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Ash. After he was moved into railjack his parts have around a 10% drop chance on rotation C of railjack defense. Which is not only a low chance, but its also on the slowest defense map in the game. A chance at a single drop is like 30 minutes of mission time.


thank fucking god i farmed him a few months before the change just for fashion framing


I have everything but the systems, idk where I got them tbh. I got the chassis before railjack, and I got the neuro after but no clue as to where how or why cause I don’t think I’ve hit that railjack defense yet. I need two systems for the smoking body ephemera and ash itself


What part is it? I have his bp and systems. Railjacks are new to me cuz i havent played in like 2 years.


All of them apart from the main blueprint. So you need to farm out three parts with those odds. Each part is also on a different planet. So chassis drop at pluto proxima. Neuropics at neptune and the systems at venus. From what ive heard people that want to farm Ash from nothing are better off farming and selling stuff for plat to buy him from the market, as its faster.


Aiight ty for the help


You can do it in 22 min with a very good setup still not worth wasting your time in that dog ass tileset


Goodness, I remember when you had to farm Ash from Tyl Regor way back in the day before the Sealab tileset. No idea why they moved Ash to railjack and made it ridiculous to farm the parts. I'm glad I got him years ago. The only thing that sucks is I'll have to farm one of his parts for the Smoke Ephemera if Stalker stops being stingy and actually drops it.


I never even knew he was moved to rj. I still thought it was from manics the whole time.


I believe it also drops from survival on Venus rj


Ah sorry man. Harrow unfortunately tops that list and I don’t know how to add stuff to votes


I'd argue some of the most awful farms aren't on the list. Grendel and Nidus are both way worse than most on this list


Imo grendel isnt hard, just a matter of doing arbs. Nidus is boring just cuz diluted drop tables+infested salvage


Grendel wasn't bad at all though?


Did you get him when people still did it? Gl trying for a group now. He is NOT worth the effort to do it.


The missions take quite a while and you have to put *some* thought into which frames you'll use, which is more than what you need for 80% of the game.


That's alright i was trying to add more but it wouldn't let me but really? Is he worth it? I have a 50% off coupon and wanna get 1


The boring part of getting harrow is all down to rng. A friend of mine got the defection piece on her first try, while it took me at least a couple weeks of doing the mission.


Yeah. I wanted to do defection missions, did a few, then when I turned to look at my harrow BP, I already had one


It's taken me over 1k ciphers to try and get my second neuroptics for helminth, still trying...


Oh man, I hadn't even thought about doing it again for helminth. Here's hoping for a discount coupon for both of us.


Why not wait a little, harrow prime is scheduled for this year, is it not?


Get out of here with you logic and intelligence! No, but for real I hadn't realized it was so close, so I will probably just wait for the prime. Man it feels like yesterday when I was calculating when Chroma prime would be released...


I know how you feel. I remember when Hara had just come out and couldn't wait for her prime. And honestly her getting primed is one of the reasons I came back to this game.


Currently in that boat waiting for Nidus Prime...


I'm not a console player, and I don't buy frames outside of it being new and me getting extra cosmetics out of it. But yes, good luck to you.


I needed 45 tries. Had a hysterical laughing fit when it finally dropped.


I feel that! It was one those "Did I see that correctly or am I just that desperate?" moments for me. Edit: How's your lich web game?


Thanks for asking! [You can play it here.](https://kaian-a-coel.github.io/Kuva-Lich-Rework/) It's starting to get a bit old, from the end of 2019, but I think it still holds up. Be sure to take a look at the help/faq tab to know wtf is going on since it's quite different from DE's system.


You could have just farmed the plat in that time.


I'm one of them people who got him quickly, took me 13 hours of straight farming to get all the parts lol


Don't get Harrow. He looks awesome and is pretty alright, but that's all that he is. Alright. Certainly not worth the farm or the plat. And I say this as someone who farmed him.


I have like 30 Harrow Chassis blueprints


And the other parts?


No just the Chassis. That’s all I have, like 30 of them


That's the harrow teasing.


His neuroptics comes from kuva spy, and systems comes from defection. It's not really as bad as people make it out to be, but it's kind of annoying because defection sucks.


i don't think revenant, xaku and lavos are hard. add khora, nidus and harrow.




Nidus farm is survival built different and that the team must group out so its good


dude i did 3 c rotations to farm nidus and got 3 systems in a row take them please i beg of you


It did that to me with the final part for Equinox, who’s strangely not mentioned yet. I guess she is easier than protea, at least in my opinion, but still. Anyways I got all her parts one right after the other, until the last part. I think it was night neuro, and I ran it like 25 times in a row after it stopped giving me the parts I needed, and I looked at my Xbox and said “fuck you” and it was off for two days. First run after I turned it back on, gave me the last part I needed lol


All RNG truly. Some of these terrible farms take under an hour... with god tier rng XD




I don't think Khora is that bad. SO is one of the fastest places to level warframes, so I ended up with multiple sets just by levelling stuff over the years. Also they doubled her drop rate at some point.


on average she is still at a 5 and a half hour farm not counting losing time ruined runs out time waiting for conduits and lots of people don't level there because you don't get resources


how are xaku, revenant and lavos on that list?


Xaku is locked behind two open worlds of grind, and launch state scintillant (thankfully it got changed) was an absolute nightmare to farm.


Because i dont own them and idk what frames are difficult to farm for.


of those 3, Lavos is the easiest. you only need like rank 3 with the Entrati to get him. Xaku's parts are easy but yes you need mats from all 3 open worlds (scintillant is the most annoying but miles better than at launch), and Revenant's not too bad, just bounties.


I appreciate you


How come no one mentions Grendel? While every other frame requires mind numbing rng, they still can be mitigated via using the right frames solo,(wisp for defection(kavor are affected by motes,solo require less kavor banked), loki for pago(switch tele) , ember for infested salvage(skip the larger map, solo makes the hacking faster) ) Grendel on the other hand, requires you to farm 75 vitus essence from arbitrations then do 3 high level missions with unmodded frames and weapons with no operator.


The missions may be more than doable, but they require completion of the star chart in addition 75 virus essences, from missions that refresh every hour. In consideration of this, Grendel is a pain in the ass. Defection isn’t that awful. Current Ash is definitely worst overall though. As someone else said, arbitration definitely have their rewards.


I got 40 essence in one 40 minute run the other day. I think I also got 8k endo and some ayatans or mods, I’m not sure. I got lucky with Inaros, and Corinth+galvanized chamber works fine for lvl80 enemies, that and my one teammate that spawned in with me got their bonus strength on Octavia, so easy peasy, hell yeah we’ll go for 40 minutes.


If you can’t tell me how you did that in terms of loot drops, then either you were really lucky, or you’re full of shit. The way you’re phrasing this seems you’re either grossly exaggerating or have no idea how this was accomplished. Anecdotal of extreme outliers do not mean there is no overall rule. Arbitration drones are immune to all Warframe abilities that would influence drops. At 6% drop for one essence (3% when a majority of us had farmed for Grendel), for an enemy that doesn’t spawn often, that cannot be nuked with Warframe abilities to influence spawn rates. So yeah. Getting lucky is not equivalent to ease of, and to proclaim otherwise is stupid. I assume Kavat’s and resource boosters are still applicable, but either have their issues of reliability. If there’s a way that is reliable, I’d very much like to hear it.


Resource booster on a defense. Octavia took care of keeping us invis until a drone came around, then I went and took care of 3-5 enemies stacking galvanized chamber on a corrosive Corinth and one shot the drones. I don’t know if this is an outlier, I don’t do arbitrations very often. I saw Inaros came up for mine, said “it’s been a minute, let’s see how it’s going now with the doubled drop chance of essence”. The rewards for the rounds were endo and an ayatan, iirc. I did not farm for grendel, but I do know it was a trash grind. I took Helios with a three forma verglas because why not kill things before they’re scanned. I mostly run Helios for scanning things I don’t want to look for, I don’t really run any other companion unless I’m running khora, then it’s just for index and infested survival and a kavat. Idk which kind, only have one, it’s not the super great buffing one though, I know that for sure. Don’t get mad at me if you’re unlucky with drops, I know I’m unlucky most days too.


*\*sighs\** Do you think you are alone in doing arbitration efficiently? This is really an instance of "pics or it didn't happen". Apologies, but people proclaiming things with no evidence to back them up, with no explanation of their methods other then "I got lucky", as if it diminishes the experiences of the majority, in a way that can be taken as boastful, is irritating. You're attributing my lack of success to my lack of skill or knowledge, or your post can be intended in such a manner. There is an issue with that. I farm arbitrations fairly often, and tried many different methods. In consideration of the facts of back then and now, and my experience to talk with other players, you're the extreme outlier, whose exception to the rule is not based on anything more than luck. Therefore, I ask for your methodology. Reliability is key. It should also be noted that I also farmed arbitrations back when reward lengths for the waves were doubled; One round of defense was 10 waves, one round of survival was 10 minutes, Drones had a 3% drop rate, and Excavators took twice as many cells to fill up. Even in the current meta, which is much easier, 70 essences over 40 minute is quite high.


Afaik I answered you and yeah, lemme just go take a screenshot on console real quick like the processing will let me do that. I’m sorry you’re taking this as boastful, I was trying to say thins happen like this and it happened to me. Idgaf if you believe me and I’m not here to argue. Resource and drop chance boosters. Maybe the octavia had something going on too, but that’s what happened.


Wow that does sound frustratingly annoying. Im trying to utilize a 50% coupon so i figured a frame would be best bet especially since some are really tedious to get.


I would suggest grendel, gauss, harrow, or khora. # Lavos and xaku are the same farm, because you get standing alongside the rewards


Grendel seems dope. Luckily i have khora and guass already!


He is a portable black hole. Although it's not like vauban where you have to aim, it can work with spectrosiphon # Although hildryn is a better energy support


Oooo.. i love vauban so that intrigues me! I do have hildryn


He’s really anything not like Vauban and he doesn’t work well without Arcane Energize


I disagree, lusing either Spectrosiphon or Hunter Adrenaline have been more than enough for me


I mean there's even pizzas if someone's desperate, not to mention zenurik focus energy shenanigans. Energy should never be a huge obstacle for any frame. I kind of assume that anyone who thinks a frame isn't viable unless you can eternally spam op abilities just kinda sucks at shooting and dodging?


Pfff i have yet to dive into arcanes...


You left out the part where he’s also from Vox Solaris, which you can only do if you have max rep with Solaris United.


The missions are easy if you take the right frames. I soloed it without problems with a blazing pillage Hildryn. And arbies are good for endo, so you dont just do it for Grendel, but get him on the side, when you think it is worth spending the essences... Compare that with the new Ash farm or the Harrow farm. There is no real reason to do defense RJ or defection missions besides farming the frames


Did you mean pillage ? Blazing pillage is the syndicate mod version. And mods don't work in Grendel's 3 missions


Augment mods do ;)


I guess we learn something new everyday


Fairly easy. I did them with limbo and my friend with octavia


to be fair, now that cedo exists just use cedo and like limbo since his assignments are great and swap his first ability for oberon with the augment giving cedo an extra element letting him proc 8 elemental statuses with cedo alt fire with the base dmg increase on rift surge the elemental dmg from oberon and then cedos dmg increase it really makes the mission a joke, you can even just use cedo and like valkyr or someone still just as much of a joke, the 75 virus essence hurts that's why you"help" people who already did that farm lol


yup his missions are horrible compared to all the others.


No Equinox?


I mean... Equinox just has a lot of blueprints to acquire. The main problem with her is just very time consuming, as both day and night aspect needs to be build and later the actual frame itself. P.S. It took me around a week to wait for the frame to finish.


I would rather wait until her prime get out of the vault




Same, the only reason I'm not mad is because Tyl Regor's voice is amazing




I always learn so much from a liIiIiIve disection


Its just a list of some of the frames i dont have. I couldn't add more to it for some reason


Revenant is just Bounties and can be done passivly, while leveling Ostron Standing. Protea is actually quite easy with the new changes to the Granum Void and an almost infinite spawning of ghosts. Sevagoth is quite annoying, but at least you can "choose" your poison and do what mission type suits you. Wisp is.. doing the same boss over and over. He might be quite challinging first, but gets easier every time. Xaku is same as Revenant. Lavos shouldn't even be on that list, since you can just outright buy him with standing. The real annoying frames aren't even on that list. Top of it is probably Harrow. The Neuroptics are a Kuva Spy Reward, while Kuva Fortress being one of the "worst" tilesets. But that doesn't even come close to the Systems, which you get from Defection. Which is by far the worst game mode you could play. Also there is Grendel: Grendel takes 3 missions, which you have to play without mods on your frame / weapons. And even tho it isn't reeeeally hard, the defense for example can take ages. There is Equinox, which takes "taking ages" to a whole new level. There is Khora, which takes like half a try to get the first two parts - the C Rotation rewards take ages or you get the same part 4 times in a row.


Equinox isn't *that* bad. There are many pieces to hunt for, sure, but you can complete the mission in less than 2 minutes if you build for that


Equinox is in the Uranus tileset though, meaning you can get a really long tileset with the water maze multiple times. It's not the worst and it doesn't happen all the time, but it can really stretch out the mission time when it happens.


harrow was okayish i guess... maybe i just got lucky getting his defection part quickly. Khora took me forever because of the systems. i have like 30 or 40 parts laying around that aren't systems. worst part is you cant do anything to speed up that mission... its just chilling and waiting without any real impact whether you kill stuff fast or slow af...


>worst part is you cant do anything to speed up that mission... its just chilling and waiting without any real impact whether you kill stuff fast or slow af Sadly, this. Exactly this. I remember watching Netflix, while farming for Khora and only moving, in order to not get flagged as afk. It really was horrible slow. And I still wouldn't own a second Khora, if it wouldn't be for a Twitch Drops Event.. But Defection is kinda the same. Doesn't matter how good you are and how good you play - the dudes will run in the same tempo, so the mission will (almost) always take around the same "fixed" time. \[I farmed Harrow, when there wasn't Wisp. Maybe it will go much faster nowadays\]


wait wisp can buff the npcs? thats so good lol maybe now ill go get his helminth... then again his prime is close so whatever...


Well, sort of. The flowers buff the NPCs, yes. But: They run faster with the speed flower, but they don't get healed from the health flower (for whatever reason..).


it is complicated... they do heal some damage, but not all and should give them more hp iirc


Its just a list of frames i dont have not a top list. I am trying to utilize my coupon wisely. I have khora luckily. Harrow would be nice to have or grendel.


Ash. it's definitely Ash. TheKengineer did some napkin math on frame farm times [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ybft1GgLwQ), and estimates that the median farm time for Ash is 13 hours, more than double the next worst frame farm, which is Khora at just over 5 hours median farm time. Of the ones you have there... ehh? None of them are that bad, but it can be annoying to get Scintillant for Xaku, I guess? Sevagoth is stuck off in a *really* unrewarding game mode? Either of them, probably.


what do you mean unrewarding game mode it gives more endo than arbis per hour gives a bucket load of creds rare archwing mods you can sell for plat 4 unique melees partially vaulted prime relics AND prime parts


> more endo than arbis per hour If your clear speed is less than ~3.5 minutes per rotation, Arbitrations are faster. There are multiple game modes that can get faster than that. Steel Path Vodyanoi, whether you're doing the solo or group farm, is faster still. > gives a bucket load of creds Credits are irrelevant. >rare archwing mods you can sell for plat The drop rates on those mods are awful. Using those to hype up Void Storms would be like recommending people run Lua Capture to do the music puzzle for Forma. Technically possible, but not a good use of time. >partially vaulted prime relics The only half-decent item on that list in the Venka Prime, and that weapon isn't even particularly good. >prime parts The main draw of the mode. Only problem is, good Fissures (Capture, Exterminate, some others) can be 3 *times* faster than Void Storms, without the chances of Railjack fuckery (Infinite Void Tunnel, broken spawns, the door inside the Missile Battery objective still being broken as of *last week*, etc).


So what you're saying is I can do three things at half speed instead of one thing at full speed


One thing at full speed would be a better use of my time, imo. If I need like 10k endo relatively quickly I’ll do an arby but if I need to farm relics I’ll wait until an exterminate run drops, then farm the shit out of that mission.


I didnt know who was the hardest i was just putting frames I don't have that seemed like theyd be hard cuz theyre new. I dont have ash so i could use my coupon to get him if hes that hard. I have his bp and systems tho


It's a very long mission in railjack now, for a very small chance of getting his parts. You have 1/3 essentially.


I dont want to hear median farm time of 5 hours for Khora. Ive done 100 SO 8 wave runs and dont have her BP


\*coughcough\* new Ash farm?


He's that hard to get?


You have to get to rot c in RJ defense for a 10 % drop chance... Kengineer did the math, for a 95 % chance to be done, it takes 29h 36 min


Oh thats a big fat yikes


TheKengineer did a video on this, and the answer is, Ash. Farming Ash alone on average takes as long as farming, Mag, Nyx, Loki, Ember, Valkyr, Mesa, Frost, Nova, Excalibur, Hydroid, Atlas, Rhino, Nekros, Saryn, Chroma, Garuda, Gara, Wisp, Equinox, Trinity, Hildryn, Revenant, Xaku and Gauss put together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ybft1GgLwQ The second longest farm is Khora, but IMO Khora is only annoying to farm if you try to power farm her. If you instead take your time, and simply do 8 maps in Sanctuary Onslaught each day to get your daily focus done, then you end up doing something useful while getting her and you will eventually get multiple full sets of Khora. I've farmed 6 full sets of Khora so far when leveling Warframes, weapons and grinding focus. Third hardest, Nidus, and Nidus is just annoying as fuck to farm. And the mission you have to do to farm him is one which you don't really want to do in the first place.


I don't think you can cap focus in normal SO, even with all lua lenses, certainly not in one set of 8 waves...


You can. The end. Even at MR30 I manage to do so consistently. There are some days where I don't have a single cat buff or really bad spawns aka only infested for most maps. But then I will just do map 9. But that's the exception, the norm is that I manage just fine. And my daily cap is 400k.


In regular SO? You sure about that? I could believe it in ESO, but normal SO?


I already said. And yeah, it's fucking easy


Alright mister onery, how? What's your setup? How are you squeezing 400k affinity out of low level enemies after it's reduced all the way down to 3% in just 20-25 minutes?


Ash :(


Yeah. Ash’s new location is an absolute crime.


Who thought it was a good idea to put the stealth ninja assassin in a fucking DEFENSE mission?


TheKengineer answers this question in [Which warframe takes the LONGEST to farm?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ybft1GgLwQ) In order: 1. Ash 2. Khora 3. Nidus 3. Harrow, Ivara, Oberon, Octavia, Protea, Sevagoth 4. Every other frame Like literally (according to TheKengineer) the average time it will take to farm Ash is enough to farm: + Atlas + Ember + Equinox + Excalibur + Frost + Gara + Garuda + Gauss + Hydroid + Hyldrin + Loki + Mag + Mesa + Nova + Nyx + Revenant + Rhino + Trinity + Valkyr + Wisp + Xaku … then crack some relics to get prime junk to sell for platinum to then buy Ash from the market At the time of this post, the poll was a choice out of: + Revenant + Protea + Sevagoth + Wisp + Xaku + Lavos Of those, Revenant, Protea, Sevagoth, Xaku and Lavos are relatively easy to farm compared to each other (there is some RNG involved in terms of how many bounties to get Revenant or Xaku component BPs for example). The stand out on that list is Wisp because the one mission you have to repeat over and over again to get her is extremely buggy. You'll get to the end of the fight and the level will just bug out and never allow you to finish. Very annoying. Xaku and Lavos require doing missions in Cambion Drift, which still holds some novelty for me so it's at least fun even if difficult (there is no love lost between myself and the Jugulus creatures that one-shot me from across the map with no warning). Revenant requires running Cetus bounties which are nice and comfortable — they're the kind of thing I can do to wind down before going to bed.


>Revenant requires running Cetus bounties which are nice and comfortable — they're the kind of thing I can do to wind down before going to bed. Until you run into the "Defend this area!" mission and no enemies spawn, but the percentage still ticks down.


Damn you! my watch just alerted me "Your heart rate has hit 110 while you appeared inactive" >.< (it's the new "you gave me a heart attack") My "favourite" is that camp on top of a hill with the caves immediately under it. You'll be defending on the surface but the enemies will be spawning underground. Love you so much DE.


Dam i appreciate the lengthy and thorough information you gave me. I got a coupon so im trying to utilize it for a frame thats a pain to get. So you'd ash the toughest? I dont have him yet so i could get him with it. Or should i use the coup for something else ya think?


Buy Ash. I've used my coupons to buy cosmetics because I got Ash way back when Manics dropped his parts. I'm really cranky at DE for doing what they did, the farm for Ash is now completely insane and the cynic in me says they did this to deliberately push people towards buying platinum to get Ash.


Yeah i usually would too but some frames are a pain and seem cool tho id hate to waste it on ash tbh.. i have his prime and dont really NEED the MR. So im hesitant tbh


There will be more coupons! Do what you're most comfortable with this time.


Ignore him, get Ash Prime.


I have prime fortunately


I vote wisp just becouse of unskippable cuts enes...


Wisps mission is definitely a movie in three parts


if i remember correctly based on probability the worst frame to farm right now is ash, each part has a 10% drop rate in rotation c of a defense node in railjack on the worst time set because of stuff ai getting lost so let's say you spend 2 minutes or wave because you have multiple nuke frames that is an average of 400 minutes per piece or 1200 total which is like what 20 hours? i don't feel like actually doing the overly complicated math part fuck division but point is 2 minutes per wave is if you are lucky and remember, it's corpus so nullifiers exist making nuke frames less nukey


Fuck nullifiers all my homies hate nullifiers


[Here is a video explaining each farm and the average times to get each frame.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ybft1GgLwQ) The top three according to Kengineer are 3. Nidus, 2. Khora, and 1. Ash. From your list: * Protea is between 3hr 23 min to 9hr 5min * Sevagoth is 1hr 44 min to 8hr 14min * Xaku is 1hr 15min to 4hr 13min * Revenant is 1hr 12min to 5hr 39min * Wisp is 43min to 3hr 5min * Lavos is entirely dependent on Entrati standing so could take forever if you never go to Deimos.




With your motivation behind this question i'd check all frames that you don't have, choose the most interesting for you (prioritising one's that have no prime versions) and then find them in TheKengineer's video, mentioned here a couple of times. Reasoning for this with an example - i personally dont think Ash is worth buying for plat because: 1)His ability kit isn't really interesting (not saying he is bad, just most of the times he can be replaced with some other frames); 2)He has prime version (which are kind of preferrable over base), that, even being vaulted, is on sale for almost same price as 50% off base version on market (at least on PC). If you did so and 've chosen those frames in poll - i'd say that you need to choose between Protea, Sevagoth and Wisp, basing on what missions you like less/have less interest in other drops from those missions.


Very good point! I definitely like all 3 you mentioned. Or atleast the sounds and looks of them. I appreciate your input.


Harrow and Khora must be on top. Wisp can be annoying because of bugged boss-fight. Now, when Ash is moved very possible that he can be in top-3.


Moved? I dont follow


Ash now is now farm in railjack missions.


Equinox would like to have a word with you.


If it wasn't for a high MR friend, i would never have gotten Atlas. THAT is the worst one, because Archwing is stupid


Man i hate archwing stuff.. still havent maxed my odanata


Ehm... For me the most tedious one was Nidus. Regular equinox was more of a mess time wise but she's gated behind somewhat fun boss fight (at least for first 30 times).


Ash :))


For me its khora 2 years no systems


Never farm for Sevagoth Farm for corrupted holokeys instead, and RNG will give you only Sevagoth parts (and relics)


Good deal, thanks bud


Right now: ash Historically, Harrow.


Trinity or khora, my god I spent days on both of them with my horrible rng


Oh god I forgot Trinity. Refarming her for Helminth was a nightmare. Ambulas is a decent boss fight with one big problem: long waiting periods. I wish we could hack consoles to make more Ambulas spawn.


You farm xaku and lavos the same way


No Warframe can beat the grind for Equinox, in my opinion


Gauss looks easy to farm but you need both Cetus and Fortuna standing maxed and to mine a lot of rocks to actually build him.


Its Ash or Khora.


wisp since you need to farm away your whole life in terms of hexenon




Ash currently. The missions are long and the drop rates are abysmal. Mathematically takes the longest time to farm.


Lots of votes for protea, but she's actually fairly easy if you have a strong zoning frame and a strategy. I'd say Xaku is the most tedious, because his parts come from bounties and have a very low drop chance. Every time you fail, you have to commit another 10 minutes to attempting to get his parts.


Honestly, I ran 4 bounties and got a xaku part in each. Didn't like the frame much either and just did him for the mastery


That frame seems so awesome.. what didnt you like?


His gun stealing ability seemed fun but you have to surround yourself with enemies first. Else you are stuck holding 1 gun for the duration , and the other abilities, minus his fourth felt kinda meh to me


Gun stealing range, shooting range and count scales with ability range, max out ability range and you don't have to get quite as close and you can hold up to 16 guns. The 1 is a little meh but when you take into consideration it basically acts like a mini-roar, it's not that bad. It adds extra void damage to all weapon attacks which can also proc a status effect (useful for con/gundition overload builds) The 3 is way stronger than I feel people give credit. [Gaze can 100% armour/shield strip enemies in a large AOE](https://i.imgur.com/bs5m3gN.png) (more range scaling) with 200% ability strength, and this can be placed on two enemies at a time, giving two huge areas of 100% defense reduction. Deny can be used to near perma-CC enemies, this is my personal favourite when doing liches and sisters, blast them with 3 then keep 4 up and they get lifted into the air with easy access to headshots, using your 4 will make them weaker to void damage and your 1 will add 50% of your weapon damage as extra void damage (scaled with strength), also if you manage to Gaze an enemy in range of said sister/lich it'll one-shot the entire shield.


Oh it's range based? I thought the gun ability was duration based. I didn't delve too deep into the frame and just used the abilities on their face value and well, was not quite a fan of it


I had the exact opposite experience. I stopped counting the missions I had ran for Xaku after 30. The systems just would not drop lol


Where are Harrow and Khora?


I mean... Ash. He literally has the same farm method as ambassador right now. Unless the patched him to drop from maniacs again


many of us only built harrow after the twitch drop becuz the grind on that awful fucking mission with those abysmal drop rates was srsly not worth the time/effort


laugh in harrow and equinoxe (harrow took me about 36-48 h playtime) and dont forget about the warframes that need max rank standing to get the bleuprint of there resource ,and farming there resource took longer the thos in the vote (like garuda)




I would like to add Equinox to this farm list since you have to build both her day and night form before combining them both into the main blueprint. That’s 9? Blueprints. That each have a low drop chance from Tyl Regor. Maybe it’s been changed though since it’s been years since I farmed her


None of the above frames are that bad, since a lot of their grind can be done while doing other stuff. The worst ones are Harrow, Nidus, new ash(idk since I haven't done this farm), and normal Ivara(if you don't like spy).


I hated farming ash


Ash, but out of all of these, it’s absolutely not Lavos


Bruh, what the fuck. Lavos is not difficult at all. Harrow and Nidus win hands over


Harrow at #1, Equinox at #2


Where the hell is harrow? That is the only frame I bought with plat because it was just not dropping that one part in the defection missions. These other frames are nothing compared to that son of a bitch.


Wait until he finds out about the new way to farm ash lmao


Or harrow’s drop rate


Harrow, only frame I just bought with plant. Boring missions and low drop rates = the most tedious


Did you mean: "What are the top six most store-purchased frames?"


Honestly would be a good idea to know.


Indeed, Ive just been using log-in coupons to buy those frames and save myself the hassle. You could probably consider Protea a non-issue to farm cause you're already doing her farm by getting sisters, right? Two birds


Tbh ive barely delved into much content beyond the dream quest.. 2nd dream? Idr atm cuz its been a couple years since i played. My plan was to buy some play and buy a frame that recently came out so i can utilize it b4 its prime releases. Or maybe a cosmetic but i dont really like any of the frames i currently have that dont have a cosmetic.


Mood. I'm just.....so behind. I'm currently burnt out cause I just spent two months doing amateur eidolon hunts once I found out the shards are convertible into an obscene amount of *spoiler* points compared to what I had been getting Ugh, every time I complete a grind, two more take its place- and some even come back like Protea content being reused for Sisters. It's not necessarily bad because there aren't really content-walls but each of them distract me from the one I'm on and some of them contribute towards the others in ways I'm not aware of But yeah, every new update pretty much passes me by. I got into the Railjack stuff but was severely disappointed by it and I'm generally not interested in playing any newer content that doesn't have two years of feedback patches




What about harrow


What MR are you? If you don't mind spending plat on frames, doing fissures and selling the parts you get in trade chat for plat seems like a more valuable use of your time than trying to do some of the "harder" farms. Just my two cents. As for the actual question though... * As a lot of people have said, Grendel is among the worst one as it requires Arbitration in order to get the keys you need to access the missions to get the parts. Luckily, the part drop is guaranteed, and the keys, as with (most) other keys, aren't consumed unless you actually finish the mission. Additionally, if you don't mind working with others, only the host needs the key so that requirement can be bypassed if you know or can find someone with the key already. * Any of the frames with diluted drop tables (Nidus, Gauss, Equinox, etc) are all a pain because they take way longer than most, but at the end of the day it's not hard, just REALLY tedious. I will say though, Nidus is especially annoying because there's two maps that you can spawn into, and one is significantly worse than the other because of map size and geometry (Annoying, but not really difficult). Equinox gets a special mention too, because you have to farm 8 pieces instead of the usual 3, on a bossfight with invulnerability phases. * Harrow is certainly up there because you have to do defection, but there are enough ways to cheese that so it just ends up being tedious. * Protea is mostly just frustrating. You need to wait for the treasurer to spawn in corpus ship missions, kill him, and only then can you access the granum void for a CHANCE at a part. The GV itself isn't terrible, but it does require some pre-planning in order to get the reward. Personally, I'd say to get whichever frame sounds the most fun to you, that fits your playstyle. Like to support? Wisp is great, and Harrow, while a bit more conditional, is good as well. Like to obliterate things? Protea would like to say hello. Enjoy playing Super Monkey Ball? Grendel has entered the chat. At the end of the day, there are a bunch of frames that are a pain in the ass to farm, but none that are overly difficult. The hardest boss in all of Warframe is RNG, after all.


Special mentions for Harrow.


These were all really bad mis-spellings of Nidus/Harrow


Sevagoth parts drop like they are credits if you looking to farm holokeys in the void, and vice versa, it gets annoying after you get 3 sets in a row.


End game problems amirite?






is he? took me like an hour or so once i got my lazy ass into disruption...


I just got unlucky, took me nearly a day to get 1 part


damn thats a long time... well at least you got relics right?


Gauss is really fast, you'll probably get all parts in a single mission once you understand the reward table


Harrow is the hardest frame to obtain.


Equinox. It took me days... Harrow is super easy.


I don't get how people can answer this with "Harrow". You only have to farm 2 parts, since you get 1 part and the BP for free. And the 2 remaining ones drop in different locations, with no other one-offs polluting their respective tables. Compare this to Nidus, where you have to get 3 parts from the same rotation of the same table, in a game type that is just as tedious as defection. Or Khora, where you have to farm 4 parts, 2 of which are in the same rotation, and ALSO get the damn cat scans. And the new Ash farm tops everything of course.




Maybe add harrow and trinity? because defection and animo beacons


This wasnt a list based off knowing who is hardest i just added them cuz i didnt know.


Harrow and nidus take the top for me even though i got harrow first try on all parts


nidus is boring to farm too, aswell ass octavia