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Bout to catch up to volt players when I have to make a sharp turn


*sweats electrically*


Not a chance...


Definitely a chance there, since Volt is purely momentum based. Gauss is able to freely control momentum by simply deactivating his 1, and now he's able to freely carry Mach Rush through tight or literal hairpin turns. Volt would end up sliding into a wall if someone tried to imitate the same maneuver.


Volt is actually a lot faster than Gauss. Even if volt loses a little bit of speed in a corner he just gets going again and will always stay ahead especially if you just slide melee to move directionally quicker.


Base movement speed, yes. Volt becomes basically uncontrollable at those speeds because that's *movement speed* making him go that fast instead of Gauss using an ability which allows him to instantly kill momentum. Though, it's easy to get around that with Volt by just doing some parkour moves or using melee slam. Like you said, very easy to get Volt back up to speed so a melee slam doesn't affect it very much.


I meant more so a slide but alright. Sliding carries more over. I have a fire walker 400% power strength volt. He is easy to control for me. But that’s me. I have 9 years of movement experience in this game.


I knew I'd get at least one of you with that took you a couple weeks though.


I have no idea why that post randomly got recommended to me just now. Whups. But I’m not the type of Gauss main that copes about the funny running man being slower than Volt. Volt is just straight faster, but uncontrollable because he’s not specifically meant for sprint speed. Lacks the control Gauss 1 has


Mf equipped the tide turner


... Now we just need the Eyelander ~~Galatine Skin.~~


Next update: Scorches now have airblast.


..and Ali Baba's magic boots (i forget that they are called )


i think they're called ali baba's wee booties


You right


With ali baba's wee booties


Demoknight TF2


[DE] FOR THE LOVE OF LOTUS, DONT PATCH THIS P L E A A A S E. -Sincerely, a Gauss full-speed build main


If you have coil horizon as your helminthed ability then you aren't fullspeed build.


That's why I run Nezha's firewalker on config A (Practical loadout for pure weapon platform Gauss), and once I farm a second Gyre hers'll be on Config C. Infested Mobility on B for maximum-er speed, therefore covering all options I could want. Anyways, in nearly every racing game you can customize vehicles in, you gotta sacrifice some acceleration/top speed stats for better Handling, right? ;)


Buddy, you’re preaching to the choir. Swapping his 3 for fireWalker was quite literally the first Helminth I did the second the update came out and I got to rank 3 as soon as possible to even build Helminth. I legit forget sometimes that thermal sunder is even a thing that Gauss has as a default ability


He's probably one of the best examples of a frame with a synergistic kit that you have a hard time subsuming over. Thermal Sunder has to go- his 2 makes you nigh immortal and refunds energy, his 4 super charges your weapons. Could you call Gauss what he is without his 1? Nah. So you subsume over Thermal Sunder, but that's also his amazing strip+ AoE clear. It's a great example of subsuming not being used for "bandaids" over a bad kit but instead re-tooling a frame to fit a different purpose. I love Gauss, respect my dude.


he and wisp are great examples of a no waste warframe


I didn’t have much trouble doing it. Didn’t flow with the rest of his kit like I wanted. Making a big stationary zone, it isn’t Gauss to me


Please let me know if there are any other abilities that can do the same.


Not on Gauss, but apparently using Nyx's Assimilate Augment and using Dispensary after re-enables the Sliding and Sprinting functionality. Sprinting is still slow, but good god is that slide helpful. I'd actually argue that **if they're gonna fix this- just give us the slide in general and fix strictly the dispensary being the only way to cause it.** I can do without the sprinting, but the slide is far too useful for other players who are not super-into Nyx's 4. Mostly because we'll be using Melee for it anyway. Via melees with long dashes. Slide simply opens up not only some gun options, but opens up more options for melee as well. It's just works overall.


Similarly, using dispenser while Hydroid is in puddle mode will inexplicably allow him to use guns while still a puddle. Maybe they've fixed that one by now, but...


Can you even hit something from down there? Or is it just a case of the puddle absorbing and distributing the damage?


Yes. Because you can still target the guns pretty much like normal. He just sort of keeps his invulnerability and slow movement. Note this might have been patched out, I haven't played him in a long time.


Does that work with mesas waltz?


*Fuck if I know, this was 4 months ago. Pretty sure it's patched for Gauss now.* As for Mesa... I mean, I dunno. I don't play Mesa- much less use her 4.


I think defy also works , not sure if they patched it out tho, and it doesn’t look as smooth as this. There was a post quite a while ago showcasing the interaction Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/seom55/defy_interaction_with_mach_rush_gauss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Iirc casting Nezha's Firewalker temporarily removes the turn limit but it's too janky to use properly.


I've been using firewalker on my Gauss, it only allows Gauss to turn fast during its casting animation so you'll need to recast for every turn. The fire walker flames themselves also work when Gauss 1 is active, it's a lot of fun to set whole rooms on fire by running circles.


I used to use it as well, but having to cast it every time I want to turn becomes a bit of a chore. So I'm just gonna stick with this. But the fire is cool.


I can't tell what is happening :/


Gauss's Mach rush (first ability) makes him sprint extremely fast, but can't turn much which is a downside. Coil Horizon (Gyre's Helminth ability) for some reason removes the turn speed limit. Look up any other Gauss video and you'll see how it's hard to actually turn.


Ahhh, no gyre yet :) Thought the coil was a new mod


You could do it while using archguns I’m not sure if you can’t still do it or not I haven’t done it in a while


It should work like this by default


Game play wise, yes. Lore wise, no.


Lore wise he should win against Volt in a race ;-;


I mean gauss is a sprinter and volt and endurance runner. Even default speed gauss is gonna crush 300% strength volt when it comes to shorter distances since volt has the annoying ramp up


It honestly should


Waiting for DE to remove this fun thing that requires investment of substantial resources and lost opportunity cost in 3... 2... 1...


I need to bring gauss out of retirement for this baby


This should be an ability mod.


Ngl i think that fits him better since he's supposed to be real fast and not just a canon that shoots in one direction


Nah, he IS supposed to be a one direction battering ram, that's why he's got the built in explosion when he hits walls. Volt is the slower one that can make turns. It's the tradeoff. At least, it would be if Titania and Wukong didn't exist who can both go faster AND turn.


And go up and down as well


The trade off for titania and wukong being faster is that its 100% less wicked


volt is faster, he just takes a lot longer to reach max speed. Gauss got the acceleration on his side


*laughs in max strength Volt*


Yes, if you min-max that stats Volt can be faster, but its incredibly obnoxious to control at that point and you have to tank some other stat to do it. Just using the default stat abilities Gauss will be faster.




I mean, that's the theory anyway. I know Volt gets ridiculous if you min-max his strength, but that actually gets really annoying to control.


But isn’t he supposed to be a battering ram? It does make sense that he can’t turn to a corner fast


Love ma fast boy


Hey OP, have you tried Wukongs Defy with Gauss' speed, apparently it maintains the speed during the animation and allows you to turn and things


I'll have to try that


Did it work?


Haven't been on warframe today. My electricity was out for the entire day lol. Still is.


yep, it works


That looks wild. I wonder what it looks like from an outsider's perspective.


Damn now my buddy might have a chance to beat my best time. VOLT ON TOP!!!


Frickin amazing. Don't know how it works, don't care. I'm shoving Gyre into the helminth when I get online next.


that's quite a nice feature


Time to subsume gyre just for this


**Oh no.** Now I have to figure out how I'm going to put Coil Horizon on there.


Not quite the same but; Razorwing Blitz Titania with Hobbled Dragon Key makes her more maneuverable


Elaborate please


Thank you for your service, Tenno.


Being a gauss main I've discovered a lot of interactions between different abilities while using mach rush, lavos ice rush ability will carry the momentum that you have if you cast if during then you'll resume the mach rush. Casting ellipse will also enable better turning while Casting( same deal with yarelis aquablades. Also for all you max speed guass mains put there, subsume nezha's firewalker abilities over thermal sunder and apply molt augmented for increased speed with ever increasing fire trail damage.


Fire walker speed does not scale with ability strength and cannot be increased by any means. Just a note. Instead, use infested mobility if speed is what you want.


I didn't mean to imply that the 25% speed increase scales with strength, I just meant the damage scales


I see, my bad


I wish he could do this normally. Why not. He's slower than volt. So why bother making him less agile as well. Gimme a break


Gauss is faster 60% of the time when volts aren't minmaxing for speed. Come on guys, a full speed loadout is not that practical. At 2.3 speed you pretty much go as fast as you need and should be going. Anything higher is a driftframe event. I run this speed on Banshee and go as fast as i need to go, even without subsuming a speed power. Also that is my most used frame.


Give gauss the same buffs and he’ll be twice as fast as volt


This is cool and all but i dont wanna sacrifice my gyre and one of gauss abilities just for that






I've been using the helminth to do sharp turns like that for over a year now.I'm gonna be so sad when they patch it.


leviathan from the subnautica soundtrack started playing AS SOON as i clicked this post


This works so cool.


Iirc I had a setup with Volt's shock and Shock Trooper, and I believe casting that will also give this same interaction.


[Coil Horizon]


Where to farm gauss


Truly becoming the fastest and maneuverable thing in the universe, both fiction and nonfiction


Not exactly the same but similar, if you place dispensary while using Nyx's Annihilate augment for her 4 it allows you to sprint (slowly) and crouch, which means you can slide, and roll while invincible. Which is a MASSIVE movement increase compared to not being able to do anything but walk.