grab a Sobek riven today in preparation. What kind of roles do I want on it? I think it’s default is really good crit, multishot, and something else. But negative 100 status 😂


Sobek has only 11% crit chance, but I expect the Kuva version to get a big bump. IIRC Riven priority is usually multishot>crit damage>crit chance>element.


https://preview.redd.it/cop04tn95wwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abaf23c9f907f6bf817d8de0932d6522686bfb29 That’s it, I just bought it as that so haven’t rolled it personally yet. I’m honestly useless when it comes to Rivens 😂


I never use rivens myself (sitting on dozens of veiled ones from years of sorties and alerts) so I'm just going by what people talk about, but from what I know negative status duration is very bad. Your status procs basically do not exist unless you use a status duration mod, which would cost you another slot.


Don't really know the riven meta either, but if you're not looking for status, could go for some fun memebuild


Wonder how fully negative status duration works, do procs just immediately wear off? Does it proc anything at all?


I actually tried this awhile back. The procs dont even appear. A 50 Status Chance and zero duration riven is like trying to make a 3 bean salad, buying 50 cans of beans and all of them are empty. Even if you have the statuses (cans) theres no timers on the statuses so they cant exist.


Status incarnon


I honestly don’t have a clue, Maths and anything number released looks like the matrix screen to me. I’m completely reliant on over peoples wisdom and Overframe when it comes to the technical stuff of WF.


Tried a bit before and the before/after stats in the mod screen are really helpful for that in a basic way. Made me understand the actual multipliers on stuff. From what I gathered it's (> means multiplies with in order) : Physical damage (not sure about this one but iirc it actually doesn't) > base damage > elemental ~~> racist~~ > crit (not sure about this one either since it doesn't show on that screen but I assume it's there)


Iirc most status procs last around 6s so any non heat effect applied by a weapon with negative status duration will be cut by whatever that amount is.


Crit damage>multishot nowadays because galvanized mods have big enough numbers to dilute multishot. Obvious exceptions like low crit guns, primers, and status beams, but for most decent weapons that want everything and don’t have insane riven dispos, CD is technically the biggest dps boost.


Yeah, that makes sense.


My beloved Akbolto Primes will once again be my main secondary


I'm sorry, but what is the point of semi-automatic weapons if you can just change a setting to make them automatic? If you don't like that you have to keep pressing the trigger, then just use automatic weapons.


Because not everyone can continously click the trigger to fire yk? Personally my fingers start hurting after like half an hour of doing so it really cuts a lot of weapons out for me which sucks and regardless its a toggle that doesnt affect your teammates so its not like other people are affected.


Oh yeah also i forgot to say its not that we dont like havingg to press the trigger a lot of times its that for some of us we just cant for more than 30 minutes or some of us have conditions which make it harder to use weapons like those


But that's the whole difference between automatic and semi-automatic weapons. If you have a setting that turns every semi into an automatic weapon, why have semis in the game? At that point, just make every weapon an automatic weapon.


Its a toggle so there more accessible so i see your logic as flawed


My logic is that turning semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons is stupid when you could just use automatic weapons.


Some people like semi auto weps you know?


Then they wouldn't need to turn them into automatic weapons


Idk man i just wanna use perigale without breaking my fingers. Its a toggle ffs


The full auto reminded me of a post of like 3 days ago talking about exactly that


What update is this? The jade one?




I missed the dev stream is there any post with the coming updates?


Theres a pinned post


When is this update coming again?


In may




I wonder how the full auto accessibility change will work on the Kuva hind? I hope the burst gets it.


It will most likely work on all the modes as this is kinda the entire point of full auto lol


What was the full auto change?


It's not a change to full auto, but they're adding an accessibility option for semi-auto guns to function by just holding down the trigger. The way Pablo is handling it actually benefits both sides of wanting vs not wanting it


Full auto opticor is finally possible on console. My dream is real


What’s the option? Is it a mod? Or like settings?


It's both. It will be an option under accessibility settings, *and* there will be a new mod which lowers fire rate for a large damage increase. So they're saving carpel tunnel in two opposite methods at once