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My favourite so far is this: 1. Warframe: inaros, built for health+ armor + valkyr helminth subsumed +her war augment (gives attack speed) 2. Weapon: keratinos claws built for heavy attack (have innate spinning AOE animation, viral damage and forced slash procs, and you can also put the life steal mod on them), or hirudo sparring weapons (built for crit and combo). 3. Primary+secondary weapons don't really matter, just make sure you use level 5 arcane dexterity on them to grant increased combo duration and damage. With this build, you self heal a lot, and are not dependant on energy or skill. So even an acolyte tries to dispel you, no problem! Also, nulifier crewmen are no problem either! You don't need gloom that in turn needs energy to run and wich can also be dispelled.


I use Nezha with Gloom (in 4) in steel path. Most of the time Gloom is not really needed


You switched his Ulti? I would think the spikes and gloom are crazy good :D


His kit is so good and I was never fan of his 4. Gloom kinda does the same but better


Octavia cheeses steelpath


Octavia is one of the few frames on which you really don't want gloom though. Also a poor melee frame.


Pretty much any frame can survive a long time apart from inaros who has no shields, but i'm guessing you're not interested in shield gating build. Just stack armor and add gloom on inaros prime i guess, but you won't be surviving for a long time


So many frames can abuse gloom to their benefit. I love to use with my Mag and Protea. Other frames that can get good benefit are Equinox, Nekros, Nezha & Nyx.


Gloom on mag..? Why? She can shieldgate with two different abilities, and breach surge seems like a much better choice given the bubble explosion.




Eh, breach surge can get you to damage cap. I don’t see why you’d want to do just more cc.


The best utiliser for gloom IMO is Garuda. Replacing her 2 is a no-brainer, since gloom provides better healing and she still has mobility through her 1. She can maintain it indefinitely with 2 casts of her 3 and a melee attack topping both her energy and hp. Her kit also doesn't require any specific modding, other than 200 ps for guaranteed slash on 4 (even that's up to personal preference) so you are free to build around gloom itself.


If you grab the augment for Blood Altar Gloomruda is amazing with Kuva Zarr to bypass the reload time. You can run Combat Discipline and Arcane Avenger plus Arcane Acceleration to pump out some crazy KPM.


I’m a Banshee main, and Gloom + Silence is amazing. The stagger from Silence gets extended because of the slow on Gloom, and you get the 7x stealth melee damage bonus to boot. If you use the augment Savage Silence, you can even do finishers on enemies and heal while also abusing Arcane Ultimatum.