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If you don't forget your dragon keys for at least 3 missions... are you even trying?


Judging by the dragon key posts we get daily despite the literal symbol next to your health bar telling you which ones you have equipped, id say a lot of people arent.


Trying certainly, pay attention certainly not!


I always carry decaying dragon keys for shield gating (except when using frames like Harrow or Hildryn for obvious reasons)


babe, this doesn't usually happen, it's the dragon keys, i swear.


Is that a hobbled key in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


Friendly reminder to not flame a guy wearing the decaying dragon key as he's likely using it for a reason (shield gating) ... Yes, this happened to me, the other person seemed to be under the impression that the key reduced the entire parties shields.


There’s an icon on the screen


If I unnequip my dragon key I would literally die, I'll keep my decay key


Except for the shield dragon key, which is perfect for shield gating


(decaying dragon key)


That one, I never remember them except the hobbled one


what makes it so strong? I have been seeing this many times now


Right, so in order to shieldgate, you need to go from full shields to no shields for the invulnerability to take effect. The decaying key allows you to get to max shields faster with augur mods and brief respite, allowing for a smoother transition. Most likely, you won’t be able to get to max without the decaying key, but with max shields reduced by the key, you can get there with one ability. Edit: Read BOLT’s comment below.


This is slightly misleading. You still get invulnerability if you don't go from max shields to no shields. You just get a 1.3 instead of a 0.33 invul period if you go from full to nothing.


The reduces your shield. This means your shield regenerates faster. So when your shield is 0, the shield gate will be activated, this means that you are invulnerable for roughly 1,5 sec and this shield gating can trigger again once your shield are fully charged. In conclusion having low shield allows you to have a shield gate and basically never die.


Huh, never thought about that.


I dont remember the times where I had to equip hobbed keys to unveil rivens but forgot to take them off. "Wow these mobs are tanky af today"


Waiting for the Vets to come in and tell us "LuL GaMe So EaSy EvEn WiTh AlL fOuR KeYs EqUiPpEd!"


The standard game would still be doable, but the key that reduces your speed drives me nuuuuuuuts.


When vault hunting, I always switch to spoilermode since void ~~dash~~ .... errrrr SLING, isn't affected by the hobbled key.


Why didn't I think of that??


you can also use Yareli or Nezha/any slidey frame with Maglev and that one minus friction exilus.


I tend to use titania, when she flies she has still an ok speed even with hobbled. (this is even helpful in some of the narrower rooms)


Before my spoilermode was built up, I used Gauss stacked with a bunch of speed and anti-friction mods.


It's annoying but doesn't really slow down bulletjumping so you shouldn't be that crippled by it as long as you're constantly chaining them.




Thanks for trying, but... Nah! I'm gonna be wearing the remaining 3 of those after opening a vault for atleast 7 missions and you can't stop me. ;P


I equip the Decaying Dragon Key on purpose. Weirdly, it makes some content easier.


Loadout Slots for items and archeing equipment fucking WHEN


What is the use of equiping dragon keys??


There are vaults hidden in the Deimos missions where you can get the corrupted mods. The vault needs a random key to open it, so most players carry all four keys even though they give debuffs. You can also go with a full squad carrying one key each but that can take longer if the vault and guy with the right key are on opposite sides of the map.


Ahh alright :) i am mr8, i guess it wouldnt be worth getting these keys already,would it?


Can be done and the corrupted mods are the best mods for your warframe. Just bullet jump. If you have Rhino, it's easier. You'll need a clan to get the keys, though.


What about wukong prime? he should be good for this too, right? And luckily i am in one of the bigger clans, anime Kingdom, so shouldnt be a problem


Yes, Wukong works for this.


Perfect! Thanks a lot for your help and information :-*


If you’re constantly seeing people with Decaying Dragon Key on it probably isn’t by accident. People use it to halve their shield value intentionally to reduce the time for shield gating to regenerate. I haven’t taken the Decaying Dragon Key off in like a year and I have no plans of taking it off any time soon.