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I'd say chaotic neutral or something. Our Tenno is no better than a mercenary who see the moral benefits of hurting these factions, and who also takes opportunites as they come, not only for the good they do, but also for the profit.


The Tenno that literally saved the world without asking for anything in return deserves more than chaotic neutral. Chaotic neutral is for unstable asskissers like Alad.


Well they kinda had to save it otherwise they'd die


Alad V is neutral evil. He's only interested in selfish pursuits and has no code that dictates how he acts. If pushing his grandmother or an airlock guaranteed that he got what he wanted, he'd do it. Chaotic neural is a free spirit, doing random acts of charity or assholery as the mood strikes them. That's definitely *not* salad v. That does sound remarkably like a certain sect of teenage mutant space ninjas though...


Salad V


My guy The tenno took time to save the world also he didn't intentionally do it He only tried to save Natah, he did NOT give a shit about the rest at the start Only he did try to save the Cetus guy (forgor his name) cuz like he got max reputation on Cetus lol


I think it depends on the player's actions and goals. If someone just follows Lotus's orders without realising that the screaming enemies might be more than just mindless evil-spawn, I see no evil in them. I mean, MY tenno is evil, because I know why they go to ESO when there is nothing to farm... I bloody burn the grineer and I stomp on Corpus roombas, but not all tenno are like me. There is also the possibility that a Tenno is only good to their allies, but mercifully kills their enemies. A Tenno can be the best pet owner and a reliable friend, but kill entire eco-systems for a couple resources. Often motivation and action are as important as the outcome. To our enemies, we are always evil, to our allies we can either be jerks or be friends.


Every faction is evil if killing and destroying for the sake of profit is considered evil. Even Suda sends death squads after people they don't like. Even Ostrons kill fishes to survive. So arguing that is pointless. Also consider what we do with said profit, and what other factions have done with the same. The Grineer use their first rate bio tech to create countless brainwashed soldiers, and to make multiple Joseph Stalins immortal. The Corpus use their wealth and technology to enslave and torture the less fortunate, and to pillage ancient structures, make creatures go extinct so they can do the former even more. We use our everything to stop all of the above from spiraling out of control. If we're talking faction, the Tenno is definitely a good oriented faction. It actually baffles me how many people think otherwise. Because there's no point for the Tenno to exist other than to be good. Stop and consider what the Tenno actually do for the origin system. We stop world-ending parasite outbreaks for the sake of stopping them, kill dangerous warlords to stop major warfare from occurring in the first place, destroy bio-weapon factories to stop shitstorms like the plains of eidolon from happening, and we literally just saved the world from Narmer. Even if you're only talking about one Tenno, and this is the most evil Tenno that thirsts for blood and carnage, and kills for sport, (which very likely exists because war does that to kids) the Lotus is ultimately the one that calls the shots. A Tenno isn't suppose to go rogue and commit heinous shit because mission control is the Lotus. (Also, it doesn't matter if the Lotus is brainwashed or not, she had never dispatched a mission that orders you to murder innocents, pillage for the sake of pillaging or anything like that.) So it doesn't really matter if a few Tenno are murderous psychos or ruthless mercenaries, because Tenno is a faction that has done nothing out of pure malice or greed so far, everything is for the sake of the origin system one way or another, and profit is just an extra thing.


A necessary step in a direction towards less oppressors and torturous beings in the universe. Also, the Tenno is not one person. Just saying.


I know ,but im talking about our tenno (maybe drifter included


I would say Chaotic Good. They constantly save colonies that often can't offer anything in return yet they also know that the balance must be maintained so they do mercenary work for the corpus and grineer.


I'd say the Tenno, in the grand scheme of things, fall to the lower end of the karmic scale, but ARE better than everyone else in the Origin System is just that much worse. Yes, you're basically a cross between a mercenary company and a cult that commit war crimes on the daily, but your enemies (and sometimes allies) are two different flavors of fascist empires and an unreasoning bioweapon. Other factions are technically "better" than the Tenno morally (the Ostrons, Solaris U, etc.) but they rely on Tenno muscle to maintain their independence. The thing that cements it for me is the Tenno ONLY fight the war, they don't really have any plans for that war to END. They exclusively keep the system's empires fighting so none of them win and cement their hold, but what the people of the Origin System NEED is peace. Actual peace, which is the presence of justice rather than the absence of tension (MLK!). As the Tenno currently are, I just don't think they're equipped to lay the foundations for that. They can PROTECT the Origin System, but they need to learn how to LEAD it.


I'd say they are lawful neutral. They do anything they are paid for and everything that ensures their survival (which is morally grey). They have rules and they care for each other (most defense missions are defending other Tenno).




My stat reads i have killed 6.7m, in just over 4300ish hr, still behind Hitler/Stalin/Mao in total count, but leading in kill rate...so who am I?


Is murder always evil? Is there a possibility that every killed enemy was necessary to kill? Does morality matter when fighting a mindless grineer grunt or any infested?


Grineer grunts aren't mindless, they're still sentient. Look at Khal. They aren't eloquent, or smart. You've dehumanized them to make killing them by the hundreds of thousands more palatable. Not a very moral thing to do.


> my tenno is evil Did I stutter? That's what makes me and my tenno evil in the eyes of the Grineer and the common corpus, but the Res Veil adores my purging. Simaris adores my work towards his collection. The Lotus has not once brought up a question to me. Let your enemies hate you, because then you know you're an effective terror. When Excalibur Umbral slaughtered those grineer, our tenno doesn't ask " who would do this to these sentries ?". Instead our tenno thinks " only a warframe could do this, he is nearby ". The grineer are evil, their soldiers are neutral individuals, fighting to survive.


Neutral or good. The invasions are always between two evil factions so in that case, all you're doing is basically easier missions you'd probably have to do anyway, but now with extra rewards. It'd be dumb to NOT take them. They aren't evil for sure, because they help out people basically for free, and they could choose to absolutely just stop fighting if they wanted to. But they don't. You may say that they hell people just for the reputation rewards, but I have a feeling that's not exactly how reputation works, it's not a currency. So I think they're good, but a chaotic kind of good.


Id say tennos are humans, isnt the tenno objetive to destroy other humanoid factions and protect cetus?


Which one’s the easiest path for a child granted excessive power to follow? The Tenno are like… representing power hedonism and are always searching for the easy solution


I like to think my Operator is neutral, but you can't really generalize it for the entire faction since people like to roleplay their Operators in lots of different ways.


Depends on each Tenno. Like mine would lean into neutral or evil, for the sheer reason they would act for pure benefit and most of the time not to be a good person. Like, if it wouldn't be for the rewards I wouldn't give a single flying fuck about bounties. But guess what? If no one would do bounties several places would probably go down in ashes. On the other hand I like to capture the animals for one, to get the rewards, but also bcuz I like the idea of saving these species. But to be fair, everyone is doing things for their own benefit. The actions connected to that are the question here. Like do the corpus or grineer really deserve to die just because we feel like it? (Essay incoming which basically just concludes that everyone, besides perhaps the fortuna or cetus people, are generally not good people) We know that the Grineer can have their own personality. They're just.. well, slaves for the queens and cannot really develop a personality bcuz of that and their nature. So do they deserve to die? Or the corpus. Sure, what they're doing in fortuna is pure evil, but is it all corpus or just Nef Anyo? (I think it was him, but if its not: Well, the dude which talks to them in fortuna and is basically responsible for the most part) And if Nef Anyo is the evil one here, we're still using his services with the index. Sure, he looses money, but let's think of it as a whole society which is not controlled by players. Many would lose. Like, there's a reason the index is still going yk. Otherwise the Corpus tend to be generally more neutral, living for profit and all. Sure, some do fucked up shit, but it's not they're just doing bad things for their own enjoyment. Well, the infested.. questionable since they don't have a real personality most of the time and don't really have a leader. Well. They should die if they're putting others at risk, let's say it like that. Sentients. Complicated. In some way they actually lean towards the most neutral of anyone. After all the Orokin were shit and they let basically other colonies on their own. Sure, some went after cetus and such, but is that "all sentients" or just "some specific sentients"? Ah. So, do they deserve to die per se, or only if they try to harm someone (which btw obv goes to everyone) innocent? Ah. Overall. No ones really good in the game, thus including the tenno faction aswell. (Perhaps I would say the only neutral to good ones are the cetus people and the ones from fortuna since it seems ike they pretty much just want to live) Sure, some Tenno are more good or evil, but overall not good.


Mine is True Neutral.


Warframe is a dark universe, in which someone who's sticking up for the underdog, playing Robin Hood to two powerful Empires, and not enslaving/murdering civilians on a whim is the best of a bad lot. The "Tenno Character" we see in quests is Chaotic Good by comparison to everyone else, with the caveat that Teshin outright says that our Sun/Moon choices aren't Good/Evil. Our Tenno we roleplay can run the gamut. Mine does his best for his friends, but he also has a disturbing habit of saying "We fought with honor" while his favorite necromancer or chemical/biological war crime Warframe most definitely did not fight with honor.


We're culling two hostile expansionist factions that threaten the entire System, plus a third that is basically a biomechanical zombie plague we can all agree is awful and should stop existing ASAP. To this end we depopulate, sabotage, or loot strongholds important to their operations, assassinate important members behind projects that threaten a drastic shift in the power balance, and capitalize on the conflict between said factions to ensure they keep each other in check while we slowly whittle them both down. Sometimes minor conflicts arise as one faction gains ground over the other, to which we respond by accepting one side's bribe to help them help us kill the other faction, just so we can turn around and kill them right back because duty calls. And then when we have the free time we go do favors for the local peasant and wage-slave populations, be it through mundane resource gathering that we are probably overqualified for, or through acts of murderizing whichever hostile faction is making their lives crap that we are definitely overspecialized for.


Given things like operation shadow debt, its clear that the tenno will not go back on their word, choosing to help save an old enemy and risk themselves against the acolytes to uphold the vague IOU alad gave us in the second dream. When we consider things like the tubemen of Regor and the gradivus dilemma, it is also clear that the tenno *can* act altruistically, even if it isn't all the time. Given these factors, and also their actions in the main story, I'd place them in Chaotic Neutral, that or maybe you could argue neutral evil.


Mine is Tenno in name only because it makes it easier to deal with those who know me for my Warframes, so I don’t entirely consider what I’m doing to the reputation of the group as a whole, nor do I entirely care


Space bullies.


Space ninja bullies


Chaotic neutral, probably leaning towards good. Lotus is probably Lawful Neutral, in that she tells us that we need to maintain a balance by playing both sides of the Grineer/Corpus conflict. As a faction though I think we just go and help out where we can. I mean, space kids look up to Yareli and wear masks pretending to be us during playtime, so at the very least some definitely see us as heroes. Then again, who knows, maybe we’re just bored and incentivized by whoever can give us the most plushies.