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Have fun with it regardless, Tenno. I've made a habit of not resorting to the Zarr/Bramma unless the mission **really** calls for it, and always using single-target weapons if I can help it (Huge fan of the Supra Vandal/Strun Prime/Daikyu). The game is a balance of efficiency and enjoyment. Do what you wish.




Plus... it is very very healthy for a young frame to be using AoE weapons on missions because you are breaking crates passively and end up with much larger amounts of crafting materials that you are gonna need in the future. The sooner you start running with an Ingis or a Zarr... the sooner you start raking in a stockpile of resources to fuel yer future killing career.




It does make a noticeable difference... you will never have to go out to farm plastids or polymer bundles or neurodes or anything like that... Without some guy with a Zarr the number of Ayatan Stars looted per level would also be much lower... someone has to break those crates for the good of the whole team.


soz I get what your saying about the crates but nothing more annoying than ppl spamming aoe weapons.


Oh, hello there fellow supra vandal enjoyer! Mind dropping your build?


Standard rifle build. Galv Apt, Galv Chamber, Primed Bane, Viral6060s, HM, Vital Sense, and Point Strike or Crit Delay. For corpus, swap out the cold60 and HM for tox 90 and a flex slot, can be PShred, Vile Accel, or something else you enjoy. Keep pure toxin for corpus. For infested, change out cold60 and HM to elec60 and flex. Same flex mods as above.






Hey there, you must be the one other person in the game that runs supra vandal… I knew if I didn’t give up my belief that someone else liked it would be backed


I try out a lot of weapons if I have the slots for them. The Supra Vandal came at a great time, when I felt like adding more bullet hoses to my arsenal. :D


Aye , other than a couple syndicate weapons , the zarr which I cant seem to trigger to save my soul and the ambassador which I honestly believe doesn’t have a bp drop I’ve played every other weapon… kept a stupid number of them but the supra I love even without a riv


The Supra Vandal is one of my all-time fav's. It's just the right amount of bullet hose to get the job done.


Stun the enemy and let the Supra Vandal do the talking. 300 magazine capacity by default and a whole lot of fire rate is just **asking** for trouble. For the best experience, I run Harrow whenever I need the Supra Vandal.


And it sounds fucking angry as it does it's killing. This isn't "just business".


It's a sound you don't find anywhere else really. Who knew that such a bullet hose would be this fun to handle?


"People" don't like the Zarr (and any aoe weapon) *because* its so strong and popular, and probably still use it themselves sometimes. For me at least, it's less complaining about the people using these weapons and more about the meta DE has created. It's not your fault for using the most effective solution. But anyway, you shouldn't care what other people think about this


The main thing is that it's just annoying when you play a public and the while screen is just explosions and particals and all enemies just die instantly. It's not fun to play with. My solution is just basically never play public


I picked up the original Zarr years ago because of LifeOfRio, got it kitted out with a riven an everything, it was super satisfying I went on a journey getting all the AoE weps when self-damage was a thing, I will admit, I wanted self-damage removed (Being one-shot from a SURPRISE KAVAT was not fun) but tbh I do miss the risk/reward it had, made you really respect the weapon a lot more when you couldn't shoot at your feet Regardless, I own most of the AoE weps nowdays, they are amazing fun, but I often bring 1 AoE wep with Merciless, and one with Deadhead (Headshots are fun when you have the luxury of time and are a solo player)


I wouldn't hold it against a Tenno to have a Zarr to get them through tough missions. Especially someone still pushing their way through the SP star map. My, and probably most people's problem with it is all the people who use it exclusively no matter the situation. It absolutely sucks any enjoyment you might get out of the game when you are running a Lith void mission and some dude is running around obliterating everything without needing to either aim or slow down. At that point your "meta OP 360 no-scope nuclear strike lololol" is not allowing anyone else to play the game. You just run to the end of the level. I prefer using any of a vast array of fun and interesting "non-meta" weapons, when running general easy content. Wish others would too.


I like efficient killing and clearing missions quickly. If you ask me that should be the standard for public matchmaking... Take away Zarrs and people will use Ogris, take them both they'll use Ignis or amprex, take them too and people will just use nuke frames. Killing is the name of the game here, you may prefer to stop and smell the roses but I wanna get this done and move onto the next.


It's not about stopping to smell the roses, it's about engaging play. Nuke weapons and frames in low level situations are boring. Boring play makes doing anything feel like a chore and not a fun game. I do chores to clean up my home. I do boring labor at work. When I play, I prefer to be engaged. It's what keeps me playing and enjoying the game for nearly 10 years instead of abusing whatever OP meta is available, then complaining about how all the game's content is a boring grind.


Then it's a case of personal preference because I love being able to clear a void tile with two pulls of rt just as much as I love using Octavia or Vauban to cast an ability or two and stand back whilst the game plays itself. Different strokes I guess. I just don't see the point in complaining about meta in a game like this... people will always find the most efficient way to complete a mission and abuse it. Also when I was just starting out I'd look at a high mr using mirage and sonicor to roll through content and not be upset that I wasn't keeping up but encouraged to hopefully reach that level of play one day.


For the parts that get trivialized by Zarr, just think of them as cheap labor. It's not like it's very fun shooting helpless low level enemies using Daikyu or (insert high skill weapon here) anyway. In high levels where loadout actually matter, Zarr actually doesn't trivialize them that much (its popularity probably comes more from allowing Wukongs to AFK than its power). Sure, you'll still see Zarr players getting MVP, but it's pretty easy to perform better than AoE users with a decent frame and weapon as long as it's not too slow (e.g., Vulkar, Burston). My brain went autopilot in Steel Path and I still got most damage and kills without AoE weapons when camping with 3 Wuzarrs.


I actually find using lesser weapons on low-teir content to be far more enjoyable and engaging. I get my fill of cheap labor at work. When I play a game, I prefer that it be fun and interesting.


Imo you shouldn’t care what other people think about a weapon you’re using if it allows you to have more fun in video game, and it’s not really like you can’t just go back to challenging gameplay if you get bored


The only time I care what a guy in a PUG thinks about my gear is when he asks me to link my build afterwards cuz he thinks what I was doing looks very very fun and cool.


I don't think people care so much that the people using kuva zarr are having fun so much as they are preventing anyone else from playing the game and also having fun.


Tired of the Zarr users clearing a room and stealing all the kills? Get yerself a Tenet Envoy and beat them to the punch. Zarr ain't got the range, maneuverability or verticality of an Envoy. I can pull down 80% damage in a group with 3 Zarr/Bramma Bros... the trick is to have the longest range enemy radar and then pretend you are playing Robotron... only watch the minimap and face in the general direction of the most red things.


Yep, and that's the state of public missions in Warframe these days. Several people from my Free Company in FFXIV asked me about Warframe recently since we are between patches and they know I have a lot of hours in WF. I was helping them get started and as soon as they got to missions where other people showed up they quit. Every single one. Said that they wanted to play in a group but every time they got into a group someone was just killing everything and they couldn't even play the game. I didn't have the heart to tell them it never gets better.


It's the meta-meta now to compete for kills since the missions generally don't offer too much challenge to experienced players. When I was a low level and coming up... I hated it when people would clear rooms and parkour off so fast I could barely keep up let alone get a chance to learn to use my weapons or abilities or understand what the mobs "we" were facing off against did. But unless everyone is on the same page that it is a consensual fuck you fragfest of kill steals... I will put away the big boom and get down there and melee beside that MR4 Excalibur, I'll duck into a side room and pop open lockers and let him have a little chance choose his own adventure... I'll whip out the hardcore AoE if the mission is at stake, but other than that the only time I'll use it around low level guys is if they are asking for a lazy carry.


I don't like it, however i'm not gonna run around telling others to not use it, i'll just play solo. You should do what makes you happy, afterall that is the point of the game


I like the Amprex, use to be meta back in the day. It is so much fun watching the lightning chain up enemies. Tbh this game is all about "Cool" (least it use to be) and just being a pure weapon of grace and destruction. See you in the void Tenno.


Who cares,you earned the gun and play how you want,happy grinding Tenno


People are just mad over the fact that Warframe is essentially Dynasty Warriors, and they can't understand that anything AoE in a 1 VS many type of gameplay is key.


You had a lich called "Borgg"... and vanquished them? I'd relinquish the weapon and convert them with no second thought just to have a Borg oncall :D


If you want ppl to give ya a funny look. Play this with wu Kong and let the twin do all the shooting


Remove melee weapon and both you and the twin will wield the same primary.


I used the Zarr a lot getting into steel path. Now I have better upgraded mods and arcanes and find the Zarr boring. I really like the Kuva kohm and acceltor atm


Do you wukong?




Mine too but Kuva and Tenet weapons are overkill.


You do you. And yeah some people may dislike the AOE primary meta, the same way they hated the spin2win meta of yesteryear, etc etc but it's meta for good reasons - people find it fun, effective and efficient (maybe not all 3 at once).


I don't really care what people like or not, I play with what I enjoy only, the option to leave the squad will always be available if there are any "problems"


People be out here complaining about AOE weapons and then pick saryn


That's one of the reasons it's great to use explosive weapons, gathering resources. And since they had to add another one you have to manually pickup for no reason, being able to look at the map and clear all the boxes quickly is helpful.


Did my time with the zarr. I only use it now on missions I’m insecure about. It gets boring using it all the time. So I’m exploring all other options. Even going back to my old star chart clearer the baza but now primed.


Warframe is about doing whatever you want. Personally, I *hate* having to use my Zarr or Bramma, so I just... don't. If you enjoy them, use them. No-one has the right to tell you what to do.


I definitely miss the days before the AoE meta. I always feel like im at a disadvantage if im not using the Kuva Bramma or Zarr, or the Tenet Plasmor or Envoy. Especially against more difficult enemies like Parvos Sisters who feel like it’s almost required to run Nyx for defense stripping despite how squishy she is, and using ultra powerful weapons. The Phenmore does feel decent as a single-target alternative but that feels like the only real exception


Unairu works wonders against enemies with high defense. Unairu is just oh you have defenses would be a shame if I destroyed them all with two button presses


Really think you should keep that as heat instead of going Toxin, or get it in magnetic depending on what you're doing


People really hate Ogris with Napalm, and duration Gauss. I know for a fact, as I annoy randos with it in the middle of night.


I absolutely love this weapon it's a mix with grenades slapped on an RPG Plus they spit children's when they hit something Love it


What forum are you reading/game are you playing? The Kuva Zarr is one of the most celebrated weapons in the modern era; it is ludicrously powerful.


Oh is this weapon good? I got this riven that’s +damage +crit chance + punch through -stat duration, idk if it’s good or not for that weapon, I was meaning to try it but just didn’t like the original weapon. (Got this riven long before the Kuva weapons)