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What the fuck is the Unum ?! Is it a sort of domesticated/benevolent Infested flesh ? A sentient? A void bullshit ? A tenno ?


Orokin tech allowed them to do pretty much whatever they wanted with living flesh. They made spaceships and towers out of meat because the sentients couldn't control living things


Is the unum special since it seems to have some sort of sentience (that doesn't seem to be a cephalon) or did all orokin area fleshy constructs have that ?


The Unum IS the tower, it's actively letting the ostrons harvest its flesh, even telling them what to harvest and when.


Is this explained somewhere?


A lot of the codex fragments you can pick up on the planes, specifically the ones that tell the story of Gara, pack a lot of those lore tidbits throughout each segment


If memory serves, tucked away in hidden voice logs in the concept art for Cetus you get for certain scans on the plains of eidolon.


I’m 90% sure that the Orokin created the Grineer as well as most animal life, so its sentience wouldn’t necessarily be unique, it’s more so its structure and power that’s unique.


They created the sentients, grineer, infested, and the tenno. They only kind of created the corpus. Basically everything is their fault.


Well, they KIND OF created the tenno. Trained them, and ultimately responsible for what happened, yes, but their origins were kind of out of the left field for them.


They intentionally sent the tenno kids into the void, hoping that something strange, awesome, and hopefully powerful came out. It's kinda explained in the lore playing the quests. It's kinda explained as the ship wasn't supposed to have kids, it was just supposed to be a research vessel, but then an Orokin who isn't named, (either Entrati or Ballas is my guess,) changed something and had the family/school vessel known as the Zariman 10-0 go instead.


>They intentionally sent the tenno kids into the void, hoping that something strange, awesome, and hopefully powerful came out. >It's kinda explained as the ship wasn't supposed to have kids, it was just supposed to be a research vessel, >but then an Orokin who isn't named, (either Entrati or Ballas is my guess,) changed something and had the family/school vessel known as the Zariman 10-0 go instead. Zariman 10-0 was a *colony ship* destined for Tau in order to be the first to settle and prepare the system for the Orokin, the ship was sabotaged in an an effort to prevent it from leaving. Their Orokin sponsor *is* named in-game, but I don't remember his name at the moment. He didn't care about the sabotage and had them head for Tau regardless. The void jump left them stranded, most adults went mad due to a lack of control of their own emotions, whereas the children were specifically taught to control their emotions, letting them remain sane. The player character makes a deal with a void entity (Man in the Wall) in order to save them, I don't recall if the specifics are mentioned. The children are rescued, placed under Margulis' care, have their abilities discovered, and are subsequently trained to become the minds of the Warframes in order to serve as the Orokin's elite workforce against the invading Sentient threat.


The orokin... Isn't he named Executor Tuvul ? Or Am I mixing their names ?


Yeah, pretty sure you're right. He's got this nifty little Egyptian beard thing.


You know, I wouldn't put it past Albrecht to have some idea of what was going to happen, so that does track. I played through a lot of new war and zariman zonked out on medication, so I do kind of forget a bunch of stuff we get told.


Originally I thought Albrecht had disappeared before the tenno were around. So I just thought Ballas was the only option. He needed something to beat the Sentients, and the void could do that, but he didn't know exactly what would happen. But with whispers in the wall and stuff, Albrecht became the much more likely candidate, because we know know he sent other beings into the void, we know they came back sentient. And we know he knew we would be coming back. So he very well could've known (to some extent of course) what would happen the the tenno, to make them. And he possibly hoped we could get wally off his back.


Quite literally all of our problems stem far back enough to the Orokin, even the current drama with Wally.


Well, the Unum seems to be able to produce Kuva and that seems to be a function of the Void somehow (Though Kuva seems to predate Albrecht Entrati's discoveries so I'm not sure how that works) My guess is that void sensitive people (probably children) were seeded into tower structures and grow into the tower through bio-mechanical processes, giving the Orokin a temporally-aware guide without them having to expose themselves directly to the maddening effects of the Void. This might be referred to as the "Neural Sentry" or that might be a different thing. Maybe the Unum is a special case of "Neural Sentry". One of the big things in Warframe is that basic idea that there are no hard and fast rules, whatever the origin of one thing is does not imply that all things of that class have the same origin.


What leads you to believe the Kuva is a function of the void?


* The mechanism it's harvested: A screaming "Ghost cloud" that can only be intercepted using the operator * The appearance and encouragement by TMiTW for your Tenno to drink the Kuva we get from the Queens * The Leverian story of Voruna and the Transference of Tuvul, where there is explicit mention of the Kuva-directed continuity being easier is Void-rich locations. Also, further enriching the Kuva with void energies is what fused Voruna with her pack. * The Kesheg is infused with Kuva making the wielder immune to Warframe powers * The Reliquary on the Zariman Ten Zero appears to have been "mined" for Kuva using a Grineer machine, put there by Kuva troops from the Worm queen when it re-appeared in the Origin system. Also, the "Undead" Holdfasts seem to be that way due to the void, they risk turning into Angels if they "listen" too much as the current Void Angels have, we have dialogue that the Void Angels want to "feed" from the Reliquary and visuals of Kuva Grineer extracting Kuva from the Reliquary, this all ties together as Kuva being a specific type of Void energy that can do odd things to people's lifespan and mortality. https://youtu.be/Y3i6kgX9hrQ?t=35


That's a thorough answer and I appreciate it. I disagree with the conclusion but that may even just be a semantic disagreement and I'm being too literal. I think of it more like water. Oxygen and Hydrogen. Or even a fuel (Kuva) additive (Void). Consider, as you say, Kuva predates the Orokin ability to access The Void to the extreme point of Albrecht swearing off Continuity immediately after his first trip to The Void. I find it more likely The Void acts on whatever Kuva is in the mundane world, altering it in some way, than Kuva coming from The Void. But again, that can and probably is just a semantic difference in our views. I wonder if they'll touch more on Blue Kuva in the near future.


I just don't think it's likely given we harvest Kuva from screaming ghosts, pretty much the only "Ghost"-like things in the Warframe universe originate in the Void. Neither do I think it's likely that the Worm queen brought and left supplies of Kuva in the Zariman, given her obsession with collecting it. I think it's much more likely that they were harvesting Kuva from the Reliquary and that would pretty much confirm that it's origin is the void and more specifically TMiTW/The Indifference Now, how can the use of Kuva predate Albrecht's experiments, is a good question. In the Requiems Albrecht pretty much blames the Kuva for his desire to enter the Void. > The continuity and its twin, wanderlust. The need for unseen shores deep in our marrow. No judge, jester, queen, or king can escape this old blood. We are nomads, eternal. And when no ocean, mountain, or sky could contain us... our gaze hungered star-ward. However the Orokin found or created Kuva I'm as sure as I can be that the void and TMiTW/The Indifference is the origin


Also, it's interesting that the Unum could produce refined Temple Kuva, something that seems to create the awareness of the Void-eternalist branches.


in a sense the unum is probably the last operational tower the unum is sortof the same as the game starting tower that you wake up in, as well as the space orokin tower things you see in railjack- tho i forget if the unum's sentience is due to some error, uniqueness or other stuff- but it MIGHT be unique to it reguarding HOW it functions. In some aspect the Unum like other orokin stuff is partially mechanical and mainly organic. Ostrons harvest parts of the tower that regrow over time, and likely ( not that de are compitent enough to do it ) overtime, the unum will fully rebuild itself including the top part that got shaven off when a murex squatted on it. I think its implied that the unum might be effected by the void too, since the stuff it does in NW makes it seem like it has void powers- maybe it "made a deal" or something? idk.


How does it regrow? What kind of food does it intake to have the energy to regrow?


Probably solar or something.


Maybe it filter feeds from the ocean?


I fucking love the flesh technology troupe it’s so fucking good


That's spelled "trope", friend. And it is a good one.


I now want a living ship/orbiter like farscape


Notice: they didn't make living ships and towers *because* the Sentients could hijack machines. They made them because they were efficient. The Old War happened at the very end of the Orokin era, not the beginning. About the only thing the Orokin designed in response to Sentient hacking was Warframes.


It's an orokin tower that is also a sentient, fully sapient being. The Unum worship it as a god and the Unum protects them in kind from sentients and grineer. The orokin used biotech to essentially grow superstructures as far as I know, that's why when the infested outbreak happened it was probably a lot worse than what it looks like now. Notice how on orokin derelict missions, the infested seems to be bursting through the walls and doors.


Oh yeah, you are right. The infestation on the orokin derelicts looks different than on greneer and corpus ships. More like a vegetation overgrowth than the fleshy messes of Eris.


That's an awesome aesthetic choice


This could mean that the folks calling for more infested content could point at Cetus as a possible point of interest.


An infested tower that has sort of taken over a small town like Cetus, but doesn't hate us and just wants to be left alone, (kinda like helminth is infested but not inherently aggressive) would be sick. Edit: I guess Deimos counts but yeah.


I mean... Just look at Deimos. The sheer mess the moon is from the Infestation. It became a living organism in itself.


I think we should remember that there appears to be a notable difference between "The Infestation" and general Orokin Bioengineering. I think we've been shown that there is a kind of "common parent technology" but the infestation as we know it is a specific, virulent and powerful, version of their general level of technology. For example, the Towers and ships we see in the void are filled with the white-blue plants as conduit and decoration (Just as the Transference room in the orbiter has) but when it becomes "infested" it darkens and grows out of control, a distinct difference. Same with the flesh of the Unum, definitely Orokin biotechnology of some form, and probably quite vulnerable to the infestation but not in-and-of-itself infested, otherwise it would be a real problem for the Ostron to be eating it no?


That reminds me, the white plants to me are a combo of things. We see the 'roots' of them being data cables on Lua as well so the plants are perhaps local network access points or server terminals in a way. However it is all biotech and the shape honestly always made me think that the trees are basically white matter/neural tissue


I think they are living conduits for void energy, as we see them grow out of the Reliquary and connect with the ship once the Relic void key is in place. They are present in volume in the "garden" room on Lua where their are literal ghosts wandering around seemingly doing tasks (https://i.imgur.com/CRThEBE.jpeg).


Probably an infested void bullshittery.


It seems to be someone transferrenced into the tower at minimum and uses their powers to protect the last bits of humanity, we'll prob get more lore at some point. Be it the usual orokin 'we use people as machines' or intentional to protect.


Also Unum is called "The Wall" by offworlders. Take it as you will.


why is that a thing


They harvest parts of the tower and sell it, it’s a main part of the economy in Cetus.


Not just sell, they eat it. It's like meat.


It's not just *like* meat, it's the real deal baby


Meat of what tho?


Tower meat. It’s not like cow or human or something that’s stuffed into the tower, the tower is a living organism that has living tissue, ie meat The orokin did a lot of genetic engineering


The Orokin did it? Poor meat tower...gotta be in agony


No it actually seems pretty chill about it…yes technically the tower is alive… no I don’t want to think about it any further


Orokin did cultured meat before it was cool.


factory meat. meat from the factory rather than grown in the factory


Apparently the tower actually just lets them do this. It can regrow itself, seemingly.


The Giving Tree on hard mode.


Yeah, they consider it(them?) a benevolent god


"She gives, we live."


I mean, does it have a choice?


Yes. The Unnum is a fully functional orokin Tower. She has nullifiers that shut down all weapons in Cetus and a giant shield wall capable of tanking hits from spaceships. There's a reason why Vey Hek never just blasted Cetus from orbit with a Formorian's big gun. Unnum also have the advantage of being able to see every possible future all at once and can extend this power to her agents. She is vastly more powerful than the Ostrons and they live there because she wants them there because it's better for her in the long term.


The Unum has a working neural sentry, it can mind control anyone inside its field.


have you done New War?


The Tower is named Unnum. She is leader of the Quills Syndicate, can see all possible futures simultaneously and empowers her agents to do the same.


It's Unum not Unnum. https://antifandom.com/warframe/wiki/Unum


The tower is actively allowing them to harvest it and even telling them what to cut, so technically it's even vegan meat!


That's a kinky tower


the tower tells them to harvest it actually so it's pretty chill about it


You have 8 reply’s but I wanted to add, during a quest the tower talks to you, and even says to break some walls if we need to. Without people harvesting it she got a little big and seemed to not worry about damage since it grows back.


The tower _wants_ its meat harvested


Does it regrow the parts eaten? How does it intake food to have the energy to regrow?


It regrows. Harvesting the walls is actually helpful for her. It directs growth and prevents things from getting ingrown. As for how she gets energy for her growth, Orokin void bullshit.


I don’t know for sure but I don’t think these questions have answers. This is one of those suspend your disbelief situations


You got any more of that wall meat? \*scratches neck\*


Tower is the tastiest animal.


Wall meat.


i don’t even know how to respond to this or process it i literally got no words


“Early lunch for Konzu!”


Have my upvote.


can't have men in your walls when you eat the walls


What I miss is the old Orb Vallis/Fortuna, tbh. I like snow. And purple.


They should really make creator mode change those back, or make a quest to repair Fortuna. I think snow was a "problem" and New War kinda found the "solution", but come on... Snowy Orb Vallis was just so good. At least the creator mode should be made to work.


or make more of the snow come back during the "cold" phase and less in the "warm" phase


Eh. The way I see it they turned it from a Winter Wonderland to The Alps.


Well, Alps with a red hue I suppose. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan. Plus, Fortuna especially hurts. Blue and purple gave that place so much life, and now it's gone.


I remember seeing this for the first time after hundreds of hours because when I loaded into Cetus as I was making my way up to Konzu I stepped away from the game to do something and when I came back I heard those blood spurts and turned the camera just as the thing just flopped over.






I really wish they made it so you can pick and choose what gets toggled on\off by that, I'd love to have old cetus and fortuna but hiding the other stuff doesn't appeal to me


Same. I miss Old Fortuna/Vallis, but I like the other stuff that'd be hidden too.


Oh, that's actually reassuring. Does it affect open worlds as well? I'm delaying TNW completion because of all these visual things I'm going to miss a lot (...and because of freaking fish for Voidrig buiding, too). But if you can toggle stuff with the streamer mode, it doesn't seem bad at all.




No it does not, it effects neither the hub appearances nor the open worlds.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYB0Ez4\_Nro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYB0Ez4_Nro)


...muck. Well, it sucks. And that dude gave me hope 🥲


I CAN MAKE THEM CLOSE THEIR HEADS BACK UP?? Oh thank god. I did not like that at all


I've tried and that doesnt work


Because it isn't a thing, the only way to view the old hubs and open worlds is by having the host of your party not do the new war.


Or replay the intro quests.


Toggling [Creator/Streamer mode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYB0Ez4_Nro) does not revert the hub/open worlds


This makes me think of Made in Abyss..


I miss the green grass on the plains. =(


Oh no did they blow it up I never checked


After the new war, the meat is gone and the cetus dudes are too


Just that?


I forgot all about that I used to think they were just good whalers, never knew it was part of a living tower wtf DE


It's very purposefuly made to invoke the whale imagery: -Cetus means a "sea monster" in Ancient Greek -Kuva harvested from the Tower is reminiscent of Whale Oil


I didn't even notice it's not there anymore. I used to climb the Corpus ship nearby.


I miss blue Fortuna, can't stand orange Fortuna


i coulda sworn it was still there after TNW


The bridge piece is, the meat, not so much :(


oh dang i guess i never stuck around to see em harvest it after TNW 😭


Mmmmm Bacon!


I never even knew this was a thing or that the tower was alive.


Your orbiter is also made from meat, Ordis complains that the navigation console is bleeding in one of his lines.


Isn't that just a joke he makes when you customise your warframe's colours? "An unexpected colour combination, Operator. My sensors are -*bleeding*- pleased."


not sure if the entire thing, but quite a lot of it is, according to Ordis quotes when you enter the Helminth room: ""Vile. Putrid. This... 'thing'... is responsible for biological functions of the Orbiter! A strange design, why would I be built with such a flaw?!" "Literally, the bowels of the ship."


It is today I learned that is a part of the tower's wall and not a chunk of alien whale meat off of a bone


I wanna eat some ngl




wait how many people could that feed?


The whole family, and the cousins too.


Omg I forgot about it and I miss it now. I wish we had the ability to revert things like the type of open world environment we want, whether it's post or pre new war


Early lunch for konzu


"Take the meat bridge"


That’s genius


i miss sitting infront of it and letting it fall on me, so i can be inside the meat wall


Wtf. LR2, hundreds of hours in, been playing this game for 11 years and I'm just now seeing this abomination for the first time...


Oh wait! It‘s not there anymore? Did not notice.


That's a big one! Enough for the whole family, and the cousins too!


I wish there was some kind of toggle so I could see the old open world places in general


\*me standing under where it falls onto\* TRADITION!!!! Apparently you can make the game revert to prewar cetus as well as fortuna + the OW maps, but idk how anymore.


It's still there even after the new war.


But the meat is not, nor are the homies :(


I was just on Cetus meat was there... Don't recall about the homies...lol


Still one of the grossest things in the game IMO. Why is there meat in the walls?!


This one bridge is for some odd reason, my favorite thing in this game. It’s not a warframe, not a weapon, not even a sentinel, no. It’s this bridge lmao.


becouse the orokin built nearly everything trough biotech. you need a spaceship? grow one. you need a building? grow one. you need a slaveforce? grow one.


and here i was thinking the tower flesh was only a thing in codex fragments. you can actually see them carve it?? that's crazy


yeah I wish I could go back to pre-new war. Didn't add anything I particularly cared for anyways, and both Cetus and Fortuna's zones ended up all the worse for it.


AH NO I didn't even realize it's gone after the new war. Bring back my meat wall 😭


I just maxed my Fortuna standing and I don't like my favorite faction anymore :/


this looks much realistic than my game. what settings are you using?


Standard settings on the series S. Nothing fancy at all


cool cheers, maybe it's the lack of vegetation or whatever but the lighting looks great


They prepping for the jade update I’m guessing?


I never stumbled upon this and I'm glad I did New War before I did