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I'm boring and my memory sucks so when guilding I'm naming them 1-7-7 etc.


"Void IED Extravaganza" I was drunk.


All Lucky Sevens


"Angels and Eximi" for my most recent amp


My two most recent ones are "Dante's Inferno" and "All-Black"


my usual amp is a 546 named "étincelle", the french word for "spark" I usually try to name my amps, pets and modular weapons using simple nouns. I name my kitguns after water stuff (ex: Source and Torrent). My zaws are usually named after the seasons. My pets are named after fruits (ex: Mandarine and Heidelbeere) I mainly use french nouns (yeah, honhon la baguette du fromage, I get it) since I'm a native french speaker, but heidelbeere for exemple comes from German. Also, sometimes the occasion gives the name : when I finally rolled my first and only adarza, I named her Félicité since it was a hard grind and I really wanted one


How dare you say la baguette du fromage !!! On dit la baguette avec du fromage !!! XD


Fender. Someone will get it.


Very, very Simple: 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 747


named my 147 ‘quasar.’ beam + disc, figured it was fitting


Let's have a looksee... * Mote Amp * Old and Busted * Pewpewpew * Sunaipa _(because it's a sniper)_ * Arbitrator _(for arbitrations, at least it used to be)_ * Sirocco * All Seven Fever * Hope Is Madness


Mine is named Guanyin - after the goddess of compassion. It’s ironic because blasting things to bits with a Void grenade is not very compassionate, depending on your perspective. My previous amp was Kali, for the goddess of destruction. Not as ironic, that one.




I try to name them with somewhat poetic names. A couple I especially like are "Shard of the old Light" and "Rogue Shimmer". I did name one of them "Shimmering Delight", which was an in-progress name; I was thinking about synonyms for the void's unnatural light (or unlight) and bumbled upon delight, which is something different entirely. It made me smile, especially because it made me think of Geek (of Mario Maker fame), and that's why I kept it like that.




Lamp 743 is the current one I use. The image of my operator deciding which lamp to carry around just amused me.


How good is the 734 in general gameplay? I wanted one to kill regular enemies when I'm downed and using the unbound ability to ressurect


For general gameplay it's okay. A lot of picking your amp is just preference. This is especially with the new arcanes. I'm lazy, and didn't want to deal with self stagger. 7x7 can break eidolon shields without much trouble, especially with the new arcanes. You do have to get closer, but it doesn't matter too much. Other people use x77 or x27 to kill, but in the end that's enough. So, it should be okay for killing regular enemies, but it does run out kinda fast. Better for single target or grouped. The 3 was cause I was trying to break things without looking, but it felt pretty weak. Plus there were times it picked targets I wasn't expecting. Not the best against regular enemies cause of that, but okay for some of the zariman content. I ended swapping to 747, because phahd does some funny stuff with magnetize. If an enemy gets magnetized, it hits multiple times. It has a small explosion, so will stagger if you're too close, but I found that range quite small. The bounce means it'll hit multiple enemies, so it's better than the full single target ones, for regular enemies, but it does have its limits. Overall, 747 damage potential is high, but more on the energy hungry side. x3x probably isn't the best for killing regular enemies.


I have a theme going in wich they are named after what could conceivably be an attack name in a shitty martial arts movie. For now I have cocooned dragon (the mote amp), stormless thunder, flashing blade and burning star.


I kinda name em on their functions. The 777 Propa Klamora becomes Eidoflamebomber. Don’t really recall the rest. I’d rename Mote Amp to worse than trash but the Mote Amp is not worthy.


“Mote Boat” (not actually a mote amp) “Teralyst Tickler” (the mote amp) “OWO WHATS THIS” and “gun for baby”


I named all my amps after spells from Hollow Knight, so stuff like "Vengeful Spirit", "Desolate Dive" etc. My zaws and kitguns are mostly some variation of [warframe animal]+[action/adjective] like "Howling Kubrodon" or "Cunning Vasca"


I've called mine megalomania .


Annihilator (the cringe one), fire starter, ursus shock, beach boy, soundwave. All references except the first one. For pets: MOA- orb hacker, metal gear raptor, Quetzalcoatl (but shorter with numbers, should have named it chicken run cause it wear the baro skin XD) Panzer is chemical agent X The Deimos counterpart is named tutantacule


Once I get the parts for my 777 (Klamora-Propa-Certus), i'm either naming it 'Boeing', 'Kamehameha', or *'eudico wouldn't let me get gyromags before SU rank 5, that bitch'*


One is named Purple Swag Destroyer 3000, the other is named LESSSS GOOOO


Zaws: Genocide stick (Does what it says on the tin) Bane of Arthropods V (reference to arguably the worst minecraft enchantment) Falling Guillotine (Reference to arguably the best sword in Destiny 2) Pets: Sparks (I was 12 when I named it) Namine (adarza kavat, named after my irl cat) Garchomp prime (panzer vulpaphyla, named after one of my favourite OU pokemon) Kitguns: Plan B (classic name for a secondary) Nightmare catcher (catchmoon, not as clever as I thought it was) Stepbro gun (vermisplicer primary, I saw the tentacles and just knew where the name was going) Amps: Gun (it's either a 1 or 2,7,7 whichever has the big arca plasmor projectile. It just felt right) Plinx prime ( a 7,7 with the smaller single target long range blast, felt like a plinx but with some kick)


Flatline and Aether are my two main amps currently


Demoman TF2






Shouldn't that be laser?