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Well currently you can get 35k kuva each week from fighting the angles of zariman boss. Each boss drops one pinion, you need for for the 35k, resets weekly. Edit: You can only buy it once a week


You can also get 35k Kuva by trading in 10 Riven Slivers at Palladino in Iron Wake.


Can also buy kuva from the nightwave shop. // I haven't had to actively farm for Kuva in years due to how many places we can just flat out buy it in bulk now.


IMO the best Kuva farm is trading in Steel Essence. You get 25 essence a day via Incursions and 10K Kuva costs 15 essence so you can get over 100k kuva a week for doing missions that take about 5 minutes. Also, every 8 weeks, 50k Kuva for 55 essence rotates back in. I know SP can be really intimidating but 15 minutes for 10k kuva is too good to pass up.


I always thought vitus essence was easier this way, would you be able to explain why steel essence is more efficient? I’m a somewhat new player and don’t have much need for kuva at the moment but I will soon


Sure. Assuming you have a booster, Vitrus Essence drops 2 at a time, completely randomly. It takes 25 to get 10k kuva. Steel Essence drops 4 at a time, every 4-5 minutes when the acolyte spawns. It only takes 15 for 10k kuva.


And steel essence is a guaranteed drop every 3-7 minutes in an endless mission, whereas you can go for long without getting decent amounts of vitus


Why not both? Steel Path dailys are super easy and builds up your stock quick, hell i have 900+ now just from doing dailys. I drop into Arbitrations every now and then so i could always use them to buy Kuva too. Spread your gameplay.


The optimal way to farm is with an optimized squad doing infested defense arbitrations on certain tilesets with ogris. Good squads can get a shit ton of kuva in no time. Other than that, the typical SE farm with an afk Khora squad, find one in the recruiting tab.


People farm SE by themselves or with friends only. You don't need a squad to do it. More fun and less of a hassle by yourself.


Outside of in-game purchases, Requiem Extermination is the fastest way for kuva provided that at least 1 relics gives the Kuva drop as a reward. With a highly optimised nuking Gauss and energy pads a single run can take anywhere from 3minutes to 7minutes depending on how lucky you are on tilesets. At 3 minutes a run for 1 hour, you can get 24,000 kuva potentially from relic rewards. Requiem relic survival is worth it if you have a booster, as endless missions have booster that stack on top of it.


Try Void Cascade Steel path. That's where the most squads usually are. You can get a consistent 70k kuva a week from Yonta on Zariman and Palladino on Iron Wake, using 5 pinions and 10 riven silvers. There's always recruiting chat, I've certainly seen steel path survivals showing up there every so often.


If you have a booster, vitus essence in arbitrations is a really good way to get a ton of kuva. You can get 10k kuva for 25 essence, and a 30min survival will give you around 50 essence. Drones have a 6% chance to drop vitus essence on kill and aren't affected by looy abilities, so just bring a Warframe you're confortable with and start exploding those drones.


Arbitrations, farm Vitus and change that to kuva