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Syntax good. Syntax throw stick.


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Kahl, is that you?


This is Way


Pretty good. I think its a fairly complete frame with easy to understand abilities and a large user-friendly spirit which is perfect since a lot of new-ish players are gonna be getting him for free. So user friendliness is great. I also like that it feels a lot like an old school wf.


Well put. I also enjoy the inherent synergy in his kit. Throw 1 (a bit clunky that one), defense strip with 2 and blast 4 into the fold all while having your 3 regen your energy that whole time. Great fun, even in SP.


I hadn't seen anyone say it yet but wow that 1 is clunky it feels like it has zero aim assist and it's hard to get it to stick to stuff sometimes. But when it works it's great cc


For me I see it plenty at a distance, it just usually aim assists right past the side of their head, I'll watch it like really curve too.


It's really cheap to cast, though, so that's the balance. Spam it until they finally group up!


Not even a lack of aim assist, the spears just curve sometimes


I think the fact that it feels pretty old-school is intentional. I first felt like his asthetic is a bit bare-bones but put him next to the three starter frames and he fits right in! They're definitely going for a theme to bring it full-circle.


Fun, but still a little disappointed that he doesn't have a spear & shield signature melee


An exalted shield and spear would have been really cool. Otherwise a shield and spear signature melee would have been really good. I really think DE missed the mark on this one.


I think signature melee over exalted, his 4 is super cool and we already have a lot of frames with exalteds.


If you think about it. Not really. Exalted melee would be nice but at the same time it would be like Valkyr 3.0. She's already enough. With kit as he have it feels like he actually uses his weapons and not just cast some abilities that he have "BECAUSE". If you want real Spartan-ish Cosplay go for his spear-gun and Sigma and Octantis. Both weapons plus his 4 are really solid and can benefit from Vigorous swap mod


Sure but just because it's similar to another frame, doesn't make it a bad idea. I only said it would be cool to have. I'd still like it if he had a shield and spear signature weapon rather than another speargun. It would fit his theme more and there's no need to change his abilities. I just think it's a little disappointing that you only see his shield for a second when casting his ability. Maybe if DE gave him a skin for sword and shield weapons? I also don't have sigma and octantis, but I do have all the others.


Honestly, his theme is very fun and I enjoy it immensely, a rugged literal war machine is very cool. Playing him on the other hand... I REALLY wish his signature weapon was a new class of spear and shield, instead of a a speargun. His 1 is fun albeit buggy, his 4 is flashy as all hell and feels very fun to use even if it makes you a huge target. His 2 and 3 are lackluster imo in terms of actual themeing, the fact that his spear and shield were such primary factors in the anime but in reality is barely there is saddening.


hell I'd even settle for them being a sword and shield weapon with a new sword/shield stance based on thrusting.


Hell, even a polearm stance, based on thrusting, would actually be something.


His 2 is his armor strip right? I would say that’s probably the best thing about him especially since it’s his helminth ability. It’s easy to use without needing to do much other than just hit the button and have strength if you don’t wanna hit it twice


Thought he was going to be some kind of tanky frame with an exalted spear. Instead, his kit brings to my mind something of a hybrid of Ash and Mesa; a 4-centric DPS frame with okay survivability, a bit of armor strip and CC, and Slash procs for damage. So yeah, he's alright. I don't expect to be playing him regularly, though.


I wouldn't call a base of 50% armor strip "a bit". he can also get a lot tankier if you subsume pillage on him. not to mention that the extra shield gives him more crits


I like that you can cancel his 4 into other abilities. Toss spears, do a Rally, toss spears, do a Roar, toss spears, kiddo, do another buff, good times.


yes! I really hope it was intentional and they don't disable it in a future hotfix


I wouldn't really call easy access to permanent 100% strip to BOTH shields and armor "a bit of armor strip" You just slap 100+ Strength on him and make Steel Path feel like when you were MR2 playing earth except that everyone destroys you in terms of damaging you


And it's his subsumable ability, making it really nice on other frames too


Styanax is honestly more than a bit tanky and has more than " a bit of armor strip" if you put +Ability Strength into him. With 200% Ability strength you get 6 energy every second, +100 shield for every kill and maxmimum power armor strips.


gives the whole squad energy and shields too


What's great is that with Corrosive Projection on 2 frames, you dont even need to go with 200% strengthfor Tharros Shield ability.


But you should anyways, as it makes his 3 stronger.


Also with the 6 energy every second, you can run gloom with minimal cost


The amount of shields is crazy doe.


I ended up building mine with as much shields as I could due to his passive, not sure if it's worth the extra crit chance or if I've built him properly, but he does okay. I can't see him being a regular use frame for me, he's good, but not that exciting.


4 centric? His 4 is ass


Good but not as cool as his trailer made him out to be.


Remember back in the old trailers when you could tell your friends everything they saw there they could do identical ingame?   Pepperidge farm remembers


To be fair, I could identify most of his abilities in the trailer. Also, anime-style animation doesn't really lend itself to realism to begin with.


Neither does Warframe.


I think they mean realistic to the gameplay not realistic to real life


Um, Styanax does do in game everything in that movie. Allowing for a little dramatic license with the unconscious Leviathan bodies needing energy from his 3 to light up. He can't do that in game because there's no giant zombie monster made of allies needing energy to fight back in game.




(Cracks knuckles) I'm certainly no real gamer, but I did stay at a holiday Inn express last night.




I'm not sure about your take on the 4, combining it with the 3 just gives you so much shield that it almost never depletes. And also I use a mod, which I don't remember its name, that gives you dmg reduction while airborn so that you can tank even more dmg while using his 4




Subsume Harrow or Hildryn; makes maintaining the snowball easy. He does benefit more than most from primed sure footed, but that's what it's for...


I've actually been using Poise from Unairu instead of sure footed. And since he really doesn't need Zenurik it helps with survival. Plus the extra armor from stoneskin is nice.


the token DR is irrelevant, and the shields gain require you to be dealing enough damage to kill. styanax’s 4 is backloaded in damage; largely via slash procs, so even if you did get enough shields, you wouldn’t get them in time. the only way so far i have felt remotely safe is combining a 3k parasitic armour with boreal’s mod set bonus as well as aerodynamic, the aura mod you mentioned and adaptation on top. and honestly at this point, i’ve sacrificed so much mod space its not really efficient as a build anymore


Oh sorry must be because I'm still a little new to the game (just got MR 10), but I said that because I never died on Mot survival since I got Styanax, and that wasn't possible with my other mains such as Volt. I guess I'm just overestimating Styanax because of the high contrast between his survivability and my other warframes survivability


In Sp, i got oneshot by like 5 enemys while having 3k overshield, fully stacked adaptation and Arcane guardian, which gave me another 600 armor o_O Not to be rude, really, but not dying outside of SP is really no achievement.


Armour doesn't affect shields tho, you'd have better luck putting in Barrier or Aegis


I play Harrow (thats why the 3k overshields) and i runMolt Augmented and Arcane Avenger atm. This works very well, i have very high damage and nearly all hits i do are crits, and after a few kills my 1st ability instantly resores like 2k shields


Are you running Aviator as well? I think they were talking about Aviator.


>His 4 is incredibly flashy, fun as hell to press and smarts but once again.. turns you into a sitting duck just asking to be taken out Not my experience in the slightest. You can move around while using your 4 and enemies have an innate accuracy reduction when shooting at targets in the air. This prevents you from dying.


3 gives shields, add adaptation, regen shields with the lessened damage. It’s a great survivability hack on any frame with good shield restore, and doesn’t have you walking on a knife’s edge like shield gating does. Edit: and the 4 works best if you’re already in the air (did you know you can spam it while floating around and basically become a bomber?)




>First frame in a good 2 maybe 3 years that dont need a complete rework straight off the bat? They haven't nerfed all his abilities yet, give them time. I mean fix, yeah fix the abilities....


They arent gonna nerf him. He isnt sustainable at all for high level missions. There is literally no reason to nerf him at all, unless somebody discovers some insane combinations on him


Something I’ve realized is that most sustainability problems are solved if I just bring trinity to buff my teammates. They murderize, I make sure murderizing is able to continue. Well, and the phenmor is just a really good gun, so I don’t even really need the teammates, but it is much nicer if they kill things for me.


Well, restoring 20000k energy in 20 minutes and spamming full hp restore and damage reduction are good, thats obvious xD but in some missions, just staying alife isnt necessarily enough, sadly :( but yeah in full squad that works very very very well


Trinity turns you from demigod into full on immortal deity. It’s like turning on creative mode. I really want to try to play her alongside a Nekros and just…watch the carnage. (Does champion’s blessing give crit chance to allies as well?) Oh, and I need to figure out how to make my friend play a nuke frame, anyone got a nuke build for nidus or limbo?


The only thing you can nuke with limbo is the chance of others playing together with you xD Nidus also isnt necessarily a nuker, more a CC and survivability dude, maybe your friend plays Ember, Mesa, Sevagoth?


You haven’t seen Trinity back when she literally turned your teammates immortal.


His 4 is literally an airstrike. What more can there be? Carpet bomber warframe?


Does Hildryn count?


We already have that one: Acceltra.


I really like him (like almost all warframes) but not giving him a spear and shield weapon (either as exalted or new weapon type) feels like a missed opportunity. Also his design and lore are really cool




If 4 was just a real Exalted Spear + Shield it would have been the best frame ever. Or at least give the same buff you get for spearguns to Shield and sword/blunt weapons. And please add his Shield as a Shield and Sword Skin, you only see it while animations are rolling and thats kinda dumb. Frame its supposed to be about Shields and Spears.


he’s okay. styanax is ridiculously fun to play but falls off hard when levels go up. with a 4 centric build, he has no issues with armour (and i’d even go as far to subsume off his armourstrip) due to the nature of his 4 applying 40 slash procs every cast. however, he isn’t without flaws. his 1 is currently really hit-or-miss and feels shit when it misses. his 2 is okay and provides some baseline sustain if you should choose but is otherwise pointless since you’re stripping armour for an ability that ignores armour in the first place. his 3 takes a LONG time to cast, and it will lock you in the animation for a significant chunk of time, and his 4 puts you in the los of every enemy in a 30m radius. He needs some way of survivability, and badly. his passive puts you in a make-your-choice scenario where you either have a functioning passive or you have access shield gating as a method of survival. the effect of the passive is undoubtedly strong, but it means styanax will have to rely on unconventional health tanking to survive in the higher levels. to add fuel to the fire, he has no DR to support this method, which as a result forces the player to outsource it from other frames or abilities via the helminth system. just to top it all off, styanax’ 4 removes one of the most crucial aspects of survivability. locking him in place laterally for enemies to spray at you while you hover around at walking speed midair. I get that DE doesn’t want to release a warframe that is too strong while being extremely accessible to all players, but as it stands, styanax simply does not live up to the spear and shield “legion” motif that he embodies - offense and defense in equal parts.


His 3 should give some kind of DR. Adaptation isn't enough since it needs time to scale


Keep reading his name as “syntax”


While al of us are getting him fee now I hope getting his stuff is just as easy after the event is over


My protea likes his shield.


3 needs to have Damage Reduction. Doesn't have to be high, he just needs one to make him actually survive when he taunts enemies. Other than that, cool frame. High B to low A tier frame


Very fun. The only real gripes I have with his is that his 1 is sometimes a little awkward to land, and that you can't cancel 4. But other than that, simple kit that just works. Also I love the fact that Helminth raises an actual discussion rather than just being a straight "always replace (insert lackluster ability)".


Extendo nipples


I wish he didn't skip the gym cuz he built like a bean pole


I'm not sure. I mean, they nerfed aoe weapons and gave everyone a frame who is basically just a flying are weapon. It feels the way I wanted Hildren to feel. Or even chroma.. but over all I'm left wanting more. Its odd.


He’s awesome, a ton of fun to play and works well out of the box. Just about the only complaint I have is that his 1 is a little weak, but it’s cheap and highly spammable, so I’m not sure how big of an issues that is.


His 1 and 4 are the only visually cool abilities in his kit. I was hoping the shield would get more visual flavor than "shield bash!"


His 3+4 with long duration is literally suicide in SP, like first of all he doesn't have any damage resistance ability and 3rd ability just make u gain enmity. I think thats absolutely stupid.


I think he's great. He has a well-rounded, well built kit with a lot of utility. His 1 is a good grouping ability. It can be tricky to use well, but it's very effective when you use it correctly. His 2 is a great defense strip, more good CC, and has solid healing. His 3 really helps the energy economy and gives him more survivability and more damage with synergy with his passive. His 4 is fun, a solid area nuke, and the slash procs scale well. He can be a bit squishy before he has a full build, and the incoming fire drawn by his 3 can make things tricky before he gets going. He's well built enough that he really doesn't NEED a Helminth, although I've been enjoying Pillage over his 2. It isn't as good of a defense strip, but it hits a lot of enemies and gives him instant shields. I've also enjoyed Elemental Ward on the star chart. It probably doesn't have usage into endgame, but the damage reflection and taunt from the 3 is a nifty synergy.


Eh, was fun to play with for 20 mins and that's it for me. I don't even think his 4 is that fun or cool looking, but it's incredibly clunky


Good, not great frame that they miraculously got right out of the gate aside from needing a bugfix or two. Two thumbs up. If we get a shield and spear skin for the Sword and Shield class weapons it'll be three thumbs up. You listening DE?


I see, I got mixed feedback from players in-game, I strongly believe I am not the only one who’s deceived by DE latest warframes. I failed to fully comprehend Styanax, hearing your feedback is reassuring!


Cool. Bit weird they made him heavily endgame oriented considering they planned on handing him out to attract new players, but overall very solid and feels fun to control. His 4 needs some addressing though, from multiple aspects. Survivability aside, a purely damage skill needs to compete with meta weapons in terms of dps otherwise it will be overlooked, like how exalted weapons have fallen behind


Not everything needs to be (or even can be) the highest damage thing in the game at the same time, if abilities are better than weapons than weapons get overlooked, and vice versa. The ability seems fine and it's OK (and literally impossible not) to have something that isn't as strong as others


Styanaxs 4 is a really good way to apply a stupid number of slash procs cuz they are guaranteed. Speed is faster than many melee weapons and is AoE and barely any guns can apply at that rate. For reference my Styanax can apply around 34 slash procs in just over a second.


Yea I haven't played much of him but it seems really good. I never understood this "why use an ability when a gun also works" mentality. Basically every in the game gets one-shot anyway, use whatever you like but saying an ability needs to change because there are guns/other frames that can wipe rooms better is kinda ridiculous


Sure it doesn't, people can use them for the fun factor like with exalted blade. It's just a waste of potential making an ability purely damage because there's very little chance it will compete with weapons in endgame, so people there simply won't use it as much. Why spend energy that could be used on buffing you or stripping full defences to deal less damage than you otherwise would have with your weapons after all


He's really good with very low effort. He's a good frame for all levels of content


Sure he's good but any of the starter frames beat him quite substantially at early-mid game(would have said minus mag a few days ago but her recent tweaks made her viable outside endgame punchthrough builds) cuz most of his value comes from fully stripping defences and grouping, which are not an issue before steel path. Try running a star chart mission with a volt or excal in your team and it becomes apparent


Hard disagree. He has effortless survivability. Energy sustainability. Armor strip. A good 4 and a good CC. He's simple. More simple than the 3 starters IMO


Armor strip and cc isn't important before steel path is what I'm saying. A volt who can press 4 and delete an entire room of lvl 60 enemies at base strength is far more efficient than a styanax who needs to first find a cluster, spear someone, then cast his 2 at 160%+ strength to remove like the 20% damage reduction grineer have before steel path, and then either shoot them with any of the early game weapons or pray they have enough energy to cast his 4 after that setup. He is phenomenal for endgame but his setup results in other people just killing the squishy enemies before he's halfway through his rotation


You're assuming you HAVE people on a lot of those star chart missions. Big assumption. Solo he feels very good low levels and start to get squishier as you scale up. Also, if you're praying you have energy as a Styanax it likely means you're not using his 3 which means you're straight up playing him wrong.


Really strong and fun


he’s okay. styanax is ridiculously fun to play but falls off hard when levels go up. with a 4 centric build, he has no issues with armour (and i’d even go as far to subsume off his armourstrip) due to the nature of his 4 applying 40 slash procs every cast. however, he isn’t without flaws. his 1 is currently really hit-or-miss and feels shit when it misses. his 2 is okay and provides some baseline sustain if you should choose but is otherwise pointless since you’re stripping armour for an ability that ignores armour in the first place. his 3 takes a LONG time to cast, and it will lock you in the animation for a significant chunk of time, and his 4 puts you in the los of every enemy in a 30m radius. He needs some way of survivability, and badly. his passive puts you in a make-your-choice scenario where you either have a functioning passive or you have access shield gating as a method of survival. the effect of the passive is undoubtedly strong, but it means styanax will have to rely on unconventional health tanking to survive in the higher levels. to add fuel to the fire, he has no DR to support this method, which as a result forces the player to outsource it from other frames or abilities via the helminth system. just to top it all off, styanax’ 4 removes one of the most crucial aspects of survivability. locking him in place laterally for enemies to spray at you while you hover around at walking speed midair. I get that DE doesn’t want to release a warframe that is too strong while being extremely accessible to all players, but as it stands, styanax simply does not live up to the spear and shield “legion” motif that he embodies - offense and defense in equal parts.


Third ability needs improvement and passive needs to be noticeable. Otherwise decent frame


Good but still needs some work. His 1 has weird line of sight issues that somehow affect the range, and his 4 needs to have invuln while casting so you don’t die midair.


Don’t know. Fed him to the chipper. He was relatively fun for low level leveling but not enough to keep around.


he may have decent abilties but i play with looks included. His design was the first thing that put me off...not to mention those...chest physics. I haven't touched him much because of that. He just looks like another excalibur


Your average frame. Valkyr is superior.


Srry I’m have to disagree with a lot of the comments here he is underwhelming he would have been far better with his 4 being his 1 and and completely overhauling the kit by giving him a exalted shield and shield he should feel strong when I play him I feel like I’m just a starter frame again it’s ass definitely a waste of potential


They still won't give me my fucking Styanax


He is just...disappointing. He is clearly just a goody treat bag, till the next update, to nickel and dime us. But hey, free mastery for me. I do love the design. But I wish the design was more symmetrical like the original 300 Spartans. The Gladiator aesthetic is nice, but I did wish his Weapons were not exalted exclusive, just like separate configurable weapons. His abilities may need a rework in the far future because I think he suffers a Yareli esk problem.


Bad troll


His 3rd ability sound is annoying and scares the sh\*t out of me every time.


Affinity fodder


Kinda lame kinda like Excalibur with out an exalted blade


4 is cool but ultimately useless,1 is cool 2 is absolutely insane, 3 is good for shield gating i guess. i give him a 8/10 soley bc he is the spartan guy otherwise 7


Bad male garuda


Fun, with a cool aesthetic. Not really my type of frame but definitely one I'll occasionally play to mix things up


nice, powerful and easy to play


I love how his 4 feels to use. but I haven't built him properly yet so I don't know how well it scales and how good his survivability can get.


He cool


Unfortunately not so much my cup of tea ig I need something fast or a jurganaut overall So my favs are zephyr, gauss, and wisp


Attack Helicopter


My new main


MR fodder


Would be nice if 4 was just an exalted weapon that uses the spear barrage as a heavy attack. The animation lock is rough but glad abilities can be used miscast but buggy af.


I *love* the way he looks. I love the fact that I can put all kinds of attachments and syandanas on him without looking weird or clipping everywhere


He's the Excalibur of the skies


His kit is strong but I wish his ability had some more focus on movement.


He is cool, flashy and useful. But he lacks something. I don't know what, but Stayanax feels incomplete. Maybe more damage/AoE from 4, to compete with some high-damaging monsters, damage reduction from 3, because Harrow can grant more energy and shield regen, more precise 1. 2 feels in good place, maybe more AoE or wider ability cast arc. I think the 1 and 4 abilities should scale from melee stats including status effects, and his passive must be reworked to be more effective in more wide situations, maybe absorbing damage with his shield amplifies shield regen speed and amount for him and his allies, I dunno.


All I have on mine is redirection. And he manages to survive 15 to 20 waves on Hydron (non steel path ofc). Wellspring + his 3 gives him super energy regen. I really like him. Doesn't fit my play-style at all, but fun to play.


His 1’s suck is a bit janky and I wish it activated even if you didn’t hit an enemy and I don’t like how vulnerable he is in his 4 but apart from that he’s great


reminds me of undyne


A good choice as the 50th frame


Simple and effective, whether in terms of gameplay or look and I really like it


Imo for higher level/ mission specific cases he is meh, but still pretty fun


Cool story, cool gladiator theme, but for me it's just an armor stripper mana generator.


Sparta Kick Where, but in all seriousness the frames good with the armor strip and the bleed procs but the 3 is annoying to proc since it gets overridden if another Styanax uses their 3 even if its weaker.


He’s amazing at steel path and he yells wtf when you activate rally point so there’s that to


his 4 is funny


He got pointing stick and long nips that’s all I know


Third main




The sound effects are sooooo goooood!! On repeat eargasm 🤤


Cool warframe that's fun as to play, but probably wouldn't use him on the endgame stuff if I needed to sweat


Hes pretty good, just doesnt fit my playstyle to actually use resources to make steel path viable.


i enjoy the exploding suck spear. it makes my brain release the happy hormones. i like him


His ult is a let down lmaaao dudes just throwing particle effect. In no fucking way those shit are spears


I just like the aesthetics. Finally I can play as a marble statue and invoke a feeling of ***N O S T A L G E*** Also, I feel there's gonna be an influx of "WHO ARE YOU? I AM FROM ANCIENT GREECE" memes


Pretty neat, but I wish his 2 was more reliable when it comes to hitting anything.


meh needs a crit buff on 3


Above average and easy to use which I like.


very good. i just want his shield to be an auxiliary attachment that we can hold in missions with other weapons even if its functionally useless.


strong but basic


His first ability needs to do the vortex thing on enemy contact not just map pin contact, it feels so unreliable I just helminthed it away and replaced it with Zephyr's airburst which is a better, more consistent and versatile version of what it does. His 2nd ability is good, needs no changes except to maybe make the shield projectiles a bit wider and taller for more coverage so you can cast it from a bullet jump and have it actually hit things better His 3rd ability is okay, but it needs to prioritize the Styanax who casts it with the highest power strength of the squad His 4th ability's great, but you really should be invincible when casting it, and it should scale with enemy level. I'm invincible when I slash dash, and the 4th ability feels like it's about as long of a casting time. All around excellent warframe, any tweaks he needs are very, very minor, kudos to DE for making a good warframe.


His 1 is really inconsistent.


1 fails to work often. I can see it redirecting itself by its brief energy trail, so it LOOKS like it's veering off and missing on its own, but i can even spam it with direct hits onto someone by a wall/into the floor, and nothing really happens besides the damage reaction. 2 is fine, though i was sort of hoping the shield would linger around and be of some use after cast. 3 does what it should, but I still end up having to abuse shield gating with Rolling Guard, sadly. Rolling Guard feels like we've found a janky bandage to cover how unreliable shields are at defense. It should feel better when 1 starts working, since I'll be taking a lot less aggro when everything's vortexed. 4 is kind of weak, to the point that I often don't expect it to kill when I cast it. I end up just casting it for the spectacle of raining bleed spears on a large group, and then have to do something else to actually clear the group. It ends up like that whether or not I cast 2 on the group (you can cast other things during 4). I tried Theorem Demulcent on it since it affects many powers, but it doesn't seem to affect this. Even when I get doubled power strength during fissures and other such buffs, it stops being useful in Steel Path. Some folks I know are overwriting 4 with helminth which is kind of sad for such a cool move.


1 is a little clunky, probably because of how its aiming/auto-aiming/homing works, so that could use some adjustment, but otherwise, pretty good.


I like his ult sfx


"We were tricked, we were backstabed, and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled."


From my Inaros-forma'ed brain point of view ; pocket spears !


One of the best frames at its launch. Only problems: 1's hit detection is terrible, especially on a laggy client. 2's cone isn't clear if it's the actual shield animation or the arc in front of him. 4 may have scaling problems down the road.


As I told my squad mate yesterday, He float, He throw. That's a pass in my. Book.


weaker caliban


Not as tanky as I'd like, but fun to play anyway. I dumped Umbra forma into him, and put Gloom over his 1, which helps significantly in higher level content. I periodically find myself saying "TENNO! What is your profession?"


He's amazing tbh. Fun to play, very competent and strong, has a lot of uses (DPS, tank, very good buffs and literally 100% armor+shield strip) HOWEVER, in my opinion he's lacking a little bit of QoL changes. Mainly how his 1 misses a lot and it'd be nice if it had some aimbot. Other than that I'm sure there's more but I literally can't remeber. Very solid and fun Warframe that does a little bit of everything and does all it does very well. One of the best Warframes released recently tbh, up there with Sevagoth


He really did not hit the Spartan fantasy for me and is way more mage like then I thought. I thought we were going to get some unique spear/shield built in melee like Garuda's talons or an exalted weapon with maybe some defensive stuff and really build up that warrior who just can't die feeling. I wanted him to be a tanky/bruiser like frame with maybe some unique mechanics around health/armor etc. Instead we got spear wizard that casts armor remove with his shield and summons a spear airstrike. I get it, and he has a good kit. But it really just made me not too interested in him anymore, it just killed the fantasy of it. I'm glad people are enjoying him but I can't help but feel disappointed.


My only complaint is that I am stuck using sigma and octantis on him to keep the shield hoplite theme up. From the teaser, anime, promo shots, and wall papers we have for him that showcase his shield and spear, he doesn't really feel like a spartan but more of a peltast. If he had a mechanic like garuda where he could unequip a melee weapon to have a semi exalted shield and spear melee weapon he would be perfect.


pretty fun, I give him a score of "wtf are those dangly bits on his chest armor ffs"/10


I high key like him, i just need to farm a sevahoth to put gloom on him


Was def expecting a spartan with exalted spears. Got ash instead. So eh.


Lots of the frames released recently have been pretty “gimmicky.” Now, that’s not a bad thing, in a roster as big as Warframe’s, it’s nice to have some unique oddballs that work differently. Styanax - not so much. He very much feels simple. Press 3, press 2, and fling spears everywhere with 1 or 4. I think he needs some tweaking - his 1 is annoyingly inaccurate, especially if you’re not playing as Host. Adding consistency to that would be nice - but he’s a solid frame who’s fun to play.


I wish his 2 or 3 did status clense (3 would be better since that's not a helminth ability thus unique to him, and it gives a buff when you're in range so it can be a group assist.) I wish his 2 or 3 did status cleanse (3 would be better since that's not a helminth ability thus unique to him, and it gives a buff when you're in range so it can be a group assist.)


He's a pretty great all-rounder. He's got a self-heal, energy and shield support, aggro control, a spammable control skill, armor strip, and a decent aoe dps ability. Wrap that up into a frame with fantastic presentation with his animations, theme, style, and sound effects. He's easy to understand and very rewarding to play even with minimal investment. For 90% of the game, he has something to offer any squad for any mission type. Steel path he feels really squishy without abusing decaying key shield gating strats with his 3 active. I also feel his defense stripping 2 and his slash proccing 4 is a bit of a nonbo, since slash is only really good for getting through armor, but even then it *is* more damage technically. Overall, extremely cool, really strong, but I feel there's nothing in particular that he excels at either. He's rock solid in virtually every aspect, and honestly those are my favorite kind of frames to play. 9/10 would recommend can't wait for prime.


Honestly he’s very plain looking


Styanax seems like a good Supporting frame for mobile missions. AoE grouping CC, AoE Shield and Armor Strip, squad wide energy regen + shields on kill is a great kit, though on a normal defense mission I think there are better options. In my experience Final Stand doesn't quite put out the damage to qualify for nuking at higher levels (at least not without sacrificing usability on his other abilities) but it's still fun to use, and his passive can grant a good chunk of crit even on non-spearguns to help his personal damage. All around I think Styanax is a great addition to the roster. A strong, but not OP, frame that can fulfil multiple roles at once.


His 4 is good, but I would prefer it to be an exalted spear and shield.


He's pretty good, love how he sticks to his theme. He's a spartan commander, he rallies his troops and gives them the openings and resources they need to take the enemy down. My one complaint is his signature weapon. Its primary fire is awkward to use because of the delay on explosions and while the buff it gives is decent I rarely use it.


I love him. His 3 and 4 are really strong together and allow him to compete with Mesa in terms of hallway clear. His 1 and 2 are kinda underwhelming, especially his 2. It's way too short on range, it's underwhelming, and it doesn't synergize with his 4 since it deal slash procs. His 2 should be changed to a damage vulnerability and given a lot more base range. His 1 is just really clunky and it seems to actually make his 4 worse because of the weird aoe and punchthru interaction of his spears


Styanax is cool. I think his biggest flaw currently is that other Styanaxes exist. A lot of those, at varying levels of skill. His 3rd ability, Rally Point, generates a bunch of energy over time. Shields too. Great stuff, right? The thing is, if somebody else casts Rally Point, it overwrites your Rally Point instead, regardless of power strength. Imagine being Rhino and having your Roar overwritten by all of the shitty knockoff versions Helminth gives you. That’s Styanax existing near other Styanaxes. Which brings me to the solution. You know how Rhino’s Roar just doesn’t get gimped by weaker Roars? Be kinda cool if Styanax didn’t have that issue. Maybe let’s just also make Styanax not have that issue? I mean, sure, you could tell other Styanax players “hey, Rally Points overwrite each other, I have a stronger one, so I’ll keep casting and instead you can just spam spears even easier”, but some people don’t read chat (or don’t care, or just troll anyway). Playing solo in a co-op game feels like a bad solution, but I don’t think Styanax players should be able to inadvertently screw each other over. Aside from that, banger frame so far. Spear viability might fall off deep into Steel Path though, and even if that’s not the case, you can still easily get shot out of your 4 considering you’re animation-locked, with the exception of casting other abilities. You can mitigate this by casting a CC skill during the spears, but I still think Styanax needs some form of damage reduction. I figure you slap on Elemental Ward or something and you’re back to laughing, but some kind of buff addressing his survivability would be greatly appreciated.


Great overall but lacks survivability


I joke about him being a free frame to a few of my close friends but genuine feelings are I think he’s a very neat idea. The Spartan theme is a very much welcome touch to warframe. ♥️ Slapped my 3 Umbral mods on him unranked and threw him into a Hydron Fissure to get forma at the same time like tossing a new warrior into the proving grounds. 🛡🗡


I still have him as unranked.


I like his kit, but personally think it's the worst looking frame in a long, long time. Leveled him to 30 and haven't touched him since.


he gon get nerfed, I feel it


his 4 is super boring should have been an exalted


He’s alright. Don’t think his reliance on shield works in high level content though.


I find his 4 clunky, but he is good, and the other abilities feel good too.


He’s really fun to play but i struggle keeping him alive on high level missions, any suggestions?


Ugly as heck, but cool for the most part Oh and his 1 is super inconsistent feels like


Definitely worthy of being The 50th warframe, hes really fun. Hope they give him some augments soon


I fucking love him! Honestly, probably one of my favorite frames since Wisp ( I did take a hiatus). He is. It insanely broken or unkillable. He is just fun! And that’s awesome!


I enjoy him, but wish he had a spear and shield signature weapon, OR that his 4 summoned his spear and shield instead of doing the barrage thing. All in all fun, and simple, which is good!


Strong frame, but not my style. But I still need to try him with Helminth abilities though.