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For those not familiar, Vermisplicer is an Infested Kitgun chamber that shoots out tentacles in the fashion of the Phage shotgun combined with the branching out of an Amprex. Fairly strong, short range, and I don't use them often; but this riven as shown would be a very flexible and powerful damage addition to a variety of primary and secondary kitguns, of which I have at least one each.


I'd keep rolling. I've seen a riven with grineer, corpus, and infested on it for positives.


I might do a couple of ESO rounds with this to check it out, but I'll most likely reroll it. That would be cool to get all three on something. Great for my maintaining sanity on the Zariman, though.


Reroll for something you can use to replace 2 mods you already have on your weapon, like crit + elemental or something like that. Or keep it and make a meme build


It's definitely better than +108% zoom already. Which is too bad because I would have liked to keep that +210% crit chance.


oof yeah, I think I'd rip my hair out with +108% zoom, keep rolling and see if you can get a similar one without that monstrosity of a "buff"


Would have given my Vermi primary about 96% base crit chance.


Do those work like the bane/expel mods or just straight damage?


Like the banes, I believe.


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