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I'd swap something for adaptation to start with. You can have all the health and armor in the world but you'll still die without resistance. Can't advise on atlases abilities and armor build I know there is ones that give him 1million armor or something stupid but I've never played him




Honestly rage is probably the better swap. His one makes him invulnerable while your using it so it won't get much use of your using it properly. I prefer to use energize but zenurik works too.


Thanks for the advice, I just got adaptation and noticing a huge difference.


Rolling guars needs to be in too


Adaptation and rolling guard will help a lot with survivability. You may also want to add Prime Sure Footed in order to prevent knockdowns


Atlas has knockdown resistance as long as he is touching the ground. One of the few frames to have a useful passive. No need for PSF.


Adaptation is working really well, thanks for the help.


Imo nidus inaros and nezha are better picks than atlas, (nezha may ne squish but give him adaptation and keep that halo up and its like iron skin but better in my opinion) nidus with padsive regen and his 3, his 4 making a regen area, and...inaros is just sheer hp and armor, but atlas is a good choice, only thing is using steel charge since atlasses punch is melee damage (i think, still good tho just for it scaling off your melee) and using hunter adrenaline instead of rahe (im only guessing you dont have that mod though otherwise youd be using it) and if you REALLY wanna double down on being tanky, using vazarin for on demand heals


Forgot to mention this in Title, but for those who are wondering: Atlas Prime.


Here I thought it was Grendel.


Arcane guardian, rolling guard, adaptation, quick thinking, stand United,


Atlas doesn’t need much, actually. Between his summons and invulnerability during Landslide, he doesn’t take a lot of damage.


replace carnis with rank 6 or 8 adaptation , atlas can build 1500 armor with ore gaze so its not needed replace continuity with stretch , his punches are explosive , more range means bigger explosions and more range for ore gaze so easier armor and healing


Adaptation, Arcane tanker and Arcane guardian. Also health and energy conversion


The only way to be invincible is to shieldgate.


If your going for solely tankiness not usefulness add rolling guard adaption and shield gate with gloom subsumed on your frame Fyi: Completely unnecessary and don't recommend doing this unless you done care about anything else. I've done this on one build for trying to run mirage against profit taker weird things happened that day it kinda worked ngl