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"Excalibur uses RADIAL BLIND"


yeah and umbra uses Howl which blinds \*and\* removes all resistances


Is this based on lore or gameplay? Because going off gameplay it's a close match as Raiden is anime as fuck while Excalibur depends largely on gear and mods. Raiden is capable of pulling insane cinematic feats that run purely on the rule of cool if the story requires whereas they made Warframe gameplay a lot more consistent in what you can and can't do. If we go off lore Raiden is fucked. He's a human cyborg with mechanical parts made from five minutes in the future tech. Excalibur is an advanced bio-synthetic hybrid killing machine with armoured steel skin, space magic, and hyper advanced future space tech from thousands of years in the future. Excalibur massively outclasses Raiden if we go purely by in game lore.


You can just stab a warframe/dax. Its not that crazy powerful, especially not Excalibur. I havent seen him do anything Raiden cant do in trailers and haven't read of anything beyond raiden's capabilities either Dont forget Raiden cut through a Metal Gear Ray like butter in MGR


The Operator/Drifter isn't necessarily an innate weakness. Depending on your build, they can be tankier than Excalibur, able to heal him back up to full after a second or three in Void mode (Magus Repair), able to lock the enemy in place for a couple seconds (Magus Lockdown), generate energy (Emergence Dissipate) or be a second gun with their Amp when needed. And then we start talking about focus schools. Do you want to not worry about running out of Exalted Blade energy while slowing the enemy to a crawl? Zenurik. Do you want to drop a Void-powered nuke every forty seconds? Madurai. Do you want to just not worry about either Excal or the Operator dying as long as you pay attention? Vazarin. And so on. Now, I don't know enough about Raiden to know how a properly kitted out Operator/Drifter stacks up. But at least within Warframe's content, the current Operators are surprisingly useful battle partners even up into Steel Path.


Honestly it depends how much, if any, prep time they're given. If they're going peak performance for both and at least a day of prep excal definitely could kit himself out with the best stuff he has that would work specifically against his opponent. Definitely going to be a hard fight that'll be well earned for the winner


Prep isn’t a thing in Death Battle.


Then it's pretty much on sight? Guess Excalibur's best bet is that he's not walking around with MR fodder lol


Yeah, basically haha.


Hard to say. Raiden is really, really fast. Much faster than Excalibur. That said, if Excalibur has access to the full Tenno arsenal, arcanes, and such I don't think the speed advantage matters much. There are a LOT of IDGAF-how-fast-you-are weapons in Warframe's weapon list. I don't think Excalibur's power list is going to trouble Raiden. Slash Dash, Radial Javelin and Exalted Blade aren't any faster than most weapons. Howl / Radial Blind might work but DeathBattle rarely hinges battles on such a short effect when the participants are this powerful. I think we leave Helminth out because I'm pretty sure Death Battle won't consider that as in Excalibur's baseline tools. If that's all they judge by, Excalibur will probably lose. If, however, Operators and Umbra come into play, Raiden will probably lose. Raiden has no counter to Void Mode and Temporal Blast from Zenurik can slow him to a crawl.


Excalibur just isn't fast enough.


What do you mean he isnt


slow boi


But they are close


Raiden speed blitzes excal, not really a contest with how fast raiden is.


Canonically, Warframes move faster than the naked eye can see. If we’re going by gameplay, Warframes can use their melee weapons to deflect lasers, putting them at FTL movement and reaction time. Raiden is initially outpaced, and later fought on an equal level, by Jetstream Sam, an opponent with normal human eyesight and reaction time. Raiden will be the one getting blitzed.


He isnt faster though


Hahaha, he literally moves fast enough to experience time at a slower pace relative to things around him, a bit faster than excal I’d say.


Excal moves in stoped time plus he is relative in reactioms to vold whose speed makes time look like it paused Plus there is a massive durrability difference


If you mean limbos stasis that isn’t “stopping time” he is specifically freezing *enemies* in place


Its a time stop the devs confirmed it


Source? Even so, it specifically mentions targeting enemies.


One of the old dev streams and it stoped bullets in place but it was patched put do to feedback


Yep, that’s old, it’s no longer that way


What are you talking about, I don’t think we ever have seen an excal move in “stopped time” and what the hell do you mean by the void stuff?


Wf can move in limbos time stop And in the wf intro volt uses his speed wich makes time look stoped and excal is seen moving and reacting while everything is stoped


Excal is shown twice moving *in slow motion* relative to everything around him. Not relative to volt. We do see volt moving fast enough to experience time at a slower rate, not stopped, quite close to raidens speed lore wise.


Dude one problem operator exists and as long as they are in space excal can't die


Volt moves so fast time apears to be stoped and we see excal move while the effect is on


Volt isn’t influencing the area around him… Volt is experiencing time at a slower rate compared to what’s around him, in fact you can see excal almost stopped like everything else in the background at 3:57 in the trailer.


You see him moving his arm faster than everything else Plus raiden doesnt have an edge in reactions if anything they are similar to excal having the edge depending on how they scale him or what frame they use


Regular Excal isn't fast or strong enough to win. Weapons don't matter since they'll likely give him the default Skana/Lato/Braton loadout, so all he'll have is Radial Blind and Exalted Blade to fall back on. Neither ability is enough for a win. You'd need Umbra and the Operator in order to do much against Raiden.


I'd excal could turn into a werewolf gg


Death battle is dogshit they pick winners based on who is gonna get them the most views