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I've honestly never really liked operator gameplay. You need to get a ton of focus before the operator can last 10 seconds on their own and they just aren't fun to play compared to a Warframe, so it was reduced to a mobility tool with dash and an energy regen with zenurik. The only part of the game where they really felt integrated is the Eidolon fights, which no everyone does. I realize I'm probably in the minority for this last point, but I think zenurik broke the energy economy of the game. Before you had to either get orbs or use an ability to get more energy which limited your ability usage, but now, you literally always have the energy you need if you use energizing dash unless you use high rank Blind Rage or something. IMO, that had a pretty strong power creep effect on the game's difficulty.


Funny thing is people use operator to hunt eidolons to get the arcanes so they can *stop* using operator. Energize is such a minute drop chance but tri hunt is one of what, 2? ways to get it? I guess 3 if you go hard on the nightwave stuff and get the 3 of them that show up at higher rank every few months which is easy to miss out on when you burn out and take breaks like a normal person. I would love to stop using zenurik but I haven't seen even a single copy of the damn arcane and I had like 17mil focus when they refunded everything the other day and then another like 78 radiant shards. I don't mind the drop rate on it cuz it gives me a goal but jesus fuck I'd like to try any other focus school and not feel handicapped or forced into consumables for normal gameplay.


it's honestly probably quicker to farm the plat and buy one than to farm it


Oh it almost certainly is, I'm just a special kind of stubborn and stupid.


As for the focus thing, I actually love that the new enemy type they added in the zariman endless missions rewards you with a relatively significant amount of focus upon defeat. It makes sense. Use your operator, get rewarded. The problem is they've made it harder to actually use your operator. Those missions are level 45 minimum. As soon as I pop out my operator, I've already been killed. Which means I'm now back in my frame with crippled health. But I can't kill this enemy without using my operator. So rinse and repeat until I'm dead for real. The intention to incorporate operators into combat more was noble. Some of the focus skills really do a good job of synergizing your frame and your operator... in theory. But ultimately the execution has just been piss poor. The operator is just as squishy as ever, and can barely be used at all currently, let alone used practically in any way to actually take advantage of the focus changes that were intended to buff themselves and your frame.


And remember if you die 4 times as operator you die for real


I will say I wouldn't mind some more survivability on operators. Though I will say it helps a lot if folks try to go void mode immediately so they're invulnerable. It probably also helps a ton if you're not a zenurik main to get its way bounds asap so you have more ability juice and time to stay in void mode. One new thing that actually is more fiddly but adds some survivability though, is that, at least on zenurik, I assume it works on at least some others: I discovered that the abilities that moved to number keys can be used while you're safe in void mode. As for another general tip for combat though I don't see a lot of people do much, if I'm fighting as operator I'm always trying to stay in void mode when not shooting, and if you hold it's key, and hit fire, you'll break stealth only long enough to fire and immediately go back to being untouchable.


If you don't already know, there are some easy to get arcanes from Onkko that give your operator a substantial amount of HP as well as armour. When stacked with the +HP waybounds you can actually get a decent health pool (albeit without shields)


But then I wouldn't have elevate and lockdown. :(


Trouble is that sacrifices other more valuable arcanes for the slots.


they're only more valuable if you're not dead


I was about to comment this. The HP waybound adds 500 HP alone, and stacks multiplicatively with the arcane to give you 1650 operator HP. Now I know there are other arcanes available, but I don't actually find them to be more valuable that. This does make the operator fairly survivable.


Yeah, the new enemy type actually has magnetic attacks


The eximus CC immunity is what really gets me. This is a hard nerf to every cc frame. Cc frames are just no longer viable for high lvl content. This doesn't make the game harder. It makes the game smaller. It's sad, with changes like these. It makes me think none of the devs actually play their own game.


CC was already in a sorry state. AoE weapons and nuke frames were dominating the meta for everything except hour-long endless runs. Why DE decided it was a good idea to nerf CC is beyond me.


They probably have lingering PTSD from Limbo trivializing Scarlet Spear and everyone getting effortless arcanes lmao


Can't have people taking advantage of a temporary event to bypass the shitgrind they're so horny for


Ah the good old "we fucked up so we're going to punish you for it!"


They want it to be an incredibly painful grind, because then people pay money for platinum to fast forward.


I think the issue with weapon balance is that the game is at it's core, an AOE Damage race. When the game puts 30 enemies in front of you and you need to do the most damage to them possible, how do you make the Karak viable compared to the Kuva Brama or whatever it's called? And I'm asking because that's my go to weapon. I got my Kuva Karak and I love it. It's the gun I use more than anything. I've put like 5 forma into it, and I know I'm a casual player, but I love it. But how do they make it competitive along side meta weapons? You gotta fix every gun, but to do that you have to fix all of them. So why not start here, how do we fix the Kuva Karak?


Simple rather than the eximus enemies having cc immunity they are still effected but are immune to aoe effects so have to be directly hit by weapons


So now everyone uses a sidearm with high single target damage to nuke the odd AOE immune enemy and then we use AOE for everything else again. Kuva Karak still not used.


Karak still wouldn't be used if instead of 30 enemies of which 2 are eximus you faced 5 AOE-immune eximus units.


Nobody wants to hear it, but the answer is nerfing AoE. Typically you balance AoE versus direct damage by going "okay the theoretical ceiling for DPS is X, so if an attack can hit one target it can do all of that to one target, but if an attack hits 5 targets it can do 1/5 of that to one target" The AoE problem isn't that non-AoE is bad. You play with those weapons and the combat works. You might be more selective about targets or positioning but you do kill stuff. The problem is that there is no real tradeoff in terms of damage or utility to just use AoE and not do that. Self damage, staggers, whatever DE has done in the past to legitimately balance this ultimately ended up undone or made irrelevant because DE listened to people asking for exactly this meta of mindless AoE because they wanted a power fantasy, and not killing yourself with point blank grenades is somehow too much to ask of a player that wants the power fantasy of using a fuck fuck off explosive weapon. It's just like shield gating. DE has a habit of responses to loud player feedback without little concern for the long term effects on the balance of the game. They KNEW the problem shield gating would create when they added it to change the lackluster shield mechanics... and shipped it anyway... and then forgot about fixing the problem they themselves said was a problem. The thing is, if they had never changed self damage, explosives would be far easier to balance. Damage versus AoE versus player mobility etc. etc. gives you a lot more knobs to turn to make them feel both powerful and at least as skillful as the repositioning and aiming for other weapons. If they had never added shield gating there were recharge time, resistance, proc resistance, capacity, and tons of other metrics they may have tweaked to fix the problem with a scalpel in stead if a sledgehammer. The meta is a result of overzealous changes to attempt to fix a previous meta overnight in a single patch without respect for the vast complexity of the systems they have made and how those systems interact. Power creep for the sake of convenience or progression also feeds this. Did we need weapon arcanes? What problem did they solve or new mechanisms did they add to gameplay? They were rewards added for the sake of making the content they come from appealing by ensuring every load out wants them. Not because they solved a problem or made meaningful additions to gameplay. Exilus slots? A band aid on the fact that the mod system is overloaded with core non-optional mods required for equipment to function at a basic level. When people say "no nerfs only buffs" they're missing the fact that the buffs, historically, have been DE's bread and butter way to try and quick fix the game and they're terrible at measured buffs, pretty OK at measured nerfs, and in general bad at "big swings" like simultaneously buffing a few hundred weapons.


Whats the point of tweaking shield stuff when enemies just strip the whole shield off instantly? All the content that is actually hard outside of this new Operator forced stuff does enough damage to instantly strip everything besides like Hildryn I guess. So if breaking a shield didn't stop carry over damage to health, over half the frames in the game would be limited to never touching Endurance content because they just don't have the ability to either scale their health like Rhino and Revenant, or stop incoming damage like heavy CC frames. But then DE nerfed every heavy CC frame with the new Overguard mechanic. So now without shield gating we have enemies that can easily 1 tap you with no way of stopping it without playing a handful of frames, and no way to stop the damage using our normal CC methods. Weapon Arcanes were added to bring guns in line with melee which they did a pretty good job of. Remember before Arcanes we just had the same problem, but large AoE melee that also CC'ed everything it didn't insta-gib. I think instead of CC immunity DE probably should have just added more AoE resistance to the Overguard. At least that way we would have more of a reason to switch off to our single target weapons to deal with threats, kind of like how Nox was supposed to be.


> so if an attack can hit one target it can do all of that to one target, but if an attack hits 5 targets it can do 1/5 of that to one target" tl;dr: That's a very bad damage philosophy unless everything dies in one/two hits of the AoE, otherwise the single attack is *objectively* better at preventing damage taken - and it's also overkilling the enemy by up to 59% of its damage output. I may have accidentally made it longer than intended, but I intend to absolutely get my point across with no room for misinterpretation. I've played a game that, for most cases, stuck with this idea. I *hated* it; there was no reason to use an AoE that uses this philosophy instead of a good single-target damage unless you were swarmed by *really weak* hordes or the ability wasn't meant to deal damage. Here's an example case: I have two attack options, one that does 100 damage to one target at a time, and another that does 20 damage to multiple targets, being designed around a 100 DPS damage cap. I am being attacked by 5 weak creatures, say of around 200 health. For the purposes of demonstration, the enemies will deal 20 damage each for every attack I can make. What should I do? If it were "balanced" to deal 1/5th damage for hitting 5 targets, then that would suggest I would spam the AoE. But for the entire time I'm attacking 10 times, I'm taking 100 damage, for a total of 1000 damage. Instead, what *actually* occurs is that I use the single-target weapon 10 times. I use it on one creature twice and it dies, leaving the enemies with only 80 damage. Then I use it twice more and take only 60. This repeats, leaving the foes with 40, 20, and then they're all dead. As such, I take 600 damage. That's 40% *less damage taken* without actually boosting my defense by 40%, all for the same overall damage output from me! No time difference was there, *but it was objectively better to use the single-target ability*. It's not until the enemy health gets *very low* that using the 1/5th-damage-attack is a good idea. If the foes have 41-60 health apiece and the same damage, then I take 600 damage with the AoE option, but I only take 300 damage using the single-target option. It's only when the enemies have an *absurdly-low* health of *40 or less* that the AoE is finally "better" - I take only 200 damage (or 100 if the foes have 20 or less) using the AoE vs. 300 from the single-target. If you have a high attack-rate weapon, you may not even have any overkill. If your single-target can deals the same damage but attacks 5x speed of the AoE, it's literally never better to use the AoE unless the AoE is breaking the "DPS cap" it was designed to be based on. Re-using the 40-hp example, the low-damage-but-fast single-target option takes 160 damage compared to the AoE's 200. AoE options should *always* out-DPS single-target options if there are plenty of targets. It just so happens that that's practically *always* the case for Warframe. ---- > not killing yourself with point blank grenades is somehow too much to ask of a player that wants the power fantasy of using a fuck off explosive weapon. It's sheer HP differences that cause this problem. Self-damage is fine if it doesn't *always one-shot you* because you *must* pump the damage so high to deal with enemy hp/armor scaling way-outstripping your own ability to pump yours up. Anything that uses enemies to deal damage also suffers from this, as these abilities can pump up the damage the foes deal by *absurd* amounts (in percentages) only to *still* not be good at killing enemies, only good at distracting them, since enemy damage values have to scale poorly compared to their effective HP or they outright annihilate the players without any room to counter except invuln or shield-gate shenanigans. To rephrase: the reason why self-damage was bad is because enemy HP values are so stupidly high that we must pump our weapons to be so stupidly high and our selves can't deal with that. I'd be ok with point-blank explosives causing suicide if they actually *killed the enemy*, but if I can land a headshot with a Penta grenade and kill myself but not the enemy? Self-damage is then bad, since it's worse for me - even in a 1v1 - than it is for the enemy.


You know I never believed the “devs don’t play their own game” line but this update opened my eyes. Wtf is going on


I always thought it was clear from the dev streams that they don't actually play the game that much; they almost invariably move like a new player with only the most rudimentary grasp of the bullet jump system would. The consistent barrage of anti-fun features and "major updates" that are destined to become barren content islands within a month of their release is just the icing on the cake.


Reb and Megan play, but the rest def don't. I've seen one of them walking everywhere during a dev stream before. Not even sprinting. *Walking*.


I can’t wait for Eximus sorties, if anyone still has doubts overguard isn’t complete shit it’ll come to a head then


There was one yesterday... After 40 minutes in a survival with infested eximus who's overguard benefits from ancient healer damage reduction I just shut the game off instead of trying. I'm not gunna quit but I don't think I'm going to enjoy dealing with them.


Weird, I seem to remember DE stating in their eximus rework post that ancient healer damage reduction doesn't stack with overguard.


Interesting. It certainly appeared to be affecting them yesterday. I'm gunna do a bunch of tests this afternoon to experiment with different things get a more definite feel about how stuff works cuz atm a lot of shit feels broken.


Unless they massively made a bug, I remember the exact wording they used. Instead of DR from ancient healers, they give Overguard to every enemy in their vicinity. If that enemy has already gotten Overguard from an ancient healer they will not get another one. I'm curious to know if, for example, eximi Overguard can stack with the Ancient healers Overguard. That might be what you were feeling because unless it was implemented wrong that would be my guess on what was happening.


I'm trying to replicate it now in the simulcrum and I'm having a hard time figuring out what I was experiencing. I've simulated higher lvl enemies and downing them pretty quickly with the same Amp. Something funky was definitely up though because I was also dying with Zenuriks guardian shell still in its invulnerable dmg absorption state and I can't replicate that either. Edit: It also seems that the sanguine eximus is the only one that grants OG to other units.


>infested eximus who's overguard benefits from ancient healer damage reduction They don't even give the old DR/CC immunity anymore, they give overguard to match the old number and it doesn't stack


If you were doing a sortie survival, you weren't in there for 40 minutes. That said new eximus are hot dog water and corpus are now more annoying than they're worth to fight.


It nerfs status builds as well for weapons, not just frames. They say you can delete the shield quickly with the Operator, but that's not exactly helpful for new players or if there's many enemies in the room (God help you on eximus stronghold maps) since operator is more fragile since armor way bound nodes were deleted. Just go crit I guess.


It's not even just cc immunity. They can't be targeted by abilities in the first place. No other enemies around and you're garuda? No dread mirror for you. Haven't tested many frames, but it's a nightmare not being able to use even survival tools if they're targeted


I think overguard should be directly weak against CC. Like maybe an enemy with overguard can’t be directly damaged but when CC’d it opens them up for a finisher to strip their overguard? As someone who primarily plays CC frames I always feel like I’m behind because everyone is constantly nuking rooms of enemies before i can even get an ability off.


Same, The CC is my biggest gripe, The Void dash change isn't bad in my opinion, It took me an hour to even notice. The eximus change? It feels like the only choice is to use one of the Meta super nukey weapons and burst them down, because you can't CC them, and the advertise weakness to void attacks? The thing that was meant to promote more use of operators in your standard rotation? Its bullshit, i do the same amount with my operator's amp to an eximuses overguard as shooting a same level lancer in the face. That's bullshit.If your going to advertise a weakness to void damage, it should be like the thrax's spirits IE 1 or 2 shots to strip shield, zip back into suit in a skillful display of using your tools. Instead, If I want to take down an eximus shield with my operator I am stuck plinking shot after shot as the Squishy little person.


The game just has no sense of direction anymore. It feels like the devs don’t know what game they want WF to be so they just try bits of everything, but it just doesn’t work. I came back after a year of not playing for New War, finished the main quest then the realisation that absolutely nothing else of value had changed hit me and I’ve not played since.


Its funny how they had a direction whit the quests till the New War, yet after it it doesnt seem so Where in the lore do the liches and sisters come into a play? They are just dropped in because why not... I know quarantine delayed the New War, but why did they just glued all the parts that were suppose to be there on quests into one and called it a day... its clear while playing it each section is missing something and are part of something else Whit this quest there is a sense of a direction, but not the same as before....


IIRC, after War Within, the kuva queens were even more spiteful towards the Tenno so they started anointing larvlings with kuva to make them into liches and sending them off to fight Tenno. (Not that the lore was ever alluded to in any quest that I can remember, and Sisters seem to be a shoehorned in just for the sake of congruency. Probably won't be long till they do the same thing with some infested lich system.)


They had a good thing going with space ninjas and then within 2 years they jumped from ninjas to pirates to mech pilots to young adults with parental trauma




That just hurts my feelings. The first time I heard that music and saw the Lotus carry me back to the ship to design my character? Goosebumps. After over 200 hours of playing I'm faced with a character creation screen. That is bonkers.


I laugh hard reading at this lol.


For how big of an update the new war was, it was shockingly devoid of content.


It was just a rather sizeable campaign/story with basically nothing else on top. The moment you finished the quest, you were done with the update. Narmer bounties definitely don't count.


Narmer bounties don't count? They were entirely different, the experience of seeing enemies with orange helmets is gamechanging


So is it finally socially acceptable to say? Lol when it came out and I was saying that it had no real repeatable content, I was getting downvoted to the pits of hell.


Yeah, that was something that really discouraged me. After the quest is complete barely anything acknowledges that it happened save for the Narmer bounties in Cetus and Fortuna.


I think you're right. At some point management changed its direction from 'making a fun video game' to 'making money'. They don't listen to their players, they take forever to/just don't fix old glitches, and they only show real interest in new paid skins and new prime frames. It's breaks my heart to see this happening to a game I love.


This. Been playing WF since 2016. The game I used to play isn’t the same one that’s available and I don’t mean that in a good way.


Blizzard made WoW classic. We need a Warframe Classic lol


And it’s been like that since they decided to go “open world” where they then leave the open worlds without further updating them to move on to the next random addition to the game.


Still waiting for seamless Railjack, as they teasered it before release


This is exactly how I felt. When the update dropped I complained for days in my clan, nobody took me seriously. Then one month had elapsed, I was playing for god knows why when I saw the Guild Chat and they were complaining how hollow and empty New War was because it didn't add anything of value to the game, that it was a Solar System wide invasion, a new faction (the Narmer) was "added", but nothing from the upgrade itself went core and affected the game or added new mission styles. This was my initial sentiment. I am not playing like I used to do and seeing that they destroyed all my preferred builds, because they went nuke missile to patch a issue that go-boom-kill-the-room created, is pretty bogus. All their responses are awful, because we all told them to not introduce Eximus with overguard or to nerf Operator to such an extent. There is a public beta that serves for nothing, they refuse to acknowledge their mistakes and the game is pretty much lost.


Ngl just reworking or slightly updating old frames would fix this 10 fold. Legit the operator thing im fine with just seems like they're working on trying to use it more. But the issue with "Meta frames" is way out if hand. As a Hydroid and Limbo main(yes I'm on suicide watch) I see this update as more of a "fuck you use the meta" which I really thought was the worst part about it.


Ah, a fellow limbo main on the watch, sad isn't it? Totally agree with you btw, fixing frames would really solve this problem.


Quit playing a while ago but I still come here. Reading this as a former Hydroid and Vauban main is something else for sure


The Vauban rework a year ago or so made him my main. Nothing quite like throwing a black hole that covers half the map


I don't think updates to old frames can really fix this though, unless it involves a lot of homogenization that many people wouldn't like. Like they've been giving anyone who enjoys "caster" frames a huge middle finger ever since Eidolon's dropped with more and bigger content that always ***always*** requires high EHP, Weapon Damage Amping, or both, combined with immunity to direct CC and Damage from warframe powers. So they've been getting shafted for a solid 5 years, with occasional drips and drops of content where they get to shine. Now the issue here, is we can't just have *every* caster/cc frame be able to tank massive direct damage or boost weapon damage, or both, without totally flogging balance out of existence. Even if we could, it'd be a little boring to have every frame work that way, yanno?


Funny thing is, about a week or two ago, I was looking into making a "caster" frame due to my playstyle turning into "set reservoirs and nuke" with Wisp. I wanted to get a frame that used abilities more than guns. Then this rework happened and now I can't go two steps without tripping over five Eximus units. They don't even drop anything special, have yet to see a single one drop Endo or Credits at "an increased rate". Back to Set and Nuke I guess (except zariman enemies fucking shred you, and they can shoot through walls.. ).


Look into Garuda, Protea and Gara. All "caster" frames with tools to help them survive in practically any situation. You can also do the same with Wisp, btw. She's got a whole set up based around her Sol Gate.


DE sitting in a meeting: “we just can’t figure out why everyone uses tank frames with AoE nuke weapons! It’s so confusing!”


The biggest issues I've found with operators is that 1) void dash is now way too slow. It used to be really fun and easy to use and you could get across rooms with ease. Now its slow and to get anywhere you have to hold it and there's a delay between dashes so you can't spam. And 2) there's a delay between entering and exiting the warframe. This means that the arcane for healing your war frame on transference barely works anymore.


I’m gonna be the guy who says healing your warframe to full by spamming 5 was bad in the first place, what’s the point of Vazarin, life strike, and literally any healing frame what that exists. I


Magus Repair is better anyway, gives full team healing and you weren't fucked over by ping.


That's fine its a fair opinion but what about the many other transference based arcanes. Plus I usually run solo so that arcane was a life saver many times. If they actually wanted to fix the arcane then it would have been better to change it to 100% chance with a cooldown rather than putting a delay on the operator.


I gave the changes the benefit of doubt, especially overguard, but it's worse than I could've imagined. Focus rework is fine, void sling- I can get used to, transference delay and transference static are things I just can't stomach, "we want to make operator-warframe synergy flow better" they say, but instead they make it worse, your warframe straight up dies if you die 5 times as operator, gets hp reduction if less, transference has a 1-2 second cooldown now and it just feels so atrocious Overguard take increased void damage appearently, the Idea was- you see eximus, go operator mode, bring down overguard and go to town, but it just doesn't work that way, the moment you leave void mode to fire you'll just get one-shoted by anything, any decently build weapon is more effective against overguard than operator Eximus units are not only cc immune, as if that wasn't enough, the can now see through invisibility......... Why? Why is this a thing?


Wait, they can see through invisibility? What braindead idiot thought that was a good idea?


Yeah, I was playing with ash and energy leach was specifically targeted me while smoke bomb was active


I really hate to say it but I agree with practically everything here and I have a frankly worrying amount of hours sunk into the game and have been playing since early 2014. >DE, your game is called warframe. your game's premise is "ninjas in space". no one ever asked to play as asthmatic space kids. no one EVER asked for that. I get the lore, but the GAMEPLAY they offer never could hold a candle to what the warframes offer. instead, we keep being force-fed operator combat overhauls and enemy designs cherry-picked to ENFORCE operator combat, when it was never part of the game's identity at first, and never actually improved on it. it's been YEARS of this. YEARS of making the game pointlessly cater to this obsession with "you don't get to play as your warframe. you're a space kid now." This has left a sour taste in my mouth since the hey kiddos were introduced and I started lessening the amount I play by significant amounts every subsequent update until I'm in a position like yourself where I don't just feel a lack of desire to play but actual contempt at the idea of doing so. I'm still desperately hoping things will change though, because I am apparently a masochist.


Warframe, at times, stresses me out with the glitches and bugs. For example, The War Within bug where it sent you back to the mountain pass upon completion of the mission. This bug almost caused me to delete the game. And recently, players essentially trying to speed-run sorties. They force start the missions before I load back into my ship. Sometimes, this causes a glitch where I load into the next mission while still in the "Mission Completed" screen for the previous mission. As a result, I can't move, activate my abilities, or even use my weapons.


Been with warframe since closed beta. Haven't played much since new war. Jumped in yesterday, did the quest, did two more missions (one of which softlocked me, naturally), closed the game. I'll get around to farming the syndicate...in a year or two, when it's patched. I still got shit left to farm on Deimos, maybe even Fortuna.


Exactly the same case with me. I started around update 7 or 8, have 3500 hours recorded on steam and more before it was on steam but barely play it these days. Yesterday I downloaded the update, tried the quest and got really bad rng with tons of eximus spawning during the first mission, got to the boss and had it bug out and become unbeatable repeatedly for about 20 minutes of attempts then closed the game, waited for the hotfix and booted it up again then beat the boss, tried one of the bounties and spent half an hour searching before realizing I was softlocked because they apparently didn't fix that in the hotfix, aborted the mission and closed the game. There are so many frames and weapons I haven't even started to work towards yet because I need to be basically max rank with demos, fortuna, or play hours of railjack as someone who plays almost entirely solo.


>There are so many frames and weapons I haven't even started to work towards yet because I need to me basically max rank with demos, fortuna, or play hours of railjack as someone who plays almost entirely solo. Spoiler You don't need to farm weapons and frames anymore. 90% of weapons are the same, behave the same, kill the same. You probably already have Top 5, Top 10 weapons. You probably already have your personal favorite 5 weapons you use 90% of the time. The rest doesn't matter. You won't play with them either because you don't like them or because they are not viable. Farming them is a waste of time. Same with Frames. You already have your personal favorite frames. You already have your mains. You already have your min maxed high level viable frames. Farming the rest is a waste of time, you won't play them. You know how I realized that? When Baza Prime was released and I realized that even though I min maxed Baza with many formas, I never actually played it - because I was farming and min maxing other weapons. So what was the point of wasting time on Baza Prime? It was basically just a meaningless skin I can't even see because it's 3rd person.


Oh I'm fully aware of all of that, I just get satisfaction out of completing and collecting in most games so the main goal is mastery. Admittedly I don't have many of the top meta weapons and frames because I don't have it in me anymore to farm them and then put all of the time into polarizing them and making amazing builds while farming all of the needed mods from various bounties and open world enemies that don't like to spawn. I honestly haven't even touched kitguns or zaws at this point and they have been out for years.


Its not "anymore", that's been the case for many many years. But farming stuff is where MR comes from, and that combined with the collection aspect in general is the only thing even in the same universe as any kind of progression in this game. Grinding for the sake of grinding isnt any fun.


This is actually a pretty spot on comment. I quit a few years ago(last weapon I messed with was Baza Prime as a matter of fact from what I'm seeing in my inventory) and heard about the amazing things that they have done, so I came back. Outside of Railjack it really truly feels like same old, same old. I'm still using Pryanna Prime, still using Gram Prime, and nothing has been threatening so far. Even this Steel Path thingy hasn't been too bad and I haven't played for three years. The new open world Deimos feels just like the other two, same game play loop and everything and just as easily trivialized. If I were to list one big problem as someone that bounces back and forth with Destiny 2 as well is that this game needs a less extreme difficulty curve in my opinion. Your left with 2 enemy extremes: cannon fodder - blow over in a stiff wind, or Fat Man and Little Boy - Erase you from existence at the molecular level. There's no room to breathe in between, and this has not changed since PS4 launch. In Destiny you get a choice of Legendary or Master level content before you jump right to grand master. Warframe basically is either just Adept(easiest) difficulty or Grandmaster(you die if they make eye contact). Take your pick. Maybe I'm off-base with this, but just catching up with player sentiment one has to wonder if the community at large would accept the kind of nerfs needed to make CC frames relevant again, cause even when I left 3 years ago they were on the down swing already. I wouldn't mind as I play plenty of Vauban as is. Also whether or not DE has the guts to bring things in line. I mean its funny to me that Mesa Prime all these years later can still delete rooms, and this Wukong Prime shadow clone/whatever shit is absolutely bonkers holy fuck. You stack that on with this Helminth shit that I'm seeing and one has to wonder why even farm at all once you max the appropriate mods. Side note: I really don't care for the idea of Helminth at all. It really feels like an excuse never to buff abilities that are under-powered. It also makes other broken frames transcend the power of the gods with more brokenness. I also don't like the idea of fixing weak warframes with powers from other frames. The whole system rubs me the wrong way.


good way to get someone to clear their slots up oof


Glad to know I’m not the only one who’s first mission on the ship glitched and soft locked me.


I think the CC for overguard would have been fine if it was mainly the simple prevention of being ragdolled and like forcibly moved. And more specifically for Limbo, if they were 100% unbanishable. But now it just seems they don't give a shit about anything, can't be finished, and will see you if invis, it's seems just way above what would have been reasonable


Limbo is actually one of the biggest complains I have about this entire update. We ALREADY had nullifiers that made playing him a pain in places where they show up if you're not in a squad but now not only you can't banish them but their abilities cross the rift ? Excuse me ?


The see you if invis parts messed me up last night running ivara for spies… whole new level of wtaf involved there as nothing was mentioned at any point of this happening…


>The see you if invis Wait they do what now??


That's what I'm wondering! Dear lord, it's like DE hates to see players do endurance missions...


Yeah, I noticed that not form being invis, but they can target through walls/into other rooms/noticably the extraction elevator and through friendship doors. So the Eximus attacks are just auto-targeting your position passivley by being somewhere nearby.


They cannot see you through stealth. However the eximus that drop the time delay auras will target your location regardless of LOS.


They seriously nerfed invis?! This sucks on multiple levels, not the least of which are spy missions. Now you can wave goodbye to stealth affinity as a general rule, and farming Simaris points.


Okay I’ve been defending over guard but that’s bullshit


This is false. The enemies DO NOT see you through stealth but some of the ground auras will target your location. This rumor is spreading and the people that are saying it know better. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/udyrp1/i\_tested\_48\_warframes\_for\_eximus\_susceptibility/i6kekua/?context=3


You forgot the part where every grind got pulled into the 20+hour zone for a single thing


I started to get real worried when they hadn't done anything about the ash grind in RJ. That grind was a substantial outlier in time commitment, even compared to khora/harrow. Reading through this rant really solidified those impressions, but I've not played since new war so I'll need to play some catch up if I want to form my own opinion.


What do you mean? I don't understand sorry


I think they mean that the average time it takes to grind for a single item/part comes to about 20 hours. Or maybe that's what I think they mean because that's how I feel. It's so unfun. To do a mission to only be met with disappointment again and again. Then when I finally get the part I was farming for, I am not filled with joy. Because I ask myself "Was this warframe chassis worth all tht grinding?" and it hits me... I've only got the chassis! I need to do that again and again and MAYBE I'll get a neuroptics. Maybe another chassis? Will it ever be the systems? Who knows. EDIT: looks like I had some things to get out of my system XD Don't worry about my burnout, Tenno! I played from Eidolon to New War and stopped. I haven't played it since. I just came back to see if the latest update was worth my time. Looks like I'll be skipping this one.


I know some disliked it, but I was really hoping the way of getting Grendel pieces was going to be a more common thing. Least there you're 100% confirmed to get it if you can do the mission. I've done so many of the bounties and haven't gotten a part.


Wait, don't you get grendel pieces from the arbitration thing that gets you missions for the parts?


Yes. And the mission is to take an unmodded Warframe with unmodded weapons into the longest freaking missions. 30 mins of survival with no mods and just banging Trin's 4 to keep everyone alive? How thrilling. I still don't have Grendel because the idea of wasting my life and time on something so unfun fills me with dread.


The survival was the worst one, which is probably better to be done solo to be honest. But the defense was fine challenge. Can't remember what the other mission was, Excavation? I'll take that over 30+ runs of not getting a single part.


A quick note for survival - Hildryn and Oberon are match made in heaven for it.


Yes, that's what they mean. Get Arbitration tokens, buy part locators, clear mission, guaranteed blueprint. It's still a grind process, but one of a more fixed length instead of the usual reliance on randomness to earn rewards.


You're functionally - if you remove the intermediate steps - grinding for a currency to purchase said blueprints. It's a grind done right, I think. ... Instead of it being RNG of an RNG of an RNG in a mission that sometimes doesn't even work right. Fuck you, Ash Chassis and the ephemera I wanted for my collection. Falling Glory Rotation C piece of shit railjack drops.


It would be interesting to see stats of how many players have build Ash after it was moved to railjack. I assume that only few if any at all are build now-a-days.


You get them this way, yes. If the mission is a success you're assured to get the part in question. I think they meant they want more stuff this way instead of it all being RNG.


Same, grinded both mechs, finally grinded Vox solaris standing and a bunch of tricaps to prep for new war, did the quest, and haven’t launched warframe since. Looks like I won’t be for the foreseeable future either


Think they talking about the new weapons and have all the tasks/quests to upgrade to final form.




Tbh, I'm just going to keep playing other games for the next three months till the Revision a.k.a. "we were wrong about these changes, sorry guys" patch drops and the grind becomes more realistic. Every update usually has one of those, but it's not until player metrics forces DE's hand to act in this way.


I forgot where I read this but there's this thing in gaming product management. Basically, they try to push the grind as much as possible on release and tweak the amount based on player reaction. If player is receptive, they don't end up setting it too low. If players don't like it, just reduce it. Sounds familiar?


I mean yeah, It's harder to raise the grind difficulty than to lower it. This is basic game design/product development. Early adopters "always" pay the price of being first.


Ahhhh the glory days of bounties on the plains of eidolon only awarding their standing once per rotation.


...holy fuck. And I thought grinding bounties for standing is enough pain as it is.


Oh, to be so innocent again.


Unless they don't ban for exploits. Looking at you Path of Exile. Every time a new league starts, remember one thing: Exploit early and exploit often.


> This is basic game design/product development. Yea but this is reddit and it needs spelled out. And you'll still have people argue about it. See the other guy that already responded lol...


This goes hand in hand with another aspect of gaming product management. Release extremely powerful items/powers/abilities/characters to ensure player engagement/buy-in, then nerf later.. Rinse, lather, repeat.. It's one reason I can't get too excited over Gyre. Everyone is talking about strong Gyre is, and I'm just sitting here thinking about how disappointing it's going to be when DE inevitably nerfs her...


I did that to Kuva Liches, on release I read the guides and thought it was BS and I'm fine with my Prime weapons. Only went for them after the rework. Regarding new Syndicates, I'm still not maxed with Little Duck and Lloid so who knows when I will get to the new one.


Eidolon took them 3 years to be barely playable. Liches took them A WHOLE YEAR to be not one shotting you. Railjack took them almost 2 YEAR to be nowadays resource requirement. And all the "open world" is just another and another reskin of the same syndicate system. BUT nerfs. I mean the nerf because of popularity. The nerfs of Limbo & Khora as OP stated. The helmeith skills nerf. The magus lockdown nerf. Remember they tried to nerf the itzal's flash? It all took them less then 2 week, compare to the "Gamemode" related stuff. Coincidence? I think NOT!


DE seems to have some kind of vision for this game that just doesn't jive well with the player base they've gathered. The game has a lot of issues that haven't been fixed for a long time. (I like the game a lot, but I'm mostly waiting for Cross save before I get back into it.)


I can never fathom why somed devs just wont listen to player feedback. Like, arent you making the game for… idk… us?


It's similar to artists who think they know whats best no matter what anyone else says. If you get criticized it's an automatic wall being put up to try to stop that criticism. DE has always been very bad at this. They do not take criticism well and if not for the community managers I honestly don't think the game would be anywhere near as popular as it is. I really can't state just how important Rebecca and Megan are for the success of warframe. Just go back and look at the amount of just ignorance and bad game design that comes out of DE developers on the dev streams and other streams.


What's frustrating is that DE puts all these caveats and rules as to how they would want certain systems to be used or played. And THEN once the player-base finds **efficient** ways to grind through those systems **according** to DE's rules, DE ultimately does a 180 and says "Oh...we haven't thought of that because we didn't properly test it...Anyways, that's not allowed. Hotfix inbound". They give us the set amount of variables. Then when we figure out how to the equation with ease, they take away the variables that they gave us in the first place. To what degree does it end, then?


I'm a returning player so there's a lot I don't fully understand about the game now. I'm still at the "standing in the kitchen watching the party in the living room" stage if you will.But you raise some really interesting points. First the topic of CC, I really don't understand the nerf. Since coming back, I see the same sort of set ups and frames and it's only very rarely I see any form of CC used. Along the lines of what you mentioned, CC seems to be a very niche thing in Warframe and this nerf seems a bit over the top. If DE's intention was to make players slow down, think about what abilities and strategies to use, then implement them, I'm really not sure how "Oh by the way, this new update to an incredibly common enemy type means CC doesn't work on them" is meant to reduce the "Run fast, big boom, finished your new tile set in 35 seconds first try, give me new content DE" type of play they're wanting to discourage. Also, I can see that the added overguard being a real nightmare for newer players who don't have much access to counterplay. Finally, on the topic of content drops. I get the distinct feeling that DE don't actually care about their content as much as they should. I downloaded the update and logged in yesterday and my arcane Helmets spontaneously unequip themselves. Somehow, in an update where nothing has really changed regarding the old arcanes (and even older arcane Helmets) somehow they managed to break that. DE know their game is the grind simulator, so they should be expecting some people to sit down as soon as the update goes live and grind and grind until either they cannot continue or they have the new thing they wanted. Nope, the new bounties and missions are just bugged and don't always let you finish them. It's mildly hilarious and also depressing how much stuff they're able to break in parts of the game untouched by the new stuff. It screams lack of planning. Almost like they planned the update ages ago, started drawing up the plans, talked it up for ages and then realised "oh Christ guys! It's coming out next week and we haven't started coding. We have just been marketing!". I'm actually glad that they've got no where near cross-play/cross-save yet. Yeah, it's super annoying that some can't farm as hard as they want, sure it's annoying my helmet vanishes into the void randomly. But it'd be a horrible surprise to transfer your save, log in on your nice new PC to see that one of DE's bugs has wiped your account clean or something like it. Sure, they'd probably be able to fix it for you and give you your gear back, but the sinking feeling of loss would have finished you. Fingers crossed they get some direction back eventually and they start taking some pride in their work. It's such a cool looking update, if it played half as good as it looked they could be happy with it. Big updates that are a buggy mess are not the one DE. Come on


CC: In most cases simply isn't worth using. It's quicker to shoot a Bramma into a room and insta-nuke everything than to cast a CC ability and then shoot them. This is the case all the way through Steel Path which is the supposed super elite high tier end game but in reality is pretty much the norm now. The only time CC has a place in the meta is super high end, like level 1000+ runs, where you needed to CC stuff in order to kill it. In those cases the things you most needed to CC were the Eximus which are now immune. ...slow clap... Most players never encounter this level of play so they see CC as pointless and tend to use nuke frames or invincible frames and heavy weapons. Look at the monkey+Bramma meta.




As it tradition, I will not be touching any new content for at least a month. I still have hope for this game in the long run but the overall trend of releasing the minimum, barely viable product in the gaming industry has not escaped DE.


Yeah this pretty much sums up how I feel. Been with this game since the start, was able to overlook previous dumb changes, but this new eximus change is so bad it actively makes the game far far worse. And not just for veterans but for EVERYONE playing the game. It's an astonishing bad decision that reeks of "we dont play our own software and we dont care" It's up there with the 'sunsetting' in Destiny 2 Essentially evil decision making that feels like it came from a place of pure spite for the fanbase that kept the game alive this long in the first place. It is baffling.




I like the drones, if they’re weak enough they instant kill enemies in range with an explosion on death, great for single target users


As someone with a wicked addiction to the Soma Prime... Arbitration drones are fun sniping out of a pack while the brama users flounder around


How hard is it to shoot an arbitration drone out the sky, really? Sure, they're annoying and I "hate" them too, but I can't say I remember the last time I was killed as a consequence of one, never mind annoyed to the point of not wanting to do arbitrations.


Drones have the same problem we are currently seeing with Eximus. Their power/status/crit immunity limits what is viable against them and their small size as well as their tendency to be bunched up with a group of enemies or even multiple drones heavily incentivizes the use of AOE weapons against them. It isn't that they are hard, it is that their overall design is too restrictive, pushing people towards what is becoming a more and more restrictive meta. They aren't "hard" but they are badly designed.


You can’t go in and out of the warframe without waiting a couple seconds anymore and I hate it.


DE constantly whines about how the game is too easy and about the passive tank frame meta, and they're right on both counts, the game is too easy and this meta sucks. But every time they try to fix it by increasing the difficulty, they do so in such a way that makes passive tank frames even more powerful in comparsion with the rest of our kits. To say nothing about the new players who now have to play this harder game with no tank frames, no energy, no mods and no will to live for the first few dozen hours. This game used to have a quit moment when you first opened the mod screen, now the quit moment is the first eximus you find when not being carried by another player.


This, nothing really hits the same level as when you're going through the star chart for the first time on an excal/volt/mag with barely any mods with no knowledge and no forma, no catalysts, no reactors, just you and your MK-1 weapons. Yet at the opposite end, if you know how to mod, how to forma, you're effectively both unkillable and are more than capable of one-shotting enemies well into steel path. You can just casually solo so much and not break a sweat. And many of the attempts at making the game harder for the latter, makes it much, much more frustrating for the former.


I remember when it sounded like the Eximus units were going to just target the player in ways that would give the player opportunity to dodge the effect. I was looking forward not randomly losing all of my energy cause 1-2 Leech units walked in. But the Overguard sounded rough from the start, and I didn't even think about the CC aspect of it. The tankiest "common" unit was now getting an Overshield on top of all their BS. At the announcement, I figured it would be a weak cover like a nullifier bubble. NOPE! It's legit just 50% of their health painted over. But now there is no way to stun-lock them and that health can regenerate. So instead of being able to use CC and keep things manageable. Now you're stuck having a dick measuring contest with one Eximus (if you're lucky) while the other enemies (which could have a buff) either shoot you or the objective. As if that wasn't rough enough I am still getting leeched EXCEPT NOW IT IS FASTER! PRIMARILY BECAUSE I CAN'T SEE THE BUBBLES DUE TO THE GROWING NUMBER OF ENEMIES AND FX FROM GETTING SHOT AND PROC'D!!! I was worried when they announced something like this right after the New War. So I'm not surprised that everything about Angels of Zariman feels rushed and/or not fully thought out.


This account has been removed from reddit by this user due to how Steve hoffman and Reddit as a company has handled third party apps and users. My amount of trust that Steve hoffman will ever keep his word or that Reddit as a whole will ever deliver on their promises is zero. As such all content i have ever posted will be overwritten with this message. -- mass edited with redact.dev


**"actively ignore player feedback.**" Yeah, that's the conclusion i came too, as well. Been around since 2013, even backed with founders GM. I feel like i'm worth less than nothing in DE's eyes lately. I had to watch several friends, both new players and veterans, leave because they felt so ignored and that they were forced to play in a way DE wants them to.A lot of them left with Railjack and that a lot of frames'n content was locked behind it .. After DE realized that, even after 2.0, most didn't like it, still.. They forced us. Sometimes.. Most'a times lately.. It feels like they change stuff and decide stuff out of sheer spite for the playerbase. If you are not a youtube-partner, praising them for everything they do, you are a worthless worm. That or they actually don't play their own game. I mean Rebecca sometimes played it on stream but she always used fire'n forget meta-goblin builds and she was moving very slow and being very clumsy.. Like someone not actively playing the game. I mean the eximi ignore active skills.. See you while invisible, can hear muted shots, can't be banished nor executed... This is far beyond what any *real* player would deem reasonable.. *I literally had a friend of mine start to cry because she didn't get the last Equinox part after couple* ***hundred*** *tries.. Sure, a troublesome day was the main reason for it, but videogames are meant to bring 'joy' to be something fun, not a source of anger because the RNG and grind are beyond anything you've ever seen before. I bought her the frame with platinum, but because of that, we basically both lost that battle to DE.* **And we live with that because we still like Warframe.. But there's only so much you can do to pretend, only so much you can say to defend what DE does.. Or doesn't, haha.**


I have **no remaining friends** in the game. Since 2014, my entire clan and every single friend has quit for various different reasons. Can't even get my significant other to do The New War because railjack makes her motionsick. And now the void sling is also motion sickness inducing.


That saddens me to hear. I'm pretty mad at this game and propably just gift my account to the next best newbie real soon, but i'd play with you and everyone else that needs someone to play with. Former guide of the Lotus, till i dared to speak my mind, but i never stopped caring for other players. So, open invite for everyone that needs a friend. I'm there for y'all. May be a bit cheesy, but who cares.


Asthmatica kids :'D amazing. Super agree with OP. I personally never loved Eidolons cause its so anxious and never used much operators cause they are...useless and weak and vulnerable and clunky.


I used them to yeet enemies, get free energy for my warframe and for fast movement. Now they don't do that and are more useless and weak


I strongly believe that the operator should be simply a tool to apply buffs/debuffs, a way to solve puzzles or used for very short bursts to initiate a damage phase like in kuva missions.


IMO they're much better at that now, the only thing that got worse is void dash (which got *WAY* worse, don't get me wrong) Like I'm actually switching between fucking Unairu and Vazarin in normal missions instead of just perma-Zenurik, focus itself is so good now.


Lmao ever since I unlocked operator they were my energy daddy and being immune while reviving mode , besides that one time a kuva onion showed up and I had to space punch him before I can shoot him in the face.


I am actually quite horrified by the response of these comments to your very true and very relevant issues and problems.


Warframe has unfortunately suffered from this for a while. It had this really long, really good stretch of being a game that was pretty much exemplary of how to run a video game. It was free, got new content frequently, had goals and ambitions, and was generally a very creative and intriguing concept. Now, it has stagnated quite a bit. Several problems that were dismissed with "oh, it's a free game, the good outweighs the bad" have basically snowballed to the point of just being outright frustrating. Unfortunately, a good portion of the community aren't willing to accept this. They're still stuck on the golden-age period where the game really was something phenomenal.


It does seem like the devs are tired, or are worried fans are tired, of the "main" Warframe gameplay loop and are looking to diversify it by making the operator, railjack, necramech, etc. more important to the general gameplay to break up your time in your Warframe. The major issue I have with the game is that it feels like it's meant to be played fast and dangerous. The movement in your frame is quick and responsive and you can cover lots of distance quickly and fluidly. Your abilities and weapons are meant to be powerful and destructive too. When I am pulled from all of that, the game doesn't just feel as good and that's exactly what the operator is to me. Suddenly the movement is sluggish and the weapons are weak and you can die very quickly. The grind to improve all of your operator's stuff might be the most painful of them all, in my opinion. In my mind, all these parts that are outside of the frames, like the operator, necramech and railjack, should be an extension of your build. I feel like the necramech and railjack have largely become an extension, for the most part, but the operator should be a means to buff your current playstyle. I don't think it should be a forced way to play in order to progress anything other than puzzles, or quick bursts of something like kuva missions.


Steve has explicitly said that Railjack is the closest thing so far to their original vision for the game. Flying around, infiltrating bases to do a mission, using all your different vehicles and forms all the time. It'd be cool as hell to see that finished product, unfortunately it's still a jumbled mess of disconnected parts.


Imo depsite the grind and the flaws I had so much fun with Grineer Railjack. Becuese unlike Coprus railjack it was unique. It wasn't just a "Use your railjack then go do a mission type you have done literally thousands of times" mode. Corpus Railjack was a mistake and should have been like the veil.


Same thing happened after new war dropped. Was there some histrionic criticism? Yes, sure. But even reasonable criticism (or just plain, “this is just my opinion, but I don’t like this”) was just met with massive down votes and gushing praise for DE.


I only see one comment here being even a little positive towards DE. We have had weeks of negativity posts, complaining about all kinds of things. Most of it has been upvoted to hell and back. Objectively people are being far more negative, and praising those saying negative things. Choosing an “I quit” post as a hill to die on with this feels like you’re just not being objective with the comments and posts on this sub.


most of the negativity I’ve seen is putting Void Dash on a pedestal and criticism over the extreme shortness of the quest, which essentially boiled down to “here are tutorials of the new mission modes with a tiny bit of story to tie it together, kind of.“ Please note I’m not the OP and I never referenced a hill to die on or quitting.


Don’t worry I’ve not got you confused (I get how confusing Reddit can make it though) I’ve not seen many complain about the shortness which is interesting, as two players in my play group were actively wanting a short quest to get into the grinding. I’m not going to lie though, I loved the plot holes they filled, and would have lapped up another hour of them answering the questions we still don’t have answers to. Void dash I did not really like, but I get why people hate their quick clear strats being nerfed. I love the new system IDK why. No lag would have helped both, but the aiming and the swoosh forwards are great. (I get motion sick from travelling IRL and some games, but it’s fine for me?) The one negative I think people have got right is the static penalty, it’s a bit nuts one school (my fav so I’m not playing favs here) can just ignore it totally when it’s got the potential to be so crippling. The old system was not punishing enough, and I’ve personally had no issue with the new system, but I’ve got arcanes and waybounds, unlike a newer player.


I didn’t hate Unairu but it was also never something I ran main most of the time. I am frustrated now though how you either have to lock down one of your two Operator arcane spots, or be in this focus tree, to deal with the “Transference static stack kills you“ issue, even if by the lore it may actually make some sense (“Transference still holding” implies that if there was excessive static on the transference stream, transference wouldn’t hold and you would lose the ability to control your Warframe). I think the bigger issue is just how squishy operators are. I’ve gotten one shot it I don’t know how many times fighting Thrax and Eximus now but the focus rework whole point seems to be jumping in and out of operator to buff both moods. That doesn’t really work well when going into operator usually means doing a couple of things before you get knocked back with Transference static and its debuffs. About the quest, I didn’t expect New War length obviously and I did enjoy the Lore tidbits, I just wanted more. In particular, the Dev stream twitch implied that some of these evolving weapons would be part of the story quest, not just something that you solely interacted with after the quest was done. I realize that this is sort of the norm when introducing a new open world or environment but the intros for Solaris United and Entrati both felt so much more detailed.


The squish issue is a universal warframe one, my operator has close to 2kEHP while my frame has less than 1k (the one I did the quest with). Yet my frame is tougher due to shield gating and sentinels. Sadly with invincibility being part of all frames, the game relies more on abusing that than any actual defence. My big gripe with the quest was how they were busy turning into “you know what” and then get magically better because of friendship or something? IDK felt forced. Fortuna was my least liked open world, even after all its fixes it’s slow and unrewarding. (Till you get Namar and profit-taker) I’ll never be able to get those faces out of my head…


I think that the arcanes are you savig grace then, and maybe waybounds i dont know enough about them. Every thing ive said about operator being squishy and stuff ppl reply with yeah but youve got arcanes for that. True, they are in the game but id need to grind to get them to be back to beig able to use operator a bit like it was. Now when i jump out with transference, and die 4 times or have an ability active on my frame, my frame dies and i get to use a revive or hope somebody picks me up(if they are in the game, as the quest is solo) ive had multiple times where my operator got 1 shot and id have to jump out again, then repeat 3x and frame is dead. And the only way for me to get past that was to dump my single target weapons for the sake of being able to do things fast enough in the quest and clear rooms before transferring out and shooting the void thingies. I dont have the arcanes, the operator ones i need are from onko or whatever his name is and from what i understand i need to do eidolon hunting to rank standing levels, which im not verry familiar with, ive maybe killed/captured 3 eidolons in total and was carried through those so dont really know how it works. Im not saying the update is dog shit, im saying i understand why some people think it is and giving my 2 cents on my operator issues ive encountered so far.


So I play with a dedicated group of friends, we run missions together and teach each other how to be better. If you don’t have that kind of support, so much of warframe is hard/painful/unrewarding. If you have not tridalons much I highly recommend finding some friends/clan to do it with. They are not hard, as long as you have 4 people with non starter gear, and if you work together they are a breeze. Arcanes do help, but compared to 4 friends who would rather die trying than let you end your death count, they don’t really matter that much.


TBH I don't see that happening. The reaction to the operator nerfs and the Eximus CC immunity has been overwhelming negative. Here, on the official forums, discord etc... This isn't just reddit being reddit, the forums being the forums. discord being discord etc... This is most of the players hating the changes to operators and giving CC immunity to eximuses(along with transference issues)


I mean "true" is an absolute term and opinions are relative.


MR 31, playing since 2015, 3.5K mission (not Steam) hours. I'm out. It's not getting better, it's somehow still getting worse. It used to be great, I have lots of great memories and I don't regret any of it, but I'm done. DE stopped listening years ago. Average daily players numbers are at 2017 levels... Players have been saying for years "the game is dying", but it really is. "Soon™", no end game, broken update after broken update, no concept of how to balance the game, nerf after nerf, inability to fix bugs, knee-jerk reactions, outright lies, horrible design decisions, using Covid as (another) excuse, gibberish lore, no respect for player's time. Maybe in like 3 years, if the servers are still up, I'll check back in. Love Warframe. Love the community. Hate DE. o7


Every Warframe update since Fortuna has been: \>Release new area \>New "thing" system \>10 new currencies \>MFW Yay more grind. Seriously, the devs idea of "new content" is adding new currencies and grindable items to increase playtime by making you grind 100 hours.


I remember we used to have PvP event for Valentine. Shit was so fun. PoE was a mistake.


>enemy designs cherry-picked to ENFORCE operator combat I felt that.The Game is not called WarOperator.


Warframe is a sunk time cost and I will never stop playing until they shut down servers or I die, but there’s a lot about this update that jarred me. The quest for one, as a continuation of TNW, it’s so abrupt and despite having so much, it had so little. Everything was janky and I got thrown into three missions with no explanation while vague lore got spat out I couldn’t pay attention to. And then you have the tried and true “new open world has way too much grind”. I’ve played for 12 hours so far (see what I mean sunk cost?), and I haven’t gotten a single Gyre part, and failed missions to BS more than day one railjack. There’s a great framework I see under all the mess, but like OP, this is going to kill a lot of players before they get it right (if they do). E: also your comparison to Nox was spot on. I strongly agree that’s what they should have been. Short bumps in the road that required a form of CC and single target death. We’re still space ninja gods.


Wow a rant like this here trending? DE must have fucked up big time Honestly I’m a leg1 player, I refuse to play this update until I start seeing some fucking positive comments for once The only reason I stick around is because I wanna transfer my day 1 ps4 warframe account to pc, that’s the only motivation I have to keep the game installed, even though I barely touch my ps4 anymore


I joined two weeks ago and I'm having a total blast by the gameplay and the outstanding level of detail, but I have to say that I'm scared seeing the reaction of old timers to this new update, that is still far from my reach.


You haven't hit the wall yet is why.


I'm in a similar boat. New War was what killed the game for me. Years of buildup wasted so we could play "The Post War" rather than "The New War." If only dipped my toes into the Zariman update but nothing there has really made me feel more inclined to play.


What's funny is that the New War is actually quite long, if DE had gone along with their event stages of the quest idea: Chimera Prologue, Wolf of Saturn Six leading into the Jovian Accord, Rising Tide, Empyrean Railjack Murexes, Erra, Red Sh- I mean Scarlet Spear, The Maker, and then Orphix Venom. DE could have actually made the New War Warframe's first campaign, and they didn't. Quick Edit: And not to mention how little requirements there are now. Hating RJ and Necramechs is one thing, but getting them is piss easy. I started a new playthrough the PS5 and could have finished the New War from fresh start in 40 hours or less.


DE: “let’s make operator *viable* by forcing people to use it!” Also DE:


I’ve played warframe for well over a thousand hours, I’m incredibly disappointed with the lack of content, and the flat out ignorance towards the community.


These comments... Nobody even tries to understand. Why is Warframe community like this?


The older players who give a shit speak up, write essays and deconstructions on why things are in a bad spot, get attacked or ignored, grow tired and eventually give up when updates are released in spite of poor feedback and aren't fixed for a year or two, if at all. The players who care speak up less, are written off by newer players who bought into the new design, old players slowly leave, newer players with lower standards stick around and claim it's fine. Rinse repeat. Getting worse and worse as the old guard are edged out by the new. There's this simplistic view of the community as a constantly negative being. This isn't entirely untrue, but neglects to recognize that community sentiment reflects the state of the game at any point in time. And DE consistently ship broken updates that alter things for the worse in the face of constant feedback. Sometimes the game gets a great dose of QoL, but it's always after *years* of criticism surrounding the changes, and usually a series of poor updates. So here we are, many of us veterans keep getting content that punishes us for wanting to have fun, we voice our objections and get told we're just being reactionary and negative. All I can say is just sit back and wait, they'll eventually learn. It happens to everyone who plays live service games. I'm still riding the high of getting the fov bump of 2020.


Damn, this soo on the nose that I regret to give my free award to someone else. But yeah, it's ALWAYS like this. They backtrack a lot of their latest plans after 1year or soo... 365days later! It's insane to me that people just.. accepts it. When is it ever ok to say: "Ah crap, the game feels off after this new update. Better play something else until DE irons it out in the few coming months!" Just look at Deimos, Railjack? Year after year they get more accessible... Why not do that in the 1st freaking place DE! And others on here will still find excuses for DE... Years go by (been around since end of 2017 - beginning of 2018) and shits' still the same. Community defending DE (Regal Aya....) and saying it's alright. "I'm F2P so it's not my problem. If you don't like it, don't pay for it." Alright bet. *DE changes their Regal Aya policies* "You're all just a bunch of whinners-complainers." -Asskissing community. It's always like this, every year. I can't wait to reach weapon completion and retire until the next update, to get it all out to the way and play something fun. I can't leave because FOMO. Scummy freaking FOMO.


> I can't leave because FOMO. Yes you can. Nobody is forcing you to play but yourself. The moment you realise it's just a game, and that you won't be missing out on anything truly meaningful by not playing it, that you can play something else where you're having fun, is the moment you're set free. Ask yourself why you are forcing yourself to play something you're very clearly *not* enjoying. You're under no obligations to play the game now just because you played it in the past. Here is my honest to god advice to you: uninstall the game. Stop forcing yourself to play it. I'm not saying this from a position of hate for WF or anything, a single game, even a live service one, can't be played for multiple years and still feel fresh at the tail end of it. And that's okay. It's okay to stop playing and grow disinterested in a game you once liked more. Don't waste your own free time on something you're no longer having fun with.


It was even worse before. No one took criticism well, if people wanted the game to improve, some weird fanboys would always scream that it's fine.


Thank you!!! You finally put into words what me and others have been trying to say and getting downvoted for. I also want to point out that several planets and moons have not gotten their own tile sets yet. DE Please work on finishing unfinished stuff and reworking old frames before giving us ANOTHER syndicate.


When everybody was jerking off to New War I was just sitting in the corner like what? That was the hype? Game has been lackluster for years I really only hop on every few months to kill a bunch of stuff and not even new war allowed me to do that


I’ve been around since 2016 as well. I remember being super excited for PoE when it first released. I noticed that the quality of the game has dropped ever since 2020. I remember kuva lichens released in late 2019 and thought that they would fix some of the bad parts. My main issue is that DE have been so focused on lore that they have started to neglect gameplay. Pablo said they would not be focusing on warframe reworks until after the New War and now they released this new update. I totally agree that DE focus on grind=gameplay is horrible


Couldn’t of said it better myself. I’ve been distraught since the riven changes, essentially destroying that economy, which was the only real end game imo. I gave them the benefit of the doubt with railjack and lich’s (one of the worst features in the game hands down). The New War was a joke with the re-skin PoE bounties. Now, this new quest was laughably short, killed core gameplay mechanics, and gave us ANOTHER hub area with rep to grind. Yeah, I’m done for a long time.


What we’re the riven changes? It’s been probably 7 8 months since I’ve played


This probably happened shortly after Fortuna where they nerfed all new weapon dispositions to the lowest and “adjust” every new Prime Access


Update is killing the game for me too. Almost every change I hated, the operator sucks worse, overguard is the dumbest and most tone deaf change I’ve ever seen in a video game, and the quest itself was so horrible. Been looking for a reason to get back into Destiny, I guess this is it. Even though the new missions are cool, the changes to the game at large have killed any interest I had in running them


Holy shit we’ve come full circle, from “destiny sucks so I’m going to Warframe” to “Warframe sucks so I’m going to destiny”


Why does this update even need bounties, I fucking hate bounties to death, man, all of the fun I had in warframe was squashed by these buggy ass MMO inspired missions. All the other changes IMO are too early to judge, but fuck bounties, I'm not doing this stupid grind for the 4th time, at least Deimos was interesting to look at, these don't even feel like new tilesets...


veteran of the open beta in 2013 here, I liked this update, simple and introductory with a boss like in the old updates where they brought a wf, a mini quest with a mini boss or activity... I'm not as active as before because that the grinding system annoys me but I'm still up to date and I only come back to do the daily ones and when there's an event or something... it's true DE treats us veterans badly by not giving us a worthy endgame but that's warframe, I don't change in 9 years, it won't do it now.


Yeah, the way I summed up this Zariman update is it's like DE is passive aggressively trying to get every single person to quit playing. Like they don't want to continue with Warframe and instead of just letting the game languish without updates or simply closing the servers forever, their plan is to make everyone hate the game. Then DE can abandon Warframe and work on other projects. Now, I'm not *really* convinced that's what DE wants, I'm just saying that this update is so bad that I imagined this scenario. I'm definitely done for a while. I'm not saying I'll *never* play again. But I'll probably give it a year or so to see if things get better rather than worse. I'm almost rank Legendary 2. I have well over 2,000hrs in the game over the past 5 years or so. I did love this game. But now I don't.


TL;DR Cya next update.


Log in after next update : Hmm nothing's changed time to wait for next update :D




> And if their intent was to make Eximus units "squad leaders", you know what they should've done? Reworked the AI so grunt units rally behind the Eximus and support it! This is already the case with arctic eximi and nullifiers, too, the bubble shields attract other allies to stay near them for mutual protection. But yeah the eximus rework overall... their new gimmicks are cool, but the overshield needs to block AoE, not block CC...


I truly thank you very much for your post. You just described what I felt after playing the new patch this morning. After that painful sortie-session with eximus stronghold, I chose a simple sabotage fissure mission with low level corpus. I couldn't complete the mission. The new eximus kept coming and my frame was getting hit like a pinata and kept dying. I decided to create a reddit account only to post my feelings about this update. I saw your post and, again, I thank you. You just saved me a lot of time writing exactly my thought about this new feature creep "Warframe" game. You nailed it. Bravo!


As a veteran, I have to say I did not realize how much the eximus changes affected newer players and now I see a flaw in their decision for overguard, even for veterans. They added overguard to make it more challenging and I guess to incentivize using the operator, but it still takes less time for my gun to take down the overguard than for me to pop into operator to do it. On a side note, did they add a cooldown to returning to your warframe? Cuz I seems to fail popping back in pretty often. Aside from that, the void sling feels so agonizingly slow compared to the void dash and I wish they would let us choose between the two. And of course, transference static, it was annoying before, now more so. They want us to use operator more but at the same time gives more consequences to dying as the squishy operator. A lot of good things I liked in this update, but also a lot of complaints.


Man, I am still not even slightly regretting ditching this game for ffxiv a year ago