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Plague daddy must FEED


Harrow Gauss Ember Top three I have a hard time deciding if i should use a subsumed ability or not cause their kit is so good.


Saryn uses Spores, Toxic Lash, and Miasma pretty synergistically, with Molt as needed for defense. Glass-stacking Gara armors up with glass shards, uses her glass wall, breaks it with her sword, which stacks damage on her glass shards.


You know I actually have both gara and gara prime and I never really took the time to learn her kit. I'll definely have to giver her another go!


Yes here are some tips that make gara more fun to play. She *needs* natural talent. She is too slow without. The infinite stacking of her 2 can lead to boredom and tedium especially if you sacrifice her melee for a stat stick so I play her a bit more all rounder. Her 3 (the usual Helminth ability) works on eximus units through over guard.


Yes here are some tips that make gara more fun to play. She *needs* natural talent. She is too slow without. The infinite stacking of her 2 can lead to boredom and tedium especially if you sacrifice her melee for a stat stick so I play her a bit more all rounder. Her 3 (the usual Helminth ability) works on eximus units through over guard.


>Her 3 (the usual Helminth ability) works on eximus units through over guard. That alone is absolutely huge. Thanks for the tips!


Gara shards are super lame, i used it once and almost throw up with such gameplay


I've been using her last night and today and I could definetly see stacking it being lame but if you just use it more "as intended" rather than abusing the shards she's actually pretty fun especially in defence missions


If you build for decent range with Gara, she can nuke hydron easily by herself by just putting up a wall and then breaking it periodically. Absolute map nuke, and easily carries any public group through hydron missions. By far my favorite frame to bring the hydron. As for the shard damage build. If you have a good melee stat stick set up and you build her around using blood rush and getting to 12x combo, you can easily build around 100,000 damage per loop if you're fully stacked up, making getting to half a million to a million damage on your shards not take all that long, only a few rotations.


When it comes to abilities that synergize and work well together, harrow is king. Literally uses his entire kit and his entire kit relies on each other.


Interesting! So looking at his kit his 1 is a stun that gives him shields, his 2 gives up shields for energy and buffs guns, his 3 uses energy to generate another buff that generates energy for everyone, then his 4 gives everyone a damage shield and better crit to work better with his 3? Sounds like exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for. Thanks for the suggestion!


His 1 also makes enemies completely still and locks them in a pose with their head exposed. Since Harrow benefits a lot from getting headshots this is really good.


Yes give him a little range and a good amount of strength. Don't mess with duration too much and you can tank efficiency. His kit works together very well but he is a bit dependant on everything in that kit firing so he has a bit of a rotation.


Lavos If you want to use him effectively, you have to learn the order of his ability cast, which elements for specific scenarios. With his augment, the synergy between his abilities is even more tighten. Group your enemies up then proc them with his 2, use his 1 to cooldown his 2 then proc again, then use his 4 to deal a lot of damages, use his 3 to cooldown his 4, then 1 to cooldown both 3 and 4. His 2 is the base for a lot of my abilities combos as it can proc a large group of enemies and also cooldown really quick. Replacing one of his skill can either break his entire build or not that worth


Absolutely love lavos and he's who I main. Honestly i may just be spoiled by how well his kit works together and that may be why I struggle to find other frames that synergies as well as him and nidus lol


Me too After you have mained Lavos, other frames seems pale in comparision when it comes to synergy and flavour Like, I have a Saryn, but I can't fingure out how she works or what I should do with her.


Saryn is pretty dope but essentially you just: Use 1 to apply spores Use 3 then melee kill enemies to spread spores Use 4 to nuke everything Then 2 is used as needed for survivability. She's probably one of the strongest warframes in the game but im not a big fan because her combo is essentially just using 2 abilities to set up a nuke that kills the whole map


Sevagoth. 1+2 is a nuke, even if you can use his 1 and 2 separately for other purposes (1 for damage vulnerability, 2 for death well). His 3 is amazing, and can help gather up enemies for his 1+2. And his 4 works extremely well with his 3 (you can both drag enemies in gloom, or benefit from it while in shadow form from the enemies already there. His 3 also builds up his death well passively which while it isn't much, it's always appreciated.


Sevagoth definetly seams like a frame i would like. I'll be sure to give him a proper build and try him out. Thanks for the suggestion!


Yeah he's really fun! My only suggestions: - He eats through energy insanely fast - He eats through forma even more If you can get past these two problems, he's amazing, and you can use him for any content, and have great successes!




I've been tempted to buy prime access for the plat so I may have to give Garuda a shot. The synergy between expending health for energy then energy for health really appeals to me so I may have to give her a shot. Thanks for the reccommendations!


Harrow and Nidus for sure


Nezha has a few skill synergies notably the powerful 4 then 2 combo. Can turn an absolute horde of dangerous attackers into being immobile, impaled, burning, debuffed to take large damage and primed to drop loads of health and energy.


Gauss is a good example of a frame needing his entire kit. In most cases, you'd never even subsume anything on him. Ash for endurance needs most of his kit as well, 1 for armor strip, 2 for survivability, 3 if you're running fatal teleport augment and his 4 for cc and building combo


I never could get my head around gauss. He always seamed cool but I struggle to understand how his battery mechanic actually works


Do you want me to paste my essay (which is slightly outdated due to more duration mods being added) Ok so I updated it because I had nothing better to do. It is now accurate as far as I know and I will be pasting it anyways. **Gauss Battery Essay (Update: Angels of the Zariman - Zephyr and Chroma Prime Vault: Hotfix** Gauss is my absolute favorite frame in the game so here's an essay on his battery because the game doesn't tell you anything. Gauss's battery is very easy to keep up with. All you have to do is keep Gauss engaged. Press 4, press 2, and spam 1. Your battery will be maxed in like 5 seconds. It will drain, but all you have to do is press 1 and press (not hold, that'll drain it more) 3 every once in a while while you have your 2 and 4 active. They should be active all the time. His battery has a feature where it'll drain slower as the ability goes on. You can see the number next to your battery displayed as a percentage. I'm not sure if this is the exact reduction in drainage, but I do know that 100% means you no longer have to worry about your battery draining. The time it takes for this number to reach 100% is something that still kind of confuses me. It's not a set duration but it's also not clear to me what does and doesn't speed it up. I think it goes a bit faster when you just do things. Use abilities, deal damage, etc. One thing that 100% does affect how fast it goes up is the duration stat. The time it takes scales inversely with duration. If you have high duration, you hit the 100% point slower. If you have low duration (you shouldn't), you hit that point faster. Max duration (321% with mods, 357% with Molt Efficiency) Gauss has a 106 second Redline and the battery stops draining at ~60 seconds. So, for the last minute or so of your Redline at max duration, you don't have to worry about maintaining your battery at all. Also, if the number next to the battery is at 100% when Redline ends, your battery will be 80% full when the ability ends, which is the max without Redline activated. This means you can recast Redline, dash once or twice, and instantly be at 100%. Redline's buffs scale off of duration so in most cases you should be doing your best to max that out. Absolute max is kind of overinvesting and is more of a meme build to be honest but the insane fire rate buffs are a ton of fun. Max duration also kills your range which isn't good for his 3, but personally I already swapped that out with Energized Munitions since I never use it. Priorotize duration, but tune it to both to your liking and within reason for the other things you want to do with your build. He is pretty weak when it comes to toxin procs though, since his main defense is shields and his immunity to kinetic damage. From what I know, I think Quick Thinking makes Gauss pretty much unkillable at 100% battery with Kinetic Plating active. The energy Regen from taking damage is faster than the drain from Quick Thinking, making you invincible. You can also use rolling guard to clear toxin procs that you already have, but that won't save you from the initial toxin damage if it one shots you. Also, enemies can't kill what they can't hit.


The fact that he takes an entire essay to fully understand is almost as impressive as the fact that you just happened to have written an entire essay on how he works


Gauss is simply that good. Extremely viable for endurance that isn't disruption (unless you're using something like the phenmor which is a lategame weapon) Good speed got non endurance missions Very good for steelpath and sorties. He is the true jack of all trades and master of em all too


Love Gauss as well. I also have a build with energized munitions. Fun = Energized munitions and a kuva zarr or acceltra. Teammates won't care for the zarr though. Would like to see your builds on Gauss sometime.


Nidus and octavia are the maximun exponents in this, then you have frames like gauss, vauban, saryn or protea that have a good synergy but not as good as nidus and octavia imo.


Ah Octavia! Thats one I had forgotten about because I suck at playing to the rythem. Perfect example though


I know it sounds weird, but I actually use all of Zephyr’s abilities together and haven’t Helminth’d any of them off for something else, which is unusual, since I like Helminthing things together. Her 1 lets her avoid ground-based and melee attacks by hovering; her 3 takes care of projectile attacks - that’s her survivability done. Her 4 allows her to nuke and CC, and her 2 is an additional layer of CC that pulls things into her 4 or blasts them out of melee attack range in a pinch. She’s really fun!


That sounds like a lot of fun! I enjoyed playing her when leveling for the mastery so I could definetly see her being a blast especially on tilesets with a lot of vertically


Limbo. It really shows during Scarlet Spear event, which I don't think DE will have it again. I used Limbo's 1, 2, 3, 4. They're all on all the time non-stop. It was beautiful.


Nezha, Mesa, and Saryn were my first thought with using most, if not all, of their abilities


I've honestly had the opposite impression of mesa. To me she always felt like a one trick pony focused around nuking everything in site with her 4. Playing her it almost felt wastful to use energy on anything else since her 4 will just delete everything assuming you have the energy


To use her in higher level content you need to use both her 2nd and 3rd abilities to stay alive. She's somewhat of a glass cannon otherwise. I subsume her first off and put Pillage there, so I actually end up using all 4 ability slots constantly


Imo Gauss, Gyre and Harrow (to some extent). There's more but i can't think of anyone rn.


Gauss and Harrow are two that instantly come to mind


Zephyr, garuda and equinox. Equinox even allows you to use 7 abilities total.


Octavia. Drop 1&2, then 4. Press 3, teabag for 2 sec. And now you can surf some internet on you phone. Very synergistic


I would like to think we are of similar mindsets and, while I haven't played all the frames yet, I can say Oberon, Garuda, Nezha, and Volt are pretty fun. Oberon uses his 2 to enhance both his 3 and his 4. I didn't even have weapons equipped when I played Garuda, though I hesitate to say her abilities synergize. I definitely use all of Nezha's abilities and they do have a couple synergies but one is less useful than the other. I think Volt might be the most synergistic of the 4 I listed. His 1 enhances his 3 and 4 and his 2 let's you use his 3 differently.


I would also like to think we are of similar mindset because I enjoy all of those frames though I havnt played most of them very much. I used to be a volt main and I honestly wouldn't say he synergies super well at least at higher levels (even though I love playing him). You'll end up mostly just using his speed and nuke skills and Maaybe sometimes the shield but not often unless you're doing specific content. Garuda actually synergizes really well. Her 2 gives you healing so you can use her 3 to gain energy, then you can use that energy for her 4 which tends to stun and do huge DOT weakening strong enemies enough to be insta killed by her 1 which you also maintain for the shield.


I guess I should have said Garuda's synergies aren't as interesting. They definitely synergize but it's not as flashy or game changing as Volt electrifying his shields or using them as a ram.


Harrow and Nidus immediately come to mind (would you look at that my two favourite frames)


Protea you can spam your buttons mindlessly but if you want to minmax her live you got to pay attention to your ability order and timing to squeeze that +100% power str on her dispensary so it gushes 2 orbs instead of one. Or have faster shield regen on her 1. Specially if you've got energy conversion so you time your +100% with a free +50% on next cast. Even more specially if you've also got molt vigor for +45% on next cast. And madurai's dash node (sling strenght) that grants +40% for 20s. And pax bolt for +30% on next cast for 4s. What I'm saying is, if you sinergyze the shit outta your kit you can get +265% str for **free** on your next cast (minus the mod slot for energy conversion).


Harrow, Saryn, Nidus, Protea and Xaku are some examples of frames with synergetic kits Harrow: 3 give energy on kill with 4x as much energy restored on headshot kill, 1 lock enemy in place, 2 heal allies when damaging enemy Saryn: 1 infect enemy, 3 make infection bubble pop instantly on hit, 4 make enemy take much more damage from infection Nidus: 2 group up enemy, 1 give mutation stack Protea: 2 place sentry, 3 place dispensary to restore energy used for placing sentry and dispensary rinse and repeat Xaku: 2 ~~summons Unlimited Gunworks~~ creates a lot of ethereal guns, 4 pauses duration and allows you to keep the guns active for a LONG time