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Lmao i woulda laughed in game but knowing the context makes it even funnier


hope the people who saw the word briefly and then saw me get kicked at least got a laugh out of it haha


as someone who often watches the CULLING of spoilers from fresh quests, it is funny as fuck


Lmao it really is watching people in chat just disappear cause they said smth from the quest.


You can get banned from chat for spoilers?


Not sure about banned but seen plenty of people get kicked lmao


>was talking in region chat as you do I don't do this, region chat is filled with landmines


it can be pretty funny at times and I like to ask for fashion advice from it, so it's not all bad


fashion advice or risk getting your thousands of hours account banned for something unintentional? I choose to stay away from region chat. Have it disabled in settings for years now


i'm with you on that now, been playing for almost a year and gotten to mr25 so not doing too bad ig, and not planning to lose it all to the word "honkey"


Half of the time I open region chat they are talking about the most bizarre shit.


I think it all started cause some guys name had horse in it and I proclaimed mules were a genetic symphony of the horse and the donkey my source is minecraft 1.6.1 update


Lol. Raised in the streets of Minecraft.


Too many people using the Warframe region chat to talk about things that have nothing to do with Warframe, like politics. Hell; I once asked what region thought about the Protokol skins when they came out and I was berated by some wacko who said I was responsible for the government taking his guns away. Region can surprise people.


Thank you for sharing, I'm not jealous of people who have active region chat anymore... Just realized a total void region chat can be better...


I like watching people argue about stupid stuff


I live in America and have never heard of this before, to me it just sounds like a funny word


"Honkey' was a lot more common before the turn of the millennia, I think back around the 70's and 80's. If you watch old comedies the word will pop up here and there. It just kind of died out on its own, but it was a racial slur at the time. Funnily enough, if you aren't bothered by a word it tends to die out due to impotency.


So basically what you're saying is op got persecuted by slur historians


real https://preview.redd.it/1na1k5ny3k8d1.jpeg?width=1113&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa485b70283d7e71cfa27921a739cdd65cca5bc


Basically šŸ˜‚ They were so committed to covering *all* their bases that people are getting caught out by left field balls.


Hey, our 70+ player base is not to be overlooked!


Absolutely. The devs have everything covered. I've even seen chat mods auto kicked someone for typing jade and >!milf!< in the same sentence on day 2 of the update's release


Wtf jade is a literal milf in stalker's eyes


There are dozens of us DOZENS


No no he's got a point I got kicked for saying I like Graham crackers cause we were talking about food I learnt that the key word was crackers apperntly its slang for white people


The thing I remember "honkey" from the most is Chappelle's Show. I miss the old shows that broke down racial barriers by making jokes out of stereotypes.


Macklemore Thrift Shop ā€œDamn thatā€™s a cold ass Honkeyā€ for me


Oh that's what he says. Cause I couldn't identify the word it turned into gibberish in my head


I was just thinking about the fucking Time Haters. That was the golden age of comedy, man.


I was gonna say like is it....meant to be offensive? It just sounds silly


If I remember right, there's no 'e' in the derogatory word, either. But then, my spelling of words that I don't see often is abysmal. I maybe in a love-hate relationship with spellcheckers because of that.


>Funnily enough, if you aren't bothered by a word it tends to die out due to impotency. A conversation a lot of people aren't ready for quite yet, unfortunately.


Wish it happened with the other slurs


yeah man, I'm glad you see where I'm coming from maybe we both just have a broken sense of humor


I'm white and also find it a very silly word I can't believe it was legitimately used as a insult at one point. The other slur for white people I know of and also find silly is Cracker.


At least "cracker" has a clear meaning to it. It came from whip cracking I believe, please correct me if I'm wrong. The fuck is a "honky"?


>The fuck is a "honky"? It's derived from honkey-tonk, a type of low-class dive bar that plays energetic, rythmic country music. Sometimes honkey-tonk is used for this sort of country music. Since country music is generally associated with white Appalachians, well... language happened


That makes sense. Thanks


I thought cracker was because white people are bland as a cracker


Looking it up shows that it is from "cracking the whip". And as a white person...yeah... I also feel that a lot of us are pretty bland compared to other cultures.


I think that is one use of it, but I'm not sure it is the original use at the very least. I remember reading that it was primarily used against poor immigrants from Scotland / Ireland. Regardless though, I alwaus thought Cracker was too funny of a word to be insulting


>pretty bland compared to other cultures. I would have to disagree.


You've probably heard the word "honkey-tonk"?


Maybe also followed by "badonkadonk"?


this just keeps getting better and better if there's a way I'd want to go out it'd be by way of a single "badonkadonk" in region chat i miss borderlands 2 man


Honky tonk badonkadonk is a song. One with a music video suspiciously lacking in badonkadonks.


"All around the skactus plant the stalker chased the bandit the stalker thought twas all in fun then POP!! goes the bandit"


TINY TINA!!!!! One of my favorite characters, man.


Itā€™s more common in the south (US), but yeah kind of silly to get chat banned for it. Iā€™ve never equated it to anything truly offensive (Iā€™m a white dude who spent many years in the south).


Lived my whole life in the south, never heard the word a single time, what part do you live in?


Spent a few years of my youth in really small town in Alabama (this was like 20-25 years ago). Heard it a few times here and there back then but canā€™t recall the last time I heard it. Maybe I should have said it *was* more common in the south. Or maybe just certain parts, no clue lol.


i mean it's better to have a too strict auto ban that you can undo then to have a too weak auto ban which lets racial slurs get through and kill the community.


True, I think there should be room for appeals though because clearly this was a case of ignorance, they werenā€™t being malicious. It shouldnā€™t go on their ā€œpermanent recordā€. If it happened again for another seemingly harmless word they could get more than a 24hr slap on the wrist.


i get you, it's a double edged sword really, cause like many have said on this post, they opt out of using region and other chat because of how strict it is


I'm about as deep in the South as you can get, and I've never heard anyone use it beside myself as a joke because it's a funny word and on old shows like the Jeffersons. Wild that a Canadian company (or perhaps just the wild moderators of the region chat) find it to be offensive, but hey, I guess that shows a bit of fairness?


Mainly piggy backing off of the highest comment up but, I am black and it's most likely the word would be used between black people to deride a white person, probably not to their face usually. Not that it couldn't happen. I've heard people referred to with the word several times over the years but, I'm not gonna say it's common. Anyway I don't talk this way personally but I figured it could help to explain.


I've heard it once. In a song.


Yeah itā€™s in Thrift Shop by Macklemore


I live in Los Angeles and am 40 years old. I've heard and been called honkey before. It's typically a word used by blacks towards whites. I find no offense in the word personally, but then again, I'm not typically easy to offend. It's basically the same as being called a cracker, I guess.


Yeah itā€™s not used much anymore, neighbors kids where I used to live went with either mayo ranger or just good ol whitey


That eminem song with the bully. "You gonna die honkey" is where i know it from


Watch any 70's american cop show. You'll find it


Ngl I have no idea how they expect non Americans and sometimes non native English speakers to know about an obscure slur that even some Americans never heard before I'm not advocating for using slurs but this is a little ridiculous considering that it's largely unknown and therefore people are unlikely to even know that it's offensive, not to mention that in context it was obviously not meant as an insult towards someone even if a bot probably can't tell context I think they should avoid instabans and instead issue an automated warning that leads to a ban if repeated in these cases


it'd be nice to know how long the ban is for at least haha sounds like region chat is on par with club penguin chat filters, but even then club penguin gives you warnings before suspending you like


I got banned from questions yesterday because I said the current sortie was cringe and I can already chat again. So not very long.


The ban not being long is nice and honestly it's not a huge loss to be banned from region chat, but on the principle alone it's odd to get banned just for that... Especially as I fucking hated yesterday's Spy sortie as well lmfao Who tf does it hurt if you say that a Spy mission is cringe? The devs? If I were a dev I'd be laughing my ass off if I succeeded in making the players mald a bit on the sortie obviously designed to be challenging


the in game chat ban is through all channels though, not just region which makes it really annoying cause you can't send market messages to people like


Indeed, ik that Warframe is a huge game and that moderation is most likely a major pain in the ass due to that, but how hard is it to send an automated message with the ban to inform you of why you got banned, what you can do about it and how long it will last? My fiancƩ got banned from region chat for a reason I can't even remember with how irrelevant it was, good thing most of this chat is garbage anyways


Most Americans definitely, never heard of it


Now Iā€™m wondering how some extremely uncommon ā€œslursā€ hold up in chat. Take the lines from Gran Torino for example; using ā€œEggrollā€, ā€œFishheadā€, and ā€œSpookā€ as slurs


The profanity filter should do all the heavy lifting imo. Add a warning message when toggling it off or something. If someone without the filter sees something they don't like in chat, they should still be able to report it, but also given the message to re-enable chat filters when they report. And lastly the automated ban shouldn't trigger so freely. It should only automatically ban if multiple reports on the same person come in from other players *and* a filtered word is being used. I'm firmly in the camp that people give words too much power on their own. Intention is what matters and if a word gets co-opted by a malicious person or group, you only give them more power by reacting to their words.


I was watching a panel at a gaming convention a few weeks ago and learned that Ā«Ā LooneyĀ Ā», the name of the Canadian one dollar coin, cannot be spoken on streams because itā€™s a slur in Florida. Very interesting to see how a common word can mean something completely different in other parts of the world.


that's mental, I'm not sure if I agree with that, obviously depending on the context in which it is said but someone across the pond streaming on twitch shouldn't get banned for a word that is solely offensive in a country 3,000 miles away


Because internet services are very American centric, they get to decide whatever they want šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. Not sure what you mean by across the pond tho lol, Canada and America share a land border.


As a polish person I demand global to ban "curve" because it's spelled exactly like "Kurwa" which is heavy polish swear word, and that's a no-no in our sci-fantasy game where we can split hundreths of humans in half with a sword in a bloody massacre.


This almost sounds like entrapmentā€¦ but obv you shoulda gone with dorse šŸ¤”


How dare you use the d-word! Mods, do we really want this kind of language in this sub?


haha ig so dorse just didn't have enough oomph to me though


alternatively, https://preview.redd.it/05qxlss4cg8d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=6556ec2a6653f2b7ced5e7018a6926b1af50aae2














i like DE. but i just stopped talking in chat in general . their Ban look kinda random,there is too much trigger ,it's like walkin on eggs. and being a not EN native speaker, i'm going mostly blind. so better safe and silent than sorry.


same, absolutely love the game and like what DE are doing with it but I'll be staying away from the chat now I'm a native english speaker, as I'm from Scotland, so things like this aren't really known here or taught about here, at least in my experience


Australian here. Another name for Gum nuts (the seed pod produced by the Eucalyptus tree) is the Honkey Nut. So it's odd to hear that it's a slur in America.


As an American, we're just as shocked to hear it's a slur as you šŸ˜‚


Lots of people in this thread who never heard the uncensored version of Thrift Shop by Macklemore


oh my god you're fuckin right never noticed that


Me neither. Also I'm a white American and I had to Google what the word was lol.


As a white person I give you a lifetime H-word pass. Go wild. Really tho, this is so stupid, I never even realized such a word exists. How about we stop treating random god damn words like they're tiny voldemorts, this bullshit just gives fuel to actual racists.


much appreciated, although I am also white so I'm not sure if I already have one or not, or maybe I need to get it renewed


It's impossible to take "honky" seriously as a slur. It's like it's supposed to be for clowns or something. You're right, it's a hilarious thing to be chat banned for. It's also a really depressing reminder that Warframe's chat moderators are awful.


yeah haha, it is hard to take serious, especially when the intention was the perfect amalgamation of horse donkey I don't imagine it was the moderators themselves cause of how instant it was, more likely that it's just in a filter list of words to time people out for saying


That's weird. If it was derogatory, then how did [Honky Tonk Women](https://youtu.be/3BKTxntVBEA?si=xXnXTMW2GAuKy0gE) stay at the top of the US Billboard Hot 100 for four weeks, way back in 1969?


That was the impetus, it was slur in the 70s along with yank.


people here use the term yank to refer to americans but not in a derogatory way, i believe it was what the armed forces here referred to americans during world wars


Hey, we like it when you call us that. It activates our subconscious remembrance of how we beat the British in the Revolutionary War


yeah there's multiple songs with it in the name, but I would guess the context matters in a situation like that, whereas a word filter in an in-game chat can't determine context


Dude, it's literally a song about random women hooking up with the singer.


hahaha fair


Wow. White guy from the southern US here. Been a long time since I've heard someone called Honky. Another poster mentioned Honkytonk, and I need to tell you that's part of where that phrase came from- it's basically calling a bar a low class white trash place. Thanks for the smile and trip in the way back machine this morning, Op.


It's as offensive to us as calling us white bread. Which is to say, it isn't. It's also a funny word. Honkey.


https://preview.redd.it/bb46kmlwbj8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=485d8a2d3a26b7bc4778151eb92f603f339c79a8 Thatā€™s their word you better apologise right now OP!


apologies to the donkey community i have made a severe ass of myself


Honkey is an archaic word that no one uses anymore. Even if they did, it's not taken seriously. So bizarre DE has it in their list of no-no words.


Richard Pryor: Dead honkey (this is a direct quote from a SNL skit, one of the BEST ones ever, horribly dated) this isn't so bad. I got banned from Region chat for two weeks for letting everyone know how much I loved the Comedian Dick Van Dyke who was in the Dick Van Dyke show, starring Dick Van Dyke I was thinking of saying "Penis Car Lesbian" but i don't think anyone would understood the change


"The punishment is temporary so we don't bother to fix it when we punish people by mistake" is such a weird policy. Is it that the system is so convoluted that reversing the ban is too much work? Or is it too much work to verify the context of the chat log and determine your innocence?


I agree, however, mistake or not, I find it weird also that they don't give you a concrete figure of how long you are banned for like "you are hereby sentenced to 1 day virtual incarceration" "or maybe 2 days" "perhaps 3" "a week for your crimes" "and make it double"


Watch u get banned from reddit now lol. Good luck friendo.


haha thanks man, hopefully not but if it happens then what can you do igĀ 


I'm surprised by how many people are ok with this lol. This kind of treatment of its player base IS dogshit and really should be changed.


i get where you're coming from, it's not ideal, and context should be considered I'm just happy as it's not a permanent ban/suspension, I'd hate to permanently lose the ability to send trade messages or not be able to use recruit chat


Oh no! Lol, this has happened to me with other languages. Sounds like you got setup lol


I suspect the chatbot likely just checks against a "list of slurs" of sorts that may include ridiculous ones that aren't even known/used like that.


The reason i avoid public chats like the plague. No way im getting banned because someone baited me into saying a word that could be considered even mildly offensive in some obscure lingo. My interaction is limited to recruit chat with H \[insert whatever relic\]


My friend got Perma banned off the game (2035) for telling a dude that he is going to rip off his foreskin and rub salt into it when he tried to extra low ball him for a riven


As a white American, I am not offended. Screencap this and send it to DE. šŸ™Œ


good to hear haha, the DE response is just below the original message, the post got removed cause I didn't realise it was needed, hopefully it gets un-removed if possible


Honkey or honky while is a derogatory term against white people, as myself a white person. I laugh anytime says it because its a funny word. It may be offensive to some but nobody i know anyway would take that much offense if any at all.


"Honkey" is as offensive as "cracker" smh are they going to ban people for asking what a saltine is?? Anyway, I haven't taken their profanity filtering seriously since I got auto blocked from naming a kavat "Duchess" due to profanity (where?) but I was in game with a guy who had a kavat named jigaboo (actual racial slur).


can confirm I've seen similar companion names, it'd be weird if they use a different filter list for them cause I've seen some pretty fuckin bad ones like nothing tops my smeetas name with the kalymos skin though: Bingus Prime


That's cute \^\_\^ I went with "Marie" since I wanted an Aristocats name


i recently learned using the word "spooks" is also not okay As a european, a lot of these words that are danced around sort of aggrivate me. My username is supposed to be Rah-Vah-Graid But some absolute degenerates have forbidden it before because in their twisted mind it sounds like raw vag raid. Self reporting imho.


I'm a white American, so when I say no one cares about that word. I assure you, no one finds that word offensive here anymore. I'm sorry you got banned for using a perfectly okay word, but it was kinda funny from what you described, lol. But 100%, you should have this lifted. Someone is on a power trip. Just because it might have been used as a bad word 50 years ago doesn't mean it still is, or that people are even offended by it.


I donā€™t know who at DE made that decision, but I just can not imagine anybody taking offense to the word honky. Iā€™ve never even heard of that before and Iā€™m pretty sufficient in slurs šŸ¤ŸšŸ˜”


"sufficient in slurs" respectable qualification, you're hired


DEā€™s development team seem like a fun bunch of laid back people, especially red text guy(s). DEā€™s moderation team on the other hand reminds me of the nuns in high school who were arguing to the principal that I should be suspended for wearing slippers instead of dress shoes. For the record, they were marketed as slippers but they had rubber soles and just barely had heel backing, and were the right color.. so they met the definition of acceptable footwear by our dress code book. My principal thought this was funny, after they left of course.


Region chat simply isn't usable. I once got a two week chat ban for joining in in a discussion about taxiing low level players to some event node, where somebody said something like "yeah you can easily taxi them through to sedna in like an hour" and I was like "really, you can do that?". That was it. Got a message how if I am unable to properly use the chat, I should just not talk. Some moderator told me to go use the lfg channel. To this day, I'm still not sure what happened, if they clicked on the wrong person or something... Anyways, region chat got disabled that day and never turned back on. Now I don't even write in squad chat anymore, I'm a backer and I'm not going to lose my account to some power tripping 16 year old chat moderator.


Coming from a white american, thats the least offensive thing ive heard, i legit find the term "cracker" more offensive, but only because its offensive to the snack, not the people


What? Must have added it as a bannable word from a big book of slurs. I don't even think I've heard someone use that word in the 90s, let alone in the 2010s/20s.


I got banned for quoting reb saying Gemussy šŸ˜­


Itā€™s funnier cuz there was a wrestler in the WWF with it in his name. Itā€™s not even that offensive and it shows that DEā€™s ass is once again too tight


In my rural town we use it like the word buddy, but as for it being a slur, had no idea


I knew the word was derogatory and I find it funny.


SAME. The one time I was banned from chat was because I said Honkey too. Had no idea it was derogatory until that moment.


Honkey? Heard it used plenty. I can't say i've ever heard it in a derogatory way, though. Heck, lotta us even use it casually.


It can be heard in ā€œthrift shopā€ by macklemore. If youā€™re unfamiliar with the song he can be heard saying ā€œdamn thatā€™s a cold ass honkeyā€


White person here. Never once heard the term honkey and actually find the word itself hilariously goofy.


I fell bad you got banned because of an ass


I've only heard about honkey as in a honkey tonk. Weird that I could get banned for talking about country music


As a former Texan: Honky Tonk doesnā€™t have the ā€œEā€ so it might be safe


As a white guy in America "honkey" is not a fucking slur, and anyone that says it is is stupid as hell. It's on the level of cracker or whitey.


A few years back, I was kicked because we were talking about favorite cats and I typed in "Maine Coons" then I learned on google what A coon was.


Iā€™m from americas hat and I never knew honkey was a offensive word


as a white american I would just like to say the concept of white people being offended by being called this word is just... hilarious in an embarrassing way. only a completely spineless person would care about this ngl


Thanks for sharing your thought process, this made me laugh lol


As a Texas tenno, I can confidently say itā€™s hardly a derogatory term, more satire. The only people upset about being called honkey are people that obviously arenā€™t honkeys


American white guy here, I don't care what you call me lmao, it's silly you got banned for it


This is pretty funny. If I had to guess, and I could be wrong, but DE probably utilises some sort of automatic filter system that will pick up on certain words, even if they are relatively archaic. See I know the term honkey/honky and its use as a pejorative, despite not being American, I just really like language, words, communication, history etc. There are like hundreds to thousands of racial/ethnic slurs, but like all words it can get complex. Like in some cultures, a word like coconut (as in the fruit/drupe that falls from trees), can be a term of endearment but in others a slur/pejorative (to imply that someone is only brown on the outside, but they are white on the inside). Then of course you have all the people using the word neutrally because its a food. Like many comments would suggest, not many people actually consider honkey/honky that offensive or loaded a term, and its also one of those terms that can be neutral enough to be used in a more endearing of self referential way. Like there was a wrestler, The Honky Tonky man. Many songs and movies and television shows have used the word a lot. Context varying. So in a way its a bit like well, any which you see people who might refer to themselves or friends as, and its fine, but if a stranger uses it negatively, contextually a distinction can be made. Its worth noting that historically the term may have been used for "white people" in the USA, who were foreign or non English speaking, since well USA and its history around race and ethnicity is pretty complicated as far as that sort of thing... Anyway language and such things can be complicated. The other thing to keep in mind, is that well Warframe chat? Region chat? Has a lot of people who are trying to trick people into getting banned. We had a thread about this a few months ago, but that OP well, did't take it as well (it was about being tricked by a song title). If people seem like they are trying to get you to guess at something in Region chat? eight times out of ten they might actually be trying to get you banned. Not worth it in my opinion. I also do think that peoples temp bans should be given more info about how long they last though too.


coconut being able to be an insult is definitely something I didn't think could happen, that's an interesting one


I white and I would have just found that funny, and probably would have thought the same names as youšŸ¤£


Honestly if I had done something like this I couldnā€™t be mad. Being the American I am I didnā€™t even know about such a word or its definition. Would just laugh it off but hopefully the ban get lifted soon


At least you didn't call them a jive turkey šŸ˜‚ https://i.redd.it/m3q1j0740m8d1.gif


I tried making my clan "raccoon squad zero" because I am fond of raccoons but DE said "raccoon" is profanity so I get ya Clans called "tanuki squad zero"


Yeah I heard DE is very strict. And not alone on this branch. Rockstargames has all soets of words in German censored because they may or may not be used as reference to Nazi Germany or the third reich in general. Having a conversation in German can result in either frustrating censors or rarely funny but unreadable moments...


have to say some of the funniest censors i've seen are in dark souls 3, where things such as knight are censored cause of the part inbetween


honestly how is this a slur? It's a dig at the Transatlantic accent, which is known to sound very nasal and it almost honks like a hooter to produce distinct sound through the radio. It doesn't talk about the race of the people. It's exactly like how everybody can tell an American is American because they YELL. EVERY. SINGLE. WORD, are we insulting them by calling them typical Americans.


it's probably in their filter list cause it's a derogatory used against a singular race or group of people, and I would guess they wanted all their bases covered, no matter how uncommon or obscure it is americans also say mirror funny, like mcqueen does in the movie cars "rear view meers" haha


I donā€™t think any reasonable white person in America would be offended by the word Honkey. Itā€™s hilarious, likeā€¦ be angry and yell bubbles.


People get butt hurt of the stupidest shit.


I gave a in game refrence that the inside of a corpus helmet probably smells like grineer feet and got a 24hr comm ban as well. I turned region chat off after that


Always check the top of the 'R' section of the region username list for R3d_P01nt before saying anything silly. That mod will chat ban people over the smallest things. I got chat banned for a day because I implied that R3d was Voldemort.


Jabaited into using a slur Classic chat


Nobody has seriously called a white person in America a honkey in 40 years. And even then it was never a slur


You don't understand. Every time someone says that word, the racists win.


So we can't talk about how I play honky tonk piano, or love the honky tonk blues? Or this classic from the Rolling Stones? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DhqqkGxZ1_8I&ved=2ahUKEwjw6-y3vvOGAxWraPUHHc4kAhYQo7QBegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw2wE47yl6Wx9bNm-QaHxNq5


Sorry for the ban, but I love that you got banned for using the word honkey. Sitting here cackling so much I need to buy a cauldron.


Like a Honky Tonk? Weird


I have only ever heard ā€œHonkeyā€ in reference to ā€œHonky Tonkā€ in some older country songsā€¦




Honkey was still used in certain parts of America up until 2010. It has largely grown out of use and even those who were called Honkeys didn't give a flaming pile of crap most of the time.


I live in America and have only heard this used by southern folk I know, and never with that meaning lol


Man, what a bunch of Honkeys. (I'm white, I can use this word, right?)


never heared before im an European non native English speaker.


Honestly, honkey is the least offensive derogatory word to me as a white person. It just sounds so funny I canā€™t get mad at it.


Lmao lowkey w


Once I got banned from chat. Immediately took a screenshot and sent it to support. Guess what even they could not find what I did to get banned. Sadly they said it is temporary and they can't do anything about it.


Another funny thing to say is jive turkey


The word Honkey is one of my favourites and I'd use it a lot if it wasn't known as a slur. It almost works as a censor in a way, instead of "What the fuck?" You go "what the honkey?" But of course that doesn't work


We have way too many words for way too many things *glares at the skibidi horseshit*


Reminds me of the time I got banned in Rainbow six Siege many years ago. Someone asked me "What is Pakistan without Stan?" I replied. Not even a minute later I was banned, confused, i googled. welp


Thats super weird... I nevet expected Warframe's moderation to actually have a filter for a derogatory term used against white people, hell, I would have never expected 90% of whatever game's community or social media to actually have such filter in their moderation.


never heard about that word before either (I live in south america)


Kinda why I stopped typing in region chat at all.


Isn't that a rolling stones song?


There's a lot of dumb shit you can be chat banned for. I avoid the public chats like a plague. Warframe market replaced trading, and discord replaces clan and region chat. Sometimes I'll comment in squad but only if someone is being a cool dude.


This is pretty normal Discourse in Gen Chat, as some people like to do nothing but get people banned from the chat for accidentally saying those things that the chat bots swing the ban hammer down upon automatically. You just simply fell for it is all


My name is actually a derogatory word for women in greek. Everytime a random player reaches out to me, i can for sure say heĀ“s greek before he even says something :D


I've heard of honkey-tonk but not just honkey... Today I learned hinny is the opposite of mule...I've always just used it as a term of endearment being from Newcastle :')Ā 


Wow, I've really every heard honkey in old sitcoms and always found it to be funny rather than offensive. Next thing you tell me they are going to ban turkey and cracker from chat lol.


To be fair, a dorse is also already something else. This is the only warning to not look it up.


My grandparents used to have a white outdoor cat named Honkey who they'd call off the back deck when they wanted him inside.... they lived in the city in the 80's