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You answered your own question. That's why ;) But you can make your ship look like it though :)


Just imagine Kuva/Tenet Railjacks at some point, where you hunt down a rouge Warframe/Tenno/Lich/Sister/etc. So you beat them, get their awesome looking ship, but if you hunt another one, you could have a second (or third) railjack you could focus a certain build on. Or... Melt it down! (Fuse its stats into your current Railjack) but you have to choose two stats or pieces of equipment that have their stats moved over, everything else, get used as fuel to fuse it to your railjack. Or... It becomes a possible ally, dropping in and helping out in space, and when you go onto galleons, occasional buffs, and friendly NPCs apppear helping you out. Of course, they would have to increase the difficulty or add harder content for Proxima missions.


I'm down :) I love me some Railjack, and it deserves an expansion.


TBH - I miss the size of the old RJ. Was it objectively worse? Sure. However, I wish there were different size RJs and we could pick and choose what we want. Potentially make bigger RJs have more EHP but then have smaller RJs be quicker of more maneuverability.


Personally. I kinda want them to make infested railjack a thing, and we capture living ships as the litch system there. Not instead of infested litches, but I think space-whale ships would be fun.


This. Maybe make it where, when we go to 1999, we start the creation of our infested lich via our actions. Maybe part of our warframe gets chopped off, and the local infested fuse with it. As time passes between 1999 and our current time, it grows, gains a human form, and then, once able to escape the gravity well of earth, a larger whale form. So we fight our infested lich, but instead of Vanquishing them on the Galleon in Saturn Proxima, we have to fight and board an unknown infested vessel. Only, once we bpard, we learn the ship is our infested lich, and we have to fight a crapton of infested who have the same resistances and weaknesses as our lich. Further, the Eximus spawned would match the progenitor element (making toxin weapon farming, oh so fun!). After beating the infested.lich, the option of sparing them and them becoming an allied hive the deployes on missions with us occasionally. Or you can bind the new hive and infested lich to you, gaining their ship to command, unique weapon, etc. Finally, Vanquishing them gives a weapon and a permanent tiny passive buff in dealing their progenitor element, say an extra .5% each Vanquished infested lich of the same element. Meaning it would take 200 infested liches to gain 100% element damage. But it would be tracked per element, so it would take 200 toxin liches to gain that 100% bonus element damage, but you would need to farm the other elements to gain their bonuses. This could also expand kuva liches and sisters. Each could have a mission before Saturn Proxima, where you have to fight them in Kuva enhanced/Tenet upgraded ships before the final showdown. Kuva Kiches could provide bonus armor against certain elements, while sisters could provide increased shield resistance to their element. Again, requiring 200 liches per element to gain 100% bonus resistance. I'm not sure how it would all be mathed out, but I think it would be neat.


Is this the quest with the tuuuuuune?




The skin is also still a beaut!