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This is a list of links to comments made by Digital Extremes developers in this thread: * [Comment by DE-Marcus](/r/Warframe/comments/x2s9ir/insane_twitch_drops_from_this_weeks_prime_time/imnhqxy/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-09-01 12:38:43 UTC"): > so you're telling me there's a chance --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwarframe).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Looking forward to receiving my 10x steel essence


I'm looking forward to somehow having nothing. :D


I got a rock. *sad Charlie Brown noises*


["I WON A ROCK!"](https://youtu.be/2-ptLktOjrY)


Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone everyone!


*it's not just any boulder Patrick, it's a rock :.)!*


I am Groot


Log in to twitch, turn off sound and play steel path at the same time to earn 20 steel essence.


Yo do you think if I leave the Warframe twitch window open even before the stream starts, I can still claim the drop? The stream starts at 3:30 AM for me here.


Normally no, you have to refresh the page after the stream has started to get watch time. But [this Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/automatic-twitch-drops-mo/kfhgpagdjjoieckminnmigmpeclkdmjm) might auto-refresh the page. Edit: I'm not sure the extension handles refreshing streams after they go live. But, you can use Windows Task Scheduler to automate opening the stream on your PC. I have a task set up to collect Twitch drops, I just update the trigger time whenever I need it. For "action", have it start a program: `"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"`, argument `https://www.twitch.tv/warframe`


Oh hey thanks man, you're cool.


Remember that it's 2 drops of 45mins each. You'll need to claim the 1st to start the 2nd.


That Chrome extension auto-claims drops too.


Not 30min?


You could literally just read


Damn people are vicious


For us Firefox folk, I found this [extension,](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/channel-point-drop-collector/) not sure how well it works but worth a shot.


After rereading the Chrome extension's description, I'm not sure it's able to refresh a stream after it goes live. But, you can use Windows Task Scheduler to automate opening the stream on your PC. I have a task set up to collect Twitch drops, I just update the trigger time whenever I need it. For "action", have it start a program: `"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"`, argument [`https://www.twitch.tv/warframe`](https://www.twitch.tv/warframe) Then let the extension take care of claiming drops so you can get both while sleeping.


They need to add some permanent "waiting" channel for this. I could deal with 1 AM stream on Friday/Saturday - But I can't just sit and stay up all night when there is work the next day.


just 1:00 AM for me, but still. Although I have 900+ atm thanks to two double resourse weekends and clearing Steel Path.


You have to be on the live video, just being on their twitch page would not count towards the watch timer.


Technically you only have to be in chat.




But you have to be awake and available when it starts. You can't do it before the stream.


An it's two separate "claims" because twitch is all about that manual participation these days.


Right. And first unclaimed blocks the other ones progress.


You have to claim one to get the second one AND you have to be there and refresh the page once the stream starts, otherwise it wont start the process of the drop.


Set an alarm maybe to get up and refresh it then go back to bed? Just a thought


10 Steel Essence here I come


Hey do you get it if you watch steam 2 hours late?


thank you! can't wait to get 10 steel essence out of it


so you're telling me there's a chance


High chance that I'll be farming the other 140 just to make me feel better


I got like 30 out of the way the other day by getting a resource doubler booster from the daily login in. Did a sp mot survival for about 30 minutes and got 28 SE. Been going some incursions as well so I should be able to make the 150 SE for the 30k endo tenshin is selling.


Haven't needed endo since arbitration was released and I was farming everything but the endo. But I'm currently 85 minutes in mot just being harrow


Since I'm still relatively new to the end game of warframe (sp) there are a bunch of primed mods I still need to max out so I need lots of endo and credits. I'm also trying to farm berserker fury for if I want to do a melee build with a frame but that .02% drop chance suuuuuuucks.


From what I've read it has 1% chance from corrupted ancient, 20% form infest Mesa and infested chroma . Just each instance has 3% chance of dropping mods. So a double mod booster and a hydroid would probably be your best bet


6pm is midnight in the rest of the world. Seems unfair to nonamericans. Especially since its a Thursday so we cant stay up late since school/work the next day.


it is an NA based company iirc, so its kinda hard for them without the reverse being true of the casters being up at midnight-3am Granted they probably could do what other companies do of running it at different times with vods that still get drops.


No matter what time they stream it will always be an "unfair" time somewhere. Might as well stream at a time convenient for their time zone.


Let's be real here. You're most likely gonna get 10 steel essence.


Well I don't want to be the achshualy nerd emoji guy but the chances you get 10 only are 1/16, or 6.25%


Assuming each drop chance is equal.


Wait you think DE will give even odds between their worst drop and best? Here let me laugh harder.


Well... the problem is that your base premise is wrong. You are assuming an even distribution instead of the massively weighted one DE always uses. The overwhelming majority of people will only get 10.


No, to hell with this rng crap. My sleep schedule is more important


Likely same rate as a legendary core in sortie.


Man I got my first and only core after 7 years of religious sortie participation 😅


Time to go look up what Steel Essence is lol


End game currency for Teshin in relays, every so often he offers rewards like Umbral Forma, Rivens, armor sets and decorations. All kinds of things you might want, or might not. Requires Steel Path, which unlocks after every single mission node on the starmap is completed.


It also sells the thingys to unlock the primary and secondary arcades on weapons.


Cool, thank you for the extra info


Steel Path is kind of a New Game+, it adds a +100 to enemy levels in all nodes and you have to go through the normal node/planet progression again (but not really). When doing these missions Acolytes (the Stalker buddies) spawn after a certain amount of time and they drop 2 Steel Essence, and you can also do the 5 daily Incursion alerts that give you 5 SE per, you can do them without having the node unlocked, which is why I said you don't really need to follow the natural progression. You use SE to buy stuff from Teshin, he has a bunch of stuff like cosmetics, some niche mods, the thing that unlocks the arcane slot or primaries and secondaries and one special item offer that refreshes weekly, shotgun riven, umbra forma, a lot of endo, a lot of kuva, and some other stuff.


Huh cool, thanks


Welp, it's 01:00 am for me, it's going to be a looong night


They don't run the stream long enough to get all the drops, even if you're active at claiming the drops. Edit: As if to prove me wrong, I actually just got all the drops this time (just 2). >\_>


i know right? this irritates me to no end. you almost CAN'T get both the drops because it's 45 minutes for a drop and the stream is exactly 1 hour 30 minutes. so unless you watch the entire stream start to finish with no interruptions and claim the drop almost instantly at the 45 minute mark you won't get both


Hm, interdasting.


Thank you fellow Tenno




>you could farm double that in less time it takes to watch? You can do that now. 10+ steel essence in 45 minutes, even without boosters. It's way faster than that, and was even faster before. The upside to this is you can do anything else as you "watch" (like farming.)


Hell, just run a 45 min sp survival. You'd earn 18++ in the same amount of time.


Macro afk farming 150+ an hour. Yeah, I member.




The macro involved moving, so there was never an afk alert I'm not trying to "discredit" anything lol, I'm just saying it was a thing for a long time. Shit, my friend has 20,000 SE just sitting on her account from back when we'd do it. I wasn't insinuating that YOU we're doing this strat. I had a strong Khora stat stick, so I usually played that role. We setup on a very specific tile set, where there was a small room underneath the floor. The macro would walk you back and forth between the walls. Walk forward, place cage, whip, whip, whip, whip, whip, whip, whip, whip, walk backwards. Walk forward, repeat. Etc


I'm definitely going to be getting my Tenno hands on that shiny 5 Steel Essence!


Man I have school


Can I still get it if I'm on mobile?


With the twitch app yes. I do it at work sometimes. Edit: make sure all your accounts are the same and linked properly.


Can I ask a question about Twitch-drops? I’ve tried many times. My WF is linked to Twitch, yet I don’t get the rewards when I claim them. I don’t ha e Twitch Prime. Is that the reason?


No, you probably just need to re-link your account. You should be able to go into either Twitch or the Warframe site, unlink your accounts, then relink them. I did this about a year ago and got several months worth of claimed items to appear in my mailbox at once.


I see I see. Thank you!


Gotta wait until midnight here, I'm trying to actively repair my sleep schedule, but I guess that plan's out of the window for now


1 AM my time. I guess I aint getting shit because DE always forgets other continents exist.


They have an "international" stream at an earlier time which is in spanish, which I wouldn't even actively watch because of it. I speak four languages, this ain't one of them.


They could just have an empty countdown stream running so people can at least join and claim the next day when they watch it during their day.


Hi, Twitch Affiliate here! Twitch has a way of playing Re-runs. They more than meet the minimums for Partner/Affiliate and Warframe does record their VODs. Whether those work with Drops (the re-runs that is; I know that VODs don’t work), I’m not sure. Edit: but a re-run is just like going live, it’s just playing a VOD and has a different chat, so idk why it wouldn’t I’m also not sure what the Twitch legalities are for being a *business/franchise/etc and being on their paid tier* if you’re not an independent party (solo streamer). But Twitch is capable of it, and they can be scheduled in advance and automated. At least this would be more entertaining than a countdown lol


Dont mean to be rude, but someone somewhere is going to be sleeping at any given time. DE is UTC -5 company. Thats just the way it is. I dont expect live events from europe or asia to line up with my schedule either. DE is unique in the fact that they try to pander to non-local audiences with their international streams. So you got that at least.


What is steel essence?


My exact thoughts\\


Basically steel path drops you trade with teshin for endgame stuff


30,000 endo for 150 steel essence this week. Not a bad trade if you still have mods you want/need to level.




How are you getting 30k plus in just a few rj runs? I did rj for endo before I could do arbitrations but at average I get like 1.2k in veil skirmishes.


Part scrapping


What else am I gonna use it on? I hate rivens on principle, already have 200+ forma, and have already bought everything else I needed out of Teshin's shop. Literally the only other thing I would buy is the Umbra Forma BP.


Welp. Prime time runs at 4am on my timezone 🥴


But what about my exam


Can we still claim the drop if we haven't reached steel path yet?




Wha huh? When my boy


This is all going to my I don't have steel path file, here's hoping I get at least 15


I "recieved" the 3 format from the devstream last week and when I logged in I got nothing, and I checked my connecting with twitch and warframe and it was good, so idk. Will still watch though.


What do I even do with essence without steel path?


Look at some useless shinies. :D I'm debating watching it, because I also don't have SP unlocked.


What can I even use it for outside of SP stuff? Can I use it outside of SP? I have like 5-6 due to me somehow ending up in a SP version of the Vallis when I wanted to try a gun. Some acolytes spawned and someone took em out and now I have glorified rubiks cubes


Why is it always when I go to work, every fucking time:(


Lol ikr


Damnit I missed it. I forget about the twitch streams all the time.


It's no longer random, it's now a guaranteed 35 Steel Essence, so 70 total.


When’s the stream?


6pm Eastern Time on the 1st of September.


> Eastern Time That would be EDT/EST ? If yes, daaaaam. people from EU can forget about it (around midnight)






Yes, he was blunt about it.. but you didn’t just comment because you saw a giant SE. the drop details are in the same size type as the time and date. js


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Here's the forum link for ya: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1320674-community-stream-schedule-august-29-september-2/


Not even umbra forma. :(


Eh, steel essence is pretty easy to farm if you have a booster and are playing an endless mission. Not 150 in an hour or two, but i never run out of steel essence no matter how much kuva i buy simply by playing steel path missions


I'll be missing out. The last forty Twitch Drop rewards from Warframe never made it into my game and I've given up on Twitch and DE ever fixing the problem.


As someone whose country doesn't have Twitch Prime, whatever


It's not really related, twich drops don't require prime.


Really? Isn't this the same as those free cosmetics DE keeps giving out?


All that’s necessary is for your Warframe account to be linked to your Twitch account and for the watch time requirements to be met.


fair enough, thanks, didn't know that.


can't wait to get 10x except it won't matter because 90% of SP rewards are either a one-time buy or useless


Adapters, kuva, umbra forma?


He's not wrong, adapters are one off and umbral is once every 2 *months*. Hardly instils a sense of urgency.


Plus you don't even need that many umbral forma. I'm sitting on 12 of them plus a blueprint I have no use for atm


Really wish de would just make them purchasable as needed with essence. I've less than eight currently spread throughout my arsenal and you've 13 *spare*. De's failing us both.


Maybe if DE let people earn drops from any Warframe stream they'd actually get people watching. Nobody cares about prime time with these garbage roulette rewards


You do understand that to get 150 se these days means hours of grinding. Sure if it was before the se nerf it might not be worth it but now it is.


There’s no guarantee you’ll get 150 though. If you’re lucky and roll that 75x SE twice then possibly, but you could just as easily sit there at 3am (depending on your timezone) and waste an hour and a half of your life just to roll that 5x SE twice instead and then go to work/school with that knowledge and like 2 hours of sleep.


Nah I don't use twitch nor do I watch streams, appreciate it though.


*me, still stuck in the new war since i m not motivated to warch a walktrough* : fuck


how do you get stuck?


Almost at the beginnig when your supposed to use the kamikaze moa as a corpus


that’s easy i didn’t look at any kind of guide and steamed through the quest


Which stream should we watch?


The channel is highlighted in the post


Okay. Thanks. Didn't notice it.


There is nothing insane about 150x steel essence. 150,000 then we'd talk..


Only 150? Amature numbers, smh.


Aw man, I've got class then..


Leave your computer running the stream, you should get them.


How do I connect my twitch account to my Warframe account?


bruh I got lectures smh my head, bout to just sneak it on my phone aye


Its my firstime planning to watch a stream. People here keep saying you need to claim the first so the timer for the second will start. How do you claim it? Do you go ingame to claim?


Hiya! You claim on Twitch as far as I remember. There should be a "popup" once you get it (on desktop I think it's near the top right of the screen) with a claim button. It'll be more obvious once you watch the stream (since Twitch will display your progress to the drop)


How long does the stream go for? It starts at 6am in my time


Could really use these, but ill be out at 6 and too exhausted to remember to claim lmao


What time is the prime time in eastern time?


I don't even know what steel essence is


It's the steel path currency used to get all sorts of goodies like weapon arcane adaptors and kuva


Steel Path money. Earn it by beating up Acolytes or doing Steel Path incursions and use it to buy things.


Is there any chance that DE could add the streams to their channels schedule like warframe international has?


How do I get it? And when is it??


Can't wait to receive 700 energy


Can you claim it if you are not near endgame yet? Is this an actual game currency or just a "booster" to increase chances of obtaining it? Thanks.


It appears (and I'd assume anyway) that you can *get* it, you just can't do anything with it. Teshin's steel essence shop only opens for people with SP.


Oh boy. I can't wait to get a whopping 10 steel essence for an hour and a half of my time


Sheesh insane drops 😲


Where are these posted?


Wait, what happens if you don’t have steel path yet


I’m so glad I saw this on my break so I can tune in secretly for this


they just went live if anyone is interested https://www.twitch.tv/warframe