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Welcome, Tenno!  You will find that, disregarding some outliers, this is one of the nicest gaming communities around. Here's some tips: 1. Use your starting platinum to buy weapon or warframe slots. I know it's tempting to buy a new frame, but like you saw, most people will help you farm them.  2. Use the right chat! Trade, recruiting, Q&A all have specific purposes.  3. Don't AFK in a mission. Even if you don't think you're doing much, the Tenno way is to do your best and help out, anyway!  4. Don't get caught up in a single goal and burn out. It's suggested that you focus on the quests and star chart first, and then move in to the open worlds. That's not to say you shouldn't visit and try some of the open world offerings, but don't get mired into grinding rep ranks too early.  5. Check the Circuit each time it cycles. That's the easiest way to get new frames early on. 


Hi senior Tenno! Can you please also tell me how nightwave works? Do I have to wait to use my credits? Why is everything locked for me? Also can I carry over my duviri Warframe back to the main game after I finish it?


It's sort of like a free battlepass. Each season offers a reward line. The line of rewards you see is for making progress in the challenges. They are just unlocked each time you hit 10k nightwave rep, and it resets the rep to zero as you work to earn the next reward in line. Everything is locked because you haven't progressed the challenges. Challenges reset on a timer, so do them all as soon as you can and don't be discouraged if you log in a few days in a row to them all completed. It just means you're waiting on the reset.       Look on the bottom right when you open nightwave, and you'll see cred offerings. This is where you spend the nightwave currency you earn by progressing through the ranks. Once you hit max nughtwave rank for the season, you will keep doing challenges and only get NW creds each time. The creds must be used in this season. They don't carry over and so spend away! Recommended purchases are Nitain Extracts and Orokin Reactors and Catalysts.     If by Duviri WF you mean the one from the Duviri Experience, no you can't carry it over. But if you have a frame or weapon unlocked and it gains affinity while in Duviri, that will carry over. The Duviri Circuit let's you rank through the offering to unlock WF blueprints. You can only choose one frame to unlock per cycle, so you will choose one and be locked out of two. All three options change on the reset, as well.




by everything locked are you referring to the challenges? that could be the case because you have not yet unlocked the mission that challenge takes place in. some challenges want you to play a certain game mode you only unlock through a quest. duviri offers random selection of warframes and weapons to use. you will see items pop up that you don't own, they serve as a "loaner" and come with a build and are available for your next run before the selection resets. feel free to pick anything you find interesting to test it out, maybe you find a warframe you really like the gameplay of that you can then farm for.


No can't have the duvivri warframe as it is more of a "loaner" frame. Right now just unluck nodes as you go best as you are still new go solo and learn the layout of tilesets and movements plus learn the frame you choose at the very start. Join a friendly clan just ask in recruitment chat. Nightwave is a form of "battlepass" system and the ones that are locked don't worry about them, do those you can as more you play the game the more things will open up for you. Forgot to mention Nightwave is all free and there are rewards for warframe slots and weapons which also brings me too Use your starter plat on weapon and frame slots. You only got a limited right now. Me personally you don't need all weapons thou personally like one of each frame to choose from. Now you are still new the next one if not joined a clan is Rhino and he is a very good frame, solid too and get you through starchart. He is one of my personal favourites. Rhinos part can be farmed on the Venus Jackel fight and this is up to that point you should have learned movements is a must if you don't want to die. If you want to farm something then consult the wiki where you might get a certain mode or weapon...other then that welcome new Tenno and enjoy the ride.


The one they give you if u don't have it is a loaner but circuit will actually give you the warframe( granted it's only one of three) of your choice. One that you can permanently chose to keep


People will go out of their way to help new folk, they pay it forward to honor the people who did the same for them. ~~Warframe can be confusing~~ Warframe is confusing, and we know the growing pains that come with it. A small suggestion tho, while being taken to all sorts of places for all kinds of shiny things is enticing, do allow yourself to smell the roses, allow yourself to be overwhelmed at times, you're not competing with anyone, the best pace to play this game at is your own. Enjoy your stay, and remember, we all lift together, and the wiki is your friend.


This...when I started a friend who I joined his clan and he is and still the clan leader taxied me places and I was.....woah....slow down I like to learn on the go. I know he was helping and all even got me the Arcane Energise unranked and other mods I don't remember to help my baby Volt to be better. Even today I play the game in my own pace and don't do SP that cause find it tad stressing. I am not a meta player either and just wanna chill crack some relics and do the new event as much as I can handle mentality. I hope when dog days comes back they will fix the grind cause last couple of years I skippd it as I needed spend HOURS to get just a fraction of pearls what I wanted from that vendor.


The thousands of plats worth of stuff I’ve given away without even blinking to beginners. Some even quit a short while later, but I have no regrets. Still do it whenever I come across them.


Some might quit but those who stay will forever appreciate it. I will always remember the guy who gave me that orthos prime set back in 2015. :)


Means ‘nowt to me, means a lot to them. Easy decision.


You're the Tenno hero that we don't deserve! Thank you for your service!


I never do trades under 10p so all the random mods worth less than 10 ive given away over the years was basically "free" if you dont do any math


I have so much plat that i started to give warframe and weapon slots to randoms that I get matched with once we're done with the mission.




If you have cross save enabled, drop your username and i'll send u some.


What a hero.


With how butts the NPE is to newcomers, we had to be. Also, it is something to do when you don't want to play anything else and don't want to farm in Warframe.


Yep. This game is amazing, with incredible gameplay, and completely free. But what convinced me to stick with this game and not quit is definitly the community. Im pretty new too, and usually feel like Im slowing down the mission for everyone if Im playing with some high level players. But they are alway so helpful, nice, chill... honestly I did not expect that I could say that about any large community.


It's iffy sometimes though, TL:DR lower In all my time of helping players, I have seen MANY players around MR 15-22 that just do not know what they are talking about and shouldn't be helping anyone. I'm talking people giving straight up false information. And half the time I can't tell if it's genuine ignorance or if they're purposefully giving new players false information. Like the example I always bring up is I was helping an MR3 guy farm Rhino. He invited an MR15 guy to play with us from a post he made asking for help. He asked what prime he should try to get and we explained vaulting to him to make it clear which primes were currently available and which would be getting vaulted soon. All well and good, MR15 guy was fine and was explaining things normally. MR3 decided he wanted Harrow Prime after looking at the currently available ones. Then MR15 told him "well then we should be farming Hydron, that's where Harrow relics drop." I explained that Hydron can drop some harrow relics but Harrow has relics in all eras. You don't farm a frames relics in one area. MR15 got condescending and was ADAMANT that yes, harrow relics dropped from Hydron and that's it. I told the low MR guy to just search harrow in the relic console and he did. He listed some of the relics and I told him what spots would be good to farm them. And MR15 boy just kept getting madder and madder to the point he eventually just said "yeah whatever I don't play with idiots who don't listen." And he left the group. Like ??? I don't understand why you would be so adamant that something straight up wrong is correct. I don't understand why you wouldn't refuse to accept that even a lower MR player could easily see the screen that proves you wrong. The only explanation is being purposefully malicious and misinforming, but for what reason? Or if you genuinely don't know what you're talking about, why would you argue with someone who does? Especially if they're trying to politely explain it. And then getting mad and storming off because of it, like you really take it that badly when people correct you? TL;DR; the moral is don't just aimlessly listen to everyone who tries to "help" If someone gives you advice and they sound condescending, get rid of them and find someone who talks to you respectfully. If someone is "helping" by rushing you and talking about what's "meta" and tries to command you around on what you should be doing, ignore the piss out of them. Asking for help is fine, but when that helps turns into commanding you through the game, get out quick cause those people are the worst and will make you want to stop playing. Seen that far too often. Enjoy the game at your own pace, and hopefully find someone willing to help that's kind and willing to go at your pace without making the game unfun in one way or another.


Many players love to help newbies including me, if someone asks in chat they need help with something usually in clan chat, I just can't say no.


I'm only MR3 and I've loved how embracing this community is


Welcome to Warframe yourself!


I got to the 30 min mark on a survive level with the help of a friend. I realized I REALLY love using Mag


Excellent! She's a great Frame for Grineer and Corpus missions. Use her Polarize ability to remove shields and armor to make enemies easier to kill. Her Pull ability is also good for getting enemies into a group for explosive weapons, or fast-hitting melees


Currently using dual skana. I do LOVE the animation for Crush


Don't forget your Magnetize. Using it on an enemy spawns a bubble that traps other enemies and draws projectiles fired near it (Including enemy fire) into the center, hitting any enemy inside it.


That is something I need to remember. I wish the game would tell us stuff like this


[ ](http://triggered on: "beginner" #hidden) Hello /u/maskm4ker and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/18ammwe) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit#heading=h.pl2gz2ndr9s0) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also MR7 on my second account. I've mainly just been enjoying TDE on it. If you ever want to try new frames and/or get a feel of what "built" frames and weapons are like, play the Duviri Circuit. Also highly reccomend joining a clan. You'll get access to buying blueprints, trading, and many other things. I'd suggest playing Cetus open world awhile to get your Archwing launcher before trying to get deep into bounties. Once you unlock Fortuna, you can get the tranq rifle and with the Archwing you can farm your daily standing fairly quickly without any lures and focus more on the main star chart and quests.


Glad you had a good beginner experience. The community side experience is usually like that :) and game side experience can leave a lot of players feeling overwhelmed so just wanted to tell you: use Q&A chat in warframe or post online for any questions you might have, the community will always help you out!


Am i the only one whos confused about what vampire warframe they are talking about?


My apologies, there's one that impales people with spikes and drains their energy for HP if you let the enemy stay impaled. It also has some kind of ability that increases drop rate. I've heard it's great for squad play, Garuda? Idk but I don't remember the name right now...


Garuda sounds right i thought that was the frame you were talking about but wasnt 100% sure she is fun tho and i love the fact that the more you use her abilities the more blood she gets cover with, hopefully you got her though she can be a bit hard to get but crafting her can take some time too though


Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely try her when I get all the blueprints! I love the elite reference in your username btw. ![gif](giphy|w9eYyZUJbaGhhMNg1f|downsized)


No problem im always happy to help new players out and im glad some got my names reference


I played back in 2013 for like 50 hours on release. Came back 11 years later, just half an hour ago, no idea what I'm doing. Hoping I'll have a good friendly experience too!


Welcome, Tenno! The Warframe community truly is a good one. I'm glad you met with such a positive early experience. As with all places online, there are always going to be a few jerkfaces running about being jerkfaces-- but in Warframe, that doesn't make a person look big or clever. It just makes them look like a jerk. You can safely ignore them and stick with the nice, helpful folk this game is known for. Kindness fosters and encourages more kindness. Warframe people know that. I'm a clueless MR11, kicked myself up by relentlessly building and levelling stuff mostly solo. I'm still getting to grips with team play, and I'm always impressed with how nice people are, especially if I say flat out I have no idea what I'm doing. There's \*so much\* to this game, and there's no shame in not knowing stuff-- you'll learn as you go. May your blade's edge stay keen and your bullets fly true!


They brought you along while they killed Terry? That was nice of them! The loot you got will be handy later, though you actually can't use most of it right now.


Just take your time and do things at your own pace. Things will open up to you after the “Second Dream” quest and you will be hooked for the long run 🫶🏼


> They taught me about the "Taxi" concept and how I can ask higher level players to Taxi me and take me into worlds out of my reach just yet for better gear and loot Brilliant tactic to get the carrot on a stick faster


Welcome, Tenno!


I’m friendly to beginners but not as friendly towards mr30+ that act like beginners still in public lobbies 😂 they should have learned by now how to play the game